@m-d-d: yep, I think you're seeing a manifestation of https://apps.sourceforge.net/trac/gallery/ticket/106 . The "queue limit" is basically a limit on the number of files we can upload at once. It was arbitrarily set to 100. I just changed it to 1000.. let's see what happens. Edit core/views/simple_uploader.html.php and look for "file_upload_limit" to change it in your version. Filed https://apps.sourceforge.net/trac/gallery/ticket/199 for the flv height issue. I can't reproduce the bug where deleting the album doesn't remove the files from disk. Possibly that's been fixed in SVN after the release? Can you try a nightly? Thanks for the feedback!
@kellym: thanks for the hack to let people use GD! We'll make that configurable. As for the bug where viewing resizes doesn't un-darken when you're done, we're aware of that and are going to be redoing that whole interface.
Joined: 2006-12-06
Posts: 358
Posted: Fri, 2009-04-03 15:49
@alexandreracine: re "3- Usability : Activating the local import and adding pictures. If I check the square left of the folder /tmp/tmp, in this instance, the "import" button is still grey out until I clic on the "+" left of the folder name."
I can't recreate on the svn version. I created a authorized structure of /tmp/tmp and if I click on the grey box or on the text field the add button becomes enabled...
Duh the light just came on... if you just installed alpha3 over top of the the alpha 2 directory structure then the local import module will still be in your directory tree... Local Import was renamed "Server Add" in alpha 3 so just delete the "modules/local_import/*" after you uninstall it first.
The plan is that after beta 1 there will be an upgrade path between releases, but until then your best bet is to delete the directory tree and reinstall each release to insure there is no garbage hanging about from the previous release.
As for 4 "Where is the sorting option inside albums?", its under Options/Edit Album
After looking at the template code, I am back with a few more comments.
First, I am glad to see the use of pure HTML and PHP rather than a template engine like Smarty. It's less complicated and easier to understand.
However, I am not at all fond of embedding PHP inside HTML. It just comes across as a lazy way of doing things to me. Why was this method chosen over a standard echo statement?
--------------------- The Oldiesmann SMF Webmaster SMF+G2 Integration Project - RC1 now available!
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Posted: Fri, 2009-04-03 19:09
@Oldiesmann: not sure what your point is about embedding PHP inside HTML. But to be specific, we're not embedding PHP in HTML, we are rendering HTML using PHP Its a slight difference in perspective. The design philosophy is to put the logic for rendering into the template (*.html.php|*.txt.php|*.rss.php) and the logic to create or acquire the data into the controller. Standard MVC paradigm.
Just installed my first Gallery3 instance and must say that it looks very promising.
I have found two small things,
1. If you miss to install a graphic program you get an error instead of a warning, maybe this should be checked during installation like other necessary information.
2. The transparency for the watermark is backwards at least according to my mind, if you have 100% transparency it all see through and 0% will be solid, but it is the other way around at this point.
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Posted: Sat, 2009-04-04 15:17
@bharat: I will try SVN tomorrow. I got todays version on my server but have no time to install and test. Going for day long trip, but will test it tomorrow.
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Posted: Sat, 2009-04-04 18:39
@nekstrand: 1) hm. can you describe the layout of your graphics programs? We do our best to do autodetection so I want to understand how your config slipped through the cracks and 2) I agree with you and have filed http://apps.sourceforge.net/trac/gallery/ticket/204 to address that. THANKS!
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Posted: Sun, 2009-04-05 11:29
@bharat: at this point i cant reproduce the problem, but as it was tested with a brand new installation of open-suse 11.1 i will redo it to see if i get the same problem.
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Posted: Sun, 2009-04-05 17:17
@bharat: This is the error i get http://pastebin.com/m3d16add0 , i found out that this is if i'm missing php-gd, but no warnings that it is needed when installing or using gallery.
Edit: I think there is some problems with Imagemagick but they seems to be known (thumbnails), and also the local upload is quite strange, the plus signs does not work bellow one level and there seems to be some update issue as well.
Joined: 2009-03-09
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Posted: Sun, 2009-04-05 15:39
talmdal wrote:
[...] we're not embedding PHP in HTML, we are rendering HTML using PHP Its a slight difference in perspective. [...]
I, for one, vastly prefer this approach to embedding of HTML fragments into PHP files. It's much easier to understand how the HTML will be generated, making it easier to create my own templates. It's probably also much more maintainable. This is one of the things I like most about Gallery 3.
-- Pete
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Posts: 358
Posted: Sun, 2009-04-05 18:37
nekstrand: if you are trying to use "local import" as a module, it could be part of the problems. "Local Import" was replaced with "Server Add" in alpha 3. If you just installed it over alpha 2, you might have some old code sitting the installation directory. Its planned for beta 2 to have a migration path from beta 1. At this point, installing a new release is a case of deleting the old installation and reinstalling the new source.
edit I've fixed this in the latest svn and closed the ticket. Please let me know if this does not resolve the problem!
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Posts: 28
Posted: Mon, 2009-04-06 04:26
@bharat I tested SVN version from 4/4/2009 and firs I got an error during installation:
Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /var/www/galeria3sv/trunk/installer/installer.php on line 79
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/galeria3sv/trunk/installer/installer.php:79) in /var/www/galeria3sv/trunk/installer/installer.php on line 115
First I was unable to login into gallery becouse of not valid password. After reinstall I got error again, but gallery was working and I was able to login.
I successfully created test album and I was able to delete it from gallery and server folder. No problem with this at all.
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Posted: Mon, 2009-04-06 05:51
@talmdal: Sorry about that, it should be "add from server" and it is a brand new installation, but i found the problem......The right for the files and folders were wrong, sorry for that also.
I uploded the files as root but never thought about that.
Edit: the add from server is absolutely excellent as it preserves the folder structure and also makes albums, at the moment i use this as a way to import from Gallery2 and it seems to work great, at least for getting the pictures into gallery3.
The only small flaw i can find at this point is that apart from the status bar (which is not helping very much if it's a bunch of pictures and it's moving very slowly) you cant see that it is working, a sugestion is that the add button is greyed out or something similar.
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Posted: Mon, 2009-04-06 15:12
Despite my good words about the "add from server" i must say it does not work very well.
It added 33904 copies of the first and same photo to the album, this was when i had pictures in second level of directory structure under the path (add from server), 18 files in the directory and the biggest about 4mb.
Edit: also when you delete the files and galleries from Gallery3 it does not seem to remove the physical files, or is this maybe because it breaks down while adding?
Joined: 2006-12-06
Posts: 358
Posted: Mon, 2009-04-06 15:52
@nekstrand: Its a known issue (http://apps.sourceforge.net/trac/gallery/ticket/208) and I'm currently working on it. Because of this, it looses track of where the images are and doesn't delete them properly.
It looks like things are progressing well. So far, most of Alpha 3 seems to work for me. I can't seem to get the EXIF module working, however.
First, I turned it on in the Modules screen.
Next, I went to the Maintenance screen, where Gallery3 tells me that "17% of your photos need to be scanned for EXIF data."
Next, I launched the "Extract EXIF data " maintenance task. This launches a little pop-up window which never shows any progress. There are only 10 images in my test gallery, so I expected to see some progress fairly quickly.
When I view the images in my albums, I don't see any links that would allow me to open a pop-up window to show any EXIF tags. Where should I find this option?
Any ideas what I am doing wrong? Thanks.
Joined: 2005-05-18
Posts: 151
Posted: Tue, 2009-04-07 19:43
talmdal wrote:
@Oldiesmann: not sure what your point is about embedding PHP inside HTML. But to be specific, we're not embedding PHP in HTML, we are rendering HTML using PHP Its a slight difference in perspective. The design philosophy is to put the logic for rendering into the template (*.html.php|*.txt.php|*.rss.php) and the logic to create or acquire the data into the controller. Standard MVC paradigm.
I am wondering your reason for doing this: <a href="<?= $some_variable ?>">...</a>
As opposed to something like this: echo '<a href="' . $some_variable . '">...</a>';
It seems pointless to go in and out of PHP all the time instead of staying in PHP for the entire file and having PHP output the HTML as well.
--------------------- The Oldiesmann SMF Project Manager SMF+G2 Integration Project - RC1 now available!
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Posted: Tue, 2009-04-07 20:00
@Oldiesmann: if you really want to understand the problem, try converting an entire template over to using echo statements in PHP. What you'll find is that the majority of the content is HTML and that it rapidly becomes very difficult to read that content when its surrounded by tons of PHP echo statements.
Joined: 2009-02-27
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Posted: Tue, 2009-04-07 22:24
@Oldiesmann: I work with PHP all day (full-time job as web-dev), and your suggested way is highly impractical and has no benefits.
The way it's being done allows for much more readable code, and better maintainability, and is better syntax-highlighted and better interpreted by IDEs.
edit: sorry if that sounded a bit personal, is simply my opinion.
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Posted: Fri, 2009-04-10 17:17
bharat wrote:
@Oldiesmann: if you really want to understand the problem, try converting an entire template over to using echo statements in PHP. What you'll find is that the majority of the content is HTML and that it rapidly becomes very difficult to read that content when its surrounded by tons of PHP echo statements.
I wasn't suggesting a separate echo statement for each line. In some cases you only need a single echo statement for the entire file (depending on whether or not there are any control/loop statements in it (such as if, for, foreach, etc.)).
jezmck wrote:
@Oldiesmann: I work with PHP all day (full-time job as web-dev), and your suggested way is highly impractical and has no benefits.
The way it's being done allows for much more readable code, and better maintainability, and is better syntax-highlighted and better interpreted by IDEs.
edit: sorry if that sounded a bit personal, is simply my opinion.
The only difference is that IDEs/editors will highlight the HTML using HTML colors instead of treating it as a PHP string. I have yet to see an editor that has a problem with echo statements.
Also, as many have said, the general consensus is that using short tags is a bad idea. Lyceum (blogging software) abandoned them just because some users had problems due to not having short tags enabled. OSCommerce uses them and some users have had problems with it. Gregarius abandoned them 4 years ago (see http://svn.gregarius.net/trac/ticket/24).
--------------------- The Oldiesmann SMF Webmaster SMF+G2 Integration Project - RC1 now available!
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Posted: Sat, 2009-04-11 18:29
First off - Great Job Guys&Gals! I'm very impressed with the Gallery3 implementation even at this early stage - works well given the release.
Secondly - I'm breaking the rules - I've got it running on two different servers on the web (albeit not indexed for common consumption) but I don't have the ability to run it locally (I'm on a Mac running OS X 10.4.11 without Windows or Linux implementations). Having said that, both are working but each has a problem.
One displays the thumbnails properly but the slide show doesn't work - the other (more serious) doesn't upload properly (I get the error message after a full progress run) & the thumbnails don't show up (but the slideshow works ;-). I can view the images in the gallery's that I've created by clicking on the full image view button (perfectly) but none of the tools in the (non)showing thumbnail panels work - with the exception of the edit (names & description) button.
I'm not a code monkey so I don't know what I'm doing - I can follow instructions at the most basic level but I don't really know anything about how this all works... ;-(
Here's links to the galleries - Please ask me for any more info if you'd like to pursue these issues. Thank you in advance - I appreciate any help.
Lastly, here is the error msg I get on the 3g gallery when I try to access the Admin panel for Settings > Graphics.
Warning Message
An error was detected which prevented the loading of this page. If this problem persists, please contact the website administrator.
core/helpers/graphics.php [273]:
exec() has been disabled for security reasons
Stack Trace
Loaded in 0.1483 seconds, using 2.32MB of memory. Generated by Kohana v2.3.2.
Thanks! Lee
Joined: 2009-04-12
Posts: 1
Posted: Sun, 2009-04-12 02:02
One of the big features that has drawn me to Gallery from a pure Drupal solution is the ability to offer several different picture resolutions that the viewer could choose from. Apparently Gallery2 has this, but I installed Gallery 3 today and don't see that feature. Can you tell me if it will be there? If not it's probably back to pure Drupal for me...
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Posted: Sun, 2009-04-12 04:21
and don't see that feature. Can you tell me if it will be there?
No it is not. For the foreseeable future this feature will be part of G3. Performance, code complexity/size was some of the determining factors. Perhaps a community module contribution will fill this missing feature.
Lastly, here is the error msg I get on the 3g gallery when I try to access the Admin panel for Settings > Graphics
The key here is the "exec() has been disabled for security reasons" message. Your host has disabled the exec() function, and therefore Gallery is unable to check whether ImageMagick or GraphicsMagick are available. You can try talking to your host to see if they'd be willing to enable it for you, but I would recommend finding a better host. Yes, exec() can be abused, but it's not easy to abuse it unless the host doesn't have things configured very well.
--------------------- The Oldiesmann SMF Webmaster SMF+G2 Integration Project - RC1 now available!
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Posted: Tue, 2009-04-14 04:25
@ The Oldiesmann -
Thanks very much for the help. I thought that might be the problem & I've already contacted them about making GD or ImgMagick active for me - so far no response... ummm
Anyway I'm going to keep plugging away at this until I understand it (somewhat anyway ;-) I'm looking at the template stuff to see if I can make it 'more me'...
Thanks again for the help & again, very good work! Excellent in fact.
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Posts: 151
Posted: Tue, 2009-04-14 04:44
Your host likely already has GD enabled - it's a fairly common PHP extension, and I can't recall ever seeing it disabled (SMF uses GD for resizing avatars and making thumbnails for attachments).
--------------------- The Oldiesmann SMF Webmaster SMF+G2 Integration Project - RC1 now available!
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Posted: Tue, 2009-04-14 13:38
bharat wrote:
@plasticgoat: regarding the issue about accidentally resizing the wrong photo, were you flipping back and forth between thumbnails? Perhaps our ajax code misfired and pulled the context menu for the wrong item.
I keep testing this alpha 3, and this WE I got again the thumbnail issue. I had a set of thumbnail to flip (just 90 once each), it seems that when you are doing it fast on several photos, "the ajax get lost". It happens also once with the delete function on a thumbnail. --> see screenshots
I also tried to rename the admin user, after that I wasn't able to connect anymore.
Otherwise, it works great
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Posted: Tue, 2009-04-14 17:33
@ The Oldiesmann -
Yes, GD is enabled but I don't see any other references to any Graphics programs. I've attached the phpinfo file as a txt file & here's a link to it on the server. http://www.mideamedia.info/phpinfo.php
I still haven't heard anything back from o2g.net's "tech support staff" about my request.
Thanks for caring.
When editing an album, the changes made to "Directory name" are never saved: I change directory, I click on modify and them go back album editing, directory name hasn't been changed.
I tried to get translation updates, I have english and french selected, english is default. The process hang on "Fetching updates". I let it run for hours and it's still trying to fetch the updates.
If I check only english language, it works ... is there no french translation available ? is that the reason ?
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Posted: Wed, 2009-04-15 16:57
@pinn8: Regarding your exif errors.. can you check the var/logs error log files and see if there're any special errors in there? Failing that, can you make a zip file of all of your images so that I can try to reproduce it over here? Also, it'd help if you could get a latest nightly download or use the latest code from svn and tell us if the problem still happens.
@leetaylor: I'll try to get a fix into the next release that will still allow you to use GD if exec is disabled (but realistically we're not going to try very hard to support that configuration)
@plasticgoat / @korvus: we've got a bug filed against the "wrong delete" issue and will investigate it, thanks for the report!
@plasticgoat: the directory and file "rename" code has not yet been implemented, sorry for the confusion! Probably won't be in the next release either (but we'll get to it!)
Joined: 2009-04-16
Posts: 2
Posted: Thu, 2009-04-16 10:40
Tried with an IPv6 + SSL configuration, most things work fine, except the uploader -- can't determine if it's in the Flash or Javascript code: the SSL Negotiation Handshake fails (which means that for Apache, the connection is not established at the SSL Level). How could I get more verbose output?
Note that IPv6 without SSL works.
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Posts: 17
Posted: Thu, 2009-04-16 19:23
I have noticed a "strange" behavior on the "Add Tag" fields for the tag cloud:
First time on the page, the text "Add tag" is displayed inside the field and when you click inside the field, it disappear to allow the user to type the new tag.
So, I add a new tag
Then, the field behavior is "reversed", i.e., when the focus is outside of the field, the field is blank, and when I click into the field, the text "Add Tag" appear in it.
If I refresh the page, it works fine again for one input.
I also have a question about translation. There is some part of the GUI that I'm not able to translate, i.e. there is some text that does not appear in the embedded translation tool:
- Traduction tool block itself ("Save translation" button, "Translate TO ...")
- The info/warning message, like "Saved photo xxx" (in a green banner)
- The menu item "Start Translating"
- The button "Add a comment"
- The balloon tips on ajax thumbnail buttons (Edit, Rotate, delete ... )
How could I translate these items ?
Joined: 2007-07-18
Posts: 14
Posted: Sat, 2009-04-18 12:51
Using IIS7 Fastcgi PHP 5.2.8 MySQL 5.1.3 GD. Just installed the 3b3 (not from svn). Looks good, installed without any problems. I do have few issues though.
1) I'm trying to add a new user from the admin page and it won't let me do it. I click on the 'Add User' button and nothing happens. The 'Create Group' button works OK.
2) In the 'add from server' settings it will not let me put a path that is more than 3 levels deep. I can do c:\path\path2\ but not c:\path\path2\path3\ or deeper. And, while actually adding from the server, I can not expand the path even though a little plus signs shows next to it. I thought when I clicked the sign, it would expnad the whole tree.
3) I also agree with the previous posters who wrote about the confusion between Name & Title. A user should not see or be able to edit the File Name field. It is confusing. The file name should be generated automatically. In the same vein, somebody wrote about it already - the problem with non-latin1 letters in the file & album names. Either allow the whole UTF8 set or convert them internally to latin1 equivalent.
4)Perosonlly, I do not like the file names to be shown anywhere - security reason. Right now they are visible and prominent everywhere, esp. coolris slideshow gives a full path to a file.
5) Make the file name as a Title optional not automatic. It is a very rare case when one wants to have a title of a picture the same as a file name. But for those who choose that option, strip the file extension. As it is now, it is extremly tedious to go to each and every picture individually to either delete the whole file name or just the extension.
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Posted: Sun, 2009-04-19 17:38
@cwolfhugel: yeah my guess is that this is enough of an edge case that the swfUpload folks don't fully support it yet. Would you please file a bug in http://apps.sourceforge.net/trac/gallery/newticket so that we can remember to fix it?
@plasticgoat: there are some complexities that we have to get right with some of the strings. this is on our list, but I'm not sure when we'll get around to fixing it.
@zdiva: thanks for the feedback. I believe that we've fixed #1. Not sure about #2.. I can't reproduce that. We are going to do something sane about the filename field, but haven't decided exactly what we're doing there yet. Some people want more control over it than others.
Joined: 2005-08-08
Posts: 10
Posted: Mon, 2009-04-20 13:25
Well I blew away the previous release, loaded this one. Guess I'll wait for the next!
I tried to add a user, no go. So I tried to edit the admin user to add an email address. Got an error.
I uploaded a photo. Though it all seemed to go OK, no photo got uploaded.
If the problems were database related, there was no indication on installation that the DB wasn't acceptable.
I have a feature request for G3:
As a user of G1 on a club website with lots of photos, I occasionally see spam comments. I get emailed when they happen so I can remove them quickly. I also get emailed when registered users add photos or make any album changes.
Those emails are very important to me. I think G1 does it better and simpler than G2.
Please pretty please, add an email facility which reports on changes, whether by logged on users or guests.
I installed G2 on the club site and migrated all the piccies to it. Then G3 appeared on the scene, so I thought I'd wait to see how it panned out, rather than getting my G1-aware users onto G2, then later G3. I'd love a migration path for the albums, photos, descriptions, comments etc, from G1 to G3. But I know that is a big ask.
Meanwhile, keep up the good work guys.
Error on saving changes to admin user:
An error was detected which prevented the loading of this page. If this problem persists, please contact the website administrator.
modules/user/controllers/admin_users.php [116]:
Trying to get property of non-object
Stack trace
Admin_Users_Controller->edit_user( 2 )
* core/controllers/admin.php [49]:
call_user_func_array( Array
[0] => Admin_Users_Controller Object
[uri] => URI Object
While searching why in some places I had both secure and non secure content on the Welcome page of Gallery3 I found following URL: http://lite.piclens.com/current/piclens.js, coming from this file modules/slideshow/helpers/slideshow_theme.php.
Would it be an option to embed this into Gallery, or unless it provided necessary stuff not use it without prior validation by the administrator? As a general guideline I'd love not to use externally provided contents (I mean loaded from an external site during runtime).
Joined: 2008-01-10
Posts: 10
Posted: Mon, 2009-04-20 18:52
Maybe not the best solution (as you'll loose slideshows), but if you're worried about it you can always disable the slideshow module.
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Posts: 7994
Posted: Thu, 2009-04-23 02:33
@kenw: Sorry about the user related breakages in Alpha 3. Those should all be fixed in the latest nightly code (http://www.gallery2.hu/). Check out the notification mpodule, it should do what you are looking for. And by the way, you can use the RSS module to monitor a feed of comments (that's what I do with my G2) which is also a good way to find and delete spam. Sadly, it'll be a while before we have a G1 -> G3 migration path that doesn't involve you going to G2 first. But if there's enough demand, somebody will write it.
@cwolfhugel: supporting SSL is not a high priority for us right now. Embedding the piclens code into G3 is difficult because of conflicting licenses, so if we want to do it we'd have to download the code from their site and store it locally. Thus far it hasn't been worth the effort. But I added a hack which will use the SSL version of their site if your G3 is accessed via SSL.
Joined: 2009-02-19
Posts: 74
Posted: Thu, 2009-04-23 03:16
@bharat: I tried reinstalling from SVN tonight, and I don't see any difference with the EXIF module -- when I try to run the EXIF maintenance task, it stalls, and I never see any blocks or links in the albums for EXIF data.
Since installing tonight's SVN, I don't have any log files in the var/logs folder, although the contents of the log files from before the re-installation contained no errors.
I verified in Vista that the EXIF tags are present. The really interesting part is that the "Popular Tags" side block contains some info in it that is only contained in the EXIF tags (description, location, keywords, etc.).
Do you have any further suggestions?
Joined: 2006-11-29
Posts: 12
Posted: Thu, 2009-04-23 11:50
The same thing is happening to me. I have tried changing the cryptua variable in php.ini but to no effect.
Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Fri, 2009-04-24 00:15
@pinn8: I lowered the logging level so you might not have a log file now (the old logs were too noisy, now the log file won't even be created unless there's something to put in it). So no logging issues. Hm. Can you zip up all your images and pass them on to me? I'll try adding them to my g3 and see if I can figure out what's going wrong.
@alternateroute: er, what exactly is your problem? "the same thing" isn't very explanatory in a thread that has 92 comments!
Joined: 2008-02-11
Posts: 172
Posted: Sat, 2009-04-25 03:07
Problem on Macintosh (Intel, latest OS updates) whenever I access a pop-up window, like when trying to login. Same (or similar) result for Firefox and Safari. After clicking here's what I get:
Page Not Found
The requested page was not found. It may have moved, been deleted, or archived.
kohana/core/Kohana.php [787]:
The page you requested, login/index.php, could not be found.
Stack Trace
Kohana::instance( )
kohana/core/Event.php [209]:
call_user_func( Array
[0] => Kohana
[1] => instance
kohana/core/Bootstrap.php [55]:
Event::run( system.execute )
index.php [61]:
require( kohana/core/Bootstrap.php )
Loaded in 0.0717 seconds, using 2.09MB of memory. Generated by Kohana v2.3.2.
Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Sat, 2009-04-25 21:01
@MtnBiker I'm guessing that you're using PHP as CGI? I have only seen reports of the error happening in that situation and I haven't been able to reproduce it so that I can investigate. Any chance I can ssh onto your server and observe the problem first-hand?
Joined: 2008-02-11
Posts: 172
Posted: Sat, 2009-04-25 21:53
I'm at 1and1 FWIW. I wish you could SSH. I can't. I have an account without shell access. I may upgrade one of these days, but no access now.
I might be able to set up a guest account. I'll try and email you the link. Since you've warned us not to put up on a public site I'll avoid posting the link here.
Joined: 2005-10-27
Posts: 18
Posted: Thu, 2009-04-30 08:35
The answer is probably a quick yes... but does g3 really require PHP 5.2? The latest RHEL release only has PHP 5.1.6 so it'll be a bit of a pain to get past the;
"Gallery requires PHP 5.2 or newer."
Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Thu, 2009-04-30 15:42
@MtnBiker been a bit busy, but I see you sent me a private message. I'll try to get to that soon.
@gowdy I'm pretty sure the answer is "yes". You can probably comment out that code (look in the installer dir) and try it for yourself. I can't remember the *exact* dependency we have on 5.2
Joined: 2005-10-27
Posts: 18
Posted: Thu, 2009-04-30 22:35
I removed it from there and the top index page. It them complained about the filter module that was added in 5.2, so that is probably part of it. I managed to install a beta/unstable version in 5.1.6 (which took a while with various problems not work reporting). So getting past that it then gets as far as configuring and creating an admin account for me but kohana then produces various errors on the front page, so it must require 5.2. Guess I'll not be testing this out for a while. Ah, I could try it out on my PS3, it runs Fedora 10 with has php 5.2.6.
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Posts: 74
Posted: Fri, 2009-05-01 12:27
Has anybody had any luck with the watermark module? I tried using the same watermark I use on full size images in my G2 site (http://raia.us), but the results were not good. My watermark image is a PNG file with a transparent background. This displays exactly the way I want on G2, but it behaves very differently in G3. I find that the transparent background area shows in G3 as if it were white. It almost looks like the IE6 problems with transparent PNG files that plague all web designers, but I find the same behavior with IE6, IE7, and Firefox 3.
I don't know if it is relevant, but I am using the GD graphics library.
I have created a number of additional watermark images in Photoshop (I have tried png, gif, and jpeg, including examples with and without transparent backgrounds), but none of them look right on my G3 images. I have played with the transparency setting in G3, but no setting seems to give a result like the one in G2.
Does anybody have an example of a watermark that looks good in G3?
Posts: 7994
@alexandreracine: 1) https://apps.sourceforge.net/trac/gallery/ticket/196 2) https://apps.sourceforge.net/trac/gallery/ticket/197 3) I'll defer to talmdal 4) Sort orders are under the "Edit Album" option.. where would you put them? 5) good idea.. I filed https://apps.sourceforge.net/trac/gallery/ticket/198 for that. 6) do you have a reproducible test case for this? I can't make it happen
. Great feedback, thanks!
@m-d-d: yep, I think you're seeing a manifestation of https://apps.sourceforge.net/trac/gallery/ticket/106 . The "queue limit" is basically a limit on the number of files we can upload at once. It was arbitrarily set to 100. I just changed it to 1000.. let's see what happens. Edit core/views/simple_uploader.html.php and look for "file_upload_limit" to change it in your version. Filed https://apps.sourceforge.net/trac/gallery/ticket/199 for the flv height issue. I can't reproduce the bug where deleting the album doesn't remove the files from disk. Possibly that's been fixed in SVN after the release? Can you try a nightly? Thanks for the feedback!
@kellym: thanks for the hack to let people use GD! We'll make that configurable. As for the bug where viewing resizes doesn't un-darken when you're done, we're aware of that and are going to be redoing that whole interface.
Posts: 358
@alexandreracine: re "3- Usability : Activating the local import and adding pictures. If I check the square left of the folder /tmp/tmp, in this instance, the "import" button is still grey out until I clic on the "+" left of the folder name."
I can't recreate on the svn version. I created a authorized structure of /tmp/tmp and if I click on the grey box or on the text field the add button becomes enabled...
Duh the light just came on... if you just installed alpha3 over top of the the alpha 2 directory structure then the local import module will still be in your directory tree... Local Import was renamed "Server Add" in alpha 3 so just delete the "modules/local_import/*" after you uninstall it first.
The plan is that after beta 1 there will be an upgrade path between releases, but until then your best bet is to delete the directory tree and reinstall each release to insure there is no garbage hanging about from the previous release.
As for 4 "Where is the sorting option inside albums?", its under Options/Edit Album
Thanks for the feedback
Posts: 151
After looking at the template code, I am back with a few more comments.
First, I am glad to see the use of pure HTML and PHP rather than a template engine like Smarty. It's less complicated and easier to understand.
However, I am not at all fond of embedding PHP inside HTML. It just comes across as a lazy way of doing things to me. Why was this method chosen over a standard echo statement?
The Oldiesmann
SMF Webmaster
SMF+G2 Integration Project - RC1 now available!
Posts: 358
@Oldiesmann: not sure what your point is about embedding PHP inside HTML. But to be specific, we're not embedding PHP in HTML, we are rendering HTML using PHP
Its a slight difference in perspective. The design philosophy is to put the logic for rendering into the template (*.html.php|*.txt.php|*.rss.php) and the logic to create or acquire the data into the controller. Standard MVC paradigm.
Posts: 5
Just installed my first Gallery3 instance and must say that it looks very promising.
I have found two small things,
1. If you miss to install a graphic program you get an error instead of a warning, maybe this should be checked during installation like other necessary information.
2. The transparency for the watermark is backwards at least according to my mind, if you have 100% transparency it all see through and 0% will be solid, but it is the other way around at this point.
Posts: 28
@bharat: I will try SVN tomorrow. I got todays version on my server but have no time to install and test. Going for day long trip, but will test it tomorrow.
Posts: 7994
@nekstrand: 1) hm. can you describe the layout of your graphics programs? We do our best to do autodetection so I want to understand how your config slipped through the cracks and 2) I agree with you and have filed http://apps.sourceforge.net/trac/gallery/ticket/204 to address that. THANKS!
Posts: 5
@bharat: at this point i cant reproduce the problem, but as it was tested with a brand new installation of open-suse 11.1 i will redo it to see if i get the same problem.
Posts: 5
@bharat: This is the error i get http://pastebin.com/m3d16add0 , i found out that this is if i'm missing php-gd, but no warnings that it is needed when installing or using gallery.
Edit: I think there is some problems with Imagemagick but they seems to be known (thumbnails), and also the local upload is quite strange, the plus signs does not work bellow one level and there seems to be some update issue as well.
Posts: 3
I, for one, vastly prefer this approach to embedding of HTML fragments into PHP files. It's much easier to understand how the HTML will be generated, making it easier to create my own templates. It's probably also much more maintainable. This is one of the things I like most about Gallery 3.
-- Pete
Posts: 358
nekstrand: if you are trying to use "local import" as a module, it could be part of the problems. "Local Import" was replaced with "Server Add" in alpha 3. If you just installed it over alpha 2, you might have some old code sitting the installation directory. Its planned for beta 2 to have a migration path from beta 1. At this point, installing a new release is a case of deleting the old installation and reinstalling the new source.
Posts: 7994
@nekstrand: ah ha! That makes sense. I've filed http://apps.sourceforge.net/trac/gallery/ticket/206 and have a candidate fix for this in the works.
edit I've fixed this in the latest svn and closed the ticket. Please let me know if this does not resolve the problem!
Posts: 28
@bharat I tested SVN version from 4/4/2009 and firs I got an error during installation:
First I was unable to login into gallery becouse of not valid password. After reinstall I got error again, but gallery was working and I was able to login.
I successfully created test album and I was able to delete it from gallery and server folder. No problem with this at all.
Posts: 5
@talmdal: Sorry about that, it should be "add from server" and it is a brand new installation, but i found the problem......The right for the files and folders were wrong, sorry for that also.
I uploded the files as root but never thought about that.
Edit: the add from server is absolutely excellent as it preserves the folder structure and also makes albums, at the moment i use this as a way to import from Gallery2 and it seems to work great, at least for getting the pictures into gallery3.
The only small flaw i can find at this point is that apart from the status bar (which is not helping very much if it's a bunch of pictures and it's moving very slowly) you cant see that it is working, a sugestion is that the add button is greyed out or something similar.
Posts: 5
Despite my good words about the "add from server" i must say it does not work very well.
It added 33904 copies of the first and same photo to the album, this was when i had pictures in second level of directory structure under the path (add from server), 18 files in the directory and the biggest about 4mb.
Edit: also when you delete the files and galleries from Gallery3 it does not seem to remove the physical files, or is this maybe because it breaks down while adding?
Posts: 358
@nekstrand: Its a known issue (http://apps.sourceforge.net/trac/gallery/ticket/208) and I'm currently working on it. Because of this, it looses track of where the images are and doesn't delete them properly.
Posts: 74
It looks like things are progressing well. So far, most of Alpha 3 seems to work for me. I can't seem to get the EXIF module working, however.
First, I turned it on in the Modules screen.
Next, I went to the Maintenance screen, where Gallery3 tells me that "17% of your photos need to be scanned for EXIF data."
Next, I launched the "Extract EXIF data " maintenance task. This launches a little pop-up window which never shows any progress. There are only 10 images in my test gallery, so I expected to see some progress fairly quickly.
When I view the images in my albums, I don't see any links that would allow me to open a pop-up window to show any EXIF tags. Where should I find this option?
Any ideas what I am doing wrong? Thanks.
Posts: 151
I am wondering your reason for doing this:
<a href="<?= $some_variable ?>">...</a>
As opposed to something like this:
echo '<a href="' . $some_variable . '">...</a>';
It seems pointless to go in and out of PHP all the time instead of staying in PHP for the entire file and having PHP output the HTML as well.
The Oldiesmann
SMF Project Manager
SMF+G2 Integration Project - RC1 now available!
Posts: 7994
@Oldiesmann: if you really want to understand the problem, try converting an entire template over to using echo statements in PHP. What you'll find is that the majority of the content is HTML and that it rapidly becomes very difficult to read that content when its surrounded by tons of PHP echo statements.
Posts: 27
@Oldiesmann: I work with PHP all day (full-time job as web-dev), and your suggested way is highly impractical and has no benefits.
The way it's being done allows for much more readable code, and better maintainability, and is better syntax-highlighted and better interpreted by IDEs.
edit: sorry if that sounded a bit personal, is simply my opinion.
Posts: 151
I wasn't suggesting a separate echo statement for each line. In some cases you only need a single echo statement for the entire file (depending on whether or not there are any control/loop statements in it (such as if, for, foreach, etc.)).
The only difference is that IDEs/editors will highlight the HTML using HTML colors instead of treating it as a PHP string. I have yet to see an editor that has a problem with echo statements.
Also, as many have said, the general consensus is that using short tags is a bad idea. Lyceum (blogging software) abandoned them just because some users had problems due to not having short tags enabled. OSCommerce uses them and some users have had problems with it. Gregarius abandoned them 4 years ago (see http://svn.gregarius.net/trac/ticket/24).
The Oldiesmann
SMF Webmaster
SMF+G2 Integration Project - RC1 now available!
Posts: 5
First off - Great Job Guys&Gals! I'm very impressed with the Gallery3 implementation even at this early stage - works well given the release.
Secondly - I'm breaking the rules - I've got it running on two different servers on the web (albeit not indexed for common consumption) but I don't have the ability to run it locally (I'm on a Mac running OS X 10.4.11 without Windows or Linux implementations). Having said that, both are working but each has a problem.
One displays the thumbnails properly but the slide show doesn't work - the other (more serious) doesn't upload properly (I get the error message after a full progress run) & the thumbnails don't show up (but the slideshow works ;-). I can view the images in the gallery's that I've created by clicking on the full image view button (perfectly) but none of the tools in the (non)showing thumbnail panels work - with the exception of the edit (names & description) button.
I'm not a code monkey so I don't know what I'm doing - I can follow instructions at the most basic level but I don't really know anything about how this all works... ;-(
Here's links to the galleries - Please ask me for any more info if you'd like to pursue these issues. Thank you in advance - I appreciate any help.
1) http://www.mideamedia.info/3g/index.php
2) http://www.leetaylor.biz/g3/index.php
Lastly, here is the error msg I get on the 3g gallery when I try to access the Admin panel for Settings > Graphics.
Warning Message
An error was detected which prevented the loading of this page. If this problem persists, please contact the website administrator.
core/helpers/graphics.php [273]:
exec() has been disabled for security reasons
Stack Trace
* core/helpers/graphics.php [273]:
exec( which convert )
* core/controllers/admin_graphics.php [26]:
graphics_Core::detect_toolkits( )
Admin_Graphics_Controller->index( )
* core/controllers/admin.php [49]:
call_user_func_array( Array
[0] => Admin_Graphics_Controller Object
[theme:private] =>
[uri] => URI Object
[input] => Input Object
[use_xss_clean:protected] => 1
[magic_quotes_gpc:protected] =>
[ip_address] =>
[1] => index
Admin_Controller->__call( graphics )
* kohana/core/Kohana.php [270]:
ReflectionMethod->invokeArgs( Admin_Controller Object
[theme:private] =>
[uri] => URI Object
[input] => Input Object
[use_xss_clean:protected] => 1
[magic_quotes_gpc:protected] =>
[ip_address] =>
, Array
[0] => graphics
[1] => Array
Kohana::instance( )
* kohana/core/Event.php [209]:
call_user_func( Array
[0] => Kohana
[1] => instance
* kohana/core/Bootstrap.php [55]:
Event::run( system.execute )
* index.php [61]:
require( kohana/core/Bootstrap.php )
Loaded in 0.1483 seconds, using 2.32MB of memory. Generated by Kohana v2.3.2.
Thanks! Lee
Posts: 1
One of the big features that has drawn me to Gallery from a pure Drupal solution is the ability to offer several different picture resolutions that the viewer could choose from. Apparently Gallery2 has this, but I installed Gallery 3 today and don't see that feature. Can you tell me if it will be there? If not it's probably back to pure Drupal for me...
Posts: 27300
No it is not. For the foreseeable future this feature will be part of G3. Performance, code complexity/size was some of the determining factors. Perhaps a community module contribution will fill this missing feature.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 151
The key here is the "exec() has been disabled for security reasons" message. Your host has disabled the exec() function, and therefore Gallery is unable to check whether ImageMagick or GraphicsMagick are available. You can try talking to your host to see if they'd be willing to enable it for you, but I would recommend finding a better host. Yes, exec() can be abused, but it's not easy to abuse it unless the host doesn't have things configured very well.
The Oldiesmann
SMF Webmaster
SMF+G2 Integration Project - RC1 now available!
Posts: 5
@ The Oldiesmann -
Thanks very much for the help. I thought that might be the problem & I've already contacted them about making GD or ImgMagick active for me - so far no response... ummm
Anyway I'm going to keep plugging away at this until I understand it (somewhat anyway ;-) I'm looking at the template stuff to see if I can make it 'more me'...
Thanks again for the help & again, very good work! Excellent in fact.
Posts: 151
Your host likely already has GD enabled - it's a fairly common PHP extension, and I can't recall ever seeing it disabled (SMF uses GD for resizing avatars and making thumbnails for attachments).
The Oldiesmann
SMF Webmaster
SMF+G2 Integration Project - RC1 now available!
Posts: 17
I keep testing this alpha 3, and this WE I got again the thumbnail issue. I had a set of thumbnail to flip (just 90 once each), it seems that when you are doing it fast on several photos, "the ajax get lost". It happens also once with the delete function on a thumbnail. --> see screenshots
I also tried to rename the admin user, after that I wasn't able to connect anymore.
Otherwise, it works great
Posts: 5
@ The Oldiesmann -
Yes, GD is enabled but I don't see any other references to any Graphics programs. I've attached the phpinfo file as a txt file & here's a link to it on the server.
I still haven't heard anything back from o2g.net's "tech support staff" about my request.
Thanks for caring.
Posts: 1
Ah ha! Glad to know I'm not the only one with the delete issue. The 'galerie2.jpg' screenshot is exactly the problem I wrote this ticket about: https://apps.sourceforge.net/trac/gallery/ticket/209 .
Posts: 17
Hi, It's me again
I have installed Gallery3 yesterday svn trunk.
When editing an album, the changes made to "Directory name" are never saved: I change directory, I click on modify and them go back album editing, directory name hasn't been changed.
I tried to get translation updates, I have english and french selected, english is default. The process hang on "Fetching updates". I let it run for hours and it's still trying to fetch the updates.
If I check only english language, it works ... is there no french translation available ? is that the reason ?
Posts: 7994
@pinn8: Regarding your exif errors.. can you check the var/logs error log files and see if there're any special errors in there? Failing that, can you make a zip file of all of your images so that I can try to reproduce it over here? Also, it'd help if you could get a latest nightly download or use the latest code from svn and tell us if the problem still happens.
@leetaylor: I'll try to get a fix into the next release that will still allow you to use GD if exec is disabled (but realistically we're not going to try very hard to support that configuration)
@plasticgoat / @korvus: we've got a bug filed against the "wrong delete" issue and will investigate it, thanks for the report!
@plasticgoat: the directory and file "rename" code has not yet been implemented, sorry for the confusion! Probably won't be in the next release either (but we'll get to it!)
Posts: 2
Tried with an IPv6 + SSL configuration, most things work fine, except the uploader -- can't determine if it's in the Flash or Javascript code: the SSL Negotiation Handshake fails (which means that for Apache, the connection is not established at the SSL Level). How could I get more verbose output?
Note that IPv6 without SSL works.
Posts: 17
I have noticed a "strange" behavior on the "Add Tag" fields for the tag cloud:
First time on the page, the text "Add tag" is displayed inside the field and when you click inside the field, it disappear to allow the user to type the new tag.
So, I add a new tag
Then, the field behavior is "reversed", i.e., when the focus is outside of the field, the field is blank, and when I click into the field, the text "Add Tag" appear in it.
If I refresh the page, it works fine again for one input.
I also have a question about translation. There is some part of the GUI that I'm not able to translate, i.e. there is some text that does not appear in the embedded translation tool:
- Traduction tool block itself ("Save translation" button, "Translate TO ...")
- The info/warning message, like "Saved photo xxx" (in a green banner)
- The menu item "Start Translating"
- The button "Add a comment"
- The balloon tips on ajax thumbnail buttons (Edit, Rotate, delete ... )
How could I translate these items ?
Posts: 14
Using IIS7 Fastcgi PHP 5.2.8 MySQL 5.1.3 GD. Just installed the 3b3 (not from svn). Looks good, installed without any problems. I do have few issues though.
1) I'm trying to add a new user from the admin page and it won't let me do it. I click on the 'Add User' button and nothing happens. The 'Create Group' button works OK.
2) In the 'add from server' settings it will not let me put a path that is more than 3 levels deep. I can do c:\path\path2\ but not c:\path\path2\path3\ or deeper. And, while actually adding from the server, I can not expand the path even though a little plus signs shows next to it. I thought when I clicked the sign, it would expnad the whole tree.
3) I also agree with the previous posters who wrote about the confusion between Name & Title. A user should not see or be able to edit the File Name field. It is confusing. The file name should be generated automatically. In the same vein, somebody wrote about it already - the problem with non-latin1 letters in the file & album names. Either allow the whole UTF8 set or convert them internally to latin1 equivalent.
4)Perosonlly, I do not like the file names to be shown anywhere - security reason. Right now they are visible and prominent everywhere, esp. coolris slideshow gives a full path to a file.
5) Make the file name as a Title optional not automatic. It is a very rare case when one wants to have a title of a picture the same as a file name. But for those who choose that option, strip the file extension. As it is now, it is extremly tedious to go to each and every picture individually to either delete the whole file name or just the extension.
Posts: 7994
@cwolfhugel: yeah my guess is that this is enough of an edge case that the swfUpload folks don't fully support it yet. Would you please file a bug in http://apps.sourceforge.net/trac/gallery/newticket so that we can remember to fix it?
@plasticgoat: there are some complexities that we have to get right with some of the strings. this is on our list, but I'm not sure when we'll get around to fixing it.
@zdiva: thanks for the feedback. I believe that we've fixed #1. Not sure about #2.. I can't reproduce that. We are going to do something sane about the filename field, but haven't decided exactly what we're doing there yet. Some people want more control over it than others.
Posts: 10
Well I blew away the previous release, loaded this one. Guess I'll wait for the next!
I tried to add a user, no go. So I tried to edit the admin user to add an email address. Got an error.
I uploaded a photo. Though it all seemed to go OK, no photo got uploaded.
If the problems were database related, there was no indication on installation that the DB wasn't acceptable.
I have a feature request for G3:
As a user of G1 on a club website with lots of photos, I occasionally see spam comments. I get emailed when they happen so I can remove them quickly. I also get emailed when registered users add photos or make any album changes.
Those emails are very important to me. I think G1 does it better and simpler than G2.
Please pretty please, add an email facility which reports on changes, whether by logged on users or guests.
I installed G2 on the club site and migrated all the piccies to it. Then G3 appeared on the scene, so I thought I'd wait to see how it panned out, rather than getting my G1-aware users onto G2, then later G3. I'd love a migration path for the albums, photos, descriptions, comments etc, from G1 to G3. But I know that is a big ask.
Meanwhile, keep up the good work guys.
Error on saving changes to admin user:
An error was detected which prevented the loading of this page. If this problem persists, please contact the website administrator.
modules/user/controllers/admin_users.php [116]:
Trying to get property of non-object
Stack trace
Admin_Users_Controller->edit_user( 2 )
* core/controllers/admin.php [49]:
call_user_func_array( Array
[0] => Admin_Users_Controller Object
[uri] => URI Object
[input] => Input Object
[use_xss_clean:protected] => 1
[magic_quotes_gpc:protected] =>
[ip_address] =>
[1] => edit_user
, Array
[0] => 2
Admin_Controller->__call( users, Array
[0] => edit_user
[1] => 2
* kohana/core/Kohana.php [270]:
ReflectionMethod->invokeArgs( Admin_Controller Object
[theme:private] =>
[uri] => URI Object
[input] => Input Object
[use_xss_clean:protected] => 1
[magic_quotes_gpc:protected] =>
[ip_address] =>
, Array
[0] => users
[1] => Array
[0] => edit_user
[1] => 2
Kohana::instance( )
* kohana/core/Event.php [209]:
call_user_func( Array
[0] => Kohana
[1] => instance
* kohana/core/Bootstrap.php [55]:
Event::run( system.execute )
* index.php [61]:
require( kohana/core/Bootstrap.php )
Posts: 2
While searching why in some places I had both secure and non secure content on the Welcome page of Gallery3 I found following URL: http://lite.piclens.com/current/piclens.js, coming from this file modules/slideshow/helpers/slideshow_theme.php.
Would it be an option to embed this into Gallery, or unless it provided necessary stuff not use it without prior validation by the administrator? As a general guideline I'd love not to use externally provided contents (I mean loaded from an external site during runtime).
Posts: 10
Maybe not the best solution (as you'll loose slideshows), but if you're worried about it you can always disable the slideshow module.
Posts: 7994
@kenw: Sorry about the user related breakages in Alpha 3. Those should all be fixed in the latest nightly code (http://www.gallery2.hu/). Check out the notification mpodule, it should do what you are looking for. And by the way, you can use the RSS module to monitor a feed of comments (that's what I do with my G2) which is also a good way to find and delete spam. Sadly, it'll be a while before we have a G1 -> G3 migration path that doesn't involve you going to G2 first. But if there's enough demand, somebody will write it.
@cwolfhugel: supporting SSL is not a high priority for us right now. Embedding the piclens code into G3 is difficult because of conflicting licenses, so if we want to do it we'd have to download the code from their site and store it locally. Thus far it hasn't been worth the effort. But I added a hack which will use the SSL version of their site if your G3 is accessed via SSL.
Posts: 74
@bharat: I tried reinstalling from SVN tonight, and I don't see any difference with the EXIF module -- when I try to run the EXIF maintenance task, it stalls, and I never see any blocks or links in the albums for EXIF data.
Since installing tonight's SVN, I don't have any log files in the var/logs folder, although the contents of the log files from before the re-installation contained no errors.
I verified in Vista that the EXIF tags are present. The really interesting part is that the "Popular Tags" side block contains some info in it that is only contained in the EXIF tags (description, location, keywords, etc.).
Do you have any further suggestions?
Posts: 12
The same thing is happening to me. I have tried changing the cryptua variable in php.ini but to no effect.
Posts: 7994
@pinn8: I lowered the logging level so you might not have a log file now (the old logs were too noisy, now the log file won't even be created unless there's something to put in it). So no logging issues. Hm. Can you zip up all your images and pass them on to me? I'll try adding them to my g3 and see if I can figure out what's going wrong.
@alternateroute: er, what exactly is your problem? "the same thing" isn't very explanatory in a thread that has 92 comments!
Posts: 172
Problem on Macintosh (Intel, latest OS updates) whenever I access a pop-up window, like when trying to login. Same (or similar) result for Firefox and Safari. After clicking here's what I get:
Page Not Found
The requested page was not found. It may have moved, been deleted, or archived.
kohana/core/Kohana.php [787]:
The page you requested, login/index.php, could not be found.
Stack Trace
Kohana::show_404( )
kohana/core/Event.php [209]:
call_user_func( Array
[0] => Kohana
[1] => show_404
kohana/libraries/Controller.php [48]:
Event::run( system.404 )
Controller_Core->__call( index.php )
kohana/core/Kohana.php [270]:
ReflectionMethod->invokeArgs( Login_Controller Object
[uri] => URI Object
[input] => Input Object
[use_xss_clean:protected] => 1
[magic_quotes_gpc:protected] => 1
[ip_address] =>
, Array
[0] => index.php
[1] => Array
Kohana::instance( )
kohana/core/Event.php [209]:
call_user_func( Array
[0] => Kohana
[1] => instance
kohana/core/Bootstrap.php [55]:
Event::run( system.execute )
index.php [61]:
require( kohana/core/Bootstrap.php )
Loaded in 0.0717 seconds, using 2.09MB of memory. Generated by Kohana v2.3.2.
Posts: 7994
@MtnBiker I'm guessing that you're using PHP as CGI? I have only seen reports of the error happening in that situation and I haven't been able to reproduce it so that I can investigate. Any chance I can ssh onto your server and observe the problem first-hand?
Posts: 172
I'm at 1and1 FWIW. I wish you could SSH. I can't. I have an account without shell access. I may upgrade one of these days, but no access now.
I might be able to set up a guest account. I'll try and email you the link. Since you've warned us not to put up on a public site I'll avoid posting the link here.
Posts: 18
The answer is probably a quick yes... but does g3 really require PHP 5.2? The latest RHEL release only has PHP 5.1.6 so it'll be a bit of a pain to get past the;
"Gallery requires PHP 5.2 or newer."
Posts: 7994
@MtnBiker been a bit busy, but I see you sent me a private message. I'll try to get to that soon.
@gowdy I'm pretty sure the answer is "yes". You can probably comment out that code (look in the installer dir) and try it for yourself. I can't remember the *exact* dependency we have on 5.2
Posts: 18
I removed it from there and the top index page. It them complained about the filter module that was added in 5.2, so that is probably part of it. I managed to install a beta/unstable version in 5.1.6 (which took a while with various problems not work reporting). So getting past that it then gets as far as configuring and creating an admin account for me but kohana then produces various errors on the front page, so it must require 5.2. Guess I'll not be testing this out for a while. Ah, I could try it out on my PS3, it runs Fedora 10 with has php 5.2.6.
Posts: 74
Has anybody had any luck with the watermark module? I tried using the same watermark I use on full size images in my G2 site (http://raia.us), but the results were not good. My watermark image is a PNG file with a transparent background. This displays exactly the way I want on G2, but it behaves very differently in G3. I find that the transparent background area shows in G3 as if it were white. It almost looks like the IE6 problems with transparent PNG files that plague all web designers, but I find the same behavior with IE6, IE7, and Firefox 3.
I don't know if it is relevant, but I am using the GD graphics library.
I have created a number of additional watermark images in Photoshop (I have tried png, gif, and jpeg, including examples with and without transparent backgrounds), but none of them look right on my G3 images. I have played with the transparency setting in G3, but no setting seems to give a result like the one in G2.
Does anybody have an example of a watermark that looks good in G3?