Module: EXIF GPS
Joined: 2005-09-06
Posts: 722 |
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The EXIF_GPS module is a Gallery 3 module which will extract Latitude and Longitude information from a photos exif data. The data will be automatically extracted from photos as they're uploaded, if it's present. Additionally, a maintenance task is available to scan the entire Gallery 3 library for photos that were uploaded before this module is active, in order to extract GPS data from older pictures. This module also allows users to manually assign Latitude and Longitude values by using the edit menu option (Edit photo, Edit album, etc). The stored coordinates are then used to display a small google map in the sidebar, showing where the photo was taken. Also, for anyone using my TagsMap module, the sidebar is TagsMap aware -- in the event that the current item does not have exif coordinates associated with it, but does have a gps-tagged tag assigned to it, the coordinates from the tag will be used instead. [img][/img] ---
Posts: 7
The extracted coordinates I get are corrupted. The . (point) is replaced with , (comma).
These coordinates:
changes to this:
Any idea why this happens?
Posts: 7
If I change locale to US, then the picture files imported when US is default locale get correct coordinates.
I don't know where the bug is, but when changing locale (to ex. no_NO), only the *shown* coordianates should use comma as decimal separator. The saved EXIF values should always remain decimal point.
Posts: 722
I am unable to reproduce this bug on my test servers. The coordinates are stored with a "." regardless of the selected or default language. It may have something to do with the underlying server configuration, but I'm not sure.
I've added a few extra lines of code that should replace any "," characters with "."'s to try and fix this. Let me know if this fixes it, as I can't test the fix myself.
Posts: 7
It did the trick, it's working now! Thanks!
Posts: 573
all the best
HB -
Posts: 573
Does iPhone 3G s create GPS exif for photos taken by iP?
Rwatcher: is it possible to join related modules into one? Exif, Exif_GPS, Tags, Tagsmap, Tag faces etc.
This will provide a more smooth upgrading proces, one thread to keep track of and in time, integrated documentation, menu display in sidebar etc etc.
I thought of activation, deactivation inside this complete module and maybe some doc inside admin to give people a clue.
all the best
HB -
Posts: 722
I don't know, maybe? Give it a try and see.
Found this with a quick google search:
Short answer -- No.
Long answer -- EXIF and Tags are core modules (so I have no control over them) and offer unrelated features (so I doubt they'd get merged together by the Gallery development team). That leaves Exif_GPS, TagsMap, and TagFaces. I could maybe see merging Exif_GPS and TagsMap into a more complete mapping solution at some point in the future, but not TagFaces (as it has nothing to do with mapping).
Posts: 573
iPhone users that use a non geotagging camera might want to have a look at this:
I have requested this for windows. Note if you use windows, don't buy the app yet. I have requested this for windows and I will lt you know here. Didn't mean to advertise, but might be usefull info for some...
all the best
HB -
Posts: 16
Great module and working like a charm ... Well done!
I would love to see some more functionalities like in the old g2 gmaps module.
Like a map showing all locations of the pics within an album or maybe the complete gallery - any chance with that ?!
But thank you very much so far !!!
Posts: 74
This is something I have been hoping to see appear for some time. Thanks for getting it started, rWatcher. I have a few suggestions for enhancements, if they are possible:
1) I would suggest trying to offer Google Maps' standard controls on the map (for example, zoom in/out, and drag to move the map).
2) I would also suggest having an admin setting to choose a default zoom level
3) I would suggest that the "Location" sidebar header be hidden if there is no GPS info for the current photo.
Posts: 132
Thanks for this great module. I have a small problem however. I ran the "Extract Exif GPS data" maintenance task and all my European photos have the correct gps data loaded. However, I have a number of photos from New York, and the coordinates are wrong. For instance, I have a picture of the UN building in NY with coordinates of 40.750583333333,73.968572222222 instead of 40.750583333333,-73.968572222222. In the original picture there is a latitude ref. of "N" and a longitude ref. of "W". The European picture have "N" ad "E" respectively. The coordinates are positive numbers in both cases.
Posts: 722
Would it be possible for you to post a sample photo with non-working coordinates? Lines 55-60 are supposed to account for negative coordinates, but I guess it's not working properly for some reason.
Posts: 722
I don't know, I'll have to take a look at how the g2 module works and go from there.
I didn't think standard controls were necessary for a sidebar, as there's only one point displayed on it.
Admin settings are do-able, I'd also like to include an option for a default map type, when I get the time.
The location header should already be hidden if there isn't a map to display. (at least it auto-hides for me with the default theme).
Posts: 101
This would be great, it's one of the things I would really like to have before considering a change to G3. One thing to note tho is that while I love the G2 module's map of my images, it *really* bogs down when you get a couple of hundred geotagged images in an album (in part because it draws every single image on the map...picture 5000 pinpoints on a google map). I seem to recall that Coppermine's similar functionality is somewhat more reasonable and has a way of filtering close points to speed up the might be worth taking a look at what it does (this is from meory, it has been a long time since I looked).
Thanks a bunch for working on this!
Posts: 74
@rWatcher -- I think the zoom in/out are useful because the map may be zoomed at an inappropriate level. For example, look at this link ( to a photo taken in Jasper National Park. The map shows a pink marker in a field of green. There is no context in this map, so it doesn't give the viewer any idea at all where it was taken. Perhaps it would make sense to make the map a link to a larger, full-control map on the Google Maps site.
Regarding the header: I thought I saw an orphaned header while I was logged in yesterday, but I can't reproduce it today, so don't worry about it.
Posts: 172
I second pinn8's suggestion (link to I just installed with RC1 and only see the pink marker in a field of green. (I'm not seeing the EXIF GPS module display for pinn8's example.)
Great module. Glad to see GPS support for G3.
Posts: 2466
Module breakes G2 Import
Import goes somewhere 60%-70% through and then it is stuck
it would be nice if GPS Exif extraction would not be invoked and then applied as post process...
Posts: 722
The module attaches itself to the item_created and item_deleted events (which G2 import must be invoking), so there isn't really any way for the module to distinguish between regular photo uploads and the G2 Import module. You could disable the exif gps module, run the G2 Import, then re-enable exif gps and run the maintenance option to scan your existing photos.
Posts: 2466
yes, this what I did. And by itself, it work just fine. Do we really need this process when we add items? would it be sufficient just to mark them for later processing?
Actually I have submitted ticket to strip import process from any post processing tasks. If this is possible, it would speed up process and make it more protected.
What would be also great if talmdal integrate part of your code in Exif code itself - see here.
Posts: 722
I suppose that depends on how the Gallery is being used. The module scans photos on upload/import mostly because I modeled it after the EXIF module, and that's how it works. The only way I can think of to do "later processing" would be to flag photos in the database as "un-scanned" when they're uploaded, and then create a maintenance script for an admin to run to extract the coordinates. Personally, I think having the coordinates extracted immediately is a lot more convenient, especially if a Gallery has multiple non-admin users who would be stuck waiting for the admin to log in a click a scan button.
Posts: 2466
yes, this would be a case if I was not talking about Import 2 process.
It is different from one you are describing, there current logic is appropriate.
anyway, module is great!
can I suggest the following change:
currently fields in edit dialogs take two rows for no reason.
I have made small chnage which seems to be working, and givvign more compact layout:
In exif_gps_event.php
Posts: 722
Changed and committed to my github, thanks
I'll post an updated zip file here once I finish up the album mapping code I was working on.
Posts: 573
Extracting exif data stalls photo 937 of 1104 and then nothing?
In maintenance it displays as aktive task waiting to be completed...
all the best
HB -
Posts: 722
Did you try to resume the task? Maintenance scripts sometimes stall when dealing with a large number of photos.
Posts: 2466
FYI: I made a change to default Exif module to extract this info and it seems to be working fine - info was extracted and recorded as part of exif data.
Posts: 573
I fully support bringing related smaller modules together. Otherwise we will end up having a new module for every codeline.
Serge: if I understand you correct. The main tagsmodule now has this block inside? But only in your install. If there is a thread for that module, maybe you could up the code there and post alink here.
all the best
HB -
Posts: 2466
My version of Exif module extracts GPS information now as well even without GPS Exif module.
It is now part of main Exif data stored.
There is a ticket for it. and I have posted a fix for it as well as part of the ticket.
it is not related to data in Exif GPS module here however and would not benefit it.
Posts: 573
Rwatcher: I have a number of tags where I defined location myself. Tags Module I guess. If geolocation is not in Image it grabs one of my definitions.
What I do when tagging is starting from outside and moving in. Example
Denmark - Copenhagen - National Museum
In this example this module grabs the first it finds, being the least significant/precise. Can this be sorted in a clever way that I can't really think of right now? Btw. I tag outside Gallery, so that tags are in the Jpeg at import if that matters
Tags created in G3 are they included in the jpeg file or is it lost if jpeg leaves G3?
all the best
HB -
Posts: 722
There's no way to distinguish one set of coordinates as being more significant then another. You can manually specify a set of coordinates using the edit photo dialog though.
As far as I know, tags created in Gallery exist in Gallery's database only. Gallery does not store its tags in the actual photo.
Posts: 573
If possible to bring it to the file it would be a strong feature...
Rebuilding a site with lost DB end tagging over would be one of the worst I can think of. also if lattitude and longitude could be returned to the file, could be strong
all the best
HB -
Posts: 132
Hi, I sent you a PM a few days back with a photo. Did you receive it?
Posts: 722
Yes, this issue should now be fixed on my github. I'll post an updated .zip file here shortly.
Posts: 722
EXIF_GPS version 2 is now available from this post, or from my github account. If you already had the previous version installed, you may need to run the Gallery 3 upgrader ( after uploading this module.
In this version:
- Hopefully fixed sddroog's issue with GPS coordinates not extracting properly.
- Added an admin screen.
- Made the sidebar customizable: Google map controls can be turned on/off, map type can be changed, default zoom level can be changed.
- Sidebar will now show up on tag pages, if tagsmap is enabled and if the tag has coordinates.
- Added in Serge D's suggestion for putting the Edit Photo->Latitude and Longitude fields on one line.
- Added "Map this album" and "Map this user" sidebar links.
- A Google Maps API key is required for the interactive sidebar map and the map this album/user map. If you already have an API key for the TagsMap module, it should automatically copy over when you run the Gallery upgrader. If you don't have an API key you can sign up for free at:
- "Map this album" maps the contents of the current album along with the contents of any sub-albums. So if you map the root album, you'll be mapping the entire contents of your Gallery.
This has been tested against Gallery 3.0, RC1.
Posts: 172
Thanks for supporting G3 and continuing updates. And thanks for the link to the file in your posting. Saves having to figure out where it lives. Now uploading:
Greatly improved. Customization is great. And it came up hybrid by default which is probably a good choice since many photos are not near roads.
One odd quirk. I can drag the little arrow key from the drop down menu. Safari and Firefox on a Mac.
And Map This Album. A great feature. I haven't seen anything as well implemented as this. This feature could change how I organize some albums. One minor quibble, the cookie crumb link (is this the right term?) or some other direct way to get back to the album is missing. I see if you can get there by clicking on a pin and clicking on the photo.
Something to think about if you love coding: At the album level show the map with pins for all the photos in the album. One difficulty could be nested albums.
One last one: a pop-up in the admin panel to define the zoom level (or a link) or change to so many km by km or similar. I just tried to find out how to interpret the zoom level and on five different pages I didn't see anything that gets one where they need to be. I have so far found out 0 is coarse and 23 maybe the finest. So even that info would be helpful. Change the admin page to:
Default Zoom Level: 0 is largest scale, 23 finest.
Or something similar.
Thanks for a great module.
Posts: 74
@rWatcher -- Excellent! Thank you for your efforts on this module.
Posts: 2466
Nicely done!
Posts: 63
Is there a gallery on the web using this new version where i can have a look at?
Posts: 2466
Check this
Posts: 7
This is just what I looked for. Thanks!
Posts: 7
Looks like it's not possible to translate "Map this album" and "Map <name>'s photos". Or am I missing something?
Posts: 2466
@josi-no: yes, in exif_gps_maps_sidebar.html.php text is not wrapped in t()
Posts: 722
I can reproduce this under windows with Safari as well, but it snaps back to where it is supposed to be once I release the mouse. I can also drag around the "Powered by Google" image as well, so I'm thinking this is probably how the browser is designed to work.
I can't use the "cookie crumb" links as they're not designed to be used outside of album/photo view pages. I have added a "Return to album" link below the map though.
I thought about doing this originally, but when an album has a lot of photos in it, it just becomes too many red markers on too small of a map. You can manually specify a single location to display via the Edit album dialog though.
According to Google:
So basically the upper limit depends on the map type, and changes occasionally when google decides to add more detailed imagery. I have now added some additional text to the bottom of the admin screen to provide a general idea of how the zoom level works, but you really just have to experiment with different values and see what looks best with the map type you're using and the area most of your photos were taken in.
Sorry, must have missed that one. Everything should be translatable now
Posts: 27300
Great stuff. Keep up the great work and contributions. The team and the community appreciate it.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 132
After clearing the exif_coordinates tabels and rescanning, all my items are being displayed correctly on the map now. Thanks a lot! And the new features are great to!
Posts: 63
I really enjoy this and its what i'm looking for. Tried out G2 with gmaps and it didnt work very well.
But i cant find out how to set the zoom level for the "Map Album" feature, its always zoomed in at maximum and shows now pictures. Zoom level for individual picture are working well.
Is it possible do define the zoom level for each album individual?
Posts: 16
Thank you so much for your hard work !!!
This makes g3 so picasaweb
in regard to the mapping stuff ...
However I would second the request of MtnBiker concerning the Album Map. Even if there are many markers because of many pics inside the album it would be nice to see roughly how the pics spread over a certain area which would mean the zoom should be automatically chosen depending on the area size - like picasaweb does ..
Posts: 2466
Would it be possible:
Posts: 722
Cool, glad to hear it's working
It _should_ automatically select a starting zoom level that displays everything on the current map. Is it not doing that? If it's not auto-zooming properly, what map type are you using, and would it be possible to get a link to an album that's not zooming correctly?
toolbar area --> Where do you mean by toolbar area? Where the slideshow icon is, or somewhere else like the options menu that shows up on the thumbnails or the album options drop-down menu at the top of the screen?
"Map, Sattelite, Hybrid, Terrain" --> I just copied the wording out of Google's API docs for these, I can change it to match the actual map labels, that's not a problem.
Posts: 16
sorry for being unspecific ... I was talking about this one here:
I would think it would be great whatsoever if we could have the map at the album level in the sidebar like picasaweb does ...
The zoom itself after clicking on the "Map this album" works absolutely smooth !
Posts: 2466
icon area just above sidebar next to slideshow. Do not like drop-down menu area, because I consider it an admin option
It would be great, then it would be more transparent of what to use.