Theme Development

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How to get my dynamic albums to use my custom theme? 1611 years 7 weeks ago
by skunker
11 years 7 weeks ago
by floridave
Carbon theme: can't get it to center211 years 7 weeks ago
by jagy2a
11 years 7 weeks ago
by jagy2a
album.tpl show items from a specific album311 years 7 weeks ago
by damouille
11 years 6 weeks ago
by floridave
[SOLVED] Ajaxian Theme Help311 years 6 weeks ago
by cray-z
11 years 6 weeks ago
by cray-z
how can I change the background color?315 years 12 weeks ago
by Chrigel
11 years 6 weeks ago
by pauletto
How do I embed Gallery2 thumbnails into my homepage?2111 years 17 weeks ago
by afterdark
11 years 4 weeks ago
by suprsidr
New Theme: Debaser7214 years 36 weeks ago
by jackodog
11 years 3 weeks ago
by nokia-ct
thumbnail src511 years 3 weeks ago
by hdotnet
11 years 3 weeks ago
by hdotnet
Rating style theme?412 years 14 weeks ago
by donovan100
11 years 2 weeks ago
by cssleaf
Hide empty albums from view915 years 31 weeks ago
by agentrickard
11 years 2 weeks ago
by nivekiam
Ebony Sidebar error in g2bridge411 years 2 weeks ago
by zer0nes
11 years 2 weeks ago
by zer0nes
Slider Theme Adjustment111 years 2 weeks ago
by marcderidder
11 years 2 weeks ago
by floridave
ajouter un theme011 years 5 days ago
by menthol34
Newbie question - theme documentation311 years 5 days ago
by dr_Fell
11 years 4 days ago
by suprsidr
Getting started - debugging themes011 years 3 days ago
by fulldecent
where to set pageWindowSize?1115 years 8 weeks ago
by deezNutz
11 years 3 days ago
by reily999
Adding 'back to parent album' link?511 years 12 weeks ago
by uomeds10
11 years 3 days ago
by floridave
Adding list of items into any type of template411 years 2 days ago
by sammael
11 years 2 days ago
by sammael
PGtheme - showing item actions under the image thumbnails010 years 51 weeks ago
by marglar
Google adsense plus photo show up in random611 years 4 weeks ago
by tarhana
10 years 51 weeks ago
by micrafty
Carbon: Getting Block to show on root album page811 years 13 weeks ago
by Freelancealot
10 years 51 weeks ago
by Liesch
Changing text color of last breadcrumb (Matrix)415 years 6 weeks ago
by Mr. B
10 years 51 weeks ago
by awix
Description On Photo Thumbnails210 years 51 weeks ago
by DenMother
10 years 50 weeks ago
by DenMother
login screein in Matrix110 years 50 weeks ago
by nemo2010
10 years 50 weeks ago
by floridave
(matrix) Securing Slideshow.tpl - Fatal error: Smarty errorThis topic has been moved