Migrating to Gallery 2

 TopicRepliessort iconCreatedLast reply
Mod-rewrite [updated!] - Troubleshot as far as I can go1415 years 14 weeks ago
by crux
15 years 13 weeks ago
by crux
Problem creating rgb jpg from cmyk images1415 years 15 weeks ago
by StefanL
12 years 6 weeks ago
by rebecca0813
Build All Thumbnails/Resizes1415 years 24 weeks ago
by Black_MDK
13 years 46 weeks ago
by xodeus
[SOLVED] ImageMagick, Unzip binaries path help...1415 years 29 weeks ago
by zirzlo
13 years 49 weeks ago
by Osivert
Migration from Gallery 2.2 on old server to Gallery 2.n on new server1510 years 51 weeks ago
by user4353
10 years 32 weeks ago
by ygrsh1
G1 -> G2 map fails with blank page when destination album is hidden1511 years 9 weeks ago
by aebenjam
10 years 50 weeks ago
by Ed hardy
huge coppermine to gallery2 migration1512 years 49 weeks ago
by BoBka_RU
10 years 36 weeks ago
by herwig
Some URL redirects work, some don't1513 years 12 weeks ago
by adnedarn
13 years 11 weeks ago
by adnedarn
Gallery2 speed1515 years 8 weeks ago
by KristianThrane
14 years 27 weeks ago
by KristianThrane
Upload error1515 years 11 weeks ago
by JerMe
11 years 18 weeks ago
by gen-o
Gallery2 Database Setup1515 years 14 weeks ago
by qwerty1906
15 years 9 weeks ago
by nivekiam
[SOLVED] Problems deleting images/albums1515 years 15 weeks ago
by roly
14 years 6 weeks ago
by valiant
Zip Binaries1515 years 16 weeks ago
by etdouglas
15 years 16 weeks ago
by valiant
Gallery Wide Slideshow1515 years 36 weeks ago
by ChrisJohnson00TA
14 years 10 weeks ago
by ChrisJohnson00TA
[SOLVED] Horrible quality on thumbnails and resized images1515 years 36 weeks ago
by apeacock
15 years 36 weeks ago
by valiant
Direct Image Linking1515 years 45 weeks ago
by doomdead
15 years 16 weeks ago
by ZED28
Image Rotation: what am I missing1614 years 8 weeks ago
by mattdm
13 years 31 weeks ago
by mattdm
Problem with ImageMagick-6.2.4-Q161615 years 8 weeks ago
by thorhi
12 years 45 weeks ago
by lvthunder
Gallery/server strips port number from url for IE, but not Mozilla1615 years 9 weeks ago
by march
12 years 6 weeks ago
by rebecca0813
Gallery 2.0 Random Photo Block and Serendipity 0.8.41615 years 9 weeks ago
by daemon666
14 years 47 weeks ago
by londo1008
**[SOLVED] ** G2 crashes when I add pics over 1MB?1615 years 22 weeks ago
by cow736
15 years 21 weeks ago
by rscultho
[SOLVED] G2 with uploading the photos they do not appear1615 years 25 weeks ago
by pulser
15 years 25 weeks ago
by valiant
[G2-Beta3] POTD display problem1615 years 25 weeks ago
by jdingman
15 years 25 weeks ago
by jdingman
Registration -- No confirmation email -- Admin activation?1615 years 30 weeks ago
by nivekiam
10 years 42 weeks ago
by Sophie18
Import Permissions Problem1615 years 42 weeks ago
by tsorf33
13 years 16 weeks ago
by MyWebsiteAdviser