Updated the module to version 3.
Added a few more options:
* Random album.
* Popular in this album.
* Recent items in this album.
Fixed the JS so that if you mouseover the item the carousel stops.
Fixed a issue where some setting did not work.
Although I did not chose the popular and recent "in album" option because it does not display anything when the page is only displaying albums containing sub albums....
I would use it if it was displaying whatever items is under the album even if the item is in a sub albums....if you know what I mean...
In the view file(s) you can see if removing
->where("type", "!=", "album")
does the trick.
Not sure what the best practice would be, got a good user story to help with this?
Should there be an additional option in the admin section?
I can try the code for sure, but the admin option would be great...
My albums are linked by theme, color, or years... so for me it would be nice to have a carousel showing me the best landscapes when I am in the landscapes, best portrait when in portrait, best of 2006 when in 2006 etc...
Don't know if anyone else has the same need though....
In the view file(s) you can see if removing
->where("type", "!=", "album")
does the trick.
Not sure what the best practice would be, got a good user story to help with this?
Should there be an additional option in the admin section?
Sorry for answering so late, I did not know which file to customize so I did it for all
And it's working fine ! I chose "Recent in this album" and "Popular in this album" and it only displays photos from all sub albums and sub-sub albums...
Sorry Dave I wrote too fast, I did not try the carousel without being logged in and now it's not working very well, meaning that it just shows the thumbnails of the albums in the album but nothing else and, moreover, nothing from sub-sub albums...
meaning that it just shows the thumbnails of the albums in the album but nothing else and, moreover, nothing from sub-sub albums...
Thanks for explained.
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Wed, 2012-08-01 05:28
Updated the module to version 4.
Fixed some JS & CSS where the height of the all items are taken into account and not just the first item in the list. That took some time to get close.
Added the 2 "in" block & added a setting to be able to choose sub-albums as well. These two block will not show if there is no items to show.
Some other stuff I forgot about.
Please test this version and report back your findings. Then I will update the codex with this version.
I'm using carousel module, V4 and I have a problem. My gallery3 is v3.0.4 - latest sable version, clean canvas theme.
I uploaded a screenshot so you can see what I'm talking about. When I'm browsing an album, carusel module sometimes shows all the pictures it's intended to scroll. I've set it up to show 1 thumb at a time, and total quantity of thumbs 5, but it shows all 5 at the same time.. It doesnt change weather I turn autoscroll on/off, or anything else.. Sometimes it loads ok, but sometimes it loads like this..Here is a screenshot:
It always shows up like this when the picture in albums loads, but after 1sec or so, it either turns back to normal or just stays like that..
I noticed that when I scroll pictures fast (I have kbd nav module installed) it will always show up like in the screenshot. If I give it some time it will sometimes load ok, and sometimes wrong.. Don't know why.. I'm the only one on a dedicated server, 24GBram, intel i920 processor.. Everything else works great..
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Fri, 2012-08-03 16:24
URL to show the behavior? Does it have any JS errors?
I actually removed the modul from my site.. It kept doint that and I needed to finish my site until tonight so I gave up on it. I don't know about JS errors really. If you want I can place it again on my website so that you can look at it and try to fix it, but I'm not using it anymore.
Thank you very much for response.
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Fri, 2012-08-03 18:24
If you want me to help then I will need to see the behavior as I can't reproduce in my test environment.
Here.. I've placed the carousel module again. I'm giving you just some random url. Try just to browse images with keyboard arrows and you'll see.. It loads and shows all 5 images and then, after 3-4sec it rearranges and shows right. Sometimes it just stays "unfolded". It started happening as I moved to another server. I have my own dedicated server, and only 2 webpages are hosted on it right now (yesterday it was 1). I can't believe that server is creating a problem but it started happening as I moved. It was a fresh install on a new server, i didn't actually move gallery3 installation. Also, as I moved here, admin panel stared to behave strange also..It is much, much slower.. Also, edit TinyMCE module is not showing every time, I need to reload page several times for it to show and when it shows it isn't working properly, and so on..(I placed it at the first place with moduleorder module)
Anyway, here's the link: http://justimagine-ddoc.com/Start-Imagining/Creativity-in-Action/Act-Like-a-Child/Act-Like-a-Child-12
As you can see, i customized it a little bit, but it's clean canvas theme. It worked just fine on two different free hosting so I don't think that me customizing it is the problem. I'm really worried that it has something to do with the server since it isn't cheap at all..
If you want @floridave I can make you an admin on my site so you can check what ever you want. Just register and I will make you an admin.
One thing crossed my mind.. As I moved to dedicated server I also started using cloudflare (just want to give you as much information as I can...). Could it be the problem?
Thank you very much.
Joined: 2005-12-15
Posts: 253
Posted: Wed, 2012-08-08 02:39
Hi Dave,
sorry for being late too much work these days...
I installed version 4 and I can't load the homepage after activating the module, the page loads on and on and then says it can't find the server, although I can still manage the admin and the sidebar settings. Tried to set less blocks but it did not change, as long as the module is activated I can't load the page.
I am using Pear4Gallery themes, maybe it has smith to do with it.
Upgrading to Gallery 3.0.4 right now...will try again after upgrading
Thanks to petri providing access to his site and I think I have discovered the issue is with using the Album Password module. I will have to install that module in my test install and test further. I think it only affects the 3 new 'in' blocks. Random, recent, & popular seem to work.
Updated the module to fix issues that petri was having.
DB queries improved for the 'in' sub-album selection. Mouse-over improvements. Moved the mouse-over code to the header and not called on each block. Spelling/typo corrections. Updated Copyright. JS improvements; Height of block will take into account the height of other images in the carousel not just the first item.
Refactored some logic out of the view and placed in the helper. Removed unused css folder.
So with this module the carousel_recent block can be: <?= carousel_block::get("carousel_recent", $theme) ?>
Random: <?= carousel_block::get("carousel_random", $theme) ?>
Here is the list available:
"carousel_recent" => t("Recent items carousel"),
"carousel_popular" => t("Popular items carousel"),
"carousel_random" => t("Random items carousel"),
"carousel_random_album" => t("Random album carousel"),
"carousel_recent_in" => t("Recent items in album carousel"),
"carousel_popular_in" => t("Popular items in album carousel"));
Styling might be a issue so your on your own there.
With this Javascript type of block it is best not have more than one block of the same content on the page or they will conflict. You will have to use the sidebar appearance to move those blocks off the sidebar.
And, how to display items in "horizon" instead of vertical (in more rows too).
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Fri, 2012-09-07 14:25
This module was designed around the sidebar and as such some things can't be done unless you want to start a new module usingthis as a base.
@horizontal scroll: Each view for the block has different settings: vertical: true, you can change to vertical: false,
Your going to have to do other settings as well to get it to look right, your on your one there.
perhaps another module will fit your requirements like a slideshow?
1. What version of the module are you using? On my test gallery the height of the block is set by the tallest item in the carousel. In an older version it was set by the height of the first item. It look like in your case the first item in the carousel is shorter than others can you verify?
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Fri, 2013-08-02 17:21
2. Not sure I understand. Do you only want to show one recent item? Can you explain in a bit more detail your request? Perhaps a slideshow would be better?
_____________________________________________ Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
1. What version of the module are you using? On my test gallery the height of the block is set by the tallest item in the carousel. In an older version it was set by the height of the first item. It look like in your case the first item in the carousel is shorter than others can you verify?
Dave, thank you for your time and fast respond.
The version of the Carousel module is 5. Please see open attachment.
If I choose "Enable the carousel to be circular so it starts over again from the beggining" and "Carousel should auto scroll. Toggle value to change settings below", it will display normal size thumbnails.
Otherwise, I choose "Enable the carousel to be circular so it starts over again from the beggining" only, it will show all upper half thumbnails.
Does anyone has the same problem? How to resolve it?
Joined: 2009-10-31
Posts: 25
Posted: Sat, 2013-08-03 17:17
floridave wrote:
2. Not sure I understand. Do you only want to show one recent item? Can you explain in a bit more detail your request? Perhaps a slideshow would be better?
_____________________________________________ Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
No, I want to show ten recent items in one row.
I just find another way: if I choose 10 in "Enter number of thumbs to show. (height of carousel)" (see carousel3.jpg), I get what I want (seecarousel4.jpg).
My new question is: Is it possible to separate between thumbs? or is it possible to add the title under every thumb?
Yes, should I move "3: For latestupdates: "Entire Gallery" or "This Album" shows nothing. How to fix? At first time, it worked. Now, it does not. Just wonder...." to Module:latestupdates Forum? If so, sorry for my mistake.
Any way, thank you for help.
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Sat, 2013-08-10 03:21
I can't reproduce your error but try the attached and see if this fixes your issue.
Posts: 253
Thank you Dave,
I am actually dealing some problem with Serge about the RSS_extra as the landscape mode is not working for me
anyway... I could not find the popular rss in that module...
tried : rss_extra/popular..... as a guess but it did not work...
so that is why I came back to you.
Posts: 27300
Perhaps Serge can extend that module.
Or perhaps some other community member can help out if you can't extend it.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 27300
Updated the module to version 3.
Added a few more options:
* Random album.
* Popular in this album.
* Recent items in this album.
Fixed the JS so that if you mouseover the item the carousel stops.
Fixed a issue where some setting did not work.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 253
just installed it and it works fine...
Although I did not chose the popular and recent "in album" option because it does not display anything when the page is only displaying albums containing sub albums....
I would use it if it was displaying whatever items is under the album even if the item is in a sub albums....if you know what I mean...
Gallery 3 URL = http://www.coquille.org/gallery
Version: 3.0.2 (Coollanta)
Operating system: Linux 2.6.18-194.32.1.el5
Apache: Apache/2.2.3 (Red Hat)
PHP: 5.2.6
MySQL: 5.0.77
Server load: 1.31 1.58 1.53
Graphics toolkit: gd
Posts: 27300
By design at this time. Perhaps I will make it look at sub-albums as well.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 27300
In the view file(s) you can see if removing
->where("type", "!=", "album")
does the trick.
Not sure what the best practice would be, got a good user story to help with this?
Should there be an additional option in the admin section?
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 253
I can try the code for sure, but the admin option would be great...
My albums are linked by theme, color, or years... so for me it would be nice to have a carousel showing me the best landscapes when I am in the landscapes, best portrait when in portrait, best of 2006 when in 2006 etc...
Don't know if anyone else has the same need though....
Gallery 3 URL = http://www.coquille.org/gallery
Version: 3.0.2 (Coollanta)
Operating system: Linux 2.6.18-194.32.1.el5
Apache: Apache/2.2.3 (Red Hat)
PHP: 5.2.6
MySQL: 5.0.77
Server load: 1.31 1.58 1.53
Graphics toolkit: gd
Posts: 421
In this modification, just showing popular or recent albums, not showing popular or recent photos on this and child album.
Posts: 421
I removed <ul>, <li>, </ul>, </li> in carousel_popular_in.html.php
Now I want to change from this:
To this:
How do I can?
Thank you.
Posts: 27300
Then it is not a carousel is it?
I guess you can copy this module to start your own.
Are these specific albums with sub-albums?
Does the code (removal) work as expected?
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 27300
I don't understand. Can you rephrase please?
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 253
Hi Dave,
Sorry for answering so late, I did not know which file to customize so I did it for all
And it's working fine ! I chose "Recent in this album" and "Popular in this album" and it only displays photos from all sub albums and sub-sub albums...
there you can only see pics from "Friends" sub albums and sub-sub albums :
and here only the documentaries :
and here the hole website :
that's great !
thank you !
Sorry Dave I wrote too fast, I did not try the carousel without being logged in and now it's not working very well, meaning that it just shows the thumbnails of the albums in the album but nothing else and, moreover, nothing from sub-sub albums...
Gallery 3 URL = http://www.coquille.org/gallery
Version: 3.0.2 (Coollanta)
Operating system: Linux 2.6.18-194.32.1.el5
Apache: Apache/2.2.3 (Red Hat)
PHP: 5.2.6
MySQL: 5.0.77
Server load: 1.31 1.58 1.53
Graphics toolkit: gd
Posts: 421
Thanks for explained.
Posts: 27300
Updated the module to version 4.
Fixed some JS & CSS where the height of the all items are taken into account and not just the first item in the list. That took some time to get close.
Added the 2 "in" block & added a setting to be able to choose sub-albums as well. These two block will not show if there is no items to show.
Some other stuff I forgot about.
Please test this version and report back your findings. Then I will update the codex with this version.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 421
I copied carousel_popular.html.php to my themes/themes_name/views
And use this code:
To add somewhere I want but failed.
I can't use this method in new version.
Please give me some suggestions.
Thank you.
Posts: 27300
Does it work the regular method first just to debug.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 421
Sidebar are not enough space for all blocks. But I will keep test all and make report here if have any problem.
Thank you.
Posts: 27300
Thanks, In the end you don't need all the blocks.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 10
Hi everyone!
I'm using carousel module, V4 and I have a problem. My gallery3 is v3.0.4 - latest sable version, clean canvas theme.
I uploaded a screenshot so you can see what I'm talking about. When I'm browsing an album, carusel module sometimes shows all the pictures it's intended to scroll. I've set it up to show 1 thumb at a time, and total quantity of thumbs 5, but it shows all 5 at the same time.. It doesnt change weather I turn autoscroll on/off, or anything else.. Sometimes it loads ok, but sometimes it loads like this..Here is a screenshot:
It always shows up like this when the picture in albums loads, but after 1sec or so, it either turns back to normal or just stays like that..
I noticed that when I scroll pictures fast (I have kbd nav module installed) it will always show up like in the screenshot. If I give it some time it will sometimes load ok, and sometimes wrong.. Don't know why.. I'm the only one on a dedicated server, 24GBram, intel i920 processor.. Everything else works great..
Posts: 27300
URL to show the behavior? Does it have any JS errors?
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 10
I actually removed the modul from my site.. It kept doint that and I needed to finish my site until tonight so I gave up on it. I don't know about JS errors really. If you want I can place it again on my website so that you can look at it and try to fix it, but I'm not using it anymore.
Thank you very much for response.
Posts: 27300
If you want me to help then I will need to see the behavior as I can't reproduce in my test environment.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 27300
tried the clean canvas theme and it seems to work fine for me.
Would be nice to see it if you can add it again.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 10
Here.. I've placed the carousel module again. I'm giving you just some random url. Try just to browse images with keyboard arrows and you'll see.. It loads and shows all 5 images and then, after 3-4sec it rearranges and shows right. Sometimes it just stays "unfolded". It started happening as I moved to another server. I have my own dedicated server, and only 2 webpages are hosted on it right now (yesterday it was 1). I can't believe that server is creating a problem but it started happening as I moved. It was a fresh install on a new server, i didn't actually move gallery3 installation. Also, as I moved here, admin panel stared to behave strange also..It is much, much slower.. Also, edit TinyMCE module is not showing every time, I need to reload page several times for it to show and when it shows it isn't working properly, and so on..(I placed it at the first place with moduleorder module)
Anyway, here's the link:
As you can see, i customized it a little bit, but it's clean canvas theme. It worked just fine on two different free hosting so I don't think that me customizing it is the problem. I'm really worried that it has something to do with the server since it isn't cheap at all..
If you want @floridave I can make you an admin on my site so you can check what ever you want. Just register and I will make you an admin.
One thing crossed my mind.. As I moved to dedicated server I also started using cloudflare (just want to give you as much information as I can...). Could it be the problem?
Thank you very much.
Posts: 253
Hi Dave,
sorry for being late
too much work these days...
I installed version 4 and I can't load the homepage after activating the module, the page loads on and on and then says it can't find the server, although I can still manage the admin and the sidebar settings. Tried to set less blocks but it did not change, as long as the module is activated I can't load the page.
I am using Pear4Gallery themes, maybe it has smith to do with it.
Upgrading to Gallery 3.0.4 right now...will try again after upgrading
Gallery 3 URL = http://www.coquille.org/gallery
Version: 3.0.2 (Coollanta)
Operating system: Linux 2.6.18-194.32.1.el5
Apache: Apache/2.2.3 (Red Hat)
PHP: 5.2.6
MySQL: 5.0.77
Server load: 1.31 1.58 1.53
Graphics toolkit: gd
Posts: 27300
Perhaps, can you check with the wind theme?
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 27300
I don't see the module in action at that url.
Could be it has caused issue with other modules. Can you disable it quickly to check?
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 253
tried with Wind, same problem, as long as the module is activated, cannot load the homepage
Gallery 3 URL = http://www.coquille.org/gallery
Version: 3.0.2 (Coollanta)
Operating system: Linux 2.6.18-194.32.1.el5
Apache: Apache/2.2.3 (Red Hat)
PHP: 5.2.6
MySQL: 5.0.77
Server load: 1.31 1.58 1.53
Graphics toolkit: gd
Posts: 27300
Going to be hard to diagnose without some access. Can you create a test install?
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 27300
Thanks to petri providing access to his site and I think I have discovered the issue is with using the Album Password module. I will have to install that module in my test install and test further. I think it only affects the 3 new 'in' blocks. Random, recent, & popular seem to work.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 27300
Updated the module to fix issues that petri was having.
DB queries improved for the 'in' sub-album selection. Mouse-over improvements. Moved the mouse-over code to the header and not called on each block. Spelling/typo corrections. Updated Copyright. JS improvements; Height of block will take into account the height of other images in the carousel not just the first item.
Refactored some logic out of the view and placed in the helper. Removed unused css folder.
Codex page updated with the new version 5.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 253
just tested it and it works like a charm !
well done Dave !
Gallery 3 URL = http://www.coquille.org/gallery
Version: 3.0.2 (Coollanta)
Operating system: Linux 2.6.18-194.32.1.el5
Apache: Apache/2.2.3 (Red Hat)
PHP: 5.2.6
MySQL: 5.0.77
Server load: 1.31 1.58 1.53
Graphics toolkit: gd
Posts: 421
In version 3, I can use this method to add popular/random/recent in ANYWHERE on the site I want.
But in version 4 & 5 I can't use this method.
Is there any idea for manually add popular/random/recent items in somewhere on the site? (Example: under photo...).
Posts: 27300
All sidebar blocks can be moved around the page:
So with this module the carousel_recent block can be:
<?= carousel_block::get("carousel_recent", $theme) ?>
<?= carousel_block::get("carousel_random", $theme) ?>
Here is the list available:
Styling might be a issue so your on your own there.
With this Javascript type of block it is best not have more than one block of the same content on the page or they will conflict. You will have to use the sidebar appearance to move those blocks off the sidebar.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 421
Thanks for your tip.
And, how to display items in "horizon" instead of vertical (in more rows too).
Posts: 27300
This module was designed around the sidebar and as such some things can't be done unless you want to start a new module usingthis as a base.
@horizontal scroll: Each view for the block has different settings:
vertical: true, you can change to vertical: false,
Your going to have to do other settings as well to get it to look right, your on your one there.
perhaps another module will fit your requirements like a slideshow?
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 27300
Like http://www.flashyourweb.com/gallery2/embed_samples/mini-alt.php
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 421
No, I want to build somewhere like this
Recent "in":
Popular "in":
And, do you keep the V3? I want to use it in future.
Thank you so much.
Posts: 27300
Previous versions:
those screen shots don't look like a carousel to me.
I think you will need to develop your own.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 25
I just installed the module:Carousel, everything looks good. I have a question:
Is it possible about addition an option for the recent/newest/latest album like in G2?
Please advise.
Do not matter, I found another module:latestupdates.
Posts: 27300
Have you looked at the code in the module to see how the other blocks are produced? Or do you need help with that?
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 25
Hi Dave:
Yeah, I have 3 questions:
Number 1: For carousel, only an half of the thumb is displayed, how to fix to show full side of the thumb in the block. Please see attachment.
Number 2: For carousel: is it possible to show the first recent items without scroll?
Number 3: For latestupdates: "Entire Gallery" or "This Album" shows nothing. How to fix? At first time, it worked. Now, it does not. Just wonder....
Please look at http://hktaitung.org/gallery309/index.php/
Thank you for your time and help...
Posts: 27300
1. What version of the module are you using? On my test gallery the height of the block is set by the tallest item in the carousel. In an older version it was set by the height of the first item. It look like in your case the first item in the carousel is shorter than others can you verify?
Posts: 27300
2. Not sure I understand. Do you only want to show one recent item? Can you explain in a bit more detail your request? Perhaps a slideshow would be better?
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 27300
3. Is that a different module?
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 25
Dave, thank you for your time and fast respond.
The version of the Carousel module is 5. Please see open attachment.
If I choose "Enable the carousel to be circular so it starts over again from the beggining" and "Carousel should auto scroll. Toggle value to change settings below", it will display normal size thumbnails.
Otherwise, I choose "Enable the carousel to be circular so it starts over again from the beggining" only, it will show all upper half thumbnails.
Does anyone has the same problem? How to resolve it?
Posts: 25
No, I want to show ten recent items in one row.
I just find another way: if I choose 10 in "Enter number of thumbs to show. (height of carousel)" (see carousel3.jpg), I get what I want (seecarousel4.jpg).
My new question is: Is it possible to separate between thumbs? or is it possible to add the title under every thumb?
Dave, thank you again...
Posts: 25
Yes, should I move "3: For latestupdates: "Entire Gallery" or "This Album" shows nothing. How to fix? At first time, it worked. Now, it does not. Just wonder...." to Module:latestupdates Forum? If so, sorry for my mistake.
Any way, thank you for help.
Posts: 27300
I can't reproduce your error but try the attached and see if this fixes your issue.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 25
Oh, that is great! It works now. Thank you for all your time. I really appreciate it.