Updating gallery v1 - I'm a total newbie !!!
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Gallery URL: http://gti.peugeot205.pl/gallery/ Hello, This is my first topic here, I just registered in hope that I will get some help from you guys. I was using the Gallery v1 for a long time and I didn't had any troubles, there is a big database with pictures there and loosing them would be disaster as the gallery is connected to a main website where is lots of people. Few months ago I started to have this problem, lots of messages show up, plenty of text like this here... Quote:
Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /home/peugeot/public_html/gti/gallery/classes/Mail/htmlMimeMail.php on line 407 I can bet you've seen this message before... So I'm not very good in php and all the server things, that's why I am here. I've downloaded new beta version of Gallery V3 and I would like to use it now. I thought having the problem above is a good push for a change to something newer and better. I'm afraid to do this on my own as I'm afraid to lost all the pictures :/ Can someone help me here ? I have full access to the server + I can give all the information. Also I've downloaded a new gallery and I've copied it to the server so it should be ready to go ! I will be checking often the topic so hopefully we can resolve the problem quickly. Thanks and sorry for my English, |
Posts: 16504
That looks like you're using a newer version of PHP. Ah, yes PHP 5.3.1. To continue using G1, you're either going to need to down grade PHP to 5.2.x, upgrade to G2 2.3.1 or possibly migrate over to Jallery (where Jens is taking off with where G1 was left and moving ahead) www.jallery.com (looks like he's been redoing the site there). Gallery 1 is no longer developed and only supported as best as we can.
Here are instructions on migrating from G1 to G2.
FAQ: Can I update from G1 -> G2?
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Thanks, I will read this , hopefully I will be ok. Can I count on your help in case I will lost somewhere on the way.
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If it's G1 related it really depends on the question. Most likely yes, or someone else can. It's just been years since I've really ran and used G1
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Open init.php
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
(All occurrences)
change to
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_DEPRECATED);
Gallery 1 Developer
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Awesome! Thanks Jens!
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Thanks, I've change it but it's still giving me a problem.
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My mistake. Add a ~ before E_DEPRECATED
Gallery Developer
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Great, everything working fine now. Thank you very much
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That's me again, I have another problem which appeared as soon as I resolved the first one. Now when I'm trying to upload an image it showing me this:
One more time I'm asking for help.
Thanks in advance,
Posts: 6818
Hello Mike,
with this PHP configuration you can not use Gallery 1.x
Gallery 1 Developer
Posts: 29
Tim would you be able to help me updating to 2. via MSN ? it's
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via MSN?
Think 15 Minutes about your request then answer the question by yourself in an adequate manner.
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Yes, why not ? :D
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We do this for free, in our free time
Read this:
FAQ: Can I update from G1 -> G2?
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After upgrading to PHP 5.3.0 my error logs exploded in size. They increased by 100 times, on average. Gallery 1.x was not the only source of the log bloat but it was a major source.
Changing the error log level in php.ini didn't help since Gallery sets its own error log levels. This post was a huge help in figuring out how to override the logging in Gallery. As PHP 5.3.x becomes more widespread, this question will come up more and more. I think it would be a very good idea to add it to the FAQ. (Maybe folks like http://jems.de/gallery-legacy/album01 could figure out how to get the error messages off of their pages then. ;-) )
The line "error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);" does appear twice in the init.php file. (In 1.5.7, anyway. Looks like that was changed by 1.5.10?). Just changing the first occurrence doesn't work.
As far as tech support via MSN, this is another reason it's a bad idea. If this exchange had been over MSN, I never would have found it in a search and I wouldn't have been able to solve my problem based on your experiences. Forum-based support lets us share knowledge and solutions.
Posts: 29
Ok, fair enough. I will try here, I've downloaded Gallery2 and it's already on the server. After trying to run it , such a message appears
Link to OLD gallery is: http://gti.peugeot205.pl/gallery/
Link to NEW: http://gti.peugeot205.pl/gallery2/
Thanks in advance,
Posts: 16504
Your upload didn't complete:
example: http://gti.peugeot205.pl/gallery2/modules/
example: http://gti.peugeot205.pl/gallery2/themes
You're missing 1000s of files
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ok, i've upladed whole thing again, I run the installation and pass the authorisation, there is one warning:
Should I continue .. ?
Posts: 16504
You can continue, but you can only use GD, you can't use ImageMagick or NetPBM or any other external binary. This is no different than G1 (or G3)
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That mean gallery will still be all right ? I mean, thumbnails will show up and there will be no problem with uploading pictures (as I have now with gallery1) ?
Posts: 16504
It should work. But GD consumes more resources (memory allotted to PHP) so depending on the limits your host has put into place you may run into issues, but probably not much different than you'd have with G1.
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the main issue I have with G1 is that members are unable to upload pictures... Anyway, I will continue with installation. Any tips what should I do during installation to keep all the old images from G1 ??
I stopped at point 5: DATABASE SETUP
Should I access my admin panel and create a new database ?
Posts: 16504
Yes, or use a different prefix. Test it and try it. You don't need to do anything during install. Just don't put G2 in the same place as G1.
Read this guide and the detailed guide it links to:
FAQ: Can I update from G1 -> G2?
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I made a database with username: peugeot_mike and database name: peugeot_galeria2 , where should I put those information in ?
Database type:
DB Hostname:
DB Username:
DB Password:
DB Name:
Table Prefix:
Column Prefix:
it doesn't seems to work for me :/ what should I put in table prefix and column prefix ?
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See this:
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Ok I manage to move further, and I finished the installation, on the way (about step 8) i got such a message
And few more on the gallery main page http://gti.peugeot205.pl/gallery2/main.php
After logging in:
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Post a link to phpinfo:
FAQ: How do I create a phpinfo page?
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Two options I see, in order of preference
Ask your host to change it so that function is enabled
Dig through the code and comment out every line that tries to use that function (this may effect how G2 behaves in certain areas)
These restrictions may also be the cause of issues with G1 too, but Jens would be better to answer that.
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Ok, everything is sorted now. http://gti.peugeot205.pl/gallery2/main.php Thanks for help, i wouldn't be able to do this without you.
could you stay with me for a while and help me to migrate all the pictures and albums from old gallery please ?
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read this:
FAQ: Can I update from G1 -> G2?
And everything that FAQ links to
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Will do ! During the Pre-Migration preparation, while checking for "orphans" I'm getting lots of messages like here, but no orphans at the end. Is that something serious ? Can I continue ?
..... I went further, I changed the name of the old gallery to g1 and update the .htaccess file as I couldn't see my gallery after this. I still can't see it when I'm choosing a gallery address http://gti.peugeot205.pl/g1
After accessing setup on http://gti.peugeot205.pl/g1/setup I'm getting such a message...
I went through this http://codex.gallery2.org/Gallery2:migration#Notes and change config.php so the line of the gallery will be g1 instead of gallery and it's still showing me these lines
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You made a typo or something like that. Look on line 171 of config.php
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Posts: 29
I put back the original config.php and it shows me this:
Totally relly on your help now...
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This mostly appears, when the albums folder is not there and/or is not writable by the webserver user.
Gallery Developer
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how can I fix it ? I was trying to change writable permissions of the folder but it didn't change anything... ;/
Posts: 6818
I don't know what the permissions are. Neither if the setting in config.php is correct.
Gallery Developer
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I don't know what to do :/ I'm stopped on updating from G1 to G2...
Posts: 29
Please, what can I do to finish upgrading ? I need your help
Posts: 6818
Hello Mike,
at which point are you right now? Do you have a working (= you can see your albums) Gallery 1?
Or something between G1 and G2?
Gallery 1 Developer
Posts: 29
Hi Tim,
No I can't see the albums and I don't know why, as soon as I changed the name of the folder I'm getting such a message
Posts: 29
OK, somehow I manage to run my old gallery in the new address after renaming the folder: it's working now http://gti.peugeot205.pl/g1/albums.php but after clicking on each album it showing me that there is no such a website :/
Please help
Posts: 29
I need to change some lines in .htaccess file. But every time i'm trying to download it to the HDD it just dissapeard or it doesn't seems to download. When I'm trying to edit it straight from the server it opens as a blank page....
I'm using fetch and BBedit or Coda, on Mac OS
What should I do to edit .htaccess file ?
Posts: 29
Guys I manage to sort the gallery. It's working now. I have a qustion, how can I change the size of the font under the thumbnail of the picture ??
Also , can I upload more images at a time ? Maybe a .zip pack ?
Posts: 16504
For upload read this:
Here's the method I normally use:
For the size of the text, fire up Firefox, install the Firebug extension (if you haven't already) and you can inspect any element of the page to see what CSS it's using. There are several different CSS class names for text under the thumbnails so it would really depend on what you're looking at. A screenshot highlighting what you want to change would be helpful, but it's most likely either:
.giDescription or .giTitle
You can edit /themes/YourTheme/local/theme.css
See this page about editing themes and templates and why you'd want to create a local directory:
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Thanks, that firebug is a very usefull tool http://gti.peugeot205.pl/gallery/main.php