Well, I purged the cache data and also went through Gallery's maintenance tasks.
Same error message, but now in a different line:
I tried purging several times and only once i had a bit of luck. The Fancybox timer icon started rolling and then the overlay color kicked in, but then it just froze.
Seems like a local problem. Code above does perform dynamic function calls. If I understand correctly Finnish here, appendChildOriginal is not defined, means that doc.body.appendChild is not working. this should not be a case.
Joined: 2011-11-16
Posts: 10
Posted: Tue, 2011-12-20 13:34
Thank you for your input, but the explanation went pretty much over my head. When it comes to coding or website building I'm just an amateur.
Where is the problem? In Gallery code, in Fancybox code or where?
edit: And can this even be the case since everything works just fine in FF, Chrome and Safari? Is it just IE related? Is it so that the hack on line 66
"// HACK : override appendChild, replaceChild, insertBefore for IE, since it doesn't support DOM events" just doesn't kick in? I'm just guessing...
Joined: 2007-10-28
Posts: 421
Posted: Tue, 2011-12-20 02:46
I have this problem:
How to remove this? (or make it "nofollow" / or make it "noindex" to any subpages).
Please check attachment.
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Tue, 2011-12-20 23:08
Koaswer wrote:
Thank you for your input, but the explanation went pretty much over my head. When it comes to coding or website building I'm just an amateur.
Where is the problem? In Gallery code, in Fancybox code or where?
edit: And can this even be the case since everything works just fine in FF, Chrome and Safari? Is it just IE related? Is it so that the hack on line 66
"// HACK : override appendChild, replaceChild, insertBefore for IE, since it doesn't support DOM events" just doesn't kick in? I'm just guessing...
it works just fine in my IE 9
there is something else here.
From your screenshot, your IE environment is somewhat custom - DivX?
may be worth to try and disable some of the extra stuff you have in the browser - add-on settings.
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Tue, 2011-12-20 23:23
bigu_c wrote:
I have this problem:
How to remove this? (or make it "nofollow" / or make it "noindex" to any subpages).
Please check attachment.
In /gallery3/themes/greydragon/libraries/MY_Theme_View.php find protected function sidebar_menu_item and adjust the line to include nofollow
Thank you for your explanation. You were absolutely right. I bow to the Master… It was the DivX!
After disabling “DivX Plus Web Player HTML5” and “divX HiQ” add-ons everything started to run smoothly.
A token of my appreciation can be found from your coffee fund.
One question more though…
Let’s say that guest starts to browse pictures with Fancybox from picture 1. He stops on picture 8 because he would like to comment that picture but when he closes Fancybox he is back where he started.
Is there a feature or have you considered adding one that would redirect the guest to picture 8 after closing Fancybox?
Anyway... I’m grateful for your help. Thank You.
Joined: 2005-12-15
Posts: 253
Posted: Wed, 2011-12-21 13:14
Hi Serge,
First let me congratulate for this GREAT theme you did, the best so far for G3 ! Great Work with so much to do !
I am testing it right now (by the way I'm in for any new beta testing) and here is my first questions :
How could I add html in the Alternative Description for the Root Page ? I basically would like to add links...
When I try to insert html in the Alternative Description text field.... the system does not like it
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Wed, 2011-12-21 22:37
Koaswer wrote:
Thank you for your explanation. You were absolutely right. I bow to the Master… It was the DivX!
After disabling “DivX Plus Web Player HTML5” and “divX HiQ” add-ons everything started to run smoothly.
Koaswer wrote:
A token of my appreciation can be found from your coffee fund.
And thank you
Koaswer wrote:
One question more though…
Let’s say that guest starts to browse pictures with Fancybox from picture 1. He stops on picture 8 because he would like to comment that picture but when he closes Fancybox he is back where he started.
Is there a feature or have you considered adding one that would redirect the guest to picture 8 after closing Fancybox?
it is not supported at the moment, but it should be somewhat straitforward to implement for photo pages with onClose event
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Wed, 2011-12-21 23:21
petri wrote:
First let me congratulate for this GREAT theme you did, the best so far for G3 ! Great Work with so much to do !
Thank you
petri wrote:
How could I add html in the Alternative Description for the Root Page ? I basically would like to add links...
Right now you can use BBCode.
In next version I am fixing all the places where item description is used to allow either BBCode or HTML.
I would advise to use first option as it is safer, but do not want to limit anyone to just it.
Edit: I tried to use HTML tags and it did work for me, at leas on Album level for descriptions
Joined: 2010-11-26
Posts: 693
Posted: Thu, 2011-12-22 02:55
Serge D wrote:
Koaswer wrote:
One question more though…
Let’s say that guest starts to browse pictures with Fancybox from picture 1. He stops on picture 8 because he would like to comment that picture but when he closes Fancybox he is back where he started. Is there a feature or have you considered adding one that would redirect the guest to picture 8 after closing Fancybox?
it is not supported at the moment, but it should be somewhat straightforward to implement for photo pages with onClose event
+1 for Shadowbox.
Serge D wrote:
I tried to use HTML tags and it did work for me, at least on Album level for descriptions
Works for me also.
Joined: 2005-12-15
Posts: 253
Posted: Thu, 2011-12-22 07:32
Hi Serge,
I tried again with some much simplier html code and it seems to work now, thank you for your answer.
I have been trying to change the size of the description frame to make it wider but could not find the place to do it, is it in the base.css or #g-rootpage-roll ?
I also wanted to center the photos of the slideshow, they are left aligned now. And maybe change the position of the slideshow.
And also tried to change the size of the slideshow but again, could not find the right code or file to to it...
tried to change #g-rootpage-roll but nothing changed on screen, I put the hole file in my custom-->views or the base.css into custom-->css but it did not work.
I then tried to copy the #g-rootpage-roll line in my custom-->css->custom.css file
but again...no luck
I have been reading all the info but I think I am missing something :
I realized that copying the #g-rootpage-roll file into custom-->views and modifying was changing the content online. So that is good.
I guess then that any copied files from GD views to my custom views will be overwritten by my custom views.
But what about the CSS ? Do I have to copy all the css files from GD-->CSS as well and then modify them or just create a custom.css file and insert any css data from any other and they would be overwritten ?
Thank you in advance for your answer
Gallery 3 URL = http://www.coquille.org/gallery3/main.php
Version: 3.0.2 (Coollanta)
Operating system: Linux 2.6.18-194.32.1.el5
Apache: Apache/2.2.3 (Red Hat)
PHP: 5.2.6
MySQL: 5.0.77
Server load: 1.11 1.09 1.02
Graphics toolkit: gd
Grey Dragon 3.1.3
Joined: 2005-12-15
Posts: 253
Posted: Thu, 2011-12-22 12:44
sorry Serge,
I just realized that, somehow, my custom.css disappeared in the DG admin, I put it back, now the custom.css file is loading
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Thu, 2011-12-22 22:13
petri wrote:
tried to change #g-rootpage-roll but nothing changed on screen, I put the hole file in my custom-->views or the base.css into custom-->css but it did not work.
I then tried to copy the #g-rootpage-roll line in my custom-->css->custom.css file
I know you have resolved CSS issue, but just to confirm - yes, you are correct about themes/custom folder - you can override any PHP/CSS file in the theme or even in G3 by placing modified copy of it into appropriate folder. In fact this is why support for it was added in the theme
A word of caution, while this feature is supported and very useful, you need to be careful overriding any PHP or CSS files with it as it may break your installation when you update to a new version of G3 or GD theme.
Joined: 2005-12-15
Posts: 253
Posted: Fri, 2011-12-23 07:13
Thank you for your advice Serge, yes as in G2 I am aware of this. I am writing down the code I am changing to it is always easier to update when a new upgrade is available.
Now for the rss feed of the slideshow on the rootpage. I would like to pic only lansdcape photos from a specific album. I thought I could use RSS extra as you wrote earlier.
I have installed it and checked the Album - Landscape option but I can't figure out what to write on the DG rootpage admin... the photos are never showing up.
Please remember that URL need to start with /
Exact format in case you use index.php or custom g3 location could vary, please refer to any album page on your site and check default RSS URL you have
Of course, this extra RSS need to be enabled in module's settings
@bigu_c: by look of it you have selected "Actual" Aspect Ratio.
for this kind of wide format as above, I suspect you need aspect ratio set to "Wide/HDTV"
@bigu_c: I do not know why... May be because it works fine in other normal browsers like IE.
Cannot reproduce this, so it hard to fix. Will check though
Joined: 2007-10-28
Posts: 421
Posted: Mon, 2011-12-26 06:09
I just checked on my Chrome 16.0.912.63 m and IE8 with same problem.
Hope you fix this soon.
Thanks for great theme.
Joined: 2005-12-15
Posts: 253
Posted: Mon, 2011-12-26 06:42
Hello Serge, thank you for your answer...
If I input the RSS album in the simple way :
Usually album rss URL would look like this for root
and I am sure that I made the "album_landscape" option public in the RSS Extra options.
So what am I doing wrong ?
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Mon, 2011-12-26 15:01
@petri: Anything in error log?
Joined: 2005-12-15
Posts: 253
Posted: Tue, 2011-12-27 05:09
now that you mention it, I got a few "something went wrong" mostly when I am in the GD admin page.
After saving, the system asks me to reauthenticate (although I am logged in) and after reauthenticating, I get the "Something went wrong page" with a 9 errors, the title on top of the list being :
should I post them all here or should I send you a PM ?
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Tue, 2011-12-27 05:47
As it may contain internal info, PM may be better
Joined: 2011-12-27
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2011-12-27 13:07
Thanks for the great Theme!
Everything works fine for me, accept the user registration or "forget password" function. When somebody want´s to request a new password, the email will be send with the passwordlink. Clicking on that link leads to an empty themepage with no information shown. Activating another theme will be work correctly.
Also the user profile page (f. e. ../user_profile/show/2) doesn´t work correctly. There will be only an empty themepage shown with the "home" link in the top of the page.
I am using the 3.1.3 Version of "Grey Dragon Thema" with 3.0.2 of menalto gallery.
Did anyone have a solution to fix this problem?
Joined: 2005-12-15
Posts: 253
Posted: Thu, 2011-12-29 03:54
Hi Serge,
I am playing around with the different album frames and I like it a lot. It makes me think of PG's system in G2. Really nice !
In GD, the photo layout is still in the color.css, it would be great if, in the future, we could also chose different frame packs for photos in the admin...
Joined: 2003-03-15
Posts: 92
Posted: Sun, 2012-01-01 05:22
Serge D wrote:
@bigu_c: I do not know why... May be because it works fine in other normal browsers like IE.
Cannot reproduce this, so it hard to fix. Will check though
I use IE9, Firefox 9 and Safari 5 which shows the same issue. But the problem I found was with my "PERSONAL" settings with each browser fonts, zoom % and a mix of Windows 7 personalization display settings.
If I set any of these browser to default and return my computer display setting to 100% -- all is well.
Just a FYI for anyone else trying to figure out why it isn't fixed.
In a perfect world of web design and I am only using Gallery as an example, one browser would be a miracle. I can't use IE9 or Firefox 9 to "manually" organize my albums in the window (flash?) feature but it works flawslessly with Sarfari 5. And so does uploading photos in Safari 5 seems to be the best without error.
Go Figure -- yes Safari
Joined: 2003-03-15
Posts: 92
Posted: Sun, 2012-01-01 05:35
Serge D wrote:
Code has been removed
If someone willing to find elegant solution, I will consider putting it back
Problem is not with ie but with people using old browsers which do not take advantage of the hardware
What would be great if way how MS did propose to have it supported at meta tag level would have been supported as part of the standard
I just took the plunge to upgrade from 3.1.2 because I dreaded having to deal with rss feed and root page.
Now that I have made the change, I am reading post from the time it was released and found this above quote as a bottom line.
Does this tell me to move on and not bother with the root page feature until you get unresticted time that can be set aside to develop a solution?
Regardless of the answer, you can expect a thank you for a great year of hard work in your coffee fund from me.
I use landscape because it is centered on the page.
No more deleting database caches, uninstall rss_extra module, rebuilding images and all to exhaustion.
Joined: 2011-02-07
Posts: 12
Posted: Sun, 2012-01-01 18:14
iluv4u2c wrote:
Serge D wrote:
@bigu_c: I do not know why... May be because it works fine in other normal browsers like IE.
Cannot reproduce this, so it hard to fix. Will check though
I use IE9, Firefox 9 and Safari 5 which shows the same issue. But the problem I found was with my "PERSONAL" settings with each browser fonts, zoom % and a mix of Windows 7 personalization display settings.
If I set any of these browser to default and return my computer display setting to 100% -- all is well.
Just a FYI for anyone else trying to figure out why it isn't fixed.
In a perfect world of web design and I am only using Gallery as an example, one browser would be a miracle. I can't use IE9 or Firefox 9 to "manually" organize my albums in the window (flash?) feature but it works flawslessly with Sarfari 5. And so does uploading photos in Safari 5 seems to be the best without error.
Go Figure -- yes Safari
I've had the same issue for some tome so many thanks for pointing this out
I my case I only use firefox (v4 -> v9) and my zoom has always been set at 100%. However - what solved it for me was:
Firefox Preferences->content->Fonts & Colors->Advanced->Minimum Font Size=13
Previously it was set to 'None'
This seems to have fixed the problem.
Joined: 2012-01-02
Posts: 51
Posted: Mon, 2012-01-02 16:32
I have a couple issues:
1) Titles for the Tag Albums module get covered by images (posted this problem in the thread for that module too) http://rashadface.com/index.php/tag_albums
3) My adsense ad goes as far to the left as possible, covering my site logo when i put it in the header. It's currently in the footer to avoid the problem. I'd like it centered, and in the header. Browsing through the forums, i couldn't find a solution. http://rashadface.com/index.php/ (it's currently in the footer. i want it centered in the header)
Joined: 2007-10-28
Posts: 421
Posted: Mon, 2012-01-02 17:19
Please tell me how to make these links to "nofollow":
I have a couple issues:
1) Titles for the Tag Albums module get covered by images (posted this problem in the thread for that module too) http://rashadface.com/index.php/tag_albums
3) My adsense ad goes as far to the left as possible, covering my site logo when i put it in the header. It's currently in the footer to avoid the problem. I'd like it centered, and in the header. Browsing through the forums, i couldn't find a solution. http://rashadface.com/index.php/ (it's currently in the footer. i want it centered in the header)
Will check
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Mon, 2012-01-02 22:00
bigu_c wrote:
Please tell me how to make these links to "nofollow":
You would need to adjust paginator code to include rel="nofollow"
Joined: 2012-01-02
Posts: 51
Posted: Tue, 2012-01-03 02:40
Serge D wrote:
Chasden wrote:
I have a couple issues:
1) Titles for the Tag Albums module get covered by images (posted this problem in the thread for that module too) http://rashadface.com/index.php/tag_albums
3) My adsense ad goes as far to the left as possible, covering my site logo when i put it in the header. It's currently in the footer to avoid the problem. I'd like it centered, and in the header. Browsing through the forums, i couldn't find a solution. http://rashadface.com/index.php/ (it's currently in the footer. i want it centered in the header)
Will check
Thank you. I look forward to your help. The overlapping text looks even worse when there is a full page of images trying to fit onto the screen!
Joined: 2008-01-26
Posts: 23
Posted: Tue, 2012-01-03 05:57
Good morning,
well new year next try :
I installed the gallery and the theme: http://www.aggerfoto.de/gallery3
and I´m quite satisfied with the result- now the but : I included the whole thing with a rapper in joomla : http://www.aggerfoto.de
and here is the problem: I can scroll `a little` bit but the album side is cut of ad the end ....http://www.aggerfoto.de/aggerfoto/index.php?option=com_wrapper&view=wrapper&Itemid=43
Any suggestions?
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Tue, 2012-01-03 21:08
tine44 wrote:
Good morning,
well new year next try :
I installed the gallery and the theme: http://www.aggerfoto.de/gallery3
and I´m quite satisfied with the result- now the but : I included the whole thing with a rapper in joomla : http://www.aggerfoto.de
and here is the problem: I can scroll `a little` bit but the album side is cut of ad the end ....http://www.aggerfoto.de/aggerfoto/index.php?option=com_wrapper&view=wrapper&Itemid=43
Any suggestions?
Shows fine, as far as I understand
what do you see and where?
Do not see overlap... what browser?
screenshot may help
Chasden wrote:
3) My adsense ad goes as far to the left as possible, covering my site logo when i put it in the header. It's currently in the footer to avoid the problem. I'd like it centered, and in the header. Browsing through the forums, i couldn't find a solution. http://rashadface.com/index.php/ (it's currently in the footer. i want it centered in the header)
you have ad in the sidebar and it shows fine
it is hard to test what is not visible
Joined: 2012-01-02
Posts: 51
Posted: Wed, 2012-01-04 19:43
Serge D wrote:
Do not see overlap... what browser?
screenshot may help
I commented out the code that displays titles to get around the issue. I can put it back in if you want to see it, but it's going to make my site look bad!
Serge D wrote:
you have ad in the sidebar and it shows fine
it is hard to test what is not visible
I was referring to the AdSense ad at the very top of the page. I was able to fix it. Solution:
1. Open /themes/greydragon/views/page.html.php
2. Find lines 133-134, and add code right after them (see code below)
You can also change the alt text of your logo image by editing the text inside the quotes "Gallery logo: Your photos on your web site". You'll see in the code below that i changed mine.
The code before (lines 133-135):
<img alt="<?= t("Gallery logo: Your photos on your web site")->for_html_attr() ?>" src="<?= $theme->logopath ?>" />
<? endif; ?>
The new code (now on lines 133-145):
Change RashadFace.com whatever you want. It only appears when the logo won't load on someone's browser.
<img alt="<?= t("RashadFace.com")->for_html_attr() ?>" src="<?= $theme->logopath ?>" />
</a> <div><center> COPY AND PASTE YOUR ENTIRE GOOGLE ADSENSE CODE HERE </center></div><br><br><br>
<? endif; ?>
I don't know if the < br > tags are actually necessary. You could probably delete them.
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Wed, 2012-01-04 21:42
Chasden wrote:
I commented out the code that displays titles to get around the issue. I can put it back in if you want to see it, but it's going to make my site look bad!
Well, as I said, a screenshot demonstrating the problem could have helped. But if it is working for you in state it is now, we can leave it.
Chasden wrote:
I was referring to the AdSense ad at the very top of the page. I was able to fix it. Solution:
First, you can replace "Gallery logo..." with translation instead of modifying the code.
For the adsence itself, if I remember correctly there was a module which would add the code in the header portion with necessary tags.
As it is on the module level, there is no need to modify the theme allowing better handling of future upgrades.
Joined: 2012-01-02
Posts: 51
Posted: Thu, 2012-01-05 17:51
Serge D wrote:
First, you can replace "Gallery logo..." with translation instead of modifying the code.
An explantion would be helpful...obviously if i knew what that was, i would have done it!
Serge D wrote:
For the adsence itself, if I remember correctly there was a module which would add the code in the header portion with necessary tags.
As it is on the module level, there is no need to modify the theme allowing better handling of future upgrades.
Again, i'm not an expert on this stuff. I just did whatever i could do to get the site to look the way i wanted it to. If there is a better way, by all means let me know, but i'm going to need an explanation! "Use some translation," and "There's a module out there somewhere..." doesn't help an inexperienced person like me!
I mean no disrespect, of course. Just letting you know where i'm coming from as someone with very little experience modifying php code (and NO experience creating it).
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Thu, 2012-01-05 18:46
Chasden wrote:
An explantion would be helpful...obviously if i knew what that was, i would have done it!
Again, i'm not an expert on this stuff. I just did whatever i could do to get the site to look the way i wanted it to. If there is a better way, by all means let me know, but i'm going to need an explanation! "Use some translation," and "There's a module out there somewhere..." doesn't help an inexperienced person like me!
I mean no disrespect, of course. Just letting you know where i'm coming from as someone with very little experience modifying php code (and NO experience creating it).
The adsense integration module is what i'm using for the sidebar. When i tried the footer/head options, the ads were always aligned to the left side of the page (so the ad would cover the logo in the case of the header). I also wanted more than one ad, so this was the only way i could achieve that.
Localization is a very clever solution though...i would have never thought to just create my own "language" to change the text!
Joined: 2011-06-29
Posts: 9
Posted: Fri, 2012-01-06 01:27
Seems in the new release we cant disable the "view full size" button. Am I missing something?
Love the updates so far...
Mike B.
Joined: 2011-06-29
Posts: 9
Posted: Fri, 2012-01-06 01:41
And shadowbox not working, only displaying full size image in browser. havent searched on this yet...
using latest versions of shadowbox and gallery and greydragon.
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Fri, 2012-01-06 01:46
mikedbom wrote:
And shadowbox not working, only displaying full size image in browser. havent searched on this yet...
using latest versions of shadowbox and gallery and greydragon.
could you PM me a link?
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Fri, 2012-01-06 01:53
mikedbom wrote:
Seems in the new release we cant disable the "view full size" button. Am I missing something?
Love the updates so far...
you might
View Full Size is permission based
on my site I have set that if user logged in in photo page they can see Full Size image - first arrow button in the toolbar area
if user is not logged in then this button is not available
clicking on the photo itself starts slideshow of resizes, not full sizes
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Fri, 2012-01-06 01:55
Chasden wrote:
The adsense integration module is what i'm using for the sidebar. When i tried the footer/head options, the ads were always aligned to the left side of the page (so the ad would cover the logo in the case of the header). I also wanted more than one ad, so this was the only way i could achieve that.
Localization is a very clever solution though...i would have never thought to just create my own "language" to change the text!
may need to play with CSS positioning for that
I am not using ads, sorry
Joined: 2011-06-29
Posts: 9
Posted: Fri, 2012-01-06 02:22
Link sent
Thanks Serge
Joined: 2011-06-29
Posts: 9
Posted: Fri, 2012-01-06 02:40
The shadowbox works on my iPhone. Must be my browser?
Posts: 2466
Seems like a local problem. Code above does perform dynamic function calls. If I understand correctly Finnish here, appendChildOriginal is not defined, means that doc.body.appendChild is not working. this should not be a case.
Posts: 10
Thank you for your input, but the explanation went pretty much over my head. When it comes to coding or website building I'm just an amateur.
Where is the problem? In Gallery code, in Fancybox code or where?
edit: And can this even be the case since everything works just fine in FF, Chrome and Safari? Is it just IE related? Is it so that the hack on line 66
"// HACK : override appendChild, replaceChild, insertBefore for IE, since it doesn't support DOM events" just doesn't kick in? I'm just guessing...
Posts: 421
I have this problem:
How to remove this? (or make it "nofollow" / or make it "noindex" to any subpages).
Please check attachment.
Posts: 2466
it works just fine in my IE 9
there is something else here.
From your screenshot, your IE environment is somewhat custom - DivX?
may be worth to try and disable some of the extra stuff you have in the browser - add-on settings.
Posts: 2466
In /gallery3/themes/greydragon/libraries/MY_Theme_View.php find protected function sidebar_menu_item and adjust the line to include nofollow
PS: I have included this in next release
Posts: 10
Thank you for your explanation. You were absolutely right. I bow to the Master… It was the DivX!
After disabling “DivX Plus Web Player HTML5” and “divX HiQ” add-ons everything started to run smoothly.
A token of my appreciation can be found from your coffee fund.
One question more though…
Let’s say that guest starts to browse pictures with Fancybox from picture 1. He stops on picture 8 because he would like to comment that picture but when he closes Fancybox he is back where he started.
Is there a feature or have you considered adding one that would redirect the guest to picture 8 after closing Fancybox?
Anyway... I’m grateful for your help. Thank You.
Posts: 253
Hi Serge,
First let me congratulate for this GREAT theme you did, the best so far for G3 ! Great Work with so much to do !
I am testing it right now (by the way I'm in for any new beta testing) and here is my first questions :
How could I add html in the Alternative Description for the Root Page ? I basically would like to add links...
When I try to insert html in the Alternative Description text field.... the system does not like it
Posts: 2466
And thank you
it is not supported at the moment, but it should be somewhat straitforward to implement for photo pages with onClose event
Posts: 2466
Thank you
Right now you can use BBCode.
In next version I am fixing all the places where item description is used to allow either BBCode or HTML.
I would advise to use first option as it is safer, but do not want to limit anyone to just it.
Edit: I tried to use HTML tags and it did work for me, at leas on Album level for descriptions
Posts: 693
+1 for Shadowbox.
Works for me also.
Posts: 253
Hi Serge,
I tried again with some much simplier html code and it seems to work now, thank you for your answer.
I have been trying to change the size of the description frame to make it wider but could not find the place to do it, is it in the base.css or #g-rootpage-roll ?
I also wanted to center the photos of the slideshow, they are left aligned now. And maybe change the position of the slideshow.
And also tried to change the size of the slideshow but again, could not find the right code or file to to it...
tried to change #g-rootpage-roll but nothing changed on screen, I put the hole file in my custom-->views or the base.css into custom-->css but it did not work.
I then tried to copy the #g-rootpage-roll line in my custom-->css->custom.css file
but again...no luck
I have been reading all the info but I think I am missing something :
I realized that copying the #g-rootpage-roll file into custom-->views and modifying was changing the content online. So that is good.
I guess then that any copied files from GD views to my custom views will be overwritten by my custom views.
But what about the CSS ? Do I have to copy all the css files from GD-->CSS as well and then modify them or just create a custom.css file and insert any css data from any other and they would be overwritten ?
Thank you in advance for your answer
Gallery 3 URL = http://www.coquille.org/gallery3/main.php
Version: 3.0.2 (Coollanta)
Operating system: Linux 2.6.18-194.32.1.el5
Apache: Apache/2.2.3 (Red Hat)
PHP: 5.2.6
MySQL: 5.0.77
Server load: 1.11 1.09 1.02
Graphics toolkit: gd
Grey Dragon 3.1.3
Posts: 253
sorry Serge,
I just realized that, somehow, my custom.css disappeared in the DG admin, I put it back, now the custom.css file is loading
Posts: 2466
I know you have resolved CSS issue, but just to confirm - yes, you are correct about themes/custom folder - you can override any PHP/CSS file in the theme or even in G3 by placing modified copy of it into appropriate folder. In fact this is why support for it was added in the theme
A word of caution, while this feature is supported and very useful, you need to be careful overriding any PHP or CSS files with it as it may break your installation when you update to a new version of G3 or GD theme.
Posts: 253
Thank you for your advice Serge, yes as in G2 I am aware of this. I am writing down the code I am changing to it is always easier to update when a new upgrade is available.
Now for the rss feed of the slideshow on the rootpage. I would like to pic only lansdcape photos from a specific album. I thought I could use RSS extra as you wrote earlier.
I have installed it and checked the Album - Landscape option but I can't figure out what to write on the DG rootpage admin... the photos are never showing up.
Wouldn't it be smth like : http://yoursite.com/rss/feed/rss_extra/album/album-name ?
Posts: 2466
Usually album rss URL would look like this for root
For landscape mode per http://gallery.menalto.com/node/95073 you would need to use some thing like this /rss/feed/rss_extra/album_landscape/1
Please remember that URL need to start with /
Exact format in case you use index.php or custom g3 location could vary, please refer to any album page on your site and check default RSS URL you have
Of course, this extra RSS need to be enabled in module's settings
Posts: 421
Hi Serge,
Please tell me how to change this from:
Thank you.
Posts: 2466
@bigu_c: by look of it you have selected "Actual" Aspect Ratio.
for this kind of wide format as above, I suspect you need aspect ratio set to "Wide/HDTV"
Posts: 421
Thank Serge,
Why don't you fix this problem on Theme Options?
(I'm using Firefox 9.0.1)
Posts: 2466
@bigu_c: I do not know why... May be because it works fine in other normal browsers like IE.
Cannot reproduce this, so it hard to fix. Will check though
Posts: 421
I just checked on my Chrome 16.0.912.63 m and IE8 with same problem.
Hope you fix this soon.
Thanks for great theme.
Posts: 253
Hello Serge, thank you for your answer...
If I input the RSS album in the simple way :
it works.
I tried your suggestions but it does not work, I input :
the slideshow is empty, and if I test the RSS from the my gallery, it does not work either :
and I am sure that I made the "album_landscape" option public in the RSS Extra options.
So what am I doing wrong ?
Posts: 2466
@petri: Anything in error log?
Posts: 253
now that you mention it, I got a few "something went wrong" mostly when I am in the GD admin page.
After saving, the system asks me to reauthenticate (although I am logged in) and after reauthenticating, I get the "Something went wrong page" with a 9 errors, the title on top of the list being :
should I post them all here or should I send you a PM ?
Posts: 2466
As it may contain internal info, PM may be better
Posts: 1
Thanks for the great Theme!
Everything works fine for me, accept the user registration or "forget password" function. When somebody want´s to request a new password, the email will be send with the passwordlink. Clicking on that link leads to an empty themepage with no information shown. Activating another theme will be work correctly.
Also the user profile page (f. e. ../user_profile/show/2) doesn´t work correctly. There will be only an empty themepage shown with the "home" link in the top of the page.
I am using the 3.1.3 Version of "Grey Dragon Thema" with 3.0.2 of menalto gallery.
Did anyone have a solution to fix this problem?
Posts: 253
Hi Serge,
I am playing around with the different album frames and I like it a lot. It makes me think of PG's system in G2. Really nice !
In GD, the photo layout is still in the color.css, it would be great if, in the future, we could also chose different frame packs for photos in the admin...
Posts: 92
I use IE9, Firefox 9 and Safari 5 which shows the same issue. But the problem I found was with my "PERSONAL" settings with each browser fonts, zoom % and a mix of Windows 7 personalization display settings.
If I set any of these browser to default and return my computer display setting to 100% -- all is well.
Just a FYI for anyone else trying to figure out why it isn't fixed.
In a perfect world of web design and I am only using Gallery as an example, one browser would be a miracle. I can't use IE9 or Firefox 9 to "manually" organize my albums in the window (flash?) feature but it works flawslessly with Sarfari 5. And so does uploading photos in Safari 5 seems to be the best without error.
Go Figure -- yes Safari
Posts: 92
I just took the plunge to upgrade from 3.1.2 because I dreaded having to deal with rss feed and root page.
Now that I have made the change, I am reading post from the time it was released and found this above quote as a bottom line.
Does this tell me to move on and not bother with the root page feature until you get unresticted time that can be set aside to develop a solution?
Regardless of the answer, you can expect a thank you for a great year of hard work in your coffee fund from me.
Posts: 92
Serge's provided link above has clearly done the trick.
Root page back in play.
My only suggestion would be to include this in the area you have notes for the installation instructions.
Random photos and movies" is the only one of these extra feeds picked up by Imageblock Ex
I use landscape because it is centered on the page.
No more deleting database caches, uninstall rss_extra module, rebuilding images and all to exhaustion.
Posts: 12
I've had the same issue for some tome so many thanks for pointing this out
I my case I only use firefox (v4 -> v9) and my zoom has always been set at 100%. However - what solved it for me was:
Firefox Preferences->content->Fonts & Colors->Advanced->Minimum Font Size=13
Previously it was set to 'None'
This seems to have fixed the problem.
Posts: 51
I have a couple issues:
1) Titles for the Tag Albums module get covered by images (posted this problem in the thread for that module too)
2) Also Tag albums module. When clicking a tag, the page that shows all images with that tag has overlapping text.
3) My adsense ad goes as far to the left as possible, covering my site logo when i put it in the header. It's currently in the footer to avoid the problem. I'd like it centered, and in the header. Browsing through the forums, i couldn't find a solution.
http://rashadface.com/index.php/ (it's currently in the footer. i want it centered in the header)
Posts: 421
Please tell me how to make these links to "nofollow":
Thank you.
Posts: 2466
Will check
Posts: 2466
You would need to adjust paginator code to include rel="nofollow"
Posts: 51
Thank you. I look forward to your help. The overlapping text looks even worse when there is a full page of images trying to fit onto the screen!
Posts: 23
Good morning,
well new year next try :
I installed the gallery and the theme: http://www.aggerfoto.de/gallery3
and I´m quite satisfied with the result- now the but : I included the whole thing with a rapper in joomla : http://www.aggerfoto.de
and here is the problem: I can scroll `a little` bit but the album side is cut of ad the end ....http://www.aggerfoto.de/aggerfoto/index.php?option=com_wrapper&view=wrapper&Itemid=43
Any suggestions?
Posts: 2466
Shows fine, as far as I understand
what do you see and where?
Posts: 2466
2) Also Tag albums module. When clicking a tag, the page that shows all images with that tag has overlapping text.
Do not see overlap... what browser?
screenshot may help
you have ad in the sidebar and it shows fine
it is hard to test what is not visible
Posts: 51
I commented out the code that displays titles to get around the issue. I can put it back in if you want to see it, but it's going to make my site look bad!
I was referring to the AdSense ad at the very top of the page. I was able to fix it. Solution:
1. Open /themes/greydragon/views/page.html.php
2. Find lines 133-134, and add code right after them (see code below)
You can also change the alt text of your logo image by editing the text inside the quotes "Gallery logo: Your photos on your web site". You'll see in the code below that i changed mine.
The code before (lines 133-135):
The new code (now on lines 133-145):
Change RashadFace.com whatever you want. It only appears when the logo won't load on someone's browser.
I don't know if the < br > tags are actually necessary. You could probably delete them.
Posts: 2466
Well, as I said, a screenshot demonstrating the problem could have helped. But if it is working for you in state it is now, we can leave it.
First, you can replace "Gallery logo..." with translation instead of modifying the code.
For the adsence itself, if I remember correctly there was a module which would add the code in the header portion with necessary tags.
As it is on the module level, there is no need to modify the theme allowing better handling of future upgrades.
Posts: 51
An explantion would be helpful...obviously if i knew what that was, i would have done it!
Again, i'm not an expert on this stuff. I just did whatever i could do to get the site to look the way i wanted it to. If there is a better way, by all means let me know, but i'm going to need an explanation! "Use some translation," and "There's a module out there somewhere..." doesn't help an inexperienced person like me!
I mean no disrespect, of course. Just letting you know where i'm coming from as someone with very little experience modifying php code (and NO experience creating it).
Posts: 2466
There are always hidden gems
- http://codex.gallery2.org/Gallery3:Localization
There are almost 100 modules developed for G3 - http://codex.gallery2.org/Category:Gallery_3:Modules
One of them is AdSense integration - http://codex.gallery2.org/Gallery3:Modules:adsense
Haven't tried it, but it may work for you. May require some custom CSS, but...
Hope it helps.
Posts: 51
The adsense integration module is what i'm using for the sidebar. When i tried the footer/head options, the ads were always aligned to the left side of the page (so the ad would cover the logo in the case of the header). I also wanted more than one ad, so this was the only way i could achieve that.
Localization is a very clever solution though...i would have never thought to just create my own "language" to change the text!
Posts: 9
Seems in the new release we cant disable the "view full size" button. Am I missing something?
Love the updates so far...
Mike B.
Posts: 9
And shadowbox not working, only displaying full size image in browser. havent searched on this yet...
using latest versions of shadowbox and gallery and greydragon.
Posts: 2466
could you PM me a link?
Posts: 2466
you might
View Full Size is permission based
on my site I have set that if user logged in in photo page they can see Full Size image - first arrow button in the toolbar area
if user is not logged in then this button is not available
clicking on the photo itself starts slideshow of resizes, not full sizes
Posts: 2466
may need to play with CSS positioning for that
I am not using ads, sorry
Posts: 9
Link sent
Thanks Serge
Posts: 9
The shadowbox works on my iPhone. Must be my browser?