Administration and Maintenance

 Topicsort iconRepliesCreatedLast reply
Would like to add 50gb of pictures - can i auto create the directories as albums?310 years 41 weeks ago
by realized
10 years 41 weeks ago
by alecmyers
Wrong install directory (xx.yy.zz/gallery/gallery2) - How do I correct?314 years 15 weeks ago
by Luv2Q
14 years 15 weeks ago
by Luv2Q
Wrong path / wrong rewrite config214 years 11 weeks ago
by Credence_The _Hun
14 years 11 weeks ago
by Credence_The _Hun
WTK: Proper Full Backup of Gallery114 years 1 week ago
by ultravista
14 years 1 week ago
by valiant
XML output112 years 36 weeks ago
by 7miles
12 years 36 weeks ago
by valiant
XP doesnt ask to resize 212 years 28 weeks ago
by Demis123
12 years 28 weeks ago
by mp3aim
Yet another upgrade failure313 years 13 weeks ago
by avatarworf
13 years 12 weeks ago
by avatarworf
yet another users/groups/permissions questions314 years 40 weeks ago
by vbokin
14 years 40 weeks ago
by ckdake
youtube videos013 years 27 weeks ago
by rajraja
Zero sized reply after Upgrade 2.2.1 -> 2.2.3713 years 10 weeks ago
by husky
13 years 10 weeks ago
by valiant
zip archive upload - where&how?214 years 15 weeks ago
by synthflut
11 years 46 weeks ago
by malviya
ZIP download use PHP zip functions?213 years 3 weeks ago
by JM|Tomi
12 years 51 weeks ago
by JM|Tomi
Zipcart without login ?013 years 50 weeks ago
by op
[ SOLVED ] Upgrade 2.2.4 -> 2.2.6 -> 2.3.2 : Problems with URL-Rewriting and Plugin-Directory27 years 31 weeks ago
by Ralf-Schlieper
7 years 31 weeks ago
by Ralf-Schlieper
[GALLERY 2.2 admin] Integrity Check014 years 26 weeks ago
by LFrank
[GALLERY 2.2-SVN] URL-Issues within the admin module014 years 26 weeks ago
by LFrank
[help] upgrade non-CVS G2 to CVS G2.1 - how do i do this?014 years 35 weeks ago
by scucolo
[Integrity Check] CleanUp Advise214 years 12 weeks ago
by LFrank
13 years 25 weeks ago
by silverfox
[Matrix - CSS]This topic has been moved
[Module] Square Thumbnails112 years 10 weeks ago
by daninor
12 years 10 weeks ago
by floridave
[Permissions] User Albums - edit photos not albumsThis topic has been moved
[RESOLVED] Fatal error: Call to undefined function: init() in /mysite/ on line 4248 years 25 weeks ago
by 01user55
8 years 25 weeks ago
by 01user55
[resolved] Too many simultaneous requests?1211 years 1 week ago
by qwaq
11 years 3 days ago
by qwaq
[Solved] "Site admin" crahes Apache (XAMPP, Windows XP)415 years 5 weeks ago
by Boby71
15 years 4 weeks ago
by Boby71
[SOLVED] (sort of) 2.2.3 -> 2.2.4 upgrade failure312 years 40 weeks ago
by lob
12 years 39 weeks ago
by lob