Carbon Theme
Joined: 2005-10-14
Posts: 134 |
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I've developed Carbon theme for personal needs for Gallery 2. It is based on Matrix theme. Special thanks to Pedro for allowing me to use some of his icons. I have developed this theme inspired by PG theme. But it is not based on PG theme. 08-04-2006 - Now the 'Sidebar' link both shows and hides the sidebar, rather than just showing it. Any suggestions and comments are appreciated. Note: Questions about Comments, Album description, Frames etc are not belong to this forum. If you have this kind of questions, please, first search in the related forums. If you cannot find any answer, just send me a private message. I will do my best. Download: |
Posts: 134
Posts: 2258
Looks pretty nice! I was going to day don't forget to link to it on but you already have. Cool!
Posts: 7
After installing the theme on Gallery2 it says the following:
Gallery2 theme from
Incompatible theme!
Core API Required: 6.5 (available: 7.1)
Theme API Required: 2.1 (available: 2.3)
Any way to make this compatible with the newer versions of Gallery?
Posts: 2258
detailed explanations of the updates needed are available at
Posts: 134
I will release a new version which is compatible with G2.1 very soon.
Posts: 2
Figured it out. Thanks
Posts: 4
Can someone post the edited theme file by chance? I modified it and got it to install and activated, but apparently I missed something and get an error any time I try to visit the gallery.
Posts: 37
Yeah the Carbon theme is my favorite, my I get the incompatible errors also. The API changes list is way over my head and gives me a nasty headache trying to figure it out. If anyone has modified it to get it working, please do post it or the changes needed. Thx.
Posts: 134
ph33red, do you need a version for G2.1? If so I am working on a new version for G2.1 and it will be released in a few days.
Posts: 4
Great! Can't wait
Posts: 134
A new version of Carbon theme for G2.1 available now. Currently there is no demo site for the new version.
- Changed some file for G2.1 compatibility.
- "Add Comment" icon has been changed.
- "View Latest Comments" icon has been added.
Any suggestions and comments are appreciated.
Posts: 10
Edit: I just found out that I had to install a frame modul. Works fine now.
Hi Mincel,
I also use your carbon theme. It is my favorite one. Excellent work!
I have a beginner question though. On gallery 1 it was very easy to change the look of the albums and pictures. Is this still possible with gallery2. An example would be to give the pictures within the album a dropshadow or a frame for example.
Best regards,
Posts: 13
Love the theme !! - now on
Question, how do I change ads.tpl to put my own ad banner on the top right corner of the page i.e.
Posts: 134
Hi aspigel,
You need to copy & paste the generated html code for ads into ads.tpl file. That is all.
Posts: 9
I have just upgraded my gallery to "blackjack", and dowloaded the carbon theme and I love the theme! Thank you mincel!
But I have problem/question - after changing to this theme, it will not allow me change display mode to admin, it only allows me to use display mode guest, therefore I can not upload new images. Yes I am logged in as admin, I can get into the "Site Admin" and change setting. What am I doing wrong?
"Some mornings, it hardly seems worth it to gnaw through the leather straps"
Posts: 134
Hi ejackson,
This problem is very strange, I didn't get that problem before. Could you please try to delete template cache. If it doesn't help can you also try to uninstall and install the theme again?
Posts: 2
I Love Carbon!
However, I am having a problem with comments. In the older version, I can not seem to figure out a way to show comments. On the new version (which i have not installed but viewed on other people's sites) I see the VIEW LATEST COMMENTS button...but how do you get it so that comments are just always present. This is the standard behavior of the more default themes and is the way I would like to have my site work ( This link takes you to the galler only, and not the actual site where the gallery is embedded.
Also, is there a good way to use a frame to show albums vs. images in carbon? Currently I am using the drop shadow frames that were downloadable somewhere.
Posts: 134
Hi ryanlesser,
First of all you should give permission to add and view comments to your albums. Then you will see the comments at the bottom of the page. But View Latest Comments is the feature of G2.1. It show not only the comments the belong to that page but all.
You can use any frame in the carbon. But some frames are not compatible with IE.
Posts: 9
hey mincel - i think the problem is with my gallery install. I reopened the gallery and my display was set to admin, but seems once I switch its hard to get it to switch back. Unrelated to carbon theme, another problem is that I can't add the rating system to my previous albums, only the new ones. I edit the album to allow ratings and click save, it confirms that settings were saved. But then when I view that album, there are no ratings??
thanks again
"Some mornings, it hardly seems worth it to gnaw through the leather straps"
Posts: 10
I just got a problem. When text boxes for inputting username and password are both black in color. How can I change it to white so as to view what I have typed into the textboxes easier? Thanks.
Posts: 134
Hi JJbbd,
Normally when your text fields get focused, they change the color. But if you want to change the default color to something else you can change it by adding background-color to #giFormUsername and #giFormPassword.
Posts: 7
I installed Carbon over Blackjack and it works like a dream. Thanks! -- A very nice theme. One question -- I assume I'm free to replace your top banner with one of my own?
Posts: 134
Hi bexrex,
Thank you for using Carbon theme and for the nice complement. You are free to change everything!
Your drawings are very wonderful, I am impressed. ;)
Posts: 7
not to choke up this forum with unnecessary googah, but
Thank you very much! I honestly think your theme is the best design I've
seen available -- clean, professional, unobtrusive and nice. I appreciate your talents (wish I could do the same).
Posts: 10
Mincel, can you tell me where I can change? I am not familiar with the structure of gallery 2.
Posts: 134
JJbbd, the logo.gif file is in <gallery_root>/themes/carbon/images. Just replace the logo.gif with another "logo.gif". If you want to use another file name you also need to change theme.tpl in template folder.
Posts: 10
mincel, what I mean is changing the #giFormUsername and #giFormPassword. Can you tell me?
It is very important coz it is hard for me to view what I ve typed into the black username and password textboxes using black fonts.
Posts: 134
In theme.css file you need to add background-color to #giFormUsername and #giFormPassword. I think this is an issue with IE. I will fix this issue in the next release. Thanks for reporting!
Posts: 7
oh man...I really LOVE THIS THEME
Great work., I especially like mini thumbnails flanking the large view on individual pic viewing. Very handy. Colours are great also.
A question., that logo.gif file..can I find that if I navigate via ftp., or is it hidden inside a coded file?
I know nothing about php?-is it? Gosh.,
Posts: 26
Hi Mincel great theme, i recently upgraded my gallery and have just tried to add your theme and i receive this message
any help would be appreciated.
If it has allready been answered my apologies.
Posts: 134
bubble.tea, it is not hidden, it is in /themes/carbon/images/, if you navigate via ftp you should find it. Actually, to change the theme you don't need to know much about php.
mvettas, It seems that you have G2 and for G2 you need to install Carbon Theme, not Carbon Theme (Blackjack).
Posts: 68
sorry about this folks but i'm not sure after reading through the above posts exactly how to fix this.
I'm running gallery v2. When i goto themes in the admin panel, against the carbon theme i get
what exactly do i need to add/change to get this to work..
Posts: 134
Hi nacoya,
I think you are using G2.1 but you have the theme for G2. You need to install Carbon Theme (Blackjack).
Posts: 68
well m8, i was sure it was 2 but you must be correct. I downloaded blackjack carbon theme and it's there fine .. thanks
whilst i'm on.....
How does the image size work. ?
In matrix i had thumbnail size, then 480x480, 800x800 and original size. Obviously thumbnail is there then 480x480 how do i get to see the larger image and the original image sizes.
and a request if i may .. add in a random image thumbnail on the left below any text instead of in the options panel ? just a thought.
Posts: 26
ahh thx mincel i didnt even realise there was a 2.1 ;)
Posts: 134
Hi nacoya,
Carbon theme currently supports 2 sizes. One resized and original size. You can see the original size, when you click on pop-up icon. I don't want a page to get oversized when a big image is selected, so that is why Carbon supports only two sizes.
Posts: 68
ok thanks mincel, that's fine. I just wanted to make sure i understood.
Posts: 26
mincel any chance you would be able to incorporate something where it shows administrators the actual link to the first sized image ie (, reason i ask is i like to link my images as images on forums and what not and because you have incorporated the actions as the right mouse button trigger there is no way to find the link of the image, most times the full size image is to big to post and therefore the sized down version is always better.
I hope that made sense ;)
CHeers and thanks for such a great theme.
Posts: 13
I have been going nuts trying to figure out the easiest/cleanest way to integrate a discussion forum into my site. My issue is that I don't want to move gallery 2 from the root on of my server because I want users to be able to access their galleries using short URLs ie. etc.. What is the easiest way to put in a link to load a forum with reciprocal links back, or have it open in a new window? Would I put some kind of code in the template files? I worked for hours and could even figure out how to make a URL open in a new window. All the integrations scare me, they don't look clean and seem to mess up my short URLs because they want gallery2 to be in a subdirectory and I just don't feel comfortable making changes to my .htaccess file. I'm thinking my answer is somewhere in your great theme.
Any help is greatly appreciated, Adam
Posts: 33
I find the micro navigation thumbnails did not display all images thumbnails and only display 8 images randomly. How can I change it to display all
Posts: 26
yeah im with willfei is there a way to change this? maybe incorporate it in to the site admin area.
Posts: 134
mvettas, maybe I can introduce a new parameter to enable/disable right clicks. Then you can get the link easily. If I display the link directly it may corrupt the page layout.
aspigel, the easiest way is to put a link in gallery links to load a forum with reciprocal links back. This way they can work independently of each other. You can put your forum files into etc. I don't recommend opening a new window. If you need further help please feel free to contact me.
willfei, the micro navigation thumbnails are not displayed randomly. They are displayed according to peer list in the side bar. To display all you need is to change windowSize=$windowSize in navigatorMicroThumbs.tpl. But, I am planning to make it parametric in the next release.
Posts: 26
yeah that would be cool mincel. Thanks
Posts: 224
On the line for windowSize=$windowSize if you change default:null to default:25 it will display up to 25, you can put whatever # you want there. Maybe there's a better tag that will just display the full album instead of setting a number?
Posts: 134
Thanks dotnature,
I will investigate a better tag for people that want to display all the images. But in that case if an album contains 100 photos, you will see 100 little photos next to the actual photo and it will slow down the page loading time. For that reason I prefer to use a fixed number.
Posts: 224
ya very true forgot that some albums have a lot of images, I wouldnt want to load 500 thumnails
Posts: 7
Maybe what we need (ok, "would like") is just to show the first 10 icons, with a "more>>" icon in that nifty Carboniferous style. That would eliminate preload bandwidth issues but still be able to get to all the thumbnails.
An exclusive thumbnails-only gallery, wherein you could navigate through all the thumbnails in an album before being forced to select an individual image?
ok I'm getting ridiculous.
Posts: 5
Very impressed theme, very nice. I cannot wait to put it on my personal album immediate after found it. Thank you very much!
Everything goes smooth, just have error message inside the micro thumbs area on right side
Notice: Undefined index: columnIndex in c:\homepage\gallery2\g2data\smarty\templates_c\%%2658034931\%%CD^CD9^CD9C02CA%%navigatorMicroThumbs.tpl.php on line 36
Is there any setup problem on my gallery2 or my web server?
I am use Gallery 2.1-rc-1 with apache 1.3 & php 4.4.0 in Windows 2000
Posts: 134
Hi pauliu,
Can you try to delete your template cache?
Posts: 5
Hi mincel,
Thank you for the reply.
I have tried to clear all the cache inside gallery2/lib/support/ but the error message still existing. The thumbs can be display without problem, just the error message displayed at the top of the thumbs.