Upgrading from a1 to a2 went fine, but I'm curious to know how it kept my settings. I don't see a config.php file anywhere and my normal method of upgrade is to delete all except themes, config and added modules and replace.
Joined: 2009-02-05
Posts: 52
Posted: Tue, 2009-02-24 15:40
Crashes when tried changing 'admin' account to my normal userid:
- I deleted my alpha1 install directory and dropped all the tables in the database
- I installed the alpha2
- it created an 'admin' userid with random-char password
- I logged in as admin
- I editted user:
Edit User
* Name (was admin, changed it to AndrewRH)
* Full Name (was Gallery Administrator, changed it to Andrew Reeves-Hall)
* Password (entered my password, which I had previously changed)
* Confirm Password (re-entered my password)
* Email (entered my personal email address)
* URL (entered my web homepage URL)
- I clicked okay and got an error at:
Page Not Found
The requested page was not found. It may have moved, been deleted, or archived.
kohana/core/Kohana.php [787]:
The page you requested, admin/users/edit_user_form/index.php/admin/users/edit_user/2, could not be found.
Stack Trace
Loaded in 0.2187 seconds, using 2.27MB of memory. Generated by Kohana v2.3.
Joined: 2007-07-20
Posts: 15
Posted: Tue, 2009-02-24 16:49
AndrewRH you will need to run the installer: /gallery-3.0-alpha-2/installer/index.php/
Joined: 2009-02-05
Posts: 52
Posted: Tue, 2009-02-24 17:41
Yes, I did do that - it installed fine (hence why I state that it created the admin account with the random-char password).
Or, do you mean, because of this fault (of changing 'admin' to 'AndrewRH') that I must re-run the installer?
It looks like just changing of the 'admin' name causes this. The user panel still shows the original values:
User Admin
Username Full name Email Last login Actions
admin admin Gallery Administrator (mymail) 24-Feb-09 edit delete
guest guest Guest User edit delete
Joined: 2007-07-20
Posts: 15
Posted: Tue, 2009-02-24 17:29
AndrewRH... sorry I miss read your post. Not sure what to tell you. Other than it appears the "admin" is locked by the ' Admin-Users_Controller ' for these beta installs which require the G3 installer admin & password the first time.
Easy install ... works fine... limited to MIME: jpg, png, gif.
Good job! I like the release~~~ Here're some suggestions, wish they're helpful.
1. Install: smooth. No problem. Host: dreamhost.
2. Fast glance:
* A simpler and powerful Flash based upload UI
Good, clear and fast. Could it possible to add a checkbox: apply file name to title. If yes, act as exiting logic. If no, leave the title blank.
Two issues:
1. If the uploaded photos with multi-lang file names, the result shows everything is ok, successful. But only entries are generated, no thumbnails, no resized/full size images.
2. How to add translation to the text within the flash uploader? It seems that localized UI editor can't do this.
* Localized UI with built-in editor (server side support is not finished)
Great. Two questions:
1. I have finished the translation for one languague. How can I export and import to another G3 installation without touching the lang server? And how can I export and upload to the translation server?
2. These strings in below cases can't be found in the UI editor:
-Photo functions: rotate 90 degrees/delete this photo/set as cover etc
-flash uploader
-buttons: e.g. <add a comment>
-popup forms: e.g. edit photo/add an album to gallery
* EXIF read support
Good, but if there's no EXIF info or only has a rotation info, is it possible to don't show the entry? Now it shows the entry and popup a blank form.
Same as other popup form, text strings are not shown within localized UI with built-in editor.
* Boolean and full text search (new in alpha 2)
In title, if there's no space between numbers and letters, e.g. "2008City Center", then searching "2008" or "city" returns 0 result. This may not be common in English, but it's very common in multi-lang title. And the search doesn't work for multi-lang title right now.
* Image toolkit support for ImageMagick, GD, and GraphicsMagick
Auto detect and config is very user-friendly.
* Module system to extend the functionality, and a series of existing modules
Tags module can't use space as seperate charactor.
In the photo display page, the popular tags of album and the own tags of the photo are mess together, better to be seperated.
* Quick edits of item metadata
Is it possible to add quick edit to item title and description? Now it still need popup form.
* Admin dashboard with drag and drop blocks
Admin dashboard is really great!
Some other questions:
1. Most of the popup forms are not in the center while showing in screen smaller than 1280*1024 especially in 1024*768. E.g. edit user profile form, photo detail form, edit photo form etc.
2. All the text in popup form are not shown within localized UI with built-in editor.
3. Multi-lang issues:
- Can't change title/description if the title/description is in multi-lang. The popup form will die.
- flash uploader doesn't work with multi-lang filenames.
- Always get 0 result when search multi-lang charactors.
4. Maybe it's better to add a move over hints for icon of PicLenslite and watch function in the album/photo display pages.
5. It seems the open/close popup form is not very prompt as expected... let me try more...
Overall: Thanks for the great release! Look forward to see the beta version!
Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Tue, 2009-02-24 19:42
yeahy wrote:
Good job! I like the release~~~ Here're some suggestions, wish they're helpful. * Localized UI with built-in editor (server side support is not finished)
Great. Two questions:
1. I have finished the translation for one languague. How can I export and import to another G3 installation without touching the lang server? And how can I export and upload to the translation server?
2. These strings in below cases can't be found in the UI editor:
-Photo functions: rotate 90 degrees/delete this photo/set as cover etc
-flash uploader
-buttons: e.g. <add a comment>
-popup forms: e.g. edit photo/add an album to gallery
3. Multi-lang issues:
- Can't change title/description if the title/description is in multi-lang. The popup form will die.
- flash uploader doesn't work with multi-lang filenames.
- Always get 0 result when search multi-lang charactors.
1. We're still working on the translation server component.
- To get translations, we'll add an "update" action in "admin -> settings -> languages" to get all the latest translations for the installed languages.
- To share your translations with the community, we'll add an admin view where you can just hit a submit button to upload all your translations to the translation server.
- If you want to export/import translations without the gallery translation server (which is basically just another drupal module on gallery.menalto.com), you could just do a mysql table export / import of the incoming_translations / outgoing_translations tables from one installation to another.
2. That's a known issue. I'll file a trac ticket right now. The translation UI doesn't show messages that appear in dialogs yet. (Since dialogs are loaded via AHAH.)
ticket: http://apps.sourceforge.net/trac/gallery/ticket/100
1. We're still working on the translation server component.
- To get translations, we'll add an "update" action in "admin -> settings -> languages" to get all the latest translations for the installed languages.
- To share your translations with the community, we'll add an admin view where you can just hit a submit button to upload all your translations to the translation server.
- If you want to export/import translations without the gallery translation server (which is basically just another drupal module on gallery.menalto.com), you could just do a mysql table export / import of the incoming_translations / outgoing_translations tables from one installation to another.
2. That's a known issue. I'll file a trac ticket right now. The translation UI doesn't show messages that appear in dialogs yet. (Since dialogs are loaded via AHAH.)
ticket: http://apps.sourceforge.net/trac/gallery/ticket/100
Thanks valiant! I'm totally fine with the mysql table export / import for translations migration.
As point 3, I need some time to figure out how to do it.
In a summary, you guys have done a great job!
Joined: 2006-03-24
Posts: 11
Posted: Tue, 2009-02-24 20:05
Ugh. I didn't try this at work until now. Running the flash uploader behind a corporate firewall fails. it fails on WordPress too, FWIW, and always has.
Has anyone tried this on a Mac yet?
Joined: 2006-07-31
Posts: 11
Posted: Tue, 2009-02-24 22:45
After having had a Gallery 2 instance for a few years now, I installed Gallery 3.0 Alpha-2 and tested it a little bit. My first thought was that the Gallery team should do what car manufacturers do.
They have a car, for example, ABC-2, which works great but is too complicated and spends too much gas. Then they go back to the drawing board and completely redesign a new car which is much simpler, leaner and spends a whole lot less. The car makers are not going to call this ABC-3 because, although it has many many things in common with the old car, it is a completely different vehicle and so they name it something entirely different from the name of the other car, say 123A.
We might remember some jokes that implicated Bill Gates to illustrate how different in proportions things are between car and software fields. Two cars can not be nearly as different in function and looks as two software products can be. But that only makes my point more emphasized.
What is my point? My first impression is, yeah, what you guys are calling Gallery 3 might _someday_ grow up to be a good product but there are many things in it that are not there yet. I will get into details in future posts, as I get more time. For now, suffice it to say: there are plenty of names that can be used to name something. Picking anything that remotely resembles Gallery 2 is misleading at best and blatant at worst for a product that can not even use old gallery albums and pictures (if I understand it correctly) by providig a reasonable migration path.
Pick another name. This ain't no Gallery!
Joined: 2006-12-06
Posts: 358
Posted: Tue, 2009-02-24 23:57
@shtegtari: Come on give us a break... this is only the alpha 2 release, its not even a beta yet. Its only been under development since October, while G2 had been under active development for 5 years.
We understand that it is missing features and if you read the announcement, you would have seen there are plans for a "reasonable migration path" from g2 and many other features. (http://apps.sourceforge.net/trac/gallery/report/1) The whole point of this release is to let people see how its unfolding and get feedback.
So stick around and see how it evolves and provide feedback that helps us develop the great product. Heck if you see a missing feature, and its not being actively worked on... then take it on... help is always welcome.
Firefox 3 on a Mac (Leopard latest and greatest) when trying to upload an image, get an error 500 (See attachment for image).
If I cancel or if I click finish, it shows me a link to the image, but no image or thumbnail.
Joined: 2007-09-17
Posts: 31
Posted: Wed, 2009-02-25 05:47
Hey, I'd love to check this thing out, however I am a MSSQL junkie. I know it's a bit pricey for some, but how bout some support for those of us who already have it? I can't even begin the install because it fails the MySQL lookup. Looking forward to some multi-platform support! Thanks!
Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Wed, 2009-02-25 06:03
@rhys8582 sorry we're not going to add MSSQL support just so that you can take it for a test drive It will be a long time (if ever) before the core team adds MSSQL support. It's really easy to install MySQL so that you can try out G3, check out http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/5.1.html#win32
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Wed, 2009-02-25 06:09
Looking forward to some multi-platform support!
Hope this adds some clarification:
...."And it's not supported on every web platform that exists."
scope of the application wrote:
We aim to create an amazing product that at least 80% of you can use. We've decided that the most common platform, available to all (even if it's not what you're using now, it's something that you could be using easily) is Apache 2, PHP 5, and MySQL 5. This doesn't mean that Gallery 3 won't ever work on alternative platforms, but it does mean that the existing developers aren't going to go out of our way to make it work there, at least not for the first release. If Gallery 3 works on Windows + IIS + PHP perfectly without us trying, that's great, but this policy lets us take advantage of unique features of Apache and MySQL that are not available on other platforms. If you'd really like to see Gallery 3 work on some other platform we invite you to come talk to us. Seriously! Corporate support is welcome as well: for example, if Microsoft would like to own our Windows Server support and is willing to do most of the work and QA on that part, we're definitely willing to cooperate on that.
however I am a MSSQL junkie.
bharat wrote:
to echo what floridave said, the gallery dev team is not going to invest time into supporting Windows. But this is open source, so if it's of enough interest to the community I'm sure you'll see some support emerging.
So pop into #gallery on IRC to see if you can contribute to making MSSQL work.
Joined: 2009-02-11
Posts: 5
Posted: Wed, 2009-02-25 15:19
I like the release, your on the right track. Filling out the feature set will definitely help. A couple things I'd like to see sooner would be:
-Multiple image resolutions
-A way to protect (not show) full size images (no watermark) at all, or only to specific users
-A way to reverse how the watermark works - thumbnails and image preview show no watermark, but fullsize image does
-A guide on customizing a theme would be helpful. I'm fumbling through, but more doc would be good
Joined: 2007-09-17
Posts: 31
Posted: Wed, 2009-02-25 18:14
bharat wrote:
@rhys8582 sorry we're not going to add MSSQL support just so that you can take it for a test drive It will be a long time (if ever) before the core team adds MSSQL support. It's really easy to install MySQL so that you can try out G3, check out http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/5.1.html#win32
Sorry, I wasn't clear.
I am familier with MySQL, and if I really wanted to I would install it to take G3 for a test drive. The point I was trying to make, is that (at least in this alpha release) it checks for MySQL first and foremost. Just hopeing that in later releases, I understand maybe not till the final, the installing user will be able to select their database of choice. There is plenty of software out there that ONLY supports MySQL, because it is easier for the developers, and I would hate to see Gallery go down that road as well.
Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Thu, 2009-02-26 00:48
@rhys8582 sadly this is the part where I give you the bad news that it's probably going to be a very long time before we make a big effort to support databases other than MySQL. There's a non trivial cost to being database agnostic. We paid this price in Gallery 2 and honestly, I doubt more than a few percent of our users took advantage of it. Too much time expenditure for too little gain. If you can make a case for MSSQL market penetration affecting more than 20% of our users, I'd more seriously consider it.
Joined: 2007-06-15
Posts: 11
Posted: Fri, 2009-02-27 01:38
Glad to see the exif module is being worked on. I thought I saw in the early documentation that this was not going to be supported in Gallery3 and I figured I'd never be able to switch from G2! Please, please improve on what was in G2. Having flexibility in what exif data is displayed and preferably how it is displayed is an absolutely crucial feature. There's so much exif data in a typical photo and I never understood why the exif module for G2 wasn't written to read more. In my opinion it would make sense to just make a dependency on an external program like exiftool or exiftags, and have the output of the program written into the database or something...can you tell I'm not a programmer! I'd love to see more tags read such as the lens, 35mm equiv focal length, software used to edit, etc. Flickr does a good job of displaying a great deal of exif data.
Does anyone else have the problem where all the windows that pop up in G3 don't close after input. The login window is a good example. I enter my credentials and login and nothing happens. I have to manually close the window, and then refresh the page.
Good job on alpha 1 and 2 though. Every time I've gotten frustrated with something I can't do in G2, or now G3, I've looked around and realized there's still nothing else close to Gallery.
I've just discovered Gallery, and am very glad to see the beginnings of Gallery3 (G2 looks rather dated and bloated).
I do that development continues at this pace, and that I can be helpful!
Keep up the great work.
One question for now:
What's the difference between Names and Titles?
Joined: 2006-12-06
Posts: 358
Posted: Fri, 2009-02-27 15:36
@jezmck: I assume you mean when adding an album, photo or movie. The title is what gets displayed and the name is used as the path name when the album, photo or movie is stored on the server
I did, and thanks.
As a brand-new-to-gallery noob this isn't obvious, perhaps there could be a little explanation.
Joined: 2009-02-10
Posts: 573
Posted: Fri, 2009-02-27 21:43
G3 alpha 2 ia installed and looking fine. However, I can not see uploaded jpegs. New album is ok, the flash uploader works fine, statusbar updates etc. I click finish when files are completed, but no thumbs show up.
I have tried both ImageMagick and GD as the graphics tool...?
Installation is from scratch both for Gallery as well as Drupal
Everytime I upload as described above, I am loged out of G3 and have to login again...
all the best
Joined: 2009-02-10
Posts: 573
Posted: Sat, 2009-02-28 11:38
It seems that G3-a2 does not create an "albums" Folder, when uploading pics. I still dont see my uploads?
Do you have a draft releaseplan for G3?
all the best
Joined: 2009-03-01
Posts: 28
Posted: Sun, 2009-03-01 02:05
I am a user of Gallery since early 1.x release. Now using 2.3 for my family website (roughly around 7000 pictures). I was very excited to hear Gallery 3 announcement and statement that should be less blotted and faster. Today I installed G3 on my home server to see how its work.
Installation went without problem, but beside of this I am very disappointed. Why, please see list below:
1. I was unable to sort images. They appear in albums in order they were downloaded. No way to sort them by name / creation date / file date or manually. I was under impression that this should be a core functionality. Also albums cannot be reordered.
2. My Resized image size (in pixels) is 800. To my surprise smaller pictures were scaled up to meet 800px in one dimension. This must be some kind of bug. Smaller images should be displayed without scaling them up.
3. The method to show full size images is odd. Maybe looks cool but I was not impressed. The sideshow is bad. I noticed that image quality during sideshow is far lower then during normal image browsing.
4. Language support is not working. I choose to use Polish instead of English, but nothing happened. I do not know if language support is fully implemented, but admin panel has all options.
5. css is not optimized. Fonts in album title are too big, sometimes letters like jg are cut on the bottom. Album thumbnails
(my are 250px) are shifted right instead to be centered in album frame. The space between two album thumbnails is not existing. This all is a minor issue and can be fixed anytime.
6. Overall G3 looks like slim, but slightly retarded brother of G1 and G2.
I fully understand that this is only alpha release, but it is not appealing to me at all. Not so much control over the look, gallery properties and images. I do not know what to think. Truly it is not an alternative to G2 right now.
Joined: 2009-03-01
Posts: 2
Posted: Sun, 2009-03-01 04:32
Issue with permissions...
Maybe this is a use case that isn't supported, but since things seem so close -)
I have a gallery that I want only viewable by various users. I created a couple of users, created a group for them, enabled "view" for that group, and turned it off for "everybody"... they loose their access.
I should (I would have thought) been able to have only certain groups get access while not allowing "everyone" in.
Maybe I'm just confused.
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Sun, 2009-03-01 04:40
6. Overall G3 looks like slim, but slightly retarded brother of G1 and G2.
I guess you should compare G3Alpha2 to lets say G1-alpha or perhaps G2-alpha.
Still the same error if I try to run Gallery 3.0 Alpha-2 together with Windows and XAMPP 1.7.0: Fatal error: Cannot access empty property in D:\web\galleri3\kohana\libraries\drivers\Database\Mysqli.php on line 122
Joined: 2009-03-01
Posts: 4
Posted: Sun, 2009-03-01 18:20
I just played around with gallery 3 alpha 2 for a few hours on a virtual machine (VM) and some feedback is below. I have to say it is looking great -- awesome work everyone!
Installation comments:
use tar instead of zip for the gallery package
include gallery3/var/ in the zip(tar) file so it doesn't have to be created manually
installer script should have the Password field in the form as a password input field (****)
no indication that the install is lacking a graphics toolkit except that no thumbnails show up
would be nice if this was in the installer script
please recommend a specific toolkit, why should I puzzle about which one to choose?
when I installed GD (because it was small on the VM), I get "You have GD version 2.0 or higher, but it lacks image rotation."
either recommend ImageMagick or GraphicsMagick over GD or explain how to get image rotation along with GD
BUG: logging out after disabling all the "everyone" permissions broke the gallery
basically, the main page wouldn't load, so you couldn't log in
to restore access: set "items.view_1 = 1"
Usage comments:
search should match against tags
users should be able to zoom in if images are bigger than the screen
in addition to having an admin user can you allow users to have admin priveleges? Even if you are opposed to it philosophically, implement it and let each gallery admin decide on a per gallery basis if they want admin-priveleged users.
it looks like setting "users.admin = 1" on a user gives them admin priveleges
I didn't encounter any problems running as an admin-priveleged user
the currently logged in user isn't shown anywhere (change "Modify Profile" to "User Name" or "Modify User Name")
tool tips would help the "fullscreen/thumbnails/comments/slideshow" toolbar on the top of the rightbar
face recognition -- awesome! (umm, how do I use it?)
a full copy of the images in albums/ seems to be kept in /var/www/gallery3/var/uploads/, is this desirable?
browser "back" isn't well supported
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Sun, 2009-03-01 18:50
use tar instead of zip for the gallery package
I think in the future both will be available. Some users don't have the capability to untar on their client.
installer script should have the Password field in the form as a password input field (****)
More security is coming.
users should be able to zoom in if images are bigger than the screen
I believe this should be up to the theme developer how things should be displayed.
a full copy of the images in albums/ seems to be kept in /var/www/gallery3/var/uploads/, is this desirable?
What are your concerns? It will be protected in the future.
browser "back" isn't well supported
That is a drawback of using lots of ajax. Reloading the whole page with a different url, or using a popup window and refreshing, as was done in previous versions had its drawbacks as well. A popupblocker comes to mind. Using ajax is a better user experience and is faster than loading the whole page over. Yes, better navigation for going back would be beneficial.
a full copy of the images in albums/ seems to be kept in /var/www/gallery3/var/uploads/, is this desirable?
What are your concerns? It will be protected in the future.
It seems like an undesirable use of storage space. I have about 7 GB of images in my Gallery2 install. I'd hate for that to be 14 GB.
Joined: 2005-06-21
Posts: 14
Posted: Sun, 2009-03-01 19:26
Hi. Some feedback...
I already tested Alpha1, and everything went as expected. So i wanted to test alpha2 as well.
Made a fresh install from ground, and install went fine. But when it comes to add photos problems came up. First the upload-popup hadn't the right dimensions in Opera 9.63 (latest stable), and i had a scrollbar. Not so nice. Opera 10 alpha also didn't display right. Firefox did his job. Ok, cosmetics till now, but now comes the real issue ;)
I protect my webserver with an simple .htaccess auth. So when i first browse to gallery it ask for auth-details. Then browsing around works fine. When i select an image in the upload-frame i get asked again to enter my auth-details (in every browser). So enter auth a second time. Seems fine. But when i hit "Finish", the frame closes and the hole browser is no longer responding. Only killing the browser-process works. Also every browser is affected. When i disable the .htaccess-auth everything wents smooth.
So i grab the latest svn-snapshot (20228) and give it a try.
But now i get stuck with the installer. After entering db-details and hit continue an error occurs: "Table 'gallery3.users' doesn't exist". In the db there are some tables, but all in brackets (e.g "[access_caches]"). Perhaps a problem with the new table_prefix? But i didn't enter anything and left the field blank.
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Sun, 2009-03-01 19:43
It seems like an undesirable use of storage space. I have about 7 GB of images in my Gallery2 install. I'd hate for that to be 14 GB.
So your concern is that images from your G2 install will be duplicated in the G3 install. I still don't understand. Where are we to place the images if this is a G3 install only? Migration from G2 will come in the future. Even in a G1 to G2 migration there was duplication of images during the migration process. What do you propose we do?
It seems like an undesirable use of storage space. I have about 7 GB of images in my Gallery2 install. I'd hate for that to be 14 GB.
So your concern is that images from your G2 install will be duplicated in the G3 install. I still don't understand. Where are we to place the images if this is a G3 install only? Migration from G2 will come in the future. Even in a G1 to G2 migration there was duplication of images during the migration process. What do you propose we do?
Sorry, I'm being totally unclear here. This has nothing to do with migration and I was just using the size of my G2 data for an example. The G3 install I was playing with is completely independent. With G3, every photo I upload appears in two places: albums and uploads:
It is a waste of space to store everything twice. (They have different inode numbers, so they aren't hard linked.)
Joined: 2009-03-01
Posts: 28
Posted: Mon, 2009-03-02 02:31
a full copy of the images in albums/ seems to be kept in /var/www/gallery3/var/uploads/, is this desirable?
What are your concerns? It will be protected in the future.
G2 was storing images outside Apache directories by default. It was always possible to choose "inside" location as well. There is a lot of benefits to keep things unreachable from normal Apache container. No fancy file protection, hotlinking etc. Its very hard to "rip" pictures with this kind of storage implemented.
By the other side its create few other problems, but if you have choice you can use whatever you like.
Joined: 2009-03-01
Posts: 28
Posted: Mon, 2009-03-02 03:01
I played a little with flv files. The Flowplayer 3.0.5 works but the video played is in wrong size. It's slightly, but noticeable, compressed horizontally. I tested it against two other flv players on my desktop. Please see attachment.
The other question is a choice of flv player. I am not familiar with Flowplayer. What was a reason to chose it over some other available players (like JW player)? The logo in fullscreen mode (right top corner) is kinda disturbing.
Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Mon, 2009-03-02 04:33
Ok, mondo reply time! Here goes. I'm reading all your comments inline and then aggregating my responses by user so look for your name (or if you're interested just read it all). Sorry for this type of reply, I'm a wee bit short on time.
@rbr28: The G2 module gives you an amazing amount of flexibility for what gets displayed. We felt like this was overkill. Give us an idea about what kinds of EXIF results you'd like to see (screenshots help!) and we'll do our best to try to make a one-size-fits all EXIF module.
@jezmck: we'll do our best to document everything, but it's going to take a little while. Stick with us, or if you'd like to help out we can put you in touch with the documentation team and you can help us get our wiki organized!
@m-d-d: Sorting is not implemented yet. It's on our list. Upscaling image bug is filed here: http://apps.sourceforge.net/trac/gallery/ticket/117. The method to show full size images is a work in progress. The slideshow is a tradeoff between size and speed. If we download the full size image it's *very* slow in many cases. If we download the resize, then it's faster but the end result doesn't look as nice when its full screen. Right now, CoolIris (the flash slideshow plugin) tries to choose which image most closely matches your screen dimensions and pulls that one. Sounds like it's not doing the best job for you, and we can get them to fix any bugs if you can give us a link to your Gallery and info about your screen size so that we can reproduce it. Language support is not fully implemented yet (as we mention in the original story). Stay tuned for that. We're working on the CSS, too. Sorry that it's not appealing to you yet, I suggest that you skip the next alpha and wait for a beta when we have something more closely approaching a real product for you to look at. As for storing images inside/outside of your DocumentRoot, the problem with G2's approach is that proxying files using PHP is about 3 orders of magnitude slower than direct access in my benchmarks. By sticking with Apache2 and using .htaccess protection, we get the performance back without sacrificing security. If you find holes in our security model, I'd love to hear it. For the FLV videos, can you give me a link to your G3 where I can see the problem in situ? I'd like to dig into this. (ps: funny forum avatar!)
@bdillahu: I'm confused, it sounds like Gallery did what you told it to do (let the users in one group in, didn't let the rest in). Please describe in detail what you're expecting and we'll look into it.
@BRR: Please see the documentation. We don't support Windows in Gallery3. Sorry. Read the "alpha 1" and "gallery3 begins" threads for details.
@DeeJayRandall: Users greatly prefer .zip files to .tar.gz files. Unfortunately, sf.net is having trouble with its stats, but if I recall correctly it's at least 2 to 1. Creating the var file in the zip is a good idea. I have to think through the implications for upgrades (unzip will prompt you to see if you want to overwrite this dir, that may confuse users). If we make the installer's password field use **** then we'll have to have a confirmation field, it makes things more complicated. I'm not sure I buy the security vs. complexity argument here. No indication about lack of graphics toolkit is an issue we should (will!) fix for the final release. Recommending toolkits sucks. People always get up in arms about whatever we do/don't recommend. They're all about the same, pick one. We'll work on making this smoother. I agree about the permissions bug. Filed here: http://apps.sourceforge.net/trac/gallery/ticket/118. Search should match against tags. I agree about zooming in on full size images. Allowing users to have admin privileges is not trivial. Can you give me some scenarios where you'd use that? Showing the logged in user's name is a good idea. http://apps.sourceforge.net/trac/gallery/ticket/119. More tooltips are coming. Facial recognition: there should be buttons at the bottom of the page (they are sometimes slow to load; they come from a 3rd party server). Wait for them and click them We should not be keeping copies of files in var/uploads, that's a bug. http://apps.sourceforge.net/trac/gallery/ticket/120 As for the browser back button, can you provide some details?
@van_Gogh: Re the cosmetic issues, I'm guessing that our UI guys haven't gotten around to doing deep testing on Opera yet. Hopefully we'll be able to work out any kinks on that browser before 3.0 final. Regarding the .htaccess issue, it sounds like the flash uploader we're using is unaware of your .htaccess file. It should not be possible for *anything* we do to kill your browser, so that's a bug in your browser that we can't do much about. I'm not sure what to do about the .htaccess issue.. my guess is that we're probably going to consider this an extreme edge case and not worry about it. If you'd like to file a bug about it, we may get time to work on it.
Joined: 2009-03-01
Posts: 28
Posted: Mon, 2009-03-02 06:10
I am sorry but my test instalation is not working outside my home network. The only way to access it is through secure https connection but using this image would not load. The problem is that images seems to be linked through normal http, but this kind of connection (port 80) is blocked by my provider. Kinda messy, but it is only home samba server and development machine. I did not installed G3 on my rented server because it runs with Apache 1.3x / MySQL 4.x and those are not supported by G3 by defaults.
I will play with G3/my server to fix this issue, and if successful I will report link to my site. My screen resolution is 1280x1024 and it was tested on Windows XP using Firefox 3 with mostly standard setup/fonts.
Anyway I will definitely watch next alpha. It's interesting product.
Joined: 2005-06-21
Posts: 14
Posted: Mon, 2009-03-02 12:32
@talmdal: thx
@bharat: Just to clarify, _every_ browser (Firefox 3.0.6, Opera 9.63, Opera 10-alpha) gets killed while trying to add a photo when site is protected with .htaccess.
Joined: 2008-11-07
Posts: 69
Posted: Mon, 2009-03-02 15:36
>Give us an idea about what kinds of EXIF results you'd like to see
@bharat: I'd like to see that the EXIF data can be indexable & searchable!
Joined: 2009-03-01
Posts: 28
Posted: Mon, 2009-03-02 16:12
I was able to install G3 on secure connection (https) but I am unable to ad any photos. I got error #2038 when using flash unloader.
Also when I am trying to modify and save setting the gallery is stuck on setting page then I got the error that page cannot be loaded using http protocol (port 80 is disabled on my server. It's running only secure connection), however the setting appears to be modified when setting page is forced to reload manually.
It looks like G3 has some problems working with https protocol and tends to escape from secure conection to standard one in many instances. Hope this will be fixed in future alpha release.
Joined: 2007-06-15
Posts: 11
Posted: Mon, 2009-03-02 18:22
Thanks for the response on the exif info bharat.
I'm not sure what information would be most useful for you. I'm more concerned with being able to display "complete" exif data, than I am with how it is displayed. It would be nice to have flexibility in how the info is displayed, whether it's theme controlled or whatever, but more importantly the gallery module has to have the data in the first place and that's what I've had more of an issue with in G2 and it looks to be a bigger issue in G3. Ideally all exif data in an image would be read, and I suggest simply using exiftool or something similar to pipe all this data into the database, rather than writing php code that has to read or parse the info from whatever tool is used.
Anyway, if the amount of code to read all exif data is the issue, then I agree that all the information read in G2 was overkill. There was much exif that could be displayed, but I'm sure most of it was not used by the majority of users. On the other hand there was some critical data that was not available to display. This is all just my opinion of course, and I'm sure others would disagree with what I consider essential or non-essential exif information. Anyway, to start, here's how I'd rank some of the exif data, which might help simplify coding. My terms are based on exiftools output, which may or may not match perfectly with Gallery terminology for the exif data.
Essential: (most of these are already in G3, I've marked those missing in G3a2)
Processing Software * missing in G2 and G3 (most editing software will put something here, this is the photo editing software, not the camera software which does display in G2)
Camera Model Name
Exposure Time
F Number
Focal Length
Focal Length in 35mm format * missing in G2 and G3
Exposure Value
Exposure Program
Color Space
User Comment * in G2, not G3 yet.
Lens * missing in G2 and G3
That's 14 fields total, most of which are already available in G3. Knowing what software was used to process the image, and what lens the picture was taken with is very helpful information. The focal length in 35mm format is also just really nice to have, since most people are using less than full-frame digital SLR's. That's just the stuff that I'd guess most photographers would want to make available, if they were displaying any exif data at all. There's so much more that it would just be nice to have the option to display. I've attached the full output of exif data I get from one of my images, and you can see how much information there is to use, but I agree most of it is irrelevant for the vast majority of users. I also attached a screenshot from Flicker just to show how they display all the exif. You can't see it all but you can tell from the scroll bar on the right, that there's a lot more that is not in view. Flicker can display almost everything and they pretty much just spit back whatever you choose to display in a column, so I doubt there's much coding involved.
Anyway, I appreciate your looking into this. Just adding the few fields mentioned would be a huge help for me, and anything extra is just a bonus
Allowing users to have admin privileges is not trivial. Can you give me some scenarios where you'd use that?
I just find it annoying to need to switch between "admin" and "deejay". Nice to have, but not a big deal.
bharat wrote:
Facial recognition: there should be buttons at the bottom of the page (they are sometimes slow to load; they come from a 3rd party server). Wait for them and click them.
I am getting the polar rose references in the source of the image pages, but I don't see any buttons. Same lack of buttons in both IE 7 and Firefox 3. (In Firefox, I can see it "transferring data from cdn.widget.polarrose.com", but when that status goes away, still no buttons.)
bharat wrote:
As for the browser back button, can you provide some details?
For example: Main Page -> Image View -> Full Screen Image View -> "Back Button"
The back takes me all the way back to the main page. IMHO, back should be the opposite of forward -- nice to have, but minor.
Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Tue, 2009-03-03 05:08
@DeeJayRandall: Yeah, I hear what you're saying about switching between admin and non-admin users. One thing we tried to do is to make the page look very similar when you're a guest vs. when you're an admin so that you can just stay logged in as an admin and generally see what your guests are seeing. For Polar Rose, just wait. It sometimes takes a while (a minute or two!) for their dashboard to appear at the bottom of your page. As for the back button, we can fix that for full size views by adding a #fragment into the url. I'll look into that.
Joined: 2009-03-01
Posts: 2
Posted: Wed, 2009-03-04 21:40
@bdillahu: I'm confused, it sounds like Gallery did what you told it to do (let the users in one group in, didn't let the rest in). Please describe in detail what you're expecting and we'll look into it.
I'll try to describe better...
I have a "private" gallery that should not be browsable at all unless you are logged in. I created a group for users, granted them access and that worked fine. But the "everybody" level was still turned on, so you could also see it without being logged in. Not good. I turned off "everybody" and that fixed being able to see it not logged in, but I also couldn't see it logged in as my test user.
Maybe I had something wrong, but thought I would point it out in case somebody needed to check on it.
Posts: 69
Thanks guys! Downloaded and installing...
Posts: 11
Upgrading from a1 to a2 went fine, but I'm curious to know how it kept my settings. I don't see a config.php file anywhere and my normal method of upgrade is to delete all except themes, config and added modules and replace.
Posts: 52
Crashes when tried changing 'admin' account to my normal userid:
- I deleted my alpha1 install directory and dropped all the tables in the database
- I installed the alpha2
- it created an 'admin' userid with random-char password
- I logged in as admin
- I editted user:
- I clicked okay and got an error at:
Posts: 15
AndrewRH you will need to run the installer: /gallery-3.0-alpha-2/installer/index.php/
Posts: 52
Yes, I did do that - it installed fine (hence why I state that it created the admin account with the random-char password).
Or, do you mean, because of this fault (of changing 'admin' to 'AndrewRH') that I must re-run the installer?
It looks like just changing of the 'admin' name causes this. The user panel still shows the original values:
Posts: 15
AndrewRH... sorry I miss read your post. Not sure what to tell you. Other than it appears the "admin" is locked by the ' Admin-Users_Controller ' for these beta installs which require the G3 installer admin & password the first time.
Easy install ... works fine... limited to MIME: jpg, png, gif.
PHP version = 5.2.8-0.dotdeb.1 apache2handler
Webserver = Apache/2.2.3 (Debian) DAV/2 SVN/1.4.2 5.2.8-0.dotdeb.1
Database = mysqli 5.0.32-Debian_7etch8-log, lock.system=database
Toolkits = LinkItemToolkit, Getid3, Thumbnail, Ffmpeg, Dcraw, NetPBM, Gd, ImageMagick,
Posts: 69
Good job! I like the release~~~ Here're some suggestions, wish they're helpful.
1. Install: smooth. No problem. Host: dreamhost.
2. Fast glance:
* A simpler and powerful Flash based upload UI
Good, clear and fast. Could it possible to add a checkbox: apply file name to title. If yes, act as exiting logic. If no, leave the title blank.
Two issues:
1. If the uploaded photos with multi-lang file names, the result shows everything is ok, successful. But only entries are generated, no thumbnails, no resized/full size images.
2. How to add translation to the text within the flash uploader? It seems that localized UI editor can't do this.
* Localized UI with built-in editor (server side support is not finished)
Great. Two questions:
1. I have finished the translation for one languague. How can I export and import to another G3 installation without touching the lang server? And how can I export and upload to the translation server?
2. These strings in below cases can't be found in the UI editor:
-Photo functions: rotate 90 degrees/delete this photo/set as cover etc
-flash uploader
-buttons: e.g. <add a comment>
-popup forms: e.g. edit photo/add an album to gallery
* EXIF read support
Good, but if there's no EXIF info or only has a rotation info, is it possible to don't show the entry? Now it shows the entry and popup a blank form.
Same as other popup form, text strings are not shown within localized UI with built-in editor.
* Boolean and full text search (new in alpha 2)
In title, if there's no space between numbers and letters, e.g. "2008City Center", then searching "2008" or "city" returns 0 result. This may not be common in English, but it's very common in multi-lang title. And the search doesn't work for multi-lang title right now.
* Image toolkit support for ImageMagick, GD, and GraphicsMagick
Auto detect and config is very user-friendly.
* Module system to extend the functionality, and a series of existing modules
Tags module can't use space as seperate charactor.
In the photo display page, the popular tags of album and the own tags of the photo are mess together, better to be seperated.
* Quick edits of item metadata
Is it possible to add quick edit to item title and description? Now it still need popup form.
* Admin dashboard with drag and drop blocks
Admin dashboard is really great!
Some other questions:
1. Most of the popup forms are not in the center while showing in screen smaller than 1280*1024 especially in 1024*768. E.g. edit user profile form, photo detail form, edit photo form etc.
2. All the text in popup form are not shown within localized UI with built-in editor.
3. Multi-lang issues:
- Can't change title/description if the title/description is in multi-lang. The popup form will die.
- flash uploader doesn't work with multi-lang filenames.
- Always get 0 result when search multi-lang charactors.
4. Maybe it's better to add a move over hints for icon of PicLenslite and watch function in the album/photo display pages.
5. It seems the open/close popup form is not very prompt as expected... let me try more...
Overall: Thanks for the great release! Look forward to see the beta version!
Posts: 32509
1. We're still working on the translation server component.
- To get translations, we'll add an "update" action in "admin -> settings -> languages" to get all the latest translations for the installed languages.
- To share your translations with the community, we'll add an admin view where you can just hit a submit button to upload all your translations to the translation server.
- If you want to export/import translations without the gallery translation server (which is basically just another drupal module on gallery.menalto.com), you could just do a mysql table export / import of the incoming_translations / outgoing_translations tables from one installation to another.
2. That's a known issue. I'll file a trac ticket right now. The translation UI doesn't show messages that appear in dialogs yet. (Since dialogs are loaded via AHAH.)
ticket: http://apps.sourceforge.net/trac/gallery/ticket/100
3. Can you please file tickets for these issues (one ticket per issue) at http://apps.sourceforge.net/trac/gallery/ -> http://apps.sourceforge.net/trac/gallery/report (you need to have/create a sourceforge.net account to login to trac).
Posts: 69
Thanks valiant! I'm totally fine with the mysql table export / import for translations migration.
As point 3, I need some time to figure out how to do it.
In a summary, you guys have done a great job!
Posts: 11
Ugh. I didn't try this at work until now. Running the flash uploader behind a corporate firewall fails. it fails on WordPress too, FWIW, and always has.
Has anyone tried this on a Mac yet?
Posts: 11
After having had a Gallery 2 instance for a few years now, I installed Gallery 3.0 Alpha-2 and tested it a little bit. My first thought was that the Gallery team should do what car manufacturers do.
They have a car, for example, ABC-2, which works great but is too complicated and spends too much gas. Then they go back to the drawing board and completely redesign a new car which is much simpler, leaner and spends a whole lot less. The car makers are not going to call this ABC-3 because, although it has many many things in common with the old car, it is a completely different vehicle and so they name it something entirely different from the name of the other car, say 123A.
We might remember some jokes that implicated Bill Gates to illustrate how different in proportions things are between car and software fields. Two cars can not be nearly as different in function and looks as two software products can be. But that only makes my point more emphasized.
What is my point? My first impression is, yeah, what you guys are calling Gallery 3 might _someday_ grow up to be a good product but there are many things in it that are not there yet. I will get into details in future posts, as I get more time. For now, suffice it to say: there are plenty of names that can be used to name something. Picking anything that remotely resembles Gallery 2 is misleading at best and blatant at worst for a product that can not even use old gallery albums and pictures (if I understand it correctly) by providig a reasonable migration path.
Pick another name. This ain't no Gallery!
Posts: 358
@shtegtari: Come on give us a break... this is only the alpha 2 release, its not even a beta yet. Its only been under development since October, while G2 had been under active development for 5 years.
We understand that it is missing features and if you read the announcement, you would have seen there are plans for a "reasonable migration path" from g2 and many other features. (http://apps.sourceforge.net/trac/gallery/report/1) The whole point of this release is to let people see how its unfolding and get feedback.
So stick around and see how it evolves and provide feedback that helps us develop the great product. Heck if you see a missing feature, and its not being actively worked on... then take it on... help is always welcome.
Posts: 11
Firefox 3 on a Mac (Leopard latest and greatest) when trying to upload an image, get an error 500 (See attachment for image).
If I cancel or if I click finish, it shows me a link to the image, but no image or thumbnail.
Posts: 31
Hey, I'd love to check this thing out, however I am a MSSQL junkie. I know it's a bit pricey for some, but how bout some support for those of us who already have it? I can't even begin the install because it fails the MySQL lookup. Looking forward to some multi-platform support! Thanks!
Posts: 7994
@rhys8582 sorry we're not going to add MSSQL support just so that you can take it for a test drive
It will be a long time (if ever) before the core team adds MSSQL support. It's really easy to install MySQL so that you can try out G3, check out http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/5.1.html#win32
Posts: 27300
Hope this adds some clarification:
...."And it's not supported on every web platform that exists."
So pop into #gallery on IRC to see if you can contribute to making MSSQL work.
Posts: 5
I like the release, your on the right track. Filling out the feature set will definitely help. A couple things I'd like to see sooner would be:
-Multiple image resolutions
-A way to protect (not show) full size images (no watermark) at all, or only to specific users
-A way to reverse how the watermark works - thumbnails and image preview show no watermark, but fullsize image does
-A guide on customizing a theme would be helpful. I'm fumbling through, but more doc would be good
Posts: 31
Sorry, I wasn't clear.
I am familier with MySQL, and if I really wanted to I would install it to take G3 for a test drive. The point I was trying to make, is that (at least in this alpha release) it checks for MySQL first and foremost. Just hopeing that in later releases, I understand maybe not till the final, the installing user will be able to select their database of choice. There is plenty of software out there that ONLY supports MySQL, because it is easier for the developers, and I would hate to see Gallery go down that road as well.
Posts: 7994
@rhys8582 sadly this is the part where I give you the bad news that it's probably going to be a very long time before we make a big effort to support databases other than MySQL. There's a non trivial cost to being database agnostic. We paid this price in Gallery 2 and honestly, I doubt more than a few percent of our users took advantage of it. Too much time expenditure for too little gain. If you can make a case for MSSQL market penetration affecting more than 20% of our users, I'd more seriously consider it.
Posts: 11
Glad to see the exif module is being worked on. I thought I saw in the early documentation that this was not going to be supported in Gallery3 and I figured I'd never be able to switch from G2! Please, please improve on what was in G2. Having flexibility in what exif data is displayed and preferably how it is displayed is an absolutely crucial feature. There's so much exif data in a typical photo and I never understood why the exif module for G2 wasn't written to read more. In my opinion it would make sense to just make a dependency on an external program like exiftool or exiftags, and have the output of the program written into the database or something...can you tell I'm not a programmer! I'd love to see more tags read such as the lens, 35mm equiv focal length, software used to edit, etc. Flickr does a good job of displaying a great deal of exif data.
Does anyone else have the problem where all the windows that pop up in G3 don't close after input. The login window is a good example. I enter my credentials and login and nothing happens. I have to manually close the window, and then refresh the page.
Good job on alpha 1 and 2 though. Every time I've gotten frustrated with something I can't do in G2, or now G3, I've looked around and realized there's still nothing else close to Gallery.
Posts: 27
I've just discovered Gallery, and am very glad to see the beginnings of Gallery3 (G2 looks rather dated and bloated).
I do that development continues at this pace, and that I can be helpful!
Keep up the great work.
One question for now:
What's the difference between Names and Titles?
Posts: 358
@jezmck: I assume you mean when adding an album, photo or movie. The title is what gets displayed and the name is used as the path name when the album, photo or movie is stored on the server
Posts: 27
I did, and thanks.
As a brand-new-to-gallery noob this isn't obvious, perhaps there could be a little explanation.
Posts: 573
G3 alpha 2 ia installed and looking fine. However, I can not see uploaded jpegs. New album is ok, the flash uploader works fine, statusbar updates etc. I click finish when files are completed, but no thumbs show up.
I have tried both ImageMagick and GD as the graphics tool...?
My plan is to integrate G3 in Drupal 6.10. [i]I keep a log here on the process:
Installation is from scratch both for Gallery as well as Drupal
Everytime I upload as described above, I am loged out of G3 and have to login again...
all the best
Posts: 573
It seems that G3-a2 does not create an "albums" Folder, when uploading pics. I still dont see my uploads?
Do you have a draft releaseplan for G3?
all the best
Posts: 28
I am a user of Gallery since early 1.x release. Now using 2.3 for my family website (roughly around 7000 pictures). I was very excited to hear Gallery 3 announcement and statement that should be less blotted and faster. Today I installed G3 on my home server to see how its work.
Installation went without problem, but beside of this I am very disappointed. Why, please see list below:
1. I was unable to sort images. They appear in albums in order they were downloaded. No way to sort them by name / creation date / file date or manually. I was under impression that this should be a core functionality. Also albums cannot be reordered.
2. My Resized image size (in pixels) is 800. To my surprise smaller pictures were scaled up to meet 800px in one dimension. This must be some kind of bug. Smaller images should be displayed without scaling them up.
3. The method to show full size images is odd. Maybe looks cool but I was not impressed. The sideshow is bad. I noticed that image quality during sideshow is far lower then during normal image browsing.
4. Language support is not working. I choose to use Polish instead of English, but nothing happened. I do not know if language support is fully implemented, but admin panel has all options.
5. css is not optimized. Fonts in album title are too big, sometimes letters like jg are cut on the bottom. Album thumbnails
(my are 250px) are shifted right instead to be centered in album frame. The space between two album thumbnails is not existing. This all is a minor issue and can be fixed anytime.
6. Overall G3 looks like slim, but slightly retarded brother of G1 and G2.
I fully understand that this is only alpha release, but it is not appealing to me at all. Not so much control over the look, gallery properties and images. I do not know what to think. Truly it is not an alternative to G2 right now.
Posts: 2
Issue with permissions...
Maybe this is a use case that isn't supported, but since things seem so close -)
I have a gallery that I want only viewable by various users. I created a couple of users, created a group for them, enabled "view" for that group, and turned it off for "everybody"... they loose their access.
I should (I would have thought) been able to have only certain groups get access while not allowing "everyone" in.
Maybe I'm just confused.
Posts: 27300
I guess you should compare G3Alpha2 to lets say G1-alpha or perhaps G2-alpha.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 2
Still the same error if I try to run Gallery 3.0 Alpha-2 together with Windows and XAMPP 1.7.0: Fatal error: Cannot access empty property in D:\web\galleri3\kohana\libraries\drivers\Database\Mysqli.php on line 122
Posts: 4
I just played around with gallery 3 alpha 2 for a few hours on a virtual machine (VM) and some feedback is below. I have to say it is looking great -- awesome work everyone!
Installation comments:
Usage comments:
Posts: 27300
I think in the future both will be available. Some users don't have the capability to untar on their client.
More security is coming.
I believe this should be up to the theme developer how things should be displayed.
What are your concerns? It will be protected in the future.
That is a drawback of using lots of ajax. Reloading the whole page with a different url, or using a popup window and refreshing, as was done in previous versions had its drawbacks as well. A popupblocker comes to mind. Using ajax is a better user experience and is faster than loading the whole page over. Yes, better navigation for going back would be beneficial.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 4
It seems like an undesirable use of storage space. I have about 7 GB of images in my Gallery2 install. I'd hate for that to be 14 GB.
Posts: 14
Hi. Some feedback...
I already tested Alpha1, and everything went as expected. So i wanted to test alpha2 as well.
Made a fresh install from ground, and install went fine. But when it comes to add photos problems came up. First the upload-popup hadn't the right dimensions in Opera 9.63 (latest stable), and i had a scrollbar. Not so nice. Opera 10 alpha also didn't display right. Firefox did his job. Ok, cosmetics till now, but now comes the real issue ;)
I protect my webserver with an simple .htaccess auth. So when i first browse to gallery it ask for auth-details. Then browsing around works fine. When i select an image in the upload-frame i get asked again to enter my auth-details (in every browser). So enter auth a second time. Seems fine. But when i hit "Finish", the frame closes and the hole browser is no longer responding. Only killing the browser-process works. Also every browser is affected. When i disable the .htaccess-auth everything wents smooth.
So i grab the latest svn-snapshot (20228) and give it a try.
But now i get stuck with the installer. After entering db-details and hit continue an error occurs: "Table 'gallery3.users' doesn't exist". In the db there are some tables, but all in brackets (e.g "[access_caches]"). Perhaps a problem with the new table_prefix? But i didn't enter anything and left the field blank.
Posts: 27300
So your concern is that images from your G2 install will be duplicated in the G3 install. I still don't understand. Where are we to place the images if this is a G3 install only? Migration from G2 will come in the future. Even in a G1 to G2 migration there was duplication of images during the migration process. What do you propose we do?
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 358
@van_Gogh: thanks I'll look into why the brackets appeared. I thought I caught all the occurrences when I changed from [] to {}.
fixed in r20230
Posts: 4
Sorry, I'm being totally unclear here. This has nothing to do with migration and I was just using the size of my G2 data for an example. The G3 install I was playing with is completely independent. With G3, every photo I upload appears in two places: albums and uploads:
-rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data 176525 2009-03-01 04:47 /var/www/gallery3/var/albums/vimy5a.jpg
-rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data 176525 2009-03-01 04:47 /var/www/gallery3/var/uploads/1235911637vimy5a.jpg
It is a waste of space to store everything twice. (They have different inode numbers, so they aren't hard linked.)
Posts: 28
G2 was storing images outside Apache directories by default. It was always possible to choose "inside" location as well. There is a lot of benefits to keep things unreachable from normal Apache container. No fancy file protection, hotlinking etc. Its very hard to "rip" pictures with this kind of storage implemented.
By the other side its create few other problems, but if you have choice you can use whatever you like.
Posts: 28
I played a little with flv files. The Flowplayer 3.0.5 works but the video played is in wrong size. It's slightly, but noticeable, compressed horizontally. I tested it against two other flv players on my desktop. Please see attachment.
The other question is a choice of flv player. I am not familiar with Flowplayer. What was a reason to chose it over some other available players (like JW player)? The logo in fullscreen mode (right top corner) is kinda disturbing.
Posts: 7994
Ok, mondo reply time! Here goes. I'm reading all your comments inline and then aggregating my responses by user so look for your name (or if you're interested just read it all). Sorry for this type of reply, I'm a wee bit short on time.
@rbr28: The G2 module gives you an amazing amount of flexibility for what gets displayed. We felt like this was overkill. Give us an idea about what kinds of EXIF results you'd like to see (screenshots help!) and we'll do our best to try to make a one-size-fits all EXIF module.
@jezmck: we'll do our best to document everything, but it's going to take a little while. Stick with us, or if you'd like to help out we can put you in touch with the documentation team and you can help us get our wiki organized!
@m-d-d: Sorting is not implemented yet. It's on our list. Upscaling image bug is filed here: http://apps.sourceforge.net/trac/gallery/ticket/117. The method to show full size images is a work in progress. The slideshow is a tradeoff between size and speed. If we download the full size image it's *very* slow in many cases. If we download the resize, then it's faster but the end result doesn't look as nice when its full screen. Right now, CoolIris (the flash slideshow plugin) tries to choose which image most closely matches your screen dimensions and pulls that one. Sounds like it's not doing the best job for you, and we can get them to fix any bugs if you can give us a link to your Gallery and info about your screen size so that we can reproduce it. Language support is not fully implemented yet (as we mention in the original story). Stay tuned for that. We're working on the CSS, too. Sorry that it's not appealing to you yet, I suggest that you skip the next alpha and wait for a beta when we have something more closely approaching a real product for you to look at. As for storing images inside/outside of your DocumentRoot, the problem with G2's approach is that proxying files using PHP is about 3 orders of magnitude slower than direct access in my benchmarks. By sticking with Apache2 and using .htaccess protection, we get the performance back without sacrificing security. If you find holes in our security model, I'd love to hear it. For the FLV videos, can you give me a link to your G3 where I can see the problem in situ? I'd like to dig into this. (ps: funny forum avatar!)
@bdillahu: I'm confused, it sounds like Gallery did what you told it to do (let the users in one group in, didn't let the rest in). Please describe in detail what you're expecting and we'll look into it.
@BRR: Please see the documentation. We don't support Windows in Gallery3. Sorry. Read the "alpha 1" and "gallery3 begins" threads for details.
@DeeJayRandall: Users greatly prefer .zip files to .tar.gz files. Unfortunately, sf.net is having trouble with its stats, but if I recall correctly it's at least 2 to 1. Creating the var file in the zip is a good idea. I have to think through the implications for upgrades (unzip will prompt you to see if you want to overwrite this dir, that may confuse users). If we make the installer's password field use **** then we'll have to have a confirmation field, it makes things more complicated. I'm not sure I buy the security vs. complexity argument here. No indication about lack of graphics toolkit is an issue we should (will!) fix for the final release. Recommending toolkits sucks. People always get up in arms about whatever we do/don't recommend. They're all about the same, pick one. We'll work on making this smoother. I agree about the permissions bug. Filed here: http://apps.sourceforge.net/trac/gallery/ticket/118. Search should match against tags. I agree about zooming in on full size images. Allowing users to have admin privileges is not trivial. Can you give me some scenarios where you'd use that? Showing the logged in user's name is a good idea. http://apps.sourceforge.net/trac/gallery/ticket/119. More tooltips are coming. Facial recognition: there should be buttons at the bottom of the page (they are sometimes slow to load; they come from a 3rd party server). Wait for them and click them
We should not be keeping copies of files in var/uploads, that's a bug. http://apps.sourceforge.net/trac/gallery/ticket/120 As for the browser back button, can you provide some details?
@van_Gogh: Re the cosmetic issues, I'm guessing that our UI guys haven't gotten around to doing deep testing on Opera yet. Hopefully we'll be able to work out any kinks on that browser before 3.0 final. Regarding the .htaccess issue, it sounds like the flash uploader we're using is unaware of your .htaccess file. It should not be possible for *anything* we do to kill your browser, so that's a bug in your browser that we can't do much about. I'm not sure what to do about the .htaccess issue.. my guess is that we're probably going to consider this an extreme edge case and not worry about it. If you'd like to file a bug about it, we may get time to work on it.
Posts: 28
I am sorry but my test instalation is not working outside my home network. The only way to access it is through secure https connection but using this image would not load. The problem is that images seems to be linked through normal http, but this kind of connection (port 80) is blocked by my provider. Kinda messy, but it is only home samba server and development machine. I did not installed G3 on my rented server because it runs with Apache 1.3x / MySQL 4.x and those are not supported by G3 by defaults.
I will play with G3/my server to fix this issue, and if successful I will report link to my site. My screen resolution is 1280x1024 and it was tested on Windows XP using Firefox 3 with mostly standard setup/fonts.
Anyway I will definitely watch next alpha. It's interesting product.
Posts: 14
@talmdal: thx
@bharat: Just to clarify, _every_ browser (Firefox 3.0.6, Opera 9.63, Opera 10-alpha) gets killed while trying to add a photo when site is protected with .htaccess.
Posts: 69
>Give us an idea about what kinds of EXIF results you'd like to see
@bharat: I'd like to see that the EXIF data can be indexable & searchable!
Posts: 28
I was able to install G3 on secure connection (https) but I am unable to ad any photos. I got error #2038 when using flash unloader.
Also when I am trying to modify and save setting the gallery is stuck on setting page then I got the error that page cannot be loaded using http protocol (port 80 is disabled on my server. It's running only secure connection), however the setting appears to be modified when setting page is forced to reload manually.
It looks like G3 has some problems working with https protocol and tends to escape from secure conection to standard one in many instances. Hope this will be fixed in future alpha release.
Posts: 11
Thanks for the response on the exif info bharat.
I'm not sure what information would be most useful for you. I'm more concerned with being able to display "complete" exif data, than I am with how it is displayed. It would be nice to have flexibility in how the info is displayed, whether it's theme controlled or whatever, but more importantly the gallery module has to have the data in the first place and that's what I've had more of an issue with in G2 and it looks to be a bigger issue in G3. Ideally all exif data in an image would be read, and I suggest simply using exiftool or something similar to pipe all this data into the database, rather than writing php code that has to read or parse the info from whatever tool is used.
Anyway, if the amount of code to read all exif data is the issue, then I agree that all the information read in G2 was overkill. There was much exif that could be displayed, but I'm sure most of it was not used by the majority of users. On the other hand there was some critical data that was not available to display. This is all just my opinion of course, and I'm sure others would disagree with what I consider essential or non-essential exif information. Anyway, to start, here's how I'd rank some of the exif data, which might help simplify coding. My terms are based on exiftools output, which may or may not match perfectly with Gallery terminology for the exif data.
Essential: (most of these are already in G3, I've marked those missing in G3a2)
Processing Software * missing in G2 and G3 (most editing software will put something here, this is the photo editing software, not the camera software which does display in G2)
Camera Model Name
Exposure Time
F Number
Focal Length
Focal Length in 35mm format * missing in G2 and G3
Exposure Value
Exposure Program
Color Space
User Comment * in G2, not G3 yet.
Lens * missing in G2 and G3
That's 14 fields total, most of which are already available in G3. Knowing what software was used to process the image, and what lens the picture was taken with is very helpful information. The focal length in 35mm format is also just really nice to have, since most people are using less than full-frame digital SLR's. That's just the stuff that I'd guess most photographers would want to make available, if they were displaying any exif data at all. There's so much more that it would just be nice to have the option to display. I've attached the full output of exif data I get from one of my images, and you can see how much information there is to use, but I agree most of it is irrelevant for the vast majority of users. I also attached a screenshot from Flicker just to show how they display all the exif. You can't see it all but you can tell from the scroll bar on the right, that there's a lot more that is not in view. Flicker can display almost everything and they pretty much just spit back whatever you choose to display in a column, so I doubt there's much coding involved.
Anyway, I appreciate your looking into this. Just adding the few fields mentioned would be a huge help for me, and anything extra is just a bonus
Posts: 11
Indexed and searchable exif data would be interesting combined with a tag-cloud module!
Posts: 7994
@rbr28: I've filed a ticket for us to work on that: http://apps.sourceforge.net/trac/gallery/ticket/124
In general, we'll probably make EXIF/IPTC data searchable. It's actually fairly easy, but it's not a high priority right now (see https://apps.sourceforge.net/trac/gallery/query?status=assigned&status=new&status=accepted&status=reopened&group=status&milestone=3.0+Alpha+3 for a list of things that we're juggling for Alpha 3).
@m-d-d: I filed a ticket about the https issue: http://apps.sourceforge.net/trac/gallery/ticket/125
Posts: 4
I just find it annoying to need to switch between "admin" and "deejay". Nice to have, but not a big deal.
I am getting the polar rose references in the source of the image pages, but I don't see any buttons. Same lack of buttons in both IE 7 and Firefox 3. (In Firefox, I can see it "transferring data from cdn.widget.polarrose.com", but when that status goes away, still no buttons.)
For example: Main Page -> Image View -> Full Screen Image View -> "Back Button"
The back takes me all the way back to the main page. IMHO, back should be the opposite of forward -- nice to have, but minor.
Posts: 7994
@DeeJayRandall: Yeah, I hear what you're saying about switching between admin and non-admin users. One thing we tried to do is to make the page look very similar when you're a guest vs. when you're an admin so that you can just stay logged in as an admin and generally see what your guests are seeing. For Polar Rose, just wait. It sometimes takes a while (a minute or two!) for their dashboard to appear at the bottom of your page. As for the back button, we can fix that for full size views by adding a #fragment into the url. I'll look into that.
Posts: 2
I'll try to describe better...
I have a "private" gallery that should not be browsable at all unless you are logged in. I created a group for users, granted them access and that worked fine. But the "everybody" level was still turned on, so you could also see it without being logged in. Not good. I turned off "everybody" and that fixed being able to see it not logged in, but I also couldn't see it logged in as my test user.
Maybe I had something wrong, but thought I would point it out in case somebody needed to check on it.
Posts: 358
@bdillahu: Ticket #114 might be related (https://apps.sourceforge.net/trac/gallery/ticket/114)