Customizing Gallery 1

 Topicsort iconRepliesCreatedLast reply
What file to edit to get rid of top navs, keep bottom115 years 29 weeks ago
by zondi
15 years 29 weeks ago
by fryfrog
What editor/development enviroment do you use?317 years 37 weeks ago
by rlobrecht
17 years 37 weeks ago
by jmullan
What ecard system can I use with 212 years 32 weeks ago
by X-Korpio
12 years 32 weeks ago
by X-Korpio
What css controls this text?216 years 13 weeks ago
by Shadow_Wolf
16 years 13 weeks ago
by Shadow_Wolf
what code is for click counts of photos016 years 26 weeks ago
by drazin
What are the valid colors?217 years 49 weeks ago
by jamgill
17 years 49 weeks ago
by jamgill
What am I missing on either server or script1517 years 44 weeks ago
by headhunter
17 years 38 weeks ago
by jmullan
What about using smarty templates engine ?117 years 6 days ago
by red_fish
17 years 5 days ago
by Gaile
What about this program for protecting albums.017 years 2 weeks ago
by visitor101
What .css file is my gallery using? SOLVED115 years 37 weeks ago
by greigmg
15 years 37 weeks ago
by greigmg
Website Intigration...016 years 23 weeks ago
by ed.
Website Integration problem..516 years 32 weeks ago
by Deception
16 years 32 weeks ago
by JadeDragon
Website Embedding Issue: Photo View115 years 22 weeks ago
by Cryo
15 years 22 weeks ago
by Gaile
Webpage designer suggestions please316 years 3 weeks ago
by ahurd
16 years 3 weeks ago
by JadeDragon
web statistics in Gallery517 years 14 weeks ago
by pyre
17 years 13 weeks ago
by inspireme
web development plugin for Mozzila Firefox.116 years 11 weeks ago
by scrumpy
16 years 11 weeks ago
by fryfrog
WE HAVE: BBcode (or similar) in comments or captions to add1917 years 37 weeks ago
by pbyjp
17 years 29 weeks ago
by pbyjp
Way to view most recent X images from outside of a gallery?115 years 51 weeks ago
by mrgushi
13 years 23 weeks ago
by skuba
Watermarks in Gallery w/o GD/GD2917 years 16 weeks ago
by rizzay
16 years 39 weeks ago
by michaelcrm
Watermarking w/o GD libraries?017 years 15 weeks ago
by rizzay
Watermarking public domain images215 years 24 weeks ago
by jeremy
15 years 24 weeks ago
by fryfrog
Watermarking on 1.4.3-RC12016 years 33 weeks ago
by the_menace
15 years 8 weeks ago
by pagmatic
Watermarking before creating resized images015 years 41 weeks ago
by robertsonphoto
Watermarking315 years 34 weeks ago
by drhiii
15 years 34 weeks ago
by drhiii
watermarking22617 years 39 weeks ago
by semisphere
13 years 23 weeks ago
by jflaflamme