Chat with your fellow Gallery users

Did you know that the Gallery community has a place for users to chat online? While our discussion forums are still the primary means of user support, the project also maintains an IRC channel on

The IRC channel, #gallery-support, complements our forums by providing a place for the Gallery community to share ideas, ask questions, and support each other in real-time. The team invites all Gallery users to log on and support the project by asking questions, making suggestions, and sharing expertise.

While the development team tries to answer as many questions as they can, we rely heavily on users to help each other in #gallery-support. Users should also know that there are no guarantees that the channel will be active at all hours of the day. If your questions go unanswered, please post them in the forum.

Log on today and say hey to your fellow Gallery users. No worries if you're new to IRC, it's similar to AOL, MSN, Yahoo, and other instant messaging services. Visit IRC help to learn the basics, then grab an IRC client or log on with the web-based IRC client at

We look forward to chatting with you in #gallery-support.

ZonaX's picture

I am already addicted :)

Its fun, and the support is good, when you have a question you'll get it (most of the time) faster then on the forum.

joe7rocks's picture

Yeah, COME! :>


The IRC channel, #gallery-support, complements our forums by providing a place for the Gallery community to share ideas, ask questions, and support each other in real-time. The team invites all Gallery users to log on and support the project by asking questions, making suggestions, and sharing expertise.

Works great guys! Really nice addon! Keep it coming the good parts!