Installation and Configuration Help

 Topicsort iconRepliesCreatedLast reply
64 Bit Server114 years 18 weeks ago
by sy278
14 years 18 weeks ago
by korpdata
777 permissions49 years 41 weeks ago
by RenePhant
9 years 41 weeks ago
by Dayo
8MB upload restirction210 years 38 weeks ago
by newtech
10 years 38 weeks ago
by eaglelive
<SOLVED> re-install went arrie. hereis the install.log314 years 42 weeks ago
by Guy shepperd
14 years 41 weeks ago
by Guy shepperd
<~~ complete newb needs some serious help!312 years 4 weeks ago
by Bettyboop2481
12 years 4 weeks ago
by floridave
A bug in config.php (database crossover in dual sites)213 years 8 weeks ago
by Atom
13 years 7 weeks ago
by valiant
a couple of questions1214 years 6 weeks ago
by boardsource
14 years 6 weeks ago
by valiant
A database section missing a set_time_limit, causing timeout115 years 31 weeks ago
by djsmeg
15 years 31 weeks ago
by valiant
A few questions - Is Gallery for me + some technical advice please114 years 9 weeks ago
by MikeF1
14 years 9 weeks ago
by valiant
A few questions about changing text and thumbnails410 years 37 weeks ago
by morth
10 years 35 weeks ago
by parpal
A file permissions error has occurred113 years 36 weeks ago
by brandin
13 years 36 weeks ago
by valiant
A file permissions error has occurred. Please check the permissions on the script and the directory it is in and try again.514 years 45 weeks ago
by necula
13 years 16 weeks ago
by bzsolt
a fresh, umm, reinstall!714 years 45 weeks ago
by AFMAN10
14 years 45 weeks ago
by valiant
A little confused113 years 38 weeks ago
by Ironside
13 years 38 weeks ago
by valiant
A little help on install please!!!315 years 4 weeks ago
by oly19
15 years 4 weeks ago
by fryfrog
A photo site for my better half114 years 16 weeks ago
by terryd68
14 years 16 weeks ago
by valiant
A problem114 years 2 weeks ago
by rincy
14 years 2 weeks ago
by valiant
A problem with Shutterfly. Help Requested514 years 34 weeks ago
by cpeters1a
14 years 21 weeks ago
by swixxx
A question about modified files showing up during install313 years 50 weeks ago
by dfinlay
13 years 50 weeks ago
by dfinlay
A Quicker Way To Upload???113 years 9 weeks ago
by seo5000
13 years 9 weeks ago
by valiant
a very easy Q , please help014 years 10 weeks ago
by hollow_general
A way to charge subscription style?012 years 38 weeks ago
by drop
about Gallery images storage110 years 30 weeks ago
by harryc
10 years 30 weeks ago
by alecmyers
About Gallery Opwnsource211 years 35 weeks ago
by sadana
11 years 34 weeks ago
by valiant
About Languages112 years 49 weeks ago
by jarkaos
12 years 49 weeks ago
by valiant