Need advice writing Delphi 7 app to upload photos to Gallery 2.3


Joined: 2008-12-26
Posts: 2
Posted: Fri, 2008-12-26 14:36


This is my first post. I have Gallery 2.3 installed on a subdomain on my site. I am now attempting to write an application in Delphi 7 for Win32 that will first create (or check for the existence of) a gallery folder using today's date (for example) and then upload a set of jpg's into that gallery.

I have been reading the documentation but I thought I would just ask what would be the easiest method for me to use as I have limited time for this project.

The target OS is Windows XP at the moment.

So to recap I need the following functions:

1) login into gallery using account name and password (configured on XP)
2) check to see if a gallery folder exists
3) create a gallery folder
4) upload photos into a gallery folder

Another nice function I would like to have is the ability, after the upload is complete, is to automate an email to the account owner, with small thumbnails in it showing the photos just uploaded this session.

As you can guess my project is an automated surveillance application.

Or if you have any sample code in C or VB that you would like to share I can translate it. I can afford to pay someone for a bit of time for some sample code to jumpstart my project.

Thanks in advance,