Thank you nivekiam - that looks like it would solve one of my problems. Unfortunately the other missing functionality is a showstopper for us and we punted back to Gallery 2 (solid product, by the way). I'm sure the core code is much more elegant and efficient and eventually 3 will mature into a great product. Sadly I don't have the time right now to hack together my own theme and my php is pretty rusty. I will be checking back often to see how 3 progresses.
New Jura Natura...
Joined: 2011-04-01
Posts: 16
Posted: Fri, 2011-04-01 14:08
I just installed 3.01 next to 2.0 and was going to just transfer the pictures over, but I decided to not transfer G2 to G3 and remake the gallery in a different setup, I uploaded the photos through the front end but I cant find them through FTP, G2 has its image folder no issue, but I cant find the images for G3 i have looked in the folders marked images but there is nothing in it.. where are my images stored for G3?
Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Fri, 2011-04-01 14:13
Under gallery3/var/ (albums/resizes/thumbs)
You cannot upload images directly into those directories. You can't do that in G2 either. If you want to upload them to the server, use Server add, which is very similar to the Add From Server method in G2, here is documentation on Server add
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New Jura Natura...
Joined: 2011-04-01
Posts: 16
Posted: Fri, 2011-04-01 14:18
wow insanely fast reply!!! very impressed!! thank you guys!! I found them where you said!! so all images have to added through the front end? unless server add is checked? I have never used that option (noob) so I dont know exactly what that means.
New Jura Natura...
Joined: 2011-04-01
Posts: 16
Posted: Fri, 2011-04-01 14:34
ok I activated server add and it did not ask me to enter any information at all, it just said activated, how do I edit it? how do I add a path? seems like this should be way more user friendly... just saying...
New Jura Natura...
Joined: 2011-04-01
Posts: 16
Posted: Fri, 2011-04-01 14:53
never mind, I think I am going to look for something that has easy controls where I dont have to learn a new language to use it, thanks anyways guys!
Joined: 2005-05-05
Posts: 2
Posted: Sat, 2011-04-02 18:12
I've done an upgrade and import from 2.2 but can't fully commit to 3.01 (yet). It's lighter and faster and some of the newer features are great. A few glitches during the import but nothing to get in a twist over.
However, I need picture-level permissions. My gallery is a personal site and some of the pics aren't fit for general consumption. But I'd rather block out a couple pics in a particular album than put them in a separate sub-album. Is there a module that will let me re-establish these controls?
Also, why can't I figure out how to specify how many pictures per row in an album. Everything's set at 3 per row. And what about editing multiple entries at once? Apologies in advance if my questions are too sophomoric. On balance, I like the upgrade but I just need to know these couple pieces before I go full bore.
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Sat, 2011-04-02 21:36
There is no per item permission in G3 and there will not be as far as I know. It affects performance and code size and maintainability. There is a hidden module that might be what you after.
There is a captionator module for editing multi items.
@three items per row: That is theme and thumb size specific. You can change the thumb size to get more columns or change the theme ( wide wind) to get more space.
If you still have issues ask specific questions in a new thread.
The Greydragon theme allows you to specify how many thumbs per row.
Joined: 2010-02-22
Posts: 43
Posted: Sun, 2011-04-03 23:15
Hi. First, let me say, you guys rock (The developers and maintainers). This is one cool application, and has been for some time. But since you asked for feedback... here it is:
I had a lot of problems installing. Here they are all rolled-up, most I found solutions or work-arounds for:
1) SOLVED: All the thumbnails and resizes have crazy high compression yielding a very lousy quality image. I have rebuilt the thumbs and resizes several times using imagemagick and graphicsmagick as my back-ends, and the quality never improves. ((changing the image quality on the advanced settings page from 75 to 95 fixed this)).
2) SOLVED: None of the full size images on the galleries I imported are available. The links are all broken, even though I look under /var/albums/albumname, and see the images. I switch the perms all the way from ~/var to 777 (chmod -R 777 var), and it doesn't help. If I upload images individually, then the full size will render fine (I cannot see any difference re: perms and paths though... so who knows what is going on here).
In one album, the file name has a space in it, so the url looks like http://myserver/gallery3/var/albums/new_material/my_image copy.jpg?m=1301856885, in another case, the url looks fine, and I verified the location and perms on the file... I tried removing the "?m=1301856885" in the url for this, but it still gives a 500 eror. ((there is an .htaccess file that was blocking this. I'm not an expert with these, but I renamed the .htaccess, and now I can access it. The question is: Should there be one, and if so, what is the appropriate configuration?))
3) SOLVED: The landscape-oriented thumbnails do not fit within their cell on the album and gallery main pages, and it looks awful. They overlap the image to their right on the matrix. This is using the default 200px size in gallery 3. I'm using a 4:3 monitor at 1280x1024. ((Looks like graydragon theme does a better job here)).
4) SOLVED: I cannot upload files to the gallery. I click select photos and the file browsing window always pops UNDER my browser (very annoying), and when I do select a file to upload, I get this error: "my_image.jpg - Server error: Error #2038 (IO)". That is using my linux box with firefox 3.6.16. Using FF under windows, works as expected... but I'm not usually on that box. ((I downloaded the html_uploader module. It is not as cool, and I object to the flash version being considered stable when it doesn't work under linux... but at least there is a work-around. I would much rather see g3 ship with something that works for everyone, and make the flash package the add-on.))
5) SOLVED: It sure would be nice to have an option to move the panel back to the left side, where it was on gallery2 by default... ((Grey dragon gives you an option for this ).
6) SOLVED: BB code seems to be disabled, and I used that on my gallery descriptions on gallery2, so gallery description in gallery3 looks like code... ((Again, this is a template issue, Grey Dragon solves this too)).
7) SOLVED: The flash slideshow doesn't work. Maybe it is just REALLY slow.. but I have it on 100mbps network (server and client on same network), and it has been on for 20 minutes, and it still hasn't shown anything. ((I think this was related to the .htaccess files again. Renaming them allowd this to work. Again, I don't know if renaming them is safe. I hope someone can say if they need to exist, and if so I hope they include what the content of the file should look like.))
8) The flash file upload pop-up window on Firefox 4.0 is 40% taken up by blank space. The upload interface cannot be viewed in its entirety, you must scroll left to right to see it, and only a sliver of its total width is visible at any given time (firefox 4.0 on win 7).
9) I know this is a matter of time, but there are some very important modules not yet out... namely the upload archive module. I cannot upload every picture individually, I will be there for weeks... Also I rely heavily up on the star rating system in g2. Hopefully those will be coming soon.
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Mon, 2011-04-04 02:24
1. glad it is working better for you.
2&3, plase start new threads if you want to duscus further.
4. Some hosts have limitations thus the FAQ for the #2038 error. There was lots of discutions on flash. I/we can point you to those discutions if you want.
5. There is only one theme that ships with G3 and if as you can see the GD theme is very cusomizable and nice. It takes a long time to get a theme that is that popular it was in it infancy in September of 2009. We wanted the community to contribute as much as they can since they are the ones using G3 and can provide feedback on inprovments that the devloper can focus on makng right, as was done in the GD theme.
6. BBcode was intentionaly left out. Most people would know HTML and thought that adding even more options and learning the user would get confused. It should not be too much trouble for a BBCode module to be devloped.
7. The slideshow works for me and others. PLease start a new thread if you are still having issues. We used the cooliris JS slideshow becouse it was easy and fast to implement and is cool.
8. Seems to work for me I just upgraded to FF4.0 and Im on Windows 7 as well. Please start a new thread since you di dnot mark this one as solved. Are you using a different theme?
9. Yes there is a few modules that did not get ported. If they are important enough to the community a devloper will come out of the woodwork to work on them, in time, as you have mentioned.
Thanks for your feedback. Glad you got most of the issues sorted out.
4.Some hosts have limitations thus the FAQ for the #2038 error. There was lots of discutions on flash. I/we can point you to those discutions if you want.
Yes, I have read that, but that is not the answer. It works on everything but linux, and I have read other threads that seem to corroborate this. If you have info to the contrary, then yes, absolutely, I'd love a link. It would be extremely helpful to have that working.
6. BBcode was intentionaly left out. Most people would know HTML and thought that adding even more options and learning the user would get confused. It should not be too much trouble for a BBCode module to be devloped.
I don't really miss it. I'd rather use html anyway. It was really only mentioned in case you import from a g2 album that used it.
8. Seems to work for me I just upgraded to FF4.0 and Im on Windows 7 as well. Please start a new thread since you di dnot mark this one as solved. Are you using a different theme?
Very astute. Yes, it seems to be related to the Greydragon theme, not to g3 per se. Are these forums appropriate to post that issue in? When I follow the greydragon support link, it takes me to a very long thread in these forums... do I post there, or start a new thread?
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Tue, 2011-04-05 02:35
I am sure that the flash uploader works for some Linux users but can report that myself.
For GreyDragon issues the author of the theme follows the long thread and is very active in addressing issues users find. SO I guess in that hread is fne. He is also very active in following other GreyDragon threads so That is fine as well.
I am using gallery 3.0.1 since yesterday, it's fantastic. It's working without any problems until now, it's very quick, I can edit whatever, delete whatever. Until now I didn't find any mistake. So I am really glad that I found your gallery. It's very easy to handle. You have done a realy great work, thanks a lot and if anyone wants to see the running gallery on my webspace, please have a look here Bildimpressionen 's Gravenhage
Joined: 2011-04-19
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2011-04-19 11:19
any idea when will galery3 support the uploading of video especially the flv file?
Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Tue, 2011-04-19 11:37
@wufoxuan, G3 supports video, but only FLV and MP4. If you're having problems with your FLV files, please start a new thread in the forums.
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Posts: 16
nivekiam: no i didn't edit anything. just upgradaded and admin doesn't work
error.log says what i have posted earlier
Posts: 2
first i want to thank you for the great software.
i made a tiny change to my installation (3.0.1) which i find useful: in the administration->user/groups tab i like to have my users sorted by name.
for this to work i changed modules/user/views/admin_users_group.html.php Line 20
<? foreach ($group->users->find_all() as $i => $user): ?>
<? foreach ($group->users->order_by("name", "ASC")->find_all() as $i => $user): ?>
maybe this is useful for others as well.
Posts: 7994
@edisonnews: good idea! I've committed your fix for the 3.0.x release:
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs
file a bug/feature ticket | upgrade to the latest code! | hacking G3? join us on IRC!
Posts: 1
It works like a charm ! This new Gallery version 3.0.1 looks fantastic!!! I've just finished to install and everything worked perfect!!!
Michigan Educational Credit Union
Posts: 10
Thank you nivekiam - that looks like it would solve one of my problems. Unfortunately the other missing functionality is a showstopper for us and we punted back to Gallery 2 (solid product, by the way). I'm sure the core code is much more elegant and efficient and eventually 3 will mature into a great product. Sadly I don't have the time right now to hack together my own theme and my php is pretty rusty. I will be checking back often to see how 3 progresses.
Posts: 16
I just installed 3.01 next to 2.0 and was going to just transfer the pictures over, but I decided to not transfer G2 to G3 and remake the gallery in a different setup, I uploaded the photos through the front end but I cant find them through FTP, G2 has its image folder no issue, but I cant find the images for G3 i have looked in the folders marked images but there is nothing in it.. where are my images stored for G3?
Posts: 16504
Under gallery3/var/ (albums/resizes/thumbs)
You cannot upload images directly into those directories. You can't do that in G2 either. If you want to upload them to the server, use Server add, which is very similar to the Add From Server method in G2, here is documentation on Server add
Like Gallery? Like the support? Donate now!
Posts: 16
wow insanely fast reply!!! very impressed!! thank you guys!! I found them where you said!! so all images have to added through the front end? unless server add is checked? I have never used that option (noob) so I dont know exactly what that means.
Posts: 16
ok I activated server add and it did not ask me to enter any information at all, it just said activated, how do I edit it? how do I add a path? seems like this should be way more user friendly... just saying...
Posts: 16
never mind, I think I am going to look for something that has easy controls where I dont have to learn a new language to use it, thanks anyways guys!
Posts: 2
I've done an upgrade and import from 2.2 but can't fully commit to 3.01 (yet). It's lighter and faster and some of the newer features are great. A few glitches during the import but nothing to get in a twist over.
However, I need picture-level permissions. My gallery is a personal site and some of the pics aren't fit for general consumption. But I'd rather block out a couple pics in a particular album than put them in a separate sub-album. Is there a module that will let me re-establish these controls?
Also, why can't I figure out how to specify how many pictures per row in an album. Everything's set at 3 per row. And what about editing multiple entries at once? Apologies in advance if my questions are too sophomoric. On balance, I like the upgrade but I just need to know these couple pieces before I go full bore.
Posts: 27300
There is no per item permission in G3 and there will not be as far as I know. It affects performance and code size and maintainability. There is a hidden module that might be what you after.
There is a captionator module for editing multi items.
@three items per row: That is theme and thumb size specific. You can change the thumb size to get more columns or change the theme ( wide wind) to get more space.
If you still have issues ask specific questions in a new thread.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 693
The Greydragon theme allows you to specify how many thumbs per row.
Posts: 43
Hi. First, let me say, you guys rock (The developers and maintainers). This is one cool application, and has been for some time. But since you asked for feedback... here it is:
I had a lot of problems installing. Here they are all rolled-up, most I found solutions or work-arounds for:
1) SOLVED: All the thumbnails and resizes have crazy high compression yielding a very lousy quality image. I have rebuilt the thumbs and resizes several times using imagemagick and graphicsmagick as my back-ends, and the quality never improves. ((changing the image quality on the advanced settings page from 75 to 95 fixed this)).
2) SOLVED: None of the full size images on the galleries I imported are available. The links are all broken, even though I look under /var/albums/albumname, and see the images. I switch the perms all the way from ~/var to 777 (chmod -R 777 var), and it doesn't help. If I upload images individually, then the full size will render fine (I cannot see any difference re: perms and paths though... so who knows what is going on here).
In one album, the file name has a space in it, so the url looks like http://myserver/gallery3/var/albums/new_material/my_image copy.jpg?m=1301856885, in another case, the url looks fine, and I verified the location and perms on the file... I tried removing the "?m=1301856885" in the url for this, but it still gives a 500 eror. ((there is an .htaccess file that was blocking this. I'm not an expert with these, but I renamed the .htaccess, and now I can access it. The question is: Should there be one, and if so, what is the appropriate configuration?))
3) SOLVED: The landscape-oriented thumbnails do not fit within their cell on the album and gallery main pages, and it looks awful. They overlap the image to their right on the matrix. This is using the default 200px size in gallery 3. I'm using a 4:3 monitor at 1280x1024. ((Looks like graydragon theme does a better job here)).
4) SOLVED: I cannot upload files to the gallery. I click select photos and the file browsing window always pops UNDER my browser (very annoying), and when I do select a file to upload, I get this error: "my_image.jpg - Server error: Error #2038 (IO)". That is using my linux box with firefox 3.6.16. Using FF under windows, works as expected... but I'm not usually on that box. ((I downloaded the html_uploader module. It is not as cool, and I object to the flash version being considered stable when it doesn't work under linux... but at least there is a work-around. I would much rather see g3 ship with something that works for everyone, and make the flash package the add-on.))
5) SOLVED: It sure would be nice to have an option to move the panel back to the left side, where it was on gallery2 by default... ((Grey dragon gives you an option for this
6) SOLVED: BB code seems to be disabled, and I used that on my gallery descriptions on gallery2, so gallery description in gallery3 looks like code... ((Again, this is a template issue, Grey Dragon solves this too)).
7) SOLVED: The flash slideshow doesn't work. Maybe it is just REALLY slow.. but I have it on 100mbps network (server and client on same network), and it has been on for 20 minutes, and it still hasn't shown anything. ((I think this was related to the .htaccess files again. Renaming them allowd this to work. Again, I don't know if renaming them is safe. I hope someone can say if they need to exist, and if so I hope they include what the content of the file should look like.))
8) The flash file upload pop-up window on Firefox 4.0 is 40% taken up by blank space. The upload interface cannot be viewed in its entirety, you must scroll left to right to see it, and only a sliver of its total width is visible at any given time (firefox 4.0 on win 7).
9) I know this is a matter of time, but there are some very important modules not yet out... namely the upload archive module. I cannot upload every picture individually, I will be there for weeks... Also I rely heavily up on the star rating system in g2. Hopefully those will be coming soon.
Posts: 27300
1. glad it is working better for you.
2&3, plase start new threads if you want to duscus further.
4. Some hosts have limitations thus the FAQ for the #2038 error. There was lots of discutions on flash. I/we can point you to those discutions if you want.
5. There is only one theme that ships with G3 and if as you can see the GD theme is very cusomizable and nice. It takes a long time to get a theme that is that popular it was in it infancy in September of 2009. We wanted the community to contribute as much as they can since they are the ones using G3 and can provide feedback on inprovments that the devloper can focus on makng right, as was done in the GD theme.
6. BBcode was intentionaly left out. Most people would know HTML and thought that adding even more options and learning the user would get confused. It should not be too much trouble for a BBCode module to be devloped.
7. The slideshow works for me and others. PLease start a new thread if you are still having issues. We used the cooliris JS slideshow becouse it was easy and fast to implement and is cool.
8. Seems to work for me I just upgraded to FF4.0 and Im on Windows 7 as well. Please start a new thread since you di dnot mark this one as solved. Are you using a different theme?
9. Yes there is a few modules that did not get ported. If they are important enough to the community a devloper will come out of the woodwork to work on them, in time, as you have mentioned.
Thanks for your feedback. Glad you got most of the issues sorted out.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 43
Thanks Dave!
Yes, I have read that, but that is not the answer. It works on everything but linux, and I have read other threads that seem to corroborate this. If you have info to the contrary, then yes, absolutely, I'd love a link. It would be extremely helpful to have that working.
I don't really miss it. I'd rather use html anyway.
It was really only mentioned in case you import from a g2 album that used it.
Very astute. Yes, it seems to be related to the Greydragon theme, not to g3 per se. Are these forums appropriate to post that issue in? When I follow the greydragon support link, it takes me to a very long thread in these forums... do I post there, or start a new thread?
Posts: 27300
I am sure that the flash uploader works for some Linux users but can report that myself.
For GreyDragon issues the author of the theme follows the long thread and is very active in addressing issues users find. SO I guess in that hread is fne. He is also very active in following other GreyDragon threads so That is fine as well.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 43
Thanks Dave.
Posts: 14
I am using gallery 3.0.1 since yesterday, it's fantastic. It's working without any problems until now, it's very quick, I can edit whatever, delete whatever. Until now I didn't find any mistake. So I am really glad that I found your gallery. It's very easy to handle. You have done a realy great work, thanks a lot and if anyone wants to see the running gallery on my webspace, please have a look here Bildimpressionen 's Gravenhage
Posts: 1
any idea when will galery3 support the uploading of video especially the flv file?
Posts: 16504
@wufoxuan, G3 supports video, but only FLV and MP4. If you're having problems with your FLV files, please start a new thread in the forums.
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