Gallery 3.0 Alpha-4 Feedback
Joined: 2003-01-04
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This topic is for feedback on the fourth technology preview of Gallery 3.0 (alpha 4).
3.0-Alpha-4 release announcement
Posts: 32
It would be sweet if someone wrote up a sketch of how to do a test migration (really, a copy + migration) from a gallery 2 install and linked to that from the alpha4 release notes, so that those of us who have been waiting for migration to be available can start testing more broadly.
Posts: 10
It's actually really simple
1. install g3
2. activate g2 import module from | -> Admin -> Modules
3. add link to g2 embed.php in the Admin dashboard | -> settings -> gallery 2 import
4. head to the maintenance page and start the import.
your g2 install is left intact and you can pause/resume the import at any time.
Posts: 12
I have updated to Aplha 4 and still have the problem when adding photos. It goes thru the motions of importing them, but when it is done, I get logged out and the photos don't appear in the gallery.
(I have not been able to get photos into this new version at all)
I tried doing the import from Gallery 2, but I am not 100% sure what to put in as the path to the required php file.
Most of the time it comes up saying it is not a gallery installatio, and the time that it doesn't (presumeably because the path is right) I get an error as follows.
Warning Message
An error was detected which prevented the loading of this page. If this problem persists, please contact the website administrator.
modules/g2_import/helpers/g2_import.php [63]:
require(/home/alter871/public_html/gallery2/) [function.require]: failed to open stream: No such device
Stack Trace
modules/g2_import/helpers/g2_import.php [63]:
g2_import_Core::init_embed( )modules/g2_import/helpers/g2_import.php [59]:
g2_import_Core::init_embed( /home/alter871/public_html/gallery2/ )modules/g2_import/controllers/admin_g2_import.php [36]:
g2_import_Core::is_valid_embed_path( /home/alter871/public_html/gallery2/ )Admin_g2_import_Controller->save( )core/controllers/admin.php [49]:
call_user_func_array( Array
I really wish I could get this software to work.
Posts: 22
@alternateroute: try including the filename at the end of the path, like: /home/alter871/public_html/gallery2/embed.php
That made my installation accept the path without an error.
Posts: 27
(Am using the SVN trunk version, updated just now so I assume it is similar to a4.)
Default Theme: The visual distinction between photos and galleries is not obvious, can I suggest making it look like the top image is on a stack of photos?
Something like this, but better.
Single Image View > Full Size: would you consider closing the full-size overlay by clicking anywhere?
Posts: 12
Thanks for that. Including the embed.php filename worked and imported all my gallery 2 albums without a problem.
I still have the problem with the "add photo" function not working.
It appears to load the photos, then logs me out and the photos haven't been loaded.
1 out of 2 ain't bad so far......
Posts: 7994
@jezmck would you please file a ticket about that? We'll be working on that for upcoming releases.
@alternateroute glad to hear your import went well. As for your add photo problem, is there anything suspicious in your var/logs error logfiles?
Posts: 74
I'm glad to see things progressing well. I have found a couple of issues with Alpha4 since installing it yesterday.
1) I am having a problem importing from my G2 installation (running 2.3). I turned up the log level on Alpha4, and received this error message when trying to run an import:
Update to issue #1: I managed to get past that error by removing an entry for a group called "customers" from my database and re-running the maintenance task. I have made it farther this time, successfully creating users, groups, and albums. However, the process is stalling on the first actual image being imported. The error is identical to the EXIF error I mention in issue #2 below, so this may really be an EXIF issue, not an import issue.
2) I am having another EXIF problem. Bharat helped me resolve the issue I had with Alpha3, but I have a different problem this time. With Alpha 4, when I try to run the "Extract EXIF Data" maintenance task, the process stalls. I see nothing in the G3 log file, but I get this error in my PHP log file:
3) I notice that if I define the size of my resizes as anything larger than 689 pixels, the image is scaled down to 689 when it is displayed. Is this a "feature" of the default theme, or is there a deeper level limitation on the max dimension of the resized images? This is not new to Alpha4, but I didn't mention it in the earlier releases.
Other than that, I think things look good. I especially like the "maintain album" interface.
Posts: 74
I found the solution to the first two issues I reported earlier: I needed to enable the php_mbstring module in my PHP installation.
Posts: 12
I deleted the log and then retried to add photo so only those errors would be captured.
Here is the log.
<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.'); ?>
2009-05-07 15:22:02 +10:00 --- error: Uncaught Exception: @todo FORBIDDEN in file core/helpers/access.php on line 176
I hope you can make some sense of it.
Posts: 5
Hello Gallery team,
I really like the way Gallery 3 is heading. The Alpha 4 is the first version I have tried and the UI is just a pleasure to use.
Watermarking is not on the top of your priority list, I know that - still I would like to comment on the existing implementation, especially when compared to G2: In G2, we had the choice of watermarking:
1. Thumbnails
2. Resizes
3. Full size
For a photographer like me who only used full size images (actually downscaled to 640 x 480 before uploading) and thumbnails it was convenient to watermark full size images only. I understand that with G3 currently this behavior can no longer be replicated, correct? Is there perhaps a way to get back the three simple checkboxes to select which versions we would like to watermark?
Thank you and my best best wishes for the future development.
Posts: 74
I agree with RobertR about the watermarks. A watermark that serves its purpose on a 700 pixel image is too large to fit on a 200 pixel thumbnail. A watermark that fits on a thumbnail is too small to be noticeable on a larger resized image. It is not clear to me why somebody would really need to watermark a thumbnail, anyway.
However, I understand that the developers need to focus their time on critical items, and perhaps RobertR and I don't represent the "typical" use case for watermarks. I haven't explored the php yet, but I suspect it would not be too difficult for one of us to modify the watermark module and offer it as a community alternative to the standard watermark module. There must be some point in the code that specifies whether to apply the watermark when you rebuild images; if we can find that, we should be able to change it.
I'll give it a try -- any suggestions from the developers on which files I should be looking at would be appreciated.
Posts: 344
Hey guys,
When I upload photos, they do not appear. How come?
Thanks for any assistance.
Posts: 27
which bit? also I can't login ATM, it's asking for HTTP auth!
"A user name and password are being requested by The site says: " Authentication""
Posts: 2
I get this error in the log file. Any page other than main page does not render properly.
<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.'); ?>
2009-05-07 14:41:49 -04:00 --- error: Uncaught Kohana_404_Exception: The page you requested, lib/superfish/css/superfish.css, could not be found. in file kohana/core/Kohana.php on line 794
2009-05-07 14:41:49 -04:00 --- error: Uncaught Kohana_404_Exception: The page you requested, lib/themeroller/ui.base.css, could not be found. in file kohana/core/Kohana.php on line 794
Posts: 344
Hey guys, I really want to "play" with gallery3, but when I upload photos, they don't appear. I haven't done anything else to it . My url is:
I noticed that when I looked into my albums via FTP, there are no images there.
Didn't we have this problem in earlier releases of Gallery3? If so, what was the fix? Thanks.
Posts: 18
In G2, I was able to strip the file format and make the file name into the individual photo title (so this CHS_Boys_Tennis_vs_Mattoon-_003.jpg would look like this CHS Boys Tennis vs Mattoon - 003) using the Gallery Remote. I cannot get Gallery Remote to log into my G3 install (and figured it wouldn't work yet.) Is there a way to build this name change into the G3 web interface?
Also, I have been trying to get the G2->G3 importer to work and am having a hell of a time. Does anybody know the absolute file path structure for Go Daddy's hosting?
Posts: 4
Unless I'm missing something, the only video format supported is FLV, correct?
Posts: 7994
@pinn8: I made use of mb_detect_encoding conditional on the module being loaded. I figure, if you don't have that module then you're probably not dealing with a lot of character encodings anyway. Can you file a ticket for the duplicate group error? And yes, the resizing is a theme feature to avoid breaking the layout.
@alternateroute: what browser are you using? Can you try using a different browser?
@RobertR: regarding watermarking, the problem we have is that in G3 to simplify things we don't save off a copy of the original which means that watermarking the full size is a destructive operation. To avoid it being destructive, we don't watermark the original. So what you might do is to have a resize that's the same size as the original then use the watermark module as is, but make it so that guests can't see the original image. This gives you the same functionality as before, right?
@skunker: Can you report what you see in your gallery3/var/logs and apache error log files?
@jezmck: I meant would you file a ticket about the visual appearance of album thumbnails. Go to and create an account there, then go to and enter your username/pass to get access to Trac. Clunky, I know-- they're working on it.
@Apachi2k: looks like the classic 1and1 hosting problem. I can't reproduce it, so I don't know how to fix it yet.
@sbstaskiewicz1: the file name -> readable name stuff is coming. stay tuned! As for the web interface.. you can probably figure out the absolute path by creating a file called test.php with this in it:
<?php print __FILE__ ?>
and putting it into your G2 directory and opening it in your web browser.@jamus: G3 supports FLV and MP4 natively. All else we'll have to transcode (that code hasn't been written yet and is almost definitely out of scope for the 3.0 release)
Posts: 344
It was mod_security problem for me, it kind of fixed it. But I still have some issues, I'll report back later. Thanks.
Posts: 28
The thing that bother me the most are themes. What I see is no possibility to define different behavior for each album. I would like to be able use different setting for thumb sizes, resized images, images count per page for each album independently. Right now this future is implemented for whole gallery at once. I like flexibility of G2 in this matter.
Posts: 219
Looking good! A few permissions got a bit squiffy on import from G2, and I had to tell it about a fair few album cover thumbnails again, but apart from that it appears OK. Lack of comments import is the only thing stopping me using it as my primary gallery now, but it's come a long way, some very good work from the team.imited/1.4 FrontPage/ mod_ssl/2.8.25 OpenSSL/0.9.7a PHP-CGI/0.
Posts: 5
@bharat: Thank you for the explanation, I understand the logic behind your approach now. I had the impression that watermarks are created "on-the-fly", but did not consider that even a temp file has to stored somewhere. I guess the workaround you pointed out will solve the issue with the full size images.
Thank you, Robert
Posts: 7994
@m-d-d: we may be able to add that flexibility in the future, but for now we're aiming for simplicity. We figure that most users don't need those options yet.
@toastmaster: we're not importing permissions yet, and there's a known issue where we don't import album covers for albums that only contain other albums (ie they don't contain photos directly). working on it!
Posts: 28
Gallery 3 has still problems with non ASCI characters in image names. I uploaded image with name "ładne-zdjęcie.jpg" (nice-picture.jpg). Image cannot be displayed, and what I got is an error massage. Gallery need to support file name sanitation to drop "illegal" characters from namespace or handle this in other way.
Gallery 2 is doing this properly transforming file name "ładne-zdjęcie.jpg" --> "__adne-zdj__cie.jpg" and creating proper link to it "http://[server name]/[directory name]/v/__adne-zdj__cie.jpg.html"
In case of Gallery 3 it's look like this:
file to be upload: "ładne-zdjęcie.jpg"
file name after upload (on server): "Ĺ‚adne-zdjÄ™cie.jpg" (ładne-zdjęcie.jpg in UTF-8 encoding)
link to picture: "http://[server name]/[directory name]/index.php/%EF%BF%BD_adne-zdj%EF%BF%BD_cie.jpg" (double UTF-8 transcription of name?)
The thumbnail is visible and link to thumbnail picture looks like this: "http://[server name]/[directory name]/var/thumbs/%C5%82adne-zdj%C4%99cie.jpg"
When trying to access photo by clicking on thumbnail the error message appears:
My server is Ubuntu 64bit 9.04 server edition box without any modification to Apache, MySQL or php. Default encoding is UTF-8 and locale is pl_PL
Posts: 28
@bharat: I understand simplicity
, but my impression was that Gallery3 is going to replace Gallery2 for 95% of users. Right now the flexibility of G3 in the way how the images are displayed is extremely limited. I am overwhelmed by G2 futures, size and complexity of script and amount of files in directory. I am really using only two futures of G2. Permissions and how each album should display pictures (how many rows, column, thumb size, resized image dimension). That's it.
I will love to switch to G3 in future.
BTW Alpha 4 is a huge progress from A3. Good work.
Posts: 19
This beta is the first one that actually works for me! Hooray!
A few days ago I uploaded several photos and the last one had some kind of error. Didn't pay attention.
Today I uploaded a group of them and in every case (actually in the group or as an individual photo) after transferring I got a "error 500" result for each one. The photo did upload but only as the full version. This is what was happening before. There are no thumbnails. What causes error 500?
OK, my bad for not looking at the logs. It has this:
error: Uncaught PHP Error: realpath() [<a href='function.realpath'>function.realpath</a>]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/usr/bin) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/largiad/:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:/tmp) in file kohana/libraries/drivers/Image/ImageMagick.php on line 45
Is it a permissions problem? No idea why some of them worked a day or two ago.
Posts: 23
I am having problems getting any .flv videos to even show up. I am able to add them through the Add photo menu and choose the .flv file. But when I refresh i do not see any videos. Is there something I am missing? Also I am just curious about this and it seems intermittent but for some reason my gallery has horizontal scroll bars. So most of the time the login and logout link at the top right is off the page and I have to scroll to the right in order to click the link. I have done two test galleries one has this issue the other does not. I tried copying the one that looks great to the other folder but did not make a difference. Any suggestions would be great. I am using Gallery 3 alpha 4. Thanks
Posts: 39
Impressions and all for alpha 4. Sorry if this is long.
0-Yes! Getting a little bit closer!
1-The change password if you are an admin is nice.
*1.1--For the url field, I did ask myselft "mmm url.... url of what? The installation? Mine? My fav website?" Perhaps this should be changed to "your personal website address (optional)". And by the way URL means nothing to normal users, and who remembers that it means Uniform Resource Locator anyway?
*1.2--Maybe the "optional" text should be near the email field too. Nice validation here.
2-I added the Server Add module, and got the yellow notification up the page, this is nice too
*3-I installed the Exif Data module and in the maintenance tasks, it told me that there was one picture left to scan. The problem is that there is not yet any picture in the gallery at this point. Running it cleared the message. Weird. Minor and low priority of course.
*4-I deactivated the RSS module and the message was "Uninstalled RSS module". I quicly look for the RSS module if it is still there, and yes. So perhaps "RSS module deactivated" would be more appropriate? People are used that "uninstalling" means not on disk anymore.
*5-I can see total number of photos in the dashboard, but not on the home page for each album. Is this a feature to be in the final release? Feature request? It's pretty nice to look at the number 12000+ items
6-Folder with accents work, that's good
(é è ç, etc)
7-Adding photos. Let's test for real
*7.1--Using the "add photos" menu. I choose a photo, and I get the message "Pending". Multitasking? Nooo, so maybe adding here a "Pending, please wait..." would be nice, since clicking on the "Select photos" did nothing at that moment. Yes the photo was 9MB, but photos will always be bigger in the future so...
7.2--I can multi select with the Ctrl key, that's nice!
*7.3--If adding a lot of photos with the same window, the "select photos" button get push lower then the visible area and you have to scroll down to get it. Maybe a reverse display would be good here. The "select photos" button first, and the latest upload at the top. Older upload status would be push down.
7.4--I uploaded with the "add photos" 432 photos totalling 48MB, and it work! Flawless!
8-Will G3 will be easy to integrate with Drupal 6+ ?
9-Added a photo with accents and it work well too.
*10-Search: Filenames still not searchable?
Alright, that's it
Alexandre Racine - Évènement, photos et beaucoup plus!
Posts: 22
I realize I may be out of line here, because I've not even downloaded or tested G3 but has there been any talk of implementing some sort of Universal login? Preferably using Google FriendConnect or Facebook Connect? OpenID would be a 3rd option. Lessening our logins seems to be the way the web is heading.
Posts: 7994
@m-d-d: I filed about the character encoding issue.
@AntonLargiader: you either need to reconfigure your open_basedir restriction to include /usr/bin so that you can get at your graphics programs, or you have to switch to using the GD graphics library in Admin > Settings > Graphics.
@welchyboy: please check your error logs in gallery3/var/logs and let us know what you find there. There's probably an error in there. Also please try using a nightly download.
@alexandreracine: 1.1) your suggestion is a little wordy. don't you think people who have urls will know what to put there? 3) fixed 4) we're trying to avoid making the modules page more complicated. Creating a distinction between "deactivated" and "uninstalled" seems like overkill to me for most users. 5) is a theme choice, not sure which way we'll go on that but it's easy for you to add yourself if you're interested. 7.3) we'll work on that issue. 8) yes, we'll integrate with drupal, but it's not been written yet. 10) filenames are searchable for me. Can you give me a use case where that doesn't work?
@cozbaldwin: An interested party could probably pretty easily write an openid module for gallery 3. it's not a big priority for us now, though. Maybe for the 3.1 release.
Posts: 60
When I try to do a import from G2 to G3 I get the pop-up window and the progress bar never moves.
From D:\WebApps\Apache Group\Apache2.2\htdocs\gallery3\var\logs\2009-05-17.log.php
<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.'); ?>
2009-05-17 08:09:30 -05:00 --- error: Uncaught PHP Error: GalleryCoreApi::require_once(D:\WebApps\Apache Group\Apache2.2\htdocs\gallery2\modules\core\classes/../../../modules/comment/classes/GalleryCommentHelper.class) [<a href='function.GalleryCoreApi-require-once'>function.GalleryCoreApi-require-once</a>]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in file D:/WebApps/Apache Group/Apache2.2/htdocs/gallery2/modules/core/classes/GalleryCoreApi.class on line 2827
Posts: 39
@bharat :
10. I have attached two files witch demonstrate a search for "99". I clearly have pitures/file names with "99" in them.
Alexandre Racine - Évènement, photos et beaucoup plus!
Posts: 19
I switched to GD, and didn't get the error any more but I still got no thumbnails. I'll try to figure out the open_basedir thing and go back to GraphicsMagick.
EDIT: OK, where do I change the open_basedir restriction? Within Gallery, the DB or on my ISP's control panel?
Posts: 7994
@lupar_blackice: we're not providing support for Gallery 3 on Windows currently, so you're on your own there (maybe somebody else here can help you out). Good luck.
@alexandreracine: I still can't reproduce that. Are you using the latest subversion? Try doing a fresh install with the latest subversion or nightly, upload *only* that file and search for it. If that doesn't work, can I get a dump of your database? Specifically I want to see what's in your search_records table.
@AntonLargiader: open_basedir is a PHP setting so you need to configure it in your ISP's control panel. Your ISP should be able to help you with this if you can't figure it out.
Gallery 3 problems? Check gallery3/var/logs before you post!
Gallery 3 nightlies:
Gallery 3 subversion:
Posts: 39
@bharat : ok I get it, I installed g3a4 over the g3a3 database. Should be okay with a fresh install then.
Alexandre Racine - Évènement, photos et beaucoup plus!
Posts: 4
Good Morning,
[i]I have been trying out Alpha4 after being a very Happy Gallery2 User. [i]I am getting the following error after Clicking on the Graphics [b]Button (After logging in as the Admin). Let me know if anyone want the Stack Trace:
An error was detected which prevented the loading of this page. If this problem persists, please contact the website administrator.
core/views/admin_graphics_gd.html.php [2]:
Undefined index: GD Version
Using Ubuntu 9.04
Posts: 39
@jkemp76 : Do you have GD installed? I use alpha 4 with Ubuntu 9.04, and everything is fine...
Alexandre Racine - Évènement, photos et beaucoup plus!
Posts: 7994
@jkemp76: you're seeing this ticket which we've fixed. Get a new nightly release and this problem will go away (or take alexandreracine's advice and install GD).
Gallery 3 problems? Check gallery3/var/logs before you post!
Gallery 3 nightlies:
Gallery 3 subversion:
Posts: 12
I am using Firefox 3.0.10 (on Mac OSX 10.5.7) I have also tried with Safari 3.2.3 and get the same problem.
I grabbed the log after trying to load photos with Safari and the error is the same.
<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.'); ?>
2009-05-23 13:35:36 +10:00 --- error: Uncaught Exception: @todo FORBIDDEN in file core/helpers/access.php on line 176
2009-05-23 13:35:40 +10:00 --- error: Uncaught Exception: @todo FORBIDDEN in file core/helpers/access.php on line 176
2009-05-23 13:35:44 +10:00 --- error: Uncaught Exception: @todo FORBIDDEN in file core/helpers/access.php on line 176
2009-05-23 13:35:50 +10:00 --- error: Uncaught Exception: @todo FORBIDDEN in file core/helpers/access.php on line 176
2009-05-23 13:35:52 +10:00 --- error: Uncaught Exception: @todo FORBIDDEN in file core/helpers/access.php on line 176
I guess that is one error for each photo I tried to upload.
I will try with the latest night and see if it makes a difference.
Posts: 12
I have uploaded the latest nightly and now it gives me the error talking about suhosin.session.encrypt.
I guess this is the source of my upload problem.
I will approach my host provider and ask them to change the setting (if possible).
Posts: 12
I was able to turn the setting off using a php.ini file in the gallery3 folder.
And now the photos will load!!!!!
Thanks for the help
Posts: 23
What I decided to do is download the latest nightly build (5-22-2009) from here and deleted the complete original gallery and database and started fresh. The problem still exists. For some strange reason I am getting a horizontal scroll bar and it is preventing me from seeing the login and logout link at the top right. Any suggestions? As I stated in an earlier post I installed a few gallery's on different sites to test them out and one have the horizontal bars and the other did not. Upon the fresh installation of the gallery there was no error log in the var/logs directory. Any thoughts or suggestions to fix this would be great.
Posts: 2
Ihave the same Error as documented 2 times here.
Uploading file I see this in logfile:
error: Uncaught Exception: @todo FORBIDDEN in file core/helpers/access.php on line 176
But this happens uploading BIG IMAGES. Images with size about 5-12MB. Small images till 1MB works fine.
This hapens with GD2 and also imageMagick.
Hope this help
Posts: 21
Hi there. Gallery 2 was already good, and I'm curious looking forward to v 3.
I have to setup a communtity and the decision was made to use elgg for future developement. ( - please have a look if you don't know.)
My question: Are there any ideas or plans to collaborate with user management outside of the gallery database? Or will there be at least a good description, how to handle the Database to have a gallery user?
What I want do to, ist making all the community stuff (blog, chat, groups, user-registration, signon, adminisitration etc.) with elgg. But I'd like to integrate gallery then as album for the user.
Thanks in advance for feedback.
Posts: 2
OK the most error on line 176
error: Uncaught Exception: @todo FORBIDDEN in file core/helpers/access.php on line 176
happen cause PHP.ini is wrong configured. I set 32MB for upload and !!!! 32MB for posts.
Now it works fine
Posts: 7994
@welchyboy: can you send me a link to your gallery so that I can see the problem directly?
@tsedeke: Glad to see you figured it out!
@westor: yes, we have plans to be able to use external authentication. It's coming. It's not here yet, though!
Posts: 27
The admin maintenance task "Rebuild Images" seems mis-named.
It doesn't Re-build the images.
I discovered this after getting some very corrupted images (suspecting my camera btw) and wanting to fix the previews.
Posts: 23
Here is the link to my gallery...I have broken it. Just remove the two pluses from the link
Once you are at the gallery you should automatically see the horizontal bars at the bottom of the page. You shouldn't be able to see the login link at the top of the page unless you scroll to the right. At least on my PC this is the case. However i do not think it is directly related to my computer because like i said i have installed multiple gallery's and one has worked and the other has these bars. If anyone can help out with this that would be great. Also I am still having issues with uploading .flv videos. I there a trick to uploading the videos. I upload them and it completes successfully however I do not see them and certainly can't play them. Thanks for all the work and assistance!
I just previewed this post to make sure the link was going to work and I noticed something very interesting. If i type in (removing the two plus signs) without the www. the site works fine and the horizontal bars are nowhere to be found and everything works great. However if I type in (removing the two plus signs) and adding the www. the site seems to not work correctly. Meaning it has the horizontal bars and I can not see the login link and so forth. Hopefully this minor discover helps with the resolution of the problem. Thanks
Posts: 7
I have a question about permissions.
Is it or will it be possible to ste the permissions, that guests only see the thumbnails? Right now when I set "Everybody" to "View allowed" and "View full size denied" I can still click the thumbnails and see the bigger pictures.