1. The administer_startpage.php should have the following features:
- to choose the order of top-level albums (sorted by creation and modification dates,
album names, fixed order, etc);
- to choose the gallery start page layout, including sub-albums tree feature
(Java script folded/compact/without animation, full tree static view with counters),
and changing skins (some skins from 1.5 -- blue being the first!);
- to prohibit users from creating sub-albums beyond their root album.
2. Quotas support for users/groups.
Posts: 10
database/mysql integration
Posts: 50
Auto-caching such as this:
Posts: 47
multisite feature would come in very, very handy!
Posts: 92
some requests for the search tool:
I you use the "[latest comments]" it shows in the bottem "Finished in 9 seconds"
I would like that to see in the search screen, and possible with how many "object" was found.
Thanks in advance
Posts: 88
no view count increment (photos/albums) for Gallery administrator(s) and/or album owners (possibly a configurable option)
-- Peter
Posts: 2
Let people add comments/message on album.
Inside each album, just below the thumbnail list, let viewers and album owner to share their comments on that album.
like this:
Posts: 5
More than anything I'd like to see the static album view come back for the main gallery page. While I understand this has a performance penalty, I cache this page to minimize its impact. This feature is the only thing I miss in 1.6 compared to 1.5.x.
Posts: 65
I would love to see the inclusion of the open source flowplayer, if possible..
i am using some flash-movies, because they are smaller then anything else, and would love to see them displayed within the gallery and not within a simple page.
Posts: 196
I've been wanting a very cool (at least I think it would be!) feature for a few years now. If you do a search on my name you'd see that I've been trying to get this to work for over 3 years now... but am not a good enough programmer to do it
I nearly had it working with Gallery 1.4.4 but Gallery has since gotten even further above my php skills so it isn't looking good for me to be able to do this. Bummer.
Anyway, what I'd like to have is the ability to upload a picture either from the hard drive OR a URL and at the same time as the upload, be able to input the "extra fields" data. If you can only upload one picture at a time, that is just fine too! I got this working pretty good in 1.4.4 but I need to upgrade to a newer version because my server upgraded to PHP5 and broke my older Gallery. Whoops. Anyway, Here is a of what I did as a mod to 1.4.4 and would absolutely love to see incorporated into version 1.6. It could be as simple as this or use multiple pics or whatever... just being able to upload "extra fields" data at time of upload is what is important. Thanks!!!
Posts: 27
I would like to have the ability to "hide" an album at the top level (main gallery page). I was actually surprised this feature has never been implemented -- If you look at the forums, people have been asking for this for several years. People have been given various work-arounds, but it would be nice to just make this straight-forward.
You can easily hide sub-albums, so I don't understand why is it so difficult to hide albums at the top-level. I am sure there is a reason and perhaps it is not trivial.
For clarification, my definition of hide is: the album would not be visible on the main gallery "home page" but if you gave someone the URL they could view the album with no authentication required.
Thanks for keeping Gallery v1 alive!! And thanks for listening to the users.
- Scott
Posts: 6
Migration from G2 to G1.
Posts: 5
support GD
Posts: 7
This may be a bit too late, but how about the ability to show (without the use of a mod) a user-specified number of full-featured columns on the front page? That is, where each column contains a header, highlight, description, and sub-album navbar. This would greatly minimize wasted space and make for a vast improvement in interface efficiency and cleanliness. The oceans of white space on the front page get to me some days, and the mods to achieve a similar state have long since gone beyond the rim.
Posts: 17
1) I'd like to see a security feature added such that I can allow people to register with a username/password and authenticate (and track) these users when they enter my gallery site. These users are not contributors, only viewers and commentors. I've written a home grown solution that accepts a global username/password and authenticates every page via cookie. A built-in, supported security feature that allows each user to have their own username would be fantastic. I'm in the process of expanding my home grown solution to allow for individual users names (email addreses), however, I'm using mysql for storage.
2) I'd like a notification system like what MovableType offers. This could be intergrated with the security feature listed above. When users register they select if they want to be notified of updates. When the gallery site admin makes an update, he/she can compose an email to be sent to all those who selected to be notified.
To be a little more clear, I use gallery like a blogging program. I post albums on the main page and use the description like a blog entry. This works really well with the RSS feed and is perfect for my family website.
Posts: 4
Need Allow Anchor Tag In a Gallery Edit>Title (or Eidt>Description): This Was Successful, But NOW Gets Immediately Nullified.
Dear Gallery1 Developers
I have been using Gallery1 for about 5 years now and really like it. IT"S GREAT!!!!! Thanks for all your hard work!!
Here is an idea that I think is really useful, and should be added:
Make it possible to use an "Anchor Tag" so Gallery will allow the viewer to go directly to a certain "scroll-down" position in a gallery page, that may show several albums. To do this requires the use of the #AnchorTag to take the visitor's browser to the desired album position using.
This can be seen working by clicking on most (but not all) of the menu of small photos at bottom left of my home page. The best one is the "ZMM Route Flowers and RWBB", . "thumb nail" fourth up from the bottom at http://ww2.usca.edu/ResearchProjects/ProfessorGurr/Main/HomePage
Click on the fourth up from the bottom, and you will go to: http://ww2.usca.edu/ResearchProjects/ProfessorGurr/gallery/albums.php?set_albumListPage=2#Flwr&RWBB
You will see the link has a #Flwr&RWBB at the end of the URL. This will make a "scroll down" to the code line <a name="Flwr&RWBB"></a>, which is invisible in the end of the discription at the top of what you see in the browser. (Of course you probably know all this, but I don't want to leave anything out, just in case.)
See now nice this is!! But to get this I had to make a change in the Gallery software in my server. To see what I mean go to: http://gallery.menalto.com/node/70196#comment-252878 (Many thanks to Tim Jena.)
Here is my suggestion:
Make the next revisions of Gallery1, permit this HTML by permanently removing 'name' from the array mentioned by Tim Jena, link above.
There may be other similarly useful HTML, that should also be permitted, (that I am unaware of). If any of these allowed HTML's are somehow problematic, then a warning could be provided, to help the site author know what to do.
Here is a possible addition the above:
Provide a click point, at the top of each of the Albums shown on an Albums Page, This would give a "special edit blank" for the code & instruct the user how to place <a name="AnchorTagN"></a> there, and how to make the corresponding URL to link to this AnchorTagN.
Of course Gallery2, would benefit from these same suggestions.
Henry S Gurr
Posts: 5
Version independent backup and restore. I would like the ability to backup the original pictures and comments (maybe in a CSV or XML file) into a ZIP and be able to restore into some other Gallery (possibly a different version). This would allow selected copying/migration of only certain sub-albums which may have errors which I cannot fix but should not be included in the backup.
Posts: 2
G1 has satisfied my needs well.
The only wish I have is the application of watermark to the photos on the fly.
Original photos are not modified in the process.
Posts: 1
It would be interesting to see a feature from gmail when the upload is hidden in an iframe, and it shows the progress bar.
Posts: 1
Fileshack has a tool similar to what you have shown here, the site is actually moving to ioj.com
Anyhow, they have a tool very much like this, the public upload tool is pretty basic but I have a copy of the private beta tool and it totally kicks butt. I was one of the very first members of fileshack, so I get to try all the new stuff. I'd say to check their site in like a month and try this new upload tool, it's impressive.
Name - Barry Bathulo
Email - torreno.programmer[at]gmail.com
AIM - labtested1980
Yahoo - blowerping
Start a Petition
Posts: 30
OK, been using Galler 1 for quit a long while, an am NOT a programmer. One feature that comes and goes is the ability to set a background image globally. one version is in the set-up, next it's not, next its back. the last version I played with has the ability to set for each album, but I use one setting for the whole gallery, and am weak enough to get driven batty with hacking the css...
O, and keep G1 coming, tryed G2 once, was way too much over-kill for my needs, and got totally lost with the modules to the point I totally trashed the gallery with-out really trying. For my purposes G1 is Ideal, simple event photos from my re-enacting gig's...
Posts: 20
It would be great to add in the admin section a definition for different thumbnails for different file types. (audio/video/picture/etc...)
Posts: 1
More tags with classes to style, and more unique IDs (instead of classes) for unique tags. Less tables.
I would also like to know how I can get involved with helping out on the project in regards to my suggestion.