Beta: I am looking for people who are willing to participate in early beta of GreyDragon Theme 4.0
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466 |
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Beta: I am looking for people who are willing to participate in early beta of GreyDragon Theme 4.0 This is highly experimental as I am overriding core JS files. Main change is full conversion to latest jQuery and associated libraries Serge
Posts: 814
Wow, updated jquery would be something of a miracle! I have quite a few good ideas for modules, but with the outdated jquery, I'm at a stop loss.
I hope this goes well. Unfortunately, I don't really have a test gallery to muck with at the moment.
Posts: 33
I've got a test gallery that I can use to test it. I'm running a MacMini server (OS 10.7.4). If that helps let me know.
Posts: 2466
Theme version 4 is attached above.
Unpack it and give it a try
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Posts: 27300
Great job Serge. Keep up the great work.
I hope this does not sound like nit picking but it has bothered me for some time. On the admin theme settings form fields and titles/descriptions don't line up right:
Google Chrome on Windows.
Works fine with FF. Not sure why as the HTML looks right. Some CSS thing?
More reports to follow!
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 27300
Dialog width for uploader not wide enough.
Screenshot of Chrome and similar results in FF.
After image is uploaded it pressed "done" and the result was:
and the URL was:
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 27300
"Rebuild Images" Dialog from the non admin page is styled to the theme (good)
Dialog resizes itself to accommodate the progress bar (good)
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 27300
The attachment on the first post of this thread is
version = 3.3.0
The url is:
I looked for but nothing.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 2466
It is 4.0! I will correct numbering
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Posts: 2466
yes, it is CSS Chrome thing.
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Posts: 2466
Re-uploaded with correct
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Posts: 183
Hey Serge,
Just tried it out. Here are my results (using Gallery 3.0.3 and Chrome)...
Previous bugs:
- "choose image as album cover" problem - fixed.
- "organize albums" dialog improperly sized - fixed.
- image overlay menu spacing before first item - fixed.
Current issues:
- odd formatting in admin view (cf floridave) - yes.
- uploader dialog sizing (cf floridave) - yes.
- uploader causing problem after being done (cf floridave) - *no.* For some reason, I don't get the same result as floridave.
- tag cloud colors get screwy and turn yellow, even when all settings are grayscale (e.g. 6F6F6F). Same results both in the sidebar and when you view the whole tag cloud.
- tag cloud always sits on top, even when there's an overlay. So, if you open a cooliris slideshow, it sits on top. But, if you open a cooliris slideshow in fullscreen, it goes away.
Other (non-bug) notes of possible interest:
- unlike uploader, server add works fine with no hitches for me.
- cooliris slideshow works fine.
- newest update of "tag albums" module works without modification.
- theme dispatcher and mobile theme work.
- fit to screen module works.
- captionator works.
Take care,
Posts: 183
Hey everyone,
I fixed the admin menu misalignment problem by adding the following to /modules/greydragon/css/gd_common.css:
The first line fixes the vertical misalignment problem. The second one makes the checkboxes look a little more consistent with the other input types.
EDIT: I made a much better set of corrections below. Read what I wrote a few comments down, and ignore this suggestion.
Posts: 183
BTW, one more *very* minor point: on the admin screen, in the text on the right, there are a bunch of apostrophes that show up escaped (\'). I think the extra backslashes can be removed since all of the text in themes/greydragon/admin/controllers/admin_theme_options.php is in double quotes, yes?
Take care,
Posts: 2466
There is goes (please note that version would not chnage during this beta)
Attachments above are refreshed
* updated shared greydragon module
- added proposed fix for input fields wrapping
* refresh for the theme
- upload dialog width
- fixed \' in help section
- because logic to autosize dialog does not work the same way any dialogs which do not provide proper width via CSS may show squished
- I do not see issue with Done button in upload dialog reported earlier. some other conditions may play role there.
- cannot do much about tag cloud. I have noticed that when converted to HTML5. I think it is SWF issue. better yet, I found js replacement script which can do similar thing and it would work on all devices. just do not have time to finish wrapping it as a module
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Posts: 183
Re: the tag cloud, JS-cumulus looks pretty nice as a non-flash replacement... but I also lack the time. In the interim, I tried a couple "naive" approaches, namely by trying to swap in the newest versions of swfobject.js and tagcloud.swf. The new swfobject.js (v2.3) didn't seem to do anything; the new tagcloud.swf (from wp-cumulus v1.23) made things worse by breaking all of hover/click references... in other words, you couldn't even follow the tags. <shrug>
Take care,
Posts: 183
Tag cloud update: I got a non-flash tag cloud working pretty well in Gallery today, and it plays along nicely with the new theme version. It needs a bit more tidying-up before I publish it (and I need to make a tag_cloud_page-like module to match it), but it should be up within a couple days.
Take care,
Posts: 2466
Cool. look forward to test it
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Posts: 183
Hey Serge,
Found (and fixed) one more minor bug: the edit album dialog size is too small, resulting in a horizontal scroll bar. It looks like this is set explicitly in the last line of forms.css, but is set to the wrong size. To make it consistent with v3.14 and earlier (at least for my setup), it should be:
Posts: 2466
Thank you
Photo Gallery | GreyDragon Theme | Follow on Twitter
Posts: 183
Hey Serge,
My non-flash tag cloud is all done: I've tested it with GreyDragon v4 on Firefox, Chrome, IE9, and IE8.
Take care,
Posts: 183
Hey Serge,
After building up the CSS for the admin screen for my tag_cloud_html5 module, I decided to reapply what I figured out to GD's admin screen. Instead of the correction I offered above, you should add these five lines instead:
This makes it look *perfect* on Chrome, and pretty close to perfect on IE9
EDIT: and BTW, if you don't like moving the checkboxes over, simply eliminate the "width" and "margin-left" parameters above...
Posts: 2466
new update has been published above incorporating some of the suggestions here, Dave's request to move thumb_top() call, etc
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Posts: 2466
How do you feel about current state of the theme?
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Posts: 33
All is well on this end. Everything is working.
Posts: 113
Just upgraded to the beta this evening. Haven't had a lot of time to play around, but the problems I did run into are pretty much the same as what I experience with the current 3.x release of the theme.
* as mentioned above, the Add dialog is not wide enough (I see this on IE9 and Firefox)
* the Carbon colorpack has an incorrect logo (it's the Blackhawk one). I created my own colorpack.png logo if you want to use it:
* when I expand the Auto Update link in the Theme Options, the result is not properly aligned:
In other words, nothing major! Nice work.
Posts: 27300
The only issue I still experience is the alignment of the theme options to the form elements.
Windows Google Chrome. Works great on windows FF.
Auto Update link in the Theme Options works fine for me.
The upload dialog is a bit narrow as well.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 2466
what is your resolution and browser settings - expanded text size? special text settings? some special zoom?
Thank you, I have included your image
may be related to #1 above...
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Posts: 113
No special settings I'm aware of in terms of zoom, text size, etc. Nothing in my custom.css that should be affecting this. Here are my results from some more testing on three different PCs:
photo upload truncated?
- IE - yes
- Chrome - yes
Auto-Update wrapped?
- IE - no
- Chrome - no
photo upload truncated?
- IE - yes
- Chrome - yes
- Firefox - yes
Auto-Update wrapped?
- IE - yes
- Chrome - yes
- Firefox - yes
photo upload truncated?
- IE - yes
- Chrome - yes
- Firefox - yes
Auto-Update wrapped?
- IE - yes
- Chrome - yes
- Firefox - yes
Posts: 113
I found another minor problem. I use the "book" framepack in one of my galleries and for some reason the right side of the frame image is cut off. Also, for some reason, movies get a different frame altogether, which causes formatting issues. Screenshot below:
Notice the white space in the bottom left-hand corner? There are two movies there that are actually lower down due to wrapping or something.
Posts: 2466
I am not using g3 for video hosting, so I have to rely on your feedback. thank you for finding that
it is not framepack related issue, but colorpack one
I will include fix in next theme's 4.0 drop
in the meantime, in colorpack you are using locate .g-movie in color.css and add div#g-movie in front of it so it would look like this div#g-movie .g-movie {
Please let me know if it would fix the issue you have
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Posts: 113
That fixed the strange frame issue for movies except now they have no frame at all. Also, this did NOT fix the right-hand side of the book frame being cut off.
Posts: 2466
there should be no frame you have had before, but you should have frame as for photos
if you do not see it, I will have to look into it. code wise it should be the same, but I may be missing something
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Posts: 113
It seems to be specific to the "book" framepack. If I switch to others, everything gets a frame (including movies) as expected. But when I switch to book, the photos are missing the right side of the frame and the movies don't get a frame at all. When I go back to the 3.2.2 version of the theme, my book frames work again (for photos and movies).
Not a major issue, I know, but if you have time to check it out, thanks.
Posts: 2466
if you see "Add photo" dialog squished, there is a bug in tags module - see here what need to be changed -
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Posts: 113
That fixed the squashed Add dialog for me, thanks!
Posts: 113
I'm still having an issue with the book framepack in that the right-hand side of the frame doesn't display for photos, and the frame doesn't display at all for movies. All other frampacks seem to work fine. Example below (top row is simple, bottom row is book, the middle image is a movie):
Also, if I turn on the Movie Overlay module (latest version 3), the location of the menu icon is messed up. It appears behind the movie thumbnail and to the right (in any framepack). Still the same issue with the book frame not drawing at all (again top row is simple, bottom row is book):
Posts: 421
I'm testing it here
Last two hours I can see it's loading fast more previous versions.
If it has thumbnail size option then would be greatest
Thank you.
Posts: 2466
I do not plan to support thumbnail size in near future. sorry
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Posts: 113
Any solutions for these problems?
Posts: 421
Could you please tell me why you don't planning to make this feature?
I think this is helpful to easy customize new look for a gallery site.
Posts: 2466
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Posts: 2466
With some delay, new version is attached above
mostly work around system dialogs and navigation...
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Posts: 2466
movieoverlay module need to take in consideration thumb layout. it does not now
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Posts: 27300
Can you explain how to do it better?
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 2466
I did change around order of the div wrappers as you have requested some time ago.
I did hope that it would help.
Otherwise, in both themes you can go against li.g-item frame to create overlay
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Posts: 27300
Sorry, I don't follow. Remember I'm not a php developer or any other developer, I'm a hardware fiber optics guy by trade.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 2466
Let's start with the basics - how you want your module to perform?
Photo Gallery | GreyDragon Theme | Follow on Twitter
Posts: 27300
I think I got it sorted. Added some css the module to accommodate.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 2466
Cool! Thank you
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Posts: 693
Now that I have upgraded my production site to G3.0.4 / GD3.2.2 I have installed GD4 on my test site. I'll PM you the URL in case you no longer have it. At a first glance it looks pretty good. I'll test more in coming days.
But I have discovered a problem with the tags navigation logic. If click on a tag to see the thumbs with that tag and then open a resize page I can progress through the resize images correctly, i.e. the new navigation code in Gallery3 works well and I see the images with that tag. However if I click on a resize image to start Shadowbox I see the images in the same folder as the resize that I clicked on, rather than the images with that tag.
I had the same problem in GD3.2.2 and rWatcher helped me solve it. See this post:
rWatcher actually helped me to solve several problems involving tag navigation in G3.0.4 / GD3.2.2. He produced replacement views\photo.html.php, views\paginator.html.php and libraries\MY_Theme_View.php files for GD3.2.2. It was the change to views\photo.html.php that fixed the Shadowbox problem so you may want to look in the attachment to this post to see what he did:
The changes to all three files are quite minor, and focused on tag navigation. I realise that you are working on GD4, but if it looks like it might be a while before it's out of experimental mode, can I suggest that you incorporate them in GD3.2.3?
How experimental do you still regard GD4 as being? Coming late to this thread, there hasn't been much recent comment. Does this mean that the bugs have been ironed out, or just that there aren't many testers?
Thanks for your efforts. Coffee coming shortly.