Modules: Image Block Ex - v.2.4
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466 |
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I have created a replacement for included Image Block which uses XML MiniSlideShow to display random images in the sidebar instead. PS. Please note that module is using RSS Feed for image data instead of fetching data directly. --- |
Posts: 2466
version 1.2
Posts: 5
Hi Serge,
Sorry to boring you again but it apear that no images is showing with RC1.
Regards David
Posts: 2466
@davibou: can you provide url?
Posts: 5
Yes it's installed here for tests -->
Posts: 2466
Uh! use of index.php... fixed
Please try updated version 1.3:
Posts: 5
Fixed now it work well
Posts: 74
I would suggest letting the admin choose how many images to rotate. It seems to be 20, but this may not be the ideal number for every site.
Posts: 2466
Random image implements custom logic
my module relays on RSS feed
if we were to have control over the feed like # of entries, newest additions, popular list, etc, then it would be easy to adjust it.
Posts: 2466
Version 1.4:
Posts: 424
providing a link to your forums to preview the module would be nice.
Posts: 2466
It is available for preview on my web-site
Posts: 74
@Serge -- When I use this module, my random images are set on a grey background, but the images don't completely cover the grey background, leaving an unsightly grey border around them. Your demo site seems to have it, too. Any ideas on how to get rid of this?
Posts: 2466
@pinn8: leftovers... removed
New version 1.5 is available
Posts: 573
Serge, what code will I need to call the random image from a view in my theme. Not a block in sidebar but bring it inside the content area...
all the best
HB -
Posts: 2466
I do not support it yet, but you can use the block content code for regular page
Posts: 573
This is in the view
Then I have helpers - block and rest. Where does that go?
The above code takes up space but image is displayed, so I guess a broken path or neew to bring the helpers aswell???
all the best
HB -
Posts: 2466
Are you using my module code from codex? it appears like code above is from default imageblock.
Posts: 573
what should I use?
all the best
HB -
Posts: 2466
This is not related to discussion of module this thread is dedicated to, but...
if you want to have random image inside main page you would need to create a branch from imageblock module (as your own). Then change it so instead of generating Block code, you would be creating Page code.
Closest example would be to learn how comment/gallery/slideshow modules are implemented - look for ..._theme.php under helpers folder.
Posts: 2466
version 1.6 is out:
Posts: 18
I try this module and have some displaying problem - every displayed picture is pixelized and blured. You can see it on my testing gallery The top random picture is the imageblock module, the bottom slideshow is imageblockex module. Any way how to fix it?
EDIT: I experimented with some gallery settings and it's ok now after thumbs rebuilding.
Posts: 8
Hi Serge,
What makes the image block display the small thumbs of pictures preceding and following the one being seen? It's great for orientation of the user.
I see your site doing it just fine (, but I haven't found the way to configure mine to do it.
BTW, thank you very much for all your work and for an excellent theme.
Posts: 25
Image block doesn't support small thumbs. You have to install Thumb Navigator module to display the small thumbs. Check more about thumbnav
Posts: 8
Hi Serge,
What makes the image block display the small thumbs of pictures preceding and following the one being seen? It's great for orientation of the user.
I see your site doing it just fine (, but I haven't found the way to configure mine to do it.
BTW, thank you very much for all your work and for an excellent theme.
Posts: 2466
@angelo.corbo: as vallu pointed out, it is different module. ImageBlock Ex has an option to be displayed only for album pages, where ThumbNav only displayed in Photo pages
Posts: 2466
Version 1.9 is out:
Posts: 2466
version 2.0 released:
Posts: 2466
version 2.1 released:
[*]Player updated to version 3.0.1 allowing use of onMiniSlideShowReady js function
Posts: 92
The positioning of the random image is different to each of the other content in the sidebar. How can I adjust it so that they all align. sidebar is on the bottom of the page.
Posts: 2466
if all your images are landscape oriented, change module to inject proper height (right now it is 200x200)
Posts: 18
please can you tell me, how to change a background of thumbnails in the player? My thumbs haven't the same aspect ratio and their background color is white. And the white looks little bit strange in an amazing greydragon theme
Posts: 2466
I usually set background to transparent, but you may have different setup
sample URL to give you proper answer?
Posts: 18
I had set background to transparent too. I discovered it's about interpretation of browsers - in chromium it's fine, in konqueror too except rekonq which one I use mostly. But strange is that in konqueror with webkit engine it's fine, in konqueror with khtml engine is white background and in rekonq with webkit is white background
So never mind, it is in interaction of browser and flash.
Anyway thanks for answer!
Posts: 2466
version 2.2 is out:
Posts: 2466
version 2.3 is up:
Posts: 693
If I choose the admin option to only display this mod on album pages, it doesn't display on tag pages. That is, pages of thumbs with that tag. I regard these as pseudo-albums, and suggest that you might like to consider having this mod appear on such pages when that admin option is selected.
Posts: 2466
well, it does say that it is for albums only, but I do see your point
Posts: 2466
Please try this
Posts: 83
Hey Serge! I know I bother you a lot in the GD thread, but I have one request here in ImageblockEx 2.4. Can you create an option in the settings that would allow the user to change the target of the linked random image as it rotates? I'm the IFRAME user and would like the linked images to have no target instead of target="_top" like it is now. Can this be done? Thanks for all your awesome work!
Posts: 2466
Just happened to be that I had a version in the works which had it. See bellow
Posts: 2466
version 2.4:
Posts: 83
Nice addition Serge, but it appears that default target _parent is the only one that works. Anything else in the target field, including no entry at all, causes the random image link to open a new tab in IE. I entered _self as a target so that it would just change the IFRAME, but it still opened a new tab. Any ideas?
Posts: 2466
I tested _blank which would open in new window
more info here
whatever it supports, option would take
Posts: 96
Great work. The tag cloud module has not been working with this. Now it does.
Posts: 3
Hi Serge.
I want to use yor imageblockex block in my G3 site based in your excellent job of Greydragon Theme (
But I have a little problem, because my site use a SSL Certificate (for another reasons) and this module makes some reference to non encrypted http content, so it show a security related error when users begin to use the site:
If you see the final code that show the site
...<param name="movie" value="/modules/imageblockex/player/minislideshow.swf" /><param name="FlashVars" value="xmlUrl=" /><param name="wmode" value="transparent" />
you can see that a value refers to "xmlUrl= etc etc...".
So, how can I change this line in the code of this module, please? In other similar cases I can find the code in the "views" folder or another folder, but now I don´t know where it can be. Please could you help me?
Posts: 8339
you can try the new Minislideshow, as it does not use flash the browser security model should be fine.
All New jQuery Minislideshow for G2/G3