I've just begun work on the Comment Module to add administrator approval for all comments. I'll be posting here over the coming days with questions, progress and requests for input.
First of all, now that I've got your attention from the various threads addressing this topic/feature I'd like to apologize for all the spamming. I really just wanted to bring everyone together to one thread so that we can make the best use of our time and come up with the best implementation of this feature possible.
Joined: 2005-03-23
Posts: 78
Posted: Fri, 2007-11-30 05:44
Here's a screenshot of the admin section... I've decided for now not to get too complicated, but I'd like to be able to choose by user group if the comment has to be moderated by a human.
This looks real good, thanks for your efforts. It may be redundant to do so with Akismet, but would a box for banned keywords be appropriate?
Joined: 2005-03-23
Posts: 78
Posted: Fri, 2007-11-30 18:50
Development continues on IRC:
johndbritton: hi, is anyone here familiar with the COMMENT_PUBLISH_STATUS_XXX variables for Akismet?
[1:12pm] valiantd: yes, why?
[1:12pm] johndbritton: good, im working on a comment moderation feature
[1:13pm] johndbritton: ive got a question though, once the comment is created in AddComment.class
[1:13pm] valiantd: i read tat youre interested in adding comment moderation
[1:13pm] johndbritton: the defualt status is 0 or COMMENT_PUBLISH_STATUS_PUBLISHED
[1:14pm] johndbritton: with Akismet enabled I would assume that the status is set to COMMENT_PUBLISH_STATUS_UNPUBLISHED until it is checked
[1:14pm] valiantd: whether you have to add a constant to the comment module for moderation or not, it doesn't really have a lot to do with akismet
[1:14pm] johndbritton: and then moved to COMMENT_PUBLISH_STATUS_SPAM or _PUBLISHED
[1:14pm] valiantd: you could change the default status to unpublished
[1:14pm] johndbritton: here's my logic, with neither of the features enabled... straight to published
[1:14pm] element joined the chat room.
[1:15pm] element left the chat room. (Remote closed the connection)
[1:15pm] johndbritton: with Akismet enabled UNPUBLISHED to either SPAM or PUBLISHED (only akismet)
[1:15pm] johndbritton: with Moderate enabled (no akismet) UNMODERATED to SPAM or PUBLISHED
[1:15pm] johndbritton: with both enabled UNPUBLISHED to SPAM or UNMODERATED then to SPAM or PUBLISHED
[1:16pm] valiantd: why do you need to differentiate between unmoderated and unpublidhed?
[1:16pm] johndbritton: that way the admin only has to review things that arent marked as spam by akismet if he/she chooses
[1:16pm] valiantd: does drupal do that too?
[1:16pm] valiantd: drupal is probably a good model here
[1:16pm] johndbritton: well im not sure that i have to, but i think that the UNPUBLISHED status is like a quie for akismet
[1:17pm] johndbritton: but the real question here is do you know where in the code akismet is setting the status to UNPUBLISHED to start with (if this is the correct logic) because I would like ot look at that for an example
[1:18pm] valiantd: no, unpublished/unmoderated isnt any different for akismet
[1:19pm] johndbritton: _UNMODERATED is just a new constant i created
[1:19pm] valiantd: i suggest you study drupal's way of moderation and what params/values akismet allows
[1:19pm] johndbritton: ok, ill try that
[1:21pm] volksport left the chat room. (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[1:21pm] valiantd: my typing speed is very slow right now, but i'll explain how it works right now
[1:22pm] valiantd: so if you add a comment, it is saved with status published
[1:22pm] valiantd: the akismet feature of the comment module is registered to intercept all comments when they are saved
[1:23pm] valiantd: commenthelper.class function handleevent is called
[1:24pm] valiantd: this submits the comment to akismet and marks it as spam (changes its status) if necessary
[1:24pm] johndbritton: so is the _UNPUBLISHED status ever used at all by akismet?
[1:25pm] valiantd: that's it for now. if you want to change things, i suggest you make the initial status configurable
[1:25pm] valiantd: no, not by akismet
[1:27pm] johndbritton: im not going to get into this until later, but i think id like to make it so that if a comment is posted by a member of a certain role, it will not be moderated, or it will be moderate... using the permissions system
[1:28pm] valiantd: sure, a first step is adding a single plugin parameter to configure the global default status of comments
[1:28pm] valiantd: then you could elaborate on that by making it a function of group membership or permission
[1:29pm] johndbritton: so here's how i envision the comment status cycle with my new understanding
[1:30pm] johndbritton: just akismet _PUBLISHED (caught by akismet) _SPAM or left alone
[1:30pm] johndbritton: just moderation _UNPUBLISHED (moderator approval) _PUBLISHED or (unapproved) DELETED
[1:31pm] johndbritton: both _UNPUBLISHED (caught by akismet) _SPAM or left alone (user moderation) _PUBLISHED or DELETED
[1:31pm] valiantd: sounds good
[1:31pm] johndbritton: i spent a few hours yesterday figuring out how to add preferences... i added a bool checkbox
[1:32pm] johndbritton: for require moderation, do you think i should go back and change that to be a default staus dropdown... i dont forsee any new statuses for what i want to do
[1:32pm] johndbritton: but in the future other people might want that
[1:32pm] valiantd: having a separate status for unmoderated/moderated might have its uses, but makes things more complex (and we sue want to keep it simple, less bugs etc). i'd really look at how drupal has solved it
[1:33pm] valiantd: since drupal seems to have done a good job for moderation
[1:33pm] johndbritton: ive used drupal a bunch, but havent gotten into that part of the code, Ill take a look at it later today
[1:33pm] johndbritton: im going to see what i can get working
[1:33pm] valiantd: cool
[1:33pm] johndbritton: thanks for the help
[1:33pm] valiantd: thanks for working on that feature
[1:34pm] johndbritton: no prob
[1:34pm] johndbritton: oh, one last question
[1:34pm] valiantd: btw: i'm not retarded, i can't type with both hands right now. that's all
[1:34pm] johndbritton: lol
[1:35pm] johndbritton: i want to change that default status depending on the bool checkbox i have, i found a couple places in some XML comments where the default is set, but could you point me to where i should look
[1:36pm] valiantd: you mean the default value in the database column? i'd solve that in php, i wouldn't change the table definition when ever the default value is changed.,
[1:37pm] valiantd: eg store the default value as plugin parameter
[1:37pm] valiantd: then load the default value and set the ne comments status to that value when the comment is created
[1:37pm] johndbritton: yeah, i wasnt planning on changing the defualt in the DB def, but where is the defualt set... fi you know
[1:38pm] valiantd: gallerycomment::create sets the default value
[1:38pm] johndbritton: ok, thanks
[1:38pm] johndbritton: off to wokr
Joined: 2007-08-09
Posts: 6
Posted: Fri, 2007-11-30 19:21
pashdown wrote:
This looks real good, thanks for your efforts. It may be redundant to do so with Akismet, but would a box for banned keywords be appropriate?
Seconding this. If a comment contains an expression in the blacklist, it won't go up without approval. I would suggest adding the phrase "Link Portal" as a factory default.
Joined: 2005-03-23
Posts: 78
Posted: Fri, 2007-11-30 19:31
I'm working off svn, and ive attached a patchfile to this post up to this point. I've got a admin preference to enable disable moderation and new comments are being marked as UNPUBLISHED or PUBLISHED correctly... now I just need to build the interface to moderate the comments. more progress:
[1:45pm] johndbritton: would i use GalleryPlugin::getParameter() ?
[1:51pm] valiantd: eiter $module->getparameter() or gallerycoreapi::getpluginparameter()
[1:51pm] valiantd: depends on whether you have loaded $module before
[1:52pm] johndbritton: ah.. im calling this from withing the Comment class
[1:52pm] johndbritton: so ill use coreapi
[1:52pm] valiantd: core api then
[1:52pm] johndbritton: the setting is called comment.moderate
[1:54pm] valiantd: comment. is kinda redundant since it's already a setting of the comment module
[1:54pm] johndbritton: i thought that was the naming convention of gallery
[1:56pm] valiantd: for permissions, yes
[1:56pm] dzosh joined the chat room.
[1:56pm] talmdal joined the chat room.
[1:56pm] talmdal was granted voice by ChanServ.
[1:57pm] johndbritton: http://pastebin.com/d578ad0c4
[1:58pm] johndbritton: i copied it from the comments.latest checkbox
[1:58pm] valiantd: for plugin params you dont need to prefix params with the module id, unless it makes sense (i.e. it makes thing clearer)
[1:59pm] johndbritton: oh, ok
[1:59pm] valiantd: now your mixing .tpl with plugin params. it's good if theyre following the same conventions, but its not the same
[1:59pm] valiantd: i guess youre right, its more consistent
[2:00pm] johndbritton: whats the difference?
[2:00pm] valiantd: keep your prefix
[2:00pm] johndbritton: ok
[2:00pm] valiantd: its not the same in all modules
[2:00pm] johndbritton: hmm, what i did was i copied the show latest comments option in my implementation
[2:02pm] valiantd: k, should be a good base for a new option
[2:02pm] johndbritton: the API docs say that getPluginParameter returns an array... do you know where the docs are for the format of that array
[2:03pm] valiantd: modules7core/classes/gallerycoreapi.class
[2:03pm] valiantd: the api docs should be more specifc though
[2:04pm] valiantd: dont they say that the array consists of a gallerystatus, value?
[2:04pm] valiantd: its the same pattern almost everywhere
[2:04pm] johndbritton: getPluginParameter [line 302]
[2:04pm] johndbritton: array getPluginParameter( string $pluginType, string $pluginId, string $parameterName, [string $itemId = 0] )
[2:04pm] johndbritton: Convenience method to retrieve a plugin parameter
[2:04pm] johndbritton: Parameters:
[2:04pm] johndbritton: string $pluginType:
[2:04pm] johndbritton: string $pluginId:
[2:04pm] johndbritton: string $parameterName:
[2:04pm] johndbritton: string $itemId: (optional)
[2:04pm] johndbritton: API Tags:
[2:04pm] johndbritton: Return: GalleryStatus a status code string a value
[2:04pm] talmdal: mindless: are u waiting for me to do anything more in review 440 (i've added some unit tests)?
[2:04pm] valiantd: first element = success or not, other elements = returned data
[2:04pm] mindless: talmdal: nope
[2:05pm] mindless: haven't looked
[2:05pm] talmdal: k, just checking
[2:05pm] talmdal: consider yourself pinged
[2:06pm] johndbritton: so gallery status is just a code followed by elements that are the return of the function, so if i test the second element (Index 1) thats where my bool would be?
[2:06pm] valiantd: please take a look at existing g2 code
[2:06pm] valiantd: it's always the same pattern
[2:06pm] johndbritton: ok
[2:07pm] valiantd: list ($ret, $data) = functioncall();
[2:07pm] valiantd: if ($ret) { handle error }
[2:07pm] talmdal: johndbritton: consider the gallery status ($ret) an exception condition, since we can't throw exceptions in php 4.x
[2:08pm] valiantd: which has been discussed / explained maybe 3 times in the last 1-2 weeks
[2:08pm] valiantd: so its in the channel logs
[2:08pm] talmdal:
[2:08pm] johndbritton: ok, well now its 4... lol
[2:09pm] talmdal: at this rate, we should setup a channel command ~explain_ret
[2:11pm] valiantd: or dump the idea of 2.3 and switch to exceptions right away
[2:11pm] valiantd: jk
[2:11pm] talmdal: +1
[2:12pm] talmdal: cya later...
[2:12pm] johndbritton: http://pastebin.com/d79a9431
[2:12pm] johndbritton: thats what ive come up with... looking into error handling now
[2:16pm] valiantd: dont forget the error checking
[2:16pm] valiantd: see the if ($ret) stuff above your new section
[2:16pm] valiantd: you need to do that too
[2:16pm] johndbritton: ok...
[2:17pm] johndbritton: http://pastebin.com/d49716a09
[2:17pm] valiantd: @style: we give vars a specific name. e.g. $moderate instead of $data
[2:17pm] johndbritton: like that... what exactly happens there?
[2:17pm] johndbritton: will chagne
[2:18pm] valiantd: do you know the concept of exceptions in java?
[2:18pm] johndbritton: yss
[2:18pm] valiantd: it's an imitation. php4 doesnt support exceptions
[2:19pm] johndbritton: oh, ok
[2:19pm] valiantd: so we have to return a success value for each function call
[2:19pm] johndbritton: should i be putting my logic in an else off that exception check
[2:19pm] valiantd: on error, return the error to the calling function
[2:19pm] valiantd: no
[2:19pm] valiantd: it's fine like that
[2:19pm] johndbritton: great
[2:20pm] johndbritton: off to the database to see if it works!
[2:20pm] valiantd: did you already insert the new plugin parameter?
[2:20pm] valiantd: ::setpluginparameter
[2:21pm] johndbritton: in the install section of module.inc i added some stuff
[2:21pm] valiantd: or in module.inc function upgrade(), do $this->setparameter
[2:21pm] valiantd: ok
[2:21pm] johndbritton: i re ran the gallery install and it showed up in the DB
[2:21pm] johndbritton: and it persists the state, so i think its working
[2:22pm] valiantd: k
[2:23pm] grund left the chat room. (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[2:23pm] johndbritton: it works!
[2:24pm] johndbritton: it is set to published / unpublished correctly
[2:24pm] valiantd:
[2:25pm] johndbritton: so i think what im going to do is modify the Moderate Spam admin section
[2:25pm] johndbritton: to make it just a moderate area
[2:25pm] johndbritton: where you can moderate Akismet spam and "unpublished" comments
Joined: 2007-08-09
Posts: 6
Posted: Fri, 2007-11-30 20:18
Forgive me for being so inquisitive, but is there an automated method for applying the patch, or do I have to look into it and do it all myself?
Joined: 2005-03-23
Posts: 78
Posted: Sat, 2007-12-01 01:53
AXYPB: I don't know how you would apply the patch... I've never done it, check google. I bet this will be in SVN soon though, so you could just wait.
I've been making excellent progress, I've got the basic functionality working... I've attached another patch with the most recent modifications. Again this patch is from SVN revision 17213.
More IRC progress:
johndbritton: what does this mean rror (ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER) : Class AdminPublishCommentsView not defined in comment.AdminPublishComments
[6:21pm] talmdal: i think that php can't find the adminPublishCommentsView.class
[6:21pm] Avnit joined the chat room.
[6:21pm] talmdal: i.e. you are referencing it but it hasn't been included
[6:22pm] talmdal: you probably have to GalleryCoreApi::requireOnce
[6:23pm] johndbritton: ah
[6:23pm] johndbritton: what do you think i should do here for the moderation view
[6:23pm] valiant: you dont want to include view clsses
[6:23pm] johndbritton: with the akismet feature there is a view called adminModerateSpam
[6:24pm] valiant: you link / delegate / rediredt to views
[6:24pm] johndbritton: should i create another view, adminPublishComments
[6:24pm] valiant: one doesnt include views
[6:24pm] johndbritton: or should i add another list of comments to the adminModerateSpam view
[6:24pm] valiant: your call
[6:25pm] johndbritton: the thing that scares me about putting it on the smae page is pagination
[6:25pm] johndbritton: but im also thinking that im using colliding vocabulary and may cause confusion to the user
[6:25pm] johndbritton: (two different paginated lists on one page)
[6:36pm] johndbritton: http://pastebin.com/d2b2c8d7c is in AdminModerateSpam.inc, that is where it gets a list of all comments marked as spam... how could i get a list of all comments that have a status _SPAM or _UNPUBLISHED
[6:56pm] valiant: night
[6:56pm] valiant left the chat room.
[7:04pm] jmullan left the chat room.
[7:14pm] talmdal: johndbritton: have something in a few minutes u can try
[7:14pm] johndbritton: ok, thanks
[7:21pm] talmdal: ~pastebin
[7:21pm] gallery-bot: Paste stuff here (rather than in the channel): http://tools.gallery2.org/pastebin/?sesame
[7:25pm] gallery-bot: ## talmdal has pasted http://tools.gallery2.org/pastebin/1775 for johndbritton ##
[7:25pm] johndbritton: thanks
[7:26pm] talmdal: good luck with it
[7:32pm] johndbritton: talmdal: check out this call... maybe you can spot what im doing wrong http://pastebin.com/d3af1280e
[7:34pm] • talmdal looks
[7:35pm] talmdal: what error do u get?
[7:35pm] johndbritton: im getting ERROR_STORAGE_FAILURE
[7:35pm] talmdal: it could be in my typing of the sql query
[7:36pm] talmdal: do you have debugging turned on?
[7:36pm] johndbritton: yes, pasting
[7:36pm] johndbritton: http://pastebin.com/d7e925696
[7:36pm] johndbritton: SQL error it looks like
[7:37pm] talmdal: like i said probably my lousy typing
[7:37pm] johndbritton: lol, what exactly did you do... i just copied your code blindly
[7:37pm] johndbritton:
[7:39pm] talmdal: if you look for '$publishStatus !== null', i added a second check to check if $publishStatus is an array and then generated an 'in' clause
[7:39pm] johndbritton: ah
[7:39pm] talmdal: lines 68 & 95 in the gallery paste bin
[7:39pm] johndbritton: that makes sense
[7:42pm] johndbritton: "gallerycommenthelper.fetchallcomments(7, 10, 0, desc,
[7:42pm] johndbritton: Array[2])" could be a problem
[7:43pm] talmdal: i think that is just listing the parameters it received
[7:43pm] johndbritton: oh... im not too familiar with the way gallery does sql
[7:45pm] johndbritton: what does GalleryUtilities::makeMarkers(count($aclIds)); do?
[7:46pm] talmdal: it generates a string of ?, ?, ?, based on the count of aclIds
[7:47pm] johndbritton: this is whats getting to the SQL query Comment.g_publishStatus IN (2)
[7:48pm] johndbritton: shouldn't it be IN (1, 2)
[7:49pm] talmdal: yep and its not the first sql statement that its choking on it is the 2nd one
[7:52pm] johndbritton: im very confused
[7:52pm] talmdal: me 2
[7:53pm] johndbritton: i changed my call back to just a single status.. it works fine
[7:53pm] johndbritton: so its just in the SQL for multiple statuses
[7:54pm] talmdal: good 2 know we didn't break everything
[7:54pm] johndbritton: yeah
[7:55pm] talmdal: this is probably the right approach, what u can do is liberally sprinkle print and var_dump statements to see what is really happening
[7:56pm] talmdal: i've got to run, sorry i wasn't able to help you (other then confusing u more)
I tried creating an account... but I don't have a password... do I have to wait for approval or something?
Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Wed, 2007-12-05 14:31
it's explained at development -> code reviews. after registering you account at reviews.gallery2.org, you should be able to sign in with a blank password field (or use the one you used when registerung your account, if possible).
this worked a month ago.
I tried doing that, but it wasn't working. I talked to someone on IRC and they created the account for me... I think it was mindless, but im not sure. Regardless, I've got an account and I'll post for review soon.
Sorry for the delay, I've uploaded a patch file of the working code to this thread, but haven't opened a code review because I've been unable to get the appropriate Java installed on the dev system. I've not abandoned work though, I still need this feature and would like it integrated with gallery2. I'm moving the code to a machine that I have root access on and will try to get the code review stuff installed.
Joined: 2003-09-10
Posts: 49
Posted: Fri, 2008-02-08 11:52
Sorry for the delay, I've uploaded a patch file of the working code to this thread....
sorry for my ignorance. But where can i download the latest patch file on this thread?
I just applied the patch to the svn file for comments and it works great.
hmmnn.. Just wondering... can I apply the patch to the current release version 2.2.4?
or can you make a patch to the current release of gallery? As I really want to apply it now on my current version.
Joined: 2005-03-23
Posts: 78
Posted: Tue, 2008-02-19 04:46
I've submitted the code for review... All I have left is to write some unit tests, hopefully the code will be in SVN this week sometime. We'll see. I'm making a patch against the latest revision for you now.
Joined: 2005-03-23
Posts: 78
Posted: Tue, 2008-02-19 04:51
few minor changes... latest patch against SVN r17475, hopefully my next release will be in SVN.
Joined: 2003-09-10
Posts: 49
Posted: Tue, 2008-02-19 06:33
few minor changes... latest patch against SVN r17475, hopefully my next release will be in SVN.
anyway.. just a question? Is it possible to patch the current release of gallery2. (gallery 2.2.4)?
Joined: 2005-03-23
Posts: 78
Posted: Tue, 2008-02-19 06:48
I almost always run G2 from SVN, so I don't have a patch to the release. I'm not sure of the changes since the realase and the current SVN revision. You could try to run that patch against the gallery release, but BACK UP FIRST. I don't know if it will work or not.
Joined: 2005-03-23
Posts: 78
Posted: Fri, 2008-02-22 02:32
Unit tests are completed and this feature is now available in SVN and nightly builds dated Feb 22 2008 and later. This feature will be available in the Gallery v2.3 release.
Joined: 2003-03-04
Posts: 48
Posted: Fri, 2008-02-22 06:12
Excellent! However, this will not let us handle existing comments in a batch?
Joined: 2005-03-23
Posts: 78
Posted: Fri, 2008-02-22 06:17
I don't quite understand what you mean by "handle existing comments in a batch"
Joined: 2003-03-04
Posts: 48
Posted: Fri, 2008-02-22 06:44
Sorry, by that I mean that many of us have tons of spam comments on our sites, because it's difficult to keep up with the incoming spam comments.
Therefore it would be nice to have a possibility to delete these comments in one go, instead of having to delete them one by one.
I currently don't show comments on my sites because of this.
Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Fri, 2008-02-22 11:32
g2.3's (= current nightly snapshot) comment module has akismet spam detection and comment moderation.
and it has a "delete all spam" button in site admin.
Hey there, i'm trying to install this but doesn't work, the admin page when i go to Plugins, it just show a blank page. I'm using Gallery2 2.2, any clue ? Thanks in advanced and congrats for your great Job!.
Joined: 2007-08-21
Posts: 10
Posted: Sat, 2008-10-04 02:49
I believe this module only works for gallery 2.3 and above. It's part of the core comment module in g2.3
Joined: 2005-11-21
Posts: 67
Posted: Mon, 2010-10-18 03:44
Has anyone been getting ERROR_MISSING_OBJECT error pages in the moderation queue. Happens to us every few weeks and we need to delete the comment module and reinstall to clear the queue (which also deletes all preexisting gallery comments).
Posts: 78
First of all, now that I've got your attention from the various threads addressing this topic/feature I'd like to apologize for all the spamming. I really just wanted to bring everyone together to one thread so that we can make the best use of our time and come up with the best implementation of this feature possible.
Posts: 78
Here's a screenshot of the admin section... I've decided for now not to get too complicated, but I'd like to be able to choose by user group if the comment has to be moderated by a human.
Posts: 8
This looks real good, thanks for your efforts. It may be redundant to do so with Akismet, but would a box for banned keywords be appropriate?
Posts: 78
Development continues on IRC:
Posts: 6
Seconding this. If a comment contains an expression in the blacklist, it won't go up without approval. I would suggest adding the phrase "Link Portal" as a factory default.
Posts: 78
I'm working off svn, and ive attached a patchfile to this post up to this point. I've got a admin preference to enable disable moderation and new comments are being marked as UNPUBLISHED or PUBLISHED correctly... now I just need to build the interface to moderate the comments.
more progress:
[1:45pm] johndbritton: would i use GalleryPlugin::getParameter() ?
[1:51pm] valiantd: eiter $module->getparameter() or gallerycoreapi::getpluginparameter()
[1:51pm] valiantd: depends on whether you have loaded $module before
[1:52pm] johndbritton: ah.. im calling this from withing the Comment class
[1:52pm] johndbritton: so ill use coreapi
[1:52pm] valiantd: core api then
[1:52pm] johndbritton: the setting is called comment.moderate
[1:54pm] valiantd: comment. is kinda redundant since it's already a setting of the comment module
[1:54pm] johndbritton: i thought that was the naming convention of gallery
[1:56pm] valiantd: for permissions, yes
[1:56pm] dzosh joined the chat room.
[1:56pm] talmdal joined the chat room.
[1:56pm] talmdal was granted voice by ChanServ.
[1:57pm] johndbritton: http://pastebin.com/d578ad0c4
[1:58pm] johndbritton: i copied it from the comments.latest checkbox
[1:58pm] valiantd: for plugin params you dont need to prefix params with the module id, unless it makes sense (i.e. it makes thing clearer)
[1:59pm] johndbritton: oh, ok
[1:59pm] valiantd: now your mixing .tpl with plugin params. it's good if theyre following the same conventions, but its not the same
[1:59pm] valiantd: i guess youre right, its more consistent
[2:00pm] johndbritton: whats the difference?
[2:00pm] valiantd: keep your prefix
[2:00pm] johndbritton: ok
[2:00pm] valiantd: its not the same in all modules
[2:00pm] johndbritton: hmm, what i did was i copied the show latest comments option in my implementation
[2:02pm] valiantd: k, should be a good base for a new option
[2:02pm] johndbritton: the API docs say that getPluginParameter returns an array... do you know where the docs are for the format of that array
[2:03pm] valiantd: modules7core/classes/gallerycoreapi.class
[2:03pm] valiantd: the api docs should be more specifc though
[2:04pm] valiantd: dont they say that the array consists of a gallerystatus, value?
[2:04pm] valiantd: its the same pattern almost everywhere
[2:04pm] johndbritton: getPluginParameter [line 302]
[2:04pm] johndbritton: array getPluginParameter( string $pluginType, string $pluginId, string $parameterName, [string $itemId = 0] )
[2:04pm] johndbritton: Convenience method to retrieve a plugin parameter
[2:04pm] johndbritton: Parameters:
[2:04pm] johndbritton: string $pluginType:
[2:04pm] johndbritton: string $pluginId:
[2:04pm] johndbritton: string $parameterName:
[2:04pm] johndbritton: string $itemId: (optional)
[2:04pm] johndbritton: API Tags:
[2:04pm] johndbritton: Return: GalleryStatus a status code string a value
[2:04pm] talmdal: mindless: are u waiting for me to do anything more in review 440 (i've added some unit tests)?
[2:04pm] valiantd: first element = success or not, other elements = returned data
[2:04pm] mindless: talmdal: nope
[2:05pm] mindless: haven't looked
[2:05pm] talmdal: k, just checking
[2:05pm] talmdal: consider yourself pinged
[2:06pm] johndbritton: so gallery status is just a code followed by elements that are the return of the function, so if i test the second element (Index 1) thats where my bool would be?
[2:06pm] valiantd: please take a look at existing g2 code
[2:06pm] valiantd: it's always the same pattern
[2:06pm] johndbritton: ok
[2:07pm] valiantd: list ($ret, $data) = functioncall();
[2:07pm] valiantd: if ($ret) { handle error }
[2:07pm] talmdal: johndbritton: consider the gallery status ($ret) an exception condition, since we can't throw exceptions in php 4.x
[2:08pm] valiantd: which has been discussed / explained maybe 3 times in the last 1-2 weeks
[2:08pm] valiantd: so its in the channel logs
[2:08pm] talmdal:
[2:08pm] johndbritton: ok, well now its 4... lol
[2:09pm] talmdal: at this rate, we should setup a channel command ~explain_ret
[2:11pm] valiantd: or dump the idea of 2.3 and switch to exceptions right away
[2:11pm] valiantd: jk
[2:11pm] talmdal: +1
[2:12pm] talmdal: cya later...
[2:12pm] johndbritton: http://pastebin.com/d79a9431
[2:12pm] johndbritton: thats what ive come up with... looking into error handling now
[2:16pm] valiantd: dont forget the error checking
[2:16pm] valiantd: see the if ($ret) stuff above your new section
[2:16pm] valiantd: you need to do that too
[2:16pm] johndbritton: ok...
[2:17pm] johndbritton: http://pastebin.com/d49716a09
[2:17pm] valiantd: @style: we give vars a specific name. e.g. $moderate instead of $data
[2:17pm] johndbritton: like that... what exactly happens there?
[2:17pm] johndbritton: will chagne
[2:18pm] valiantd: do you know the concept of exceptions in java?
[2:18pm] johndbritton: yss
[2:18pm] valiantd: it's an imitation. php4 doesnt support exceptions
[2:19pm] johndbritton: oh, ok
[2:19pm] valiantd: so we have to return a success value for each function call
[2:19pm] johndbritton: should i be putting my logic in an else off that exception check
[2:19pm] valiantd: on error, return the error to the calling function
[2:19pm] valiantd: no
[2:19pm] valiantd: it's fine like that
[2:19pm] johndbritton: great
[2:20pm] johndbritton: off to the database to see if it works!
[2:20pm] valiantd: did you already insert the new plugin parameter?
[2:20pm] valiantd: ::setpluginparameter
[2:21pm] johndbritton: in the install section of module.inc i added some stuff
[2:21pm] valiantd: or in module.inc function upgrade(), do $this->setparameter
[2:21pm] valiantd: ok
[2:21pm] johndbritton: i re ran the gallery install and it showed up in the DB
[2:21pm] johndbritton: and it persists the state, so i think its working
[2:22pm] valiantd: k
[2:23pm] grund left the chat room. (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[2:23pm] johndbritton: it works!
[2:24pm] johndbritton: it is set to published / unpublished correctly
[2:24pm] valiantd:
[2:25pm] johndbritton: so i think what im going to do is modify the Moderate Spam admin section
[2:25pm] johndbritton: to make it just a moderate area
[2:25pm] johndbritton: where you can moderate Akismet spam and "unpublished" comments
Posts: 6
Forgive me for being so inquisitive, but is there an automated method for applying the patch, or do I have to look into it and do it all myself?
Posts: 78
AXYPB: I don't know how you would apply the patch... I've never done it, check google. I bet this will be in SVN soon though, so you could just wait.
I've been making excellent progress, I've got the basic functionality working... I've attached another patch with the most recent modifications. Again this patch is from SVN revision 17213.
More IRC progress:
Posts: 78
Comment Moderation Queue
Comment Settings
Image with Comment
Posts: 6
I'll just wait then. These features look great and I am eager to apply them when they're released in SVN.
Posts: 78
Has anyone had a chance to review the code I've posted? I'm looking for any feedback from gallery devs.
Posts: 32509
see: development -> code reviews.
Documentation: Support / Troubleshooting | Installation, Upgrade, Configuration and Usage
Posts: 78
I tried creating an account... but I don't have a password... do I have to wait for approval or something?
Posts: 32509
it's explained at development -> code reviews. after registering you account at reviews.gallery2.org, you should be able to sign in with a blank password field (or use the one you used when registerung your account, if possible).
this worked a month ago.
Documentation: Support / Troubleshooting | Installation, Upgrade, Configuration and Usage
Posts: 78
I tried doing that, but it wasn't working. I talked to someone on IRC and they created the account for me... I think it was mindless, but im not sure. Regardless, I've got an account and I'll post for review soon.
Posts: 10
Any updates on this?
Posts: 32509
johndbritton never opened a code review...
Documentation: Support / Troubleshooting | Installation, Upgrade, Configuration and Usage
Posts: 78
Sorry for the delay, I've uploaded a patch file of the working code to this thread, but haven't opened a code review because I've been unable to get the appropriate Java installed on the dev system. I've not abandoned work though, I still need this feature and would like it integrated with gallery2. I'm moving the code to a machine that I have root access on and will try to get the code review stuff installed.
Posts: 49
sorry for my ignorance. But where can i download the latest patch file on this thread?
Posts: 78
Code has been posted for review in Code Collab: http://reviews.gallery2.org/index.jsp?page=ReviewDisplay&reviewid=561
We should have this done soon!
Posts: 49
wow.. good.
I just applied the patch to the svn file for comments and it works great.
hmmnn.. Just wondering... can I apply the patch to the current release version 2.2.4?
or can you make a patch to the current release of gallery? As I really want to apply it now on my current version.
Posts: 78
I've submitted the code for review... All I have left is to write some unit tests, hopefully the code will be in SVN this week sometime. We'll see. I'm making a patch against the latest revision for you now.
Posts: 78
few minor changes... latest patch against SVN r17475, hopefully my next release will be in SVN.
Posts: 49
anyway.. just a question? Is it possible to patch the current release of gallery2. (gallery 2.2.4)?
Posts: 78
I almost always run G2 from SVN, so I don't have a patch to the release. I'm not sure of the changes since the realase and the current SVN revision. You could try to run that patch against the gallery release, but BACK UP FIRST. I don't know if it will work or not.
Posts: 78
Unit tests are completed and this feature is now available in SVN and nightly builds dated Feb 22 2008 and later. This feature will be available in the Gallery v2.3 release.
Posts: 48
Excellent! However, this will not let us handle existing comments in a batch?
Posts: 78
I don't quite understand what you mean by "handle existing comments in a batch"
Posts: 48
Sorry, by that I mean that many of us have tons of spam comments on our sites, because it's difficult to keep up with the incoming spam comments.
Therefore it would be nice to have a possibility to delete these comments in one go, instead of having to delete them one by one.
I currently don't show comments on my sites because of this.
Posts: 32509
g2.3's (= current nightly snapshot) comment module has akismet spam detection and comment moderation.
and it has a "delete all spam" button in site admin.
Documentation: Support / Troubleshooting | Installation, Upgrade, Configuration and Usage
Posts: 67
Posts: 48
@valiant thanks! I'll try it out!
Posts: 1
Hey there, i'm trying to install this but doesn't work, the admin page when i go to Plugins, it just show a blank page. I'm using Gallery2 2.2, any clue ? Thanks in advanced and congrats for your great Job!.
Posts: 10
I believe this module only works for gallery 2.3 and above. It's part of the core comment module in g2.3
Posts: 67
Has anyone been getting ERROR_MISSING_OBJECT error pages in the moderation queue. Happens to us every few weeks and we need to delete the comment module and reinstall to clear the queue (which also deletes all preexisting gallery comments).
Other than that the feature works great