gallery2 and dvd-slideshow
Joined: 2005-11-17
Posts: 64 |
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This project is known as dvd-baker . . F O R . . T H E . . L A T E S T . . V E R S I O N . . P L E A S E . . S E E . . or for the latest release announcement in this forum: __ __ __ __ / / / / / / / / ____/ /_ __ ____/ / / /_ ____ _ / /__ ____ _ ___ / __ /| |/ // __ /___ / _ \ / __ `// //_// __ \ / `__/ / (_/ / | ' // (_/ /(___)/ /_) // (_/ // _`\ / ____// / \__,_/ |__/ \__,_/ /_,___/ \__,_//_/ \_\\____//_/ 0.7.43 Hi all, After seeing the improvements in G2 I’ve upgraded several of my (multisite) sites to G2. However, as dvd-slideshow was written for G1 I’ve had to start writing my own “gallery2toslideshow"? script to operate with dvd-slideshow. So far, I have a script which correctly enumerates the items of a (multi)site in the order specified by the site and outputs a script suitable for dvd-slideshow. I could probably keep going for hours (at this rate), Anyway, version 0.0.6 of the script is: Suggestions for improvement are very welcome. Marcus. |
Posts: 64
g2s version 0.5.8 (I got sick of typing gallery2-to-slideshows
g2s works through a complete site, including sub-albums, and produces multiple
slideshows with menus. The result is an XML definition file for dvdauthor, and
all the video objects needed to make a DVD.
Features include rotation of images, and autoplay.
Warning: crossfade is currently on by default, so generation of slideshows
could easily take SEVERAL HOURS depending on the size of your site.
Still a lot of bugs and unimplemented features... but produces nice DVDs easily.
"g2s -help" will explain just about everything.
Suggestions for improvement welcomed.
Posts: 64
Latest Changelog and Known Bugs
If someone would like to have a go at making an NTSC DVD I'll correct my code.
g2s v0.5.9 including patched version of dvd-menu 0.7.1
patch for dvd-menu 0.7.1 to correctly implement PAL menus
Posts: 64
g2s v0.6.0 including patched version of dvd-menu 0.7.1
Posts: 64
Renamed to gallery2-to-dvd
gallery2-to-dvd v0.6.2 including patched version of dvd-menu 0.7.1
Sample dvd structure with blank slideshows and options menu (updated from 0.6.4):
Snaphot of sample root menu:
Website used for generation of sample (Firefox required for partially transparent png images?)
Sample usage:
Enjoy; suggestions welcome,
gallery2-to-dvd handles subAlbums recursivley.
Tree view of above sample from g2 site:
Posts: 64
gallery2-to-dvd 0.6.3
New features include:
- random autoplay
- handle mpeg videos
- insert leader vob (and mpeg) if available
A newer version of dvd-menu is also included in the
tarball which has more intelligent placement of the
embedded image.
Posts: 32509
cool stuff
i've added a "3rd party" for "DVD authoring" in the g1/g2 comparison. thanks!
Posts: 64
Thanks valiant!
gallery2-to-dvd 0.6.4
New features include:
- options menu
Various versions of gallery2-to-dvd are available from the dvd-slideshow project on Sourceforge.
More extensive documentation should be available soon at
Version 0.6.5 will support single sites.
0.7.x development series is a complete redesign and will work on either at much higher speed.
Posts: 5
How about making this a real module that people can use w/ the Shopping Cart function to download a DVD image or archive?
Posts: 64
I'd love to make it a module.
There are (probably) several issues involved.
The most important of which is that I'd like to rewrite all
the database lookup functions in php for speed and compatibility reasons.
(ie. using the g2 API rather than reverese-engineered command-line lookups)
To be honest, I had not envisaged having anyone other than the admistrator
generating DVDs, as with your suggestion ... unless the (majority of the)
slideshows had been pre-generated, it would take HOURS to produce a single
DVD (for a modest-sized site).
An email notification system could always be made I guess,
but the webserver would be flat out for a long time producing a DVD for
one customer, let alone many.
That being said, it shouldn't be too bad producing a few DVD images per day,
regenerating slideshows daily where required, and using the same slideshows
in different combinations (might be doubly painful for pal vs ntsc)
(features and content decided by the site admin)
and allowing them to be downloaded in the cart.
Food for thought.
Thanks for the suggestion.
Posts: 5
Not sure why it should take long at all-- it's not a very complicated process to resize, frame, and compress images-- which is probably the only time-taking step...
Even if it did take time, it could still have good use for galleries that have a price tag on shopping cart items. Another idea would be to have the option to either download an image/archive *or* to have a DVD burned and mailed by the administration (either could be disabled by the admin, of course).
Posts: 64
Generation of the dvd itself is not the time consuming process,
nor the exploration of the g2 database, however should you skim through
the gallery2-to-dvd code you will see that there is much more involved
than just resizing and framing.
The majority of the time is spent generating the video object slideshows.
Multiply that time by 3 if crossfading between images (recommended effect).
This is done by dvd-slideshow (a bash script) written by Scott Dylewski,
and while it's conceivable that the process may be faster if the code was
written in (say) C, there are so many dependent programs (eg. ImageMagick)
that I can't say that I see a real benefit in doing so.
The sample site above has approx 60 titles made from over 400 images direct
from camera (4MP Canon A520). Generation of the slideshows for that takes
approx 6 hours at full (PAL) resolution on a P3/650 with adequate memory.
(The webserver is actually a virtual machine, but there's no need for details)
There are option(s) to produce lower resolution slideshows which should
significantly reduce generation time, however I have not enabled that
ability in gallery2-to-dvd yet.
I suspect that someone (like yourself?) is more likely to build the functionality
that you speak of into a program higher up the food chain.
At the moment, gallery2-to-dvd is simply a script that does what the name implies.
Packaging, pretty labels, prices, downloading and whatever all sound like
features of a "front-end" yet to be developed.
I appreciate your ideas, and I'm sure they will help shape future development.
Posts: 5
Without crossfading, the only CPU-intensive task is resizing, framing, and compressing:
1) create framebuffer with video frame
2) copy video framebuffer for current frame
3) resize picture to fit display frame in video
4) render whatever text is needed
5) compress current video framebuffer with relation to past framebuffer
6) swap framebuffer pointers for 'current frame' and 'previous frame'
7) goto #2 until done
My ideas re pricing and such were indeed intended to refer to the Shopping Cart module... I was assuming it already handled that.
Posts: 32
I have a "little" problem when trying to generate a DVD from my gallery2 install.
The name of the database where information are stored is "gallery2", and the tables in it are named like "g2_*", but the field names always begin with "g_*".
The result is that gallery2-to-dvd is unable to retrieve information from the database.
Here are some logs from the generated file "g2-g2s.log":
How can I bypass this problem?
I have not made anything to have this formatting issue, so I don't know how to solve it!
Can somebody help me?
Gallery version = 2.0.2+ noyau 1.0.10
PHP version = 4.3.10 apache2handler
Web Server = Apache-AdvancedExtranetServer/2.0.53 (Mandriva Linux/PREFORK-9.3.102mdk) PHP/4.3.10 mod_ruby/1.2.4 Ruby/1.8.2(2004-12-25) mod_ssl/2.0.53 OpenSSL/0.9.7e mod_perl/1.999.21 Perl/v5.8.6
Datebase = mysqlt 4.1.11
Toolkits = ArchiveUpload, Gd, NetPBM, Exif, Thumbnail, Ffmpeg, ImageMagick, Dcraw, SquareThumb
Operating System = Linux sandnyko 2.6.11-12mdkcustom #3 SMP Thu Aug 25 10:37:08 CEST 2005 i686
Web Browser = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; fr; rv:1.8) Gecko/20051111 Firefox/1.5
Posts: 64
OK, let's see what can be done
Excuse the delay, I've been away for holidays.
It seems I need to take a better look at the conditional statements:
This line doesn't really handle the situation where the data is invalid (I think),
and is probably related to the field naming issue below.
I probably should do an sql lookup to ensure that the site name is correct first.
Yes, it's totally confused now.
Line 933 is a silly error that I've never noticed because I always make pal dvds.
Changing that line to read:
should fix the problem. I'll update this in the next release.
Interesting. Thanks for the info. I assume you have a single-site install?
If you're positive that the table names are g2_* and field names are g_*
then try this:
In function getMysqlData (lines 464-521), change line 491 to this
and line 501 to this
The root of the problem here is probably more that I'm doing direct
database lookups from the command line, rather than using the g2 api.
This issue will hopefully be addressed soon, however, if you manage
to get everthing running usings the hacks above, I might be able to
work a nice simple fix in the meantime.
I hope that helps, or at least gets you closer to a solution.
Posts: 32
Thanks for your answer!
First of all, I have a single-site install, as you correctly guessed.
I have made the modifications you wrote, and now gallery2-to-dvd is working without error statements!
But I have another problem now: when I type the next command ("dvdauthor"), I have this:
So what is the solution? I have run gallery2-to-dvd with the -n option but it did not do anything...
The file g2-dvdauthor.xml contains these lines:
Thanks for your help!
Posts: 64
How odd.
Can you post me the log? (not into the forum as it's probably quite large)
marcusbrutus ^at^
ps. most of the errors will be swallowed and put in the log anyway.
Posts: 32
I have sent you an email with the content of the log and the g2s files.
Before sendong you the content of the log file, I did not noticed the 3 errors which occured. Always the problem with the "g_" beginning of the field names.
Posts: 64
Patches have been sent.
Hoping for verification before adding modifications for 0.6.5 release.
Development currently underway for 0.7.x series (complete rewrite),

which uses the gallery2 api on the webserver to produce a dvd 'recipe'
which is then used by the client machine (which could also be the webserver)
to download the images, produce the slideshows, and then bake them into
one big pie ... *cough* ... I mean ... DVD!
ie. RECIPE ==> BAKE ==> BURN
heh, like the idea?
The G2api/webserver (RECIPE) portion is nearing completion.
It is envisaged that it should also be possible in future releases to build
a win32 client to bake the recipes (0.8.x???), when rewritten (again) in C.
Posts: 64
dvd-baker 0.7.29 (beta) has now been released after a complete rewrite.
Operation is now split into two parts:
- a php script on the G2 webserver creates a dvd recipe (dynamically)
- dvd-baker is a bash script capable of remote operation.
dvd-baker pulls the recipe from the website, and then all the listed ingredients.
The slideshows and menus are constructed, and linked together in a dvdauthor.xml file.
It can also (optionally) execute dvdauthor for you to construct the dvd filesystem.
Please see
Note: requires dvd-slideshow 0.7.3
Posts: 5
Any plans on a real G2 module?
Posts: 64
There certainly are, however, I'd intended doing a few other things first:
) ... vastly improved structure and features
- release 0.7.40 (any day now
- make a php front-end (dvd-chef?) for editing recipes ... possibly to use as a basis for a g2 module
- possibly change the structure of the dvd itself to include titlesets
- make some of the dvd's I wrote dvd-baker for in the first place ;)
ie. I know a module would be nice, but it's not high enough on my list to register as important.
That being said, a very basic module may be released (with a bit of help) if it all
comes together before 0.7.40 feels ready.
Posts: 52
I tried the Script and got this message:
I copied the file g2-dvd-recipe.php and executed the command you can see below what is my mistake?
debian:/opt/lampp/htdocs/pages/dvd-baker/dvd-baker-0.7.30# sh dvd-baker -u admin -p test http://localhost/pages/gallery2 [dvd-baker] getRecipe
[dvd-baker] prepareIngredients
[dvd-baker] getRecipe Invalid tag <br in recipe file at line:2
[dvd-baker] Aborted
Any Idea?
My Server/Gallery:
Gallery-Version = 2.0.2 Kern
PHP-Version = 5.1.1 apache2handler
Webserver = Apache/2.2.0 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.2.0 OpenSSL/0.9.8a DAV/2 PHP/5.1.1 mod_apreq2-20050712/2.1.3-dev mod_perl/2.0.2 Perl/v5.8.7
Datenbank = mysql 5.0.18
Werkzeuge = Exif, Thumbnail, Gd, SquareThumb, ArchiveUpload
Betriebssystem = Linux debian 2.4.27-2-386 #1 Wed Aug 17 09:33:35 UTC 2005 i686
Browser = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; de; rv: Gecko/20060111 Firefox/
I tried to run Apache 4.* and now it works, but it is allready for abou 10 minutes at:
[dvd-baker] getRecipe
[dvd-baker] prepareIngredients
[dvd-baker] Preparing Slideshows: #
[dvd-baker] Preparing Menus: #
lets see, what happens in the next hour
Yeah Its done! Great Script!
Posts: 64
Hi, ommma
Glad you got it going ... can you tell me what was wrong initially?
dvd-baker 0.7.35 is just about ready for release.
(2.0 and 2.1)
It was going to be called 0.7.40 ... but Oh well ;)
(I'm waiting for the official release of dvd-slideshow 0.7.5)
It includes two version of a g2 module
The 2.1 version hasn't been fully tested, but then again, I haven't
received any complaints from the tasters yet ;)
0.7.35 is also about 6 times faster, and has many more features.
See for more details.
You'll notice the website is ready for the updated version.
Posts: 52
Yeah, Iam really looking forward to it, because I have a Gallery with about 8000 Pictures, at the moment i tested it with 400 and it took about 1 hour, so lets see what 0.735 will bring
Posts: 52
I runned this test with the 400 Images and had no Problem, now I have this Vob, Bup and Ifo files. I opened them with my DVD Player on the Computer, and it works fine, but I am not able to burn them, or export them into an Iso file. As i don't have any DVD-Burner on my Linux Computer I have to use Windows. Which programm would you recomend to put this files into an iso (or other image file) or just burn them?
As usual i found it out on my own, so i used mkisofs, and downloaded the file to my Computer and tried to burn it, but nero writes: Fals Disk for this file you have to Insert a CD not a DVD. I hope you have a solution before I find one
Posts: 64
make sure you add -dvd-video to your mkisofs command line
Posts: 64
I have finally decided to bite the bullet and release.
dvd-baker 0.7.36 is available at
The site includes compressed videos, pictures, samples,
and DETAILED manuals ;)
Most importantly, I've also released g2 modules for both
v2.0 and v2.1 galleries. They should be considered alpha.
Posts: 52
I tried it now, did I have to install the Modul or is there a way to use it without the modul?
If I run it normal it shows me this:
I havn't put any file into the gallery2 directory, but I also hadn't found any. Do you know what i make wrong?
added --force
The Debug file:
As i thought is the problem something with the recipe.txt how should I generate this file? I read the Manual but didn't find anything special how to use dvd-baker for g2?
I tried to use the dir-dvd-recipe, but i just tooks the whole folder, so i think i took the wrong? (Also if it really was a lot faster then the old Version!!! GREAT!!)
Looking forward to your reply!
Posts: 64
Yes you DO have to install one of the modules to bake a g2 site.
I think my logic circuits probably burnt out some time ago. ;)
All the information about installing the g2 module is in the dvd-baker lib directory.
It's dawned on me now that the README, INSTALL and dvd-recipe modules (must rename them)
might be hard to find for a user who installs one of the distro packages (a recent invention).
I'll have a think about that for the next release.
The information you are looking for is most likely in /usr/lib/dvd-baker
The instructions are in INSTALL
There is no point in specifying '-i' (make iso) if mkisofs is not installed.
dir-dvd-recipe is a script in it's own right, but designed to be called by
dvd-baker with '-t dir' (which is the default anyway). There's no need to
use it directly.
I'll also improve the dependency checking logic when I can, and update the
version numbers.
Can you tell me which distro you're using?
ps. you might want to install mkisofs on your Linux machine, and then just
transfer the iso over for burning, rather than the whole DVD directory.
pps. the purpose of the samples is to verify that everything works correctly
before you start baking your own recipe.
Please try:
btw: your logfile shows that you specified an http source,
without a '-t g2' (sourcetype=g2) option.
Posts: 52
I use Debian Sarge, the newest Version.
As I thought that I have mkisofs installted i typed this and got a message:
I allready tried to install the module but there is a problem with the versions:
My Gallery:
I runned Another Test:
The Log file:
Posts: 64
OK, I'll have a look at the detail tomorrow (bed time now).
Would you please send gzipped versions of dvd-baker.log and slideshows/slideshow-1-1/dvd-slideshow.log
Log files clog up the forum here, and I find them hard to read.
Glad to hear you're running Debian
I'll be able to create a virtual machine to emulate yours very easily, if necessary.
Posts: 52
Another Test Run:
Gallery Version:
I typed:
The rest is in the Attachment!
(I don't like mailing
mfg oma
PS: As you can see I updated my Gallery and the new plugin doesn't show any error!
PS2: You have to rename the file to dvdtest.tar.gz (i don't know why he adds .txt??)
Posts: 64
Thanks for posting your results, made thing a lot easier.
I've released a new version for you on
Also included a new option '-L' that might interest you
Posts: 52
Have you tried to solve the Problem I've got with the Script, because I still get the same failure.
Another Problem with the Modul:
When I Install it on the Top of my Gallery Site it shows this Message:
My Gallery:
Thanks for the Language addon, just GREAT!!
Posts: 64
Yes I did try to solve the problem(s) you had.
However, by the time I finished working on all the problems that I identified (4am), I had completely lost track of the original purpose. I did manage to bake a modified version of your recipe. (Nice pics)
If you would please post another tarball, I'll have another go, and this time I'll load your images onto a test account on my g2 webserver and do it properly.
Posts: 52
I tried this allready and it shows the Failure only if I aktivate the dvd-baker Modul.
I updated dvd-baker to the newest Version 0.7.38 and DVD-Slideshow to 0.7.5, and sent you the tarball by mail.
(I know its already late in your country but, its midday on my clock
Posts: 64
Where is this message shown? Can you be more specific please?
Excellent, thanks for your trouble, however, I just discovered that mailing
lists have a 40KB limit (makes sense) so there's an email in the rejection mail that you can use.
*yawn*, hmmm

I've been working on this problem all day. (Without your tarball)
I've managed to add a new feature we'll call "intelligent diagnosis"
Got it working, just making the output look nicer.
This will help identify problems like permissions errors, module installation problems, etc.
If I fall asleep while you feel like playing, you might like to see if this works:
(I can't test it right now, but it WAS working ;) ... I've been forcing errors for my debug magic)
I'd love gzipped copies of login.html and dvd-baker.log from that test if you have time.
It *should* be an exact replica of your own test.
Posts: 52
The message is on the Top of the page, and is allays shown ...
I sent you the tarballs another time. I hope they are ok!
Posts: 388
This sounds like a cool tool but having some difficulties.
As root I run
Then I run
which produces:
It's right there is no such file because the actual file is named DCP_1543.JPG.
I then modify the recipe.txt to correct the filenames and run again but then I get:
So, is it me or does the script have some bugs?
Gallery version = 2.1-rc-2a core 1.0.34
PHP version = 4.4.1-pl3-gentoo apache
Webserver = = Apache/1.3.34 (Unix) (Gentoo/Linux) mod_gzip/ PHP/4.4.1-pl3-gentoo
mod_ssl/2.8.25 OpenSSL/0.9.7i
Database = mysql 4.0.25,lock.system=flock
Toolkits = Exif, Ffmpeg, NetPBM, ArchiveUpload, Thumbnail, Gd, Dcraw, ImageMagick
Acceleration = full/900, full/900
Operating system = Linux digi-archive 2.6.15-gentoo-r1 #1 SMP Sun Feb 5 12:13:48 PST 2006 i686
Default theme = matrix
Locale = en_US
Browser = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20060111 Firefox/
Posts: 64
Looks pretty good too! (when it works ;)
Let's see what can be done to help.
-t dir option should be default when the source is a directory.
Why have you used --force?
Looks like dir-dvd-recipe is broken... I'll look into it
I suspect so.
Oh dear ...
Probably both
Would you please post some details to
eg. a tarball containing dvd-baker.log and recipe.txt
and any information specific to your computer which you think relevant.
(There is a 40KB limit for postings to lists)
I can then have a really good look at all the information at once, and
hopefully make necessary improvements for the next release.
Posts: 388
If I don't use --force then I get a version dependency failure for DVD-slideshow and the script aborts.
Logs posted to the user list.
Posts: 64
The latest version of dvd-baker has been released.
Significant improvements have been made, including:
- updated dir-dvd-recipe
- audio support (inc. generic and midi conversion)
- support for converting generic image types
- improved compatability with bash 2.05b (Debian Sarge)
- menu overflow handling
- differential slideshow and menu recreation
- more detailed progress indication
- ...and much, much more.
Get your hot and crunchy version of dvd-baker now!
Posts: 388
hey Marcus,
Looks as though you solved the issues I had.
2 hours later and still bakin. No errors or faults so far.
Posts: 64
Phew! (*Fingers crossed*)
Like the progress indicators?
( See the FAQ on re burning smells )
I'm not completely convinced that I've fixed it all,
but it's a lot better than it was, and after restructuring
a lot of things, and changing a few techniques used,
I've got a lot better base to deal with.
ps. Thanks for letting me know.
Posts: 388
It's still cookin... guess I have alot of images
I don't think the progress bar works. All it does is output an "S" once every 30 minutes.
Baking Progress: SSSSSSSSS
Gotta get some sleep now so hopefully by tomorrow it will have completed successfully.
Posts: 64
It's best to have a cpu monitor running at the same time.
eg. I use gkrellm
As long as debug<=1 you should also see a 'whirlygig'
next to the 'S', which is updated 5 times per second.
A 'whirlygig' shows baking in progress.
Progress letters:
S : A slideshow has been baked.
s : A previously baked slideshow that has been skipped
M : A menu that has been baked.
m : A previously baked menu that has been skipped
Opening another console, and changing to the same
directory, you can do a 'tail -F dvd-baker.log' to see
what's happening. (as long as debug>0)
In short, when unsure, run a cpu monitor, tail the log
in another console, and run with '--debug 1'.
The time that each slideshow takes to bake will depend
on the power of your oven, the number of images in the
slideshow, the number (and type) of effects used ...
( the direction of the prevailing winds
and so on ... so very hard to even estimate percentage
(although I have an idea)
... hence the whirlygig.
There is a small check however. If the size of the output
directory doesn't change after a while, you will here 3
beeps and see a warning message prompting you to cancel
if you think something has died. Because dvd-baker is so
'nice', this can be an irritation if your computer is
busy doing other things at the same time.
How powerful is your oven ...err computer?
I'd love to see a gzipped log if you have any problems.
Posts: 388
Right after I posted my above comment I noticed the CPU was railed to 100%.
I thought that was a bit excessive and then discovered I had two runaway processes.
I killed them and the cpu utilization went down to 50%.
My machine is a 1.7GHz Dual Xeon, 1GB ram.
The bad: DVD-baker aborted.
[dvd-baker] Baking progress: SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
[dvd-baker] convert: /home/zman/Gallery2/DVD-baker/items/image_1784.tiff: unknown field with tag 37724 (0x935c) encountered. `TIFFReadDirectory'.
[dvd-baker] Image: "/home/zman/Gallery2/DVD-baker/items/image_2227.jpeg"
[dvd-baker] Aborting
This looks to be more of an IM convert issue vice DVD-baker.?
My guess is that windows/Photoshop is adding an extra 'meta-tag' to the TIFF image and IM does not understand these extra unknown tags.
I'm using Imagemagick v6.2.5.5. Viewing the source for IM tiff.h I find:
tag 37724 is private tag registered to Adobe for PhotoShop
I did in fact use Photoshop to create/edit my Tiff images.
According to some posts in the Imagemagick forums IM 6.2.6 fixes some of these tag errors.
So, maybe I'll try compiling and installing the newer version.
I'm determined to get this DVD-baker working on my system!
Thanks for your help.
Update: I upgraded to IM and tried converting the tiff image to a png and jpg. The result was the same error but both the jpg/png image was in fact created and not corrupted. However, all the meta-tag info had been stripped out. The tiff in question here is 600dpi, 34MB.
Update2: I removed the offending Tiff images from the recipe... so here we go a bakin again.
Posts: 64
Try gkrellm,
all sub-processes started by dvd-baker are green (niced)
I'm not sure if I can do anything about the IM issue, thanks for the info.
Posts: 388
I don't have problem with processes or anything like that now. After removing the Tiff images from recipe.txt DVD-baker proceeds along nicely but now I get the following error:
[dvd-baker] parseRecipe FATAL ERROR: Item does not exist: /home/zman/Gallery2/DVD-baker/items/image_1372.jpeg
[dvd-baker] Aborted
The frustrating part is that each time I rerun DVD-baker with the recipe.txt it aborts on a different image.
The image does exist and the path is correct to the G2 album dir. The image_1372.jpeg does exist in the items dir.
Any idea what could be causing this issue?
Posts: 64
Can you send me a gzipped dvd-baker.log?
I've got a theory, but can't prove it without debug info.