Theme Development

 TopicRepliesCreatedLast replysort icon
how to remove "add album to cart"015 years 7 weeks ago
by vdd
Themes, colorpacks and CSS915 years 7 weeks ago
by basharnas
15 years 7 weeks ago
by basharnas
siriux prev/next feature or customizaton??415 years 7 weeks ago
by mfoster711
15 years 7 weeks ago
by nivekiam
Changing g2 background color615 years 7 weeks ago
by RedTop
15 years 7 weeks ago
by RedTop
Slideshow Link - Hardcoding in photo.tpl215 years 7 weeks ago
by boaly
15 years 7 weeks ago
by peter_k
How to view only one item of Action items on theme.tpl315 years 13 weeks ago
by rob2
15 years 7 weeks ago
by peter_k
What file do I edit to add "authors welcome message"315 years 7 weeks ago
by tapper
15 years 6 weeks ago
by nivekiam
About the "siriux" theme4215 years 15 weeks ago
by nicokaiser
15 years 6 weeks ago
by nivekiam
How to disable the field Conclusion?415 years 7 weeks ago
by Danny
15 years 6 weeks ago
by Danny
Matrix-Theme: Removing slideshow at top-level115 years 6 weeks ago
by Pinguin
15 years 6 weeks ago
by peter_k
[SOLVED] siriux theme - always showing 9 thumbs315 years 6 weeks ago
by frohsch
15 years 6 weeks ago
by nivekiam
Changing the background... how??515 years 7 weeks ago
by runilo
15 years 6 weeks ago
by PiEp
PG theme - Where to make a new album ?115 years 6 weeks ago
by SpookiePower
15 years 6 weeks ago
by SpookiePower
desperately seeking help/ smarty templates215 years 7 weeks ago
by golgi
15 years 6 weeks ago
by golgi
Hybrid-Theme: Changing alignment of owner and viewed515 years 6 weeks ago
by Pinguin
15 years 6 weeks ago
by nivekiam
Color Pack not Refreshing115 years 6 weeks ago
by jjardine
15 years 6 weeks ago
by nivekiam
Removing Image Size215 years 6 weeks ago
by andrewau
15 years 6 weeks ago
by andrewau
Where's the template for Site Admin215 years 6 weeks ago
by davidjeanneret
15 years 6 weeks ago
by davidjeanneret
Themes515 years 6 weeks ago
by aroundmyroom
15 years 6 weeks ago
by RwD
Matrix.Theme: Replacing Gallery Logo with own logo815 years 6 weeks ago
by Pinguin
15 years 6 weeks ago
by zduchene
Trouble installing "Clean" theme315 years 6 weeks ago
by davidjeanneret
15 years 6 weeks ago
by RwD
"local" theme changes in multisite installations?115 years 6 weeks ago
by johnbrawn
15 years 6 weeks ago
by valiant
Installation of PGtheme_V1.0RC2.zip315 years 6 weeks ago
by Pinguin
15 years 6 weeks ago
by dondada
Setting permissions for users315 years 6 weeks ago
by Sensys
15 years 6 weeks ago
by nivekiam G2 Theme updated315 years 6 weeks ago
by nicokaiser
15 years 6 weeks ago
by robert070612