Gallery 3.0 Beta 1 is ready!
Gallery 3 is finally in beta! We've been hard at work over the past 8 months designing and building a worthy successor to the Gallery line and we are happy to say that we've got something that we think will make you very happy. The big news for this release is that from this point on, we will support upgrades to future releases! But don't take our word for it, download it now!
Intended audience
Gallery 3 Beta 1 is not a finished product, yet. We still have a lot of polishing left to do on it. But most of the big pieces are in place and it's beginning to really shine. Even in its incomplete state, it is a stable and reliable product. If you're looking to move forward and you're willing to live a little bit on the edge, now is the time. If you're excited about creating beautiful themes and writing your own custom modules, now is a great time to get involved!
Security warning
We've commissioned a professional audit from our good friends over at Gotham Digital Science and they gave us a list of security flaws in the product. We have fixed all the major flaws they uncovered. There are still some little issues left, but they are along the lines of "you should ask for the old password as a confirmation when you let users change their password". We'll fix them, but they're not fixed yet. Are all the security holes closed? We hope so, but history says that there are probably a few that we haven't uncovered yet. If you install Beta 1 on a public site, we encourage you to watch for new releases and be prepared to upgrade when we put out security fixes.
Let's go!
With the disclaimers and warnings out of the way, here it is:
Download Gallery 3.0 Beta 1 (1.2 MB)
or retrieve directly from our revision control with git
clone git://
The Gallery 3 Philosophy
Gallery 3.0 is easy and fun to customize. We have made every effort to make it much easier for the casual developer to hack on the product. You don't need a computer science degree to do something really cool with it! And our user-centric development process ensures that the user interface is not an afterthought.
Scope and target audience - Before starting development on Gallery 3.0, the target audience and the scope of the application were clearly defined. Gallery 3 is not a general purpose web application handling any file format you throw at it. And it's not supported on every web platform that exists.
We made tough decisions early on to make the product leaner and faster for you. For example, we got rid of photo-level permissions and provide them only at the album level. This makes the app faster and easier to maintain while simplifying the UI and removing a feature that most don't use.
Simplicity - We've got some great usability and user interface experts on our team, designing and prototyping interfaces that just make sense. The emphasis is on making simple, frequent tasks quick and easy. To see an example of this, check out the admin dashboard and the user/group administration page.
Size matters! - Gallery 3.0 is currently a mere 4.4MB (uncompressed on your disk), with all its features. Compare that to the 16.5MB of Gallery 2.3's bare bones minimal package. Leaving out some levels of abstraction really helps to lose some weight!
On the shoulders of giants... - Gallery 3.0 is made possible by some truly great advances in technology.
We evaluated many PHP frameworks before choosing Kohana. It makes PHP application development simple and fast. Thanks to the Kohana folks for providing this first class application framework!
PHP 5. We're taking advantage of many of the new features and capabilities available in the latest versions of PHP. This allows us to write less code and have a faster product.
We're using jQuery to create the rich user interactions in the browser that make the application fast and light. Especially with with jQuery UI and a host of plugins, UI development couldn't be more hassle-free.
Easily customizable - Did you know you can create your own theme just by copying an existing theme to a new folder? How's that for easy? There's no new templating language so if you know HTML and PHP you can start hacking today.
Easily extendable - We've worked hard to keep things simple. You can write your own module complete with installer, menus and theme integration in just a few lines of code. And to make life easier, we've created a Developer module that gives you a point and click way to create your own modules.
Fewer configurations - We support Gallery 3 on Unix running MySQL 5, Apache 2.2 and PHP 5.2.3. By restricting the number of platforms that we support, we can put out high quality releases faster. Gallery 3 may work with MySQL 4.1, IIS and other platforms but the Gallery team is going to focus its energy on making the best possible product on the supported configuration.
What's new in this release?
- Support for upgrading to further releases (beta 1)
- Full HTTPS support (beta 1)
- Use the EXIF caption as the photo description (beta 1)
- Support for installs into non-empty databases (beta 1)
- Gallery 2 Import now imports comments, sort orders, keywords, tags, timestamps and more (beta 1)
- Photo and album names are editable (beta 1)
- Big improvements to the Organize (bulk editing) feature including drag and drop, mass rotation and album highlights (beta 1)
- Advanced settings editor (beta 1)
- Greatly improved permissions interface (beta 1)
- Improved localization client UI allowing to translate plurals (beta 1)
- Performance improvements (beta 1)
- 85 closed tickets in the beta 1 release
- Bulk editing interface (alpha 4)
- Gallery 2 to Gallery 3 import (alpha 4)
- Tag management for admins (alpha 4)
- 41 closed tickets in the alpha 4 release
- Support for database table prefixes (alpha 3)
- Random image block for the sidebar (alpha 3)
- Module administration view (alpha 3)
- Added translation server and localization client (alpha 3)
- Reimplemented the Flash uploader using SWFUpload (alpha 3)
- Album sort orderers (alpha 3)
- Add photos directly from the web server (improved in alpha 3)
- User/group/permissions management UI (alpha 3)
- Auto-login at the end of the installer, with a welcome page (alpha 3)
- Moved Google Maps and Polar Rose modules out of the official package into the community repository (alpha 3)
- 58 closed tickets in the alpha 3 release
- Localized UI with built-in editor (server side support is not finished) (alpha 2)
- RSS feed for comments (alpha 2)
- RSS feed for new images or movies (alpha 2)
- EXIF read support (alpha 2)
- Add photos directly from the web server (alpha 2)
- Support for uploading and viewing FLV movie files (alpha 2)
- Ability to view full size photos (alpha 2)
- Boolean and full text search (alpha 2)
- Album browsing
- Item commenting, comment moderation
- Spam protection with Akismet and Recaptcha
- Image toolkit support for ImageMagick, GD, and GraphicsMagick
- Theme system, including separate admin theme.
- Module system to extend the functionality, and a series of existing modules
- Basic metadata boolean search with relevance ranking
- Flash-powered slideshow (Cooliris)
- Album media RSS feeds
- Quick edits of item metadata
- In place item deletion and rotation
- User group management (drag & drop interface)
- Basic user permission management
- Admin dashboard with drag and drop blocks
From the beta release onwards we'll be working on polishing up what we already have. We will try to restrain ourselves from adding lots of new features and will focus on stability so that we can release it to you sooner.. A few things that we know that we'll be adding include:
- Photo printing support
- More capabilities in the Organize feature
- Import permissions from Gallery 2
- Remap Gallery 2 urls to Gallery 3
- Improved tagging support
- Basic embedding hooks / instructions
- (opt-in) Stats collection (helps us to improve the product)
- Bulk editing of albums and photos (partially available in beta 1)
You can track development on our Trac roadmap.
Got feedback?
If you have any overall feedback, please visit the Gallery 3.0 Beta 1 Feedback forum topic and let us know! If you have questions, please visit the Gallery 3 Wiki, the future home for Gallery 3 documentation.
Just download and install it. Importing pictures from gallery2. So far, it runs well.
By the way, I have a non-tech question when I am translating...
When I click "Appearance" -> "Theme Choice", the page title is "Theme Administration". And click "Appearance" -> "Theme Options", the page is "Theme Details". Well, it is okay to me, but I think it's better to have consistent name.
@engineer: good catch! I've fixed those issues in the latest code.
Gallery 3 problems? Check gallery3/var/logs before you post!
Gallery 3 latest code:
Gallery 3 from git:
I encounter a translation problem on Recaptcha module. The sentence it shows,
"Recaptcha is a free CAPTCHA service that helps to digitize books, newspapers and old time radio shows. automated spam filtering service. In order to use it, you need to sign up for a <a href="">ReCaptcha Public/Private Key pair</a>, which is also free. Once registered, the the challenge and response strings are evaluated at <a href="%url"></a> to determine if the form content has been entered by a bot."
The domain is my website URL. It should be like "...getkey?domain=%url&...", right? What is the "%url" variable name?
not quite sure what you see. to me, it looks all fine.
both links in that paragraph work fine.
the 2nd points to "<a href=""></a>"
Excellent work on the beta, guys!
A question on the G2 importing. I see you are looking into enhancing the import module by also importing permissions from G2. If I import now and more features become available later, do I have to reimport everything again, or can the new features simply be added on to the information already imported?
On a sidenote, on the "ReCaptcha Challenge Filtering" page: "Once registered, the the challenge and response strings are evaluated at to determine if the form content has been entered by a bot.
And under "Graphics Settings": "The GD graphics library is an extension to PHP commonly installed (ON) most webservers. Please refer to the GD website for more information."
Congratulations on the release
[img][/img] Random picture from my Gallery
Crazy. I can't wait for the final. After that, my hosting company will roll it up and I can get to work installing it. I'm really excited about this. Flash slide shows? Nice. Great work. Really focused. One question for now: Will G3 actually center the copyright water mark now?
Thanks guys--you rock all the way to the Andromeda galaxy.
@bharat: thanks for fixing the cgi bug. but maybe there's now another one in the beta.
I checked our G3 from Git yesterday and everything was working perfectly (install, import of g2 with 2500 photots > 50 albums, ...).
Now with the beta rel. I'm facing some paths problems (every path is prefixed with a '/fcgi' part --> not existing):
Hopefully this is getting fixed soon. Thanks for the beta release.
As said yesterday everything was working perfectly.
qq: does anybody know how to embed the gallery3?
Issue can be fixed the quick and dirty way via a small change in the config.php file ("application/config/config.php"):
Hmm - looks like the application also requies that SimpleXML be installed for php - that isn't mentioned in the documentation.
Also - it appears that the menu bar doesn't work on konqueror 3.5.9 which is fairly standards-compliant. It looks like it works in firefox. I'm not sure if it is the plan to only support a few webbrowers.
During the initial install it didn't give me the option to change the location where album data is stored. That might be an issue for some users.
Looking forward to trying this out once I get it working. Didn't see any mention of webdav on the features list - it was really nice when this feature came out for v2 as it made uploading photos really easy. I'm not sure I'll get much use out of the flash-based plugins - if anything I might try to disable them (seems counter to promotion of standards).
Beta 1 is the first version of G3 I've tried and, overall, I like the changes.
Just a few initial thoughts: 1) Why use a JavaScript confirmation window when deleting an object? Be consistent and use the stylized AJAX prompt. 2) It would be nice to edit photo info like title, description, and name in-line (where it's displayed) rather than using a separate prompt. 3) Add a sidebar area for album information. 4) Tags: it's not clear what "popular" means, what it applies to, and how to remove them.
I'm sure as I work through the Beta I'll have more comments. Thanks for all the work!
G2 import only displays blank page (after typing embed.php path)
@engineer: I fixed the issue with the recaptcha string; we should have been using a placeholder for that entire url. If you pull the latest code, you'll get the fix.
@VENCO: fixed the typo, thanks! On the g2_import front, it's *possible* that we'll be able to fix up the permissions in a subsequent import, but I wouldn't count on it. Sorry :-/
@dwdallam: thanks, glad to hear you like it! And yes, the watermark module will properly center images (or else its a bug!)
@dave8401: drat, it's hard to get that right. Can you do me a favor and send me a dump of your phpinfo() output? That would help me figure this out.
@rich0: simplexml is installed by default. Is there a particular reason why you didn't have it available? Sorry about the Konqueror issue.. we've been focusing our energy on the big boys. But if you file a bug, we'll be happy to try to fix that. As for the data storage directory, we went with a dir that would work well for most users.. we'll probably offer a way to configure that at some point if there's enough demand. We care more about usability than tight adherence to standards and the Flash uploader provides functionality that's not going to be available until HTML5 so that's probably going to be our main approach, at least for now. If somebody is willing to write a webdav module, we'll definitely help out.
@crumdev: 1) the JS confirmation dialog box is a quick and dirty hack, we'll be fixing that. Ticket for that is 2) we may do inline editing, but it's challenging to do that while still maintaining a good separation of core code from themes. Ie, the theme would probably have to collaborate on the editing process making theming harder. :-/ I'd love to see inline editing, though. 3) what kind of sidebar area would you like to see? We do have one now with the info module, it'd be easy to add lots more info there. 4) yeah, I hear you. The tags module is going to get beefed up a lot before the final release.
@panu: check your gallery logs (see my sig) and try disabling eaccelerator if you have it active.
Gallery 3 problems? Check gallery3/var/logs before you post and file bugs here!
Gallery 3 latest code:
Gallery 3 from git:
Simplexml isn't enabled by default on my distro (gentoo). Not the end of the world - once it is actually packaged it will just be listed as a dependency and then users will rebuild php when they install g3.
I understand you're starting over so it will be a while before we have access to some of the features we're used to in g2.
I might just stick with g2 until g3 catches up (unless g3 introduces something g2 lacks). The WebDav module is only 700kb, so maybe one of these days I'll take a look and see how hard it is to port (I'm not that familiar with the design of either g2 or g3 so I'm not sure how close to being a drop-in replacement it would be). I can also upload from the server so that is an option (that's what I used to do pre-webdav - the java plugins at the time didn't work well on amd64). I just like to avoid flash whenever possible...
Don't get me wrong - it looks like a great project! G2 was such a massive accomplishment it will definintely be hard to beat it - looking forward to it when you're there (I'm still importing my g2 albums so perhaps I'll find it is already compelling to switch).
Nice! I will install now. Thx
#1 curious to try the new version... but are there any precautions to take when upgrading versions so it goes nice and smooth. I don't want to loose the "customizing" I did to the layout. ex. being sure my custom header stays the same, my theme stays the same.
#2 And I'm getting ready to use either joomla of dotnetnuke. Is 3.0 ready to bond with either???
1: Just like G1 -> G2 the G2 -> G3 is not a upgrade but is a G2 -> G3 import. Data in G2 is not lost during a import. G3 does not have G2 themes. The layout in G3 is very different. More themes will come as we get a stable product first. Try for yourself and you might find that customizing G3 to be easier than G2 and smarty.
2. No integrations yet.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Wondering if Gallery 3 would eventually be able to import straight from G1, or I'd have to convert to G2 first - but that would mean double url remaps?
When deleting an image or album makes the gallery unstable and other images than selected are deleted as an image, but the database remains intact so their links remain in the gallery.
Hi bharat,
Here my phpinfo() output. Let me know if you require any help/info.
Do you have any info about integrating g3 into an existing site (any hint how to start, some loc, ...)?
I'd really like that as well - somehow I never got my G2 installation finished, but G3 seems a Good Thing (tm)
@oriolhernan: it sounds like you've found a serious problem, but I can't fix it unless I have a lot more details. Can you please describe what you did, what happened, and what you expected to have happen instead? If we can't understand the bug, we can't fix it.
@dave8401: thanks! Ticket filed here:
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs before you post! and file bugs here!
Latest zip:
Latest git:
I run the latest CentOS 5.3 with Apache-2.2, php-5.1.6.
Gallery 3 says "Gallery requires PHP 5.2.3 or newer."
Very sad
I know I can update things myself, but I don't like to do that.
So I guess I am just going to have to wait for CentOS 5.4 and hope PHP 5.2.* is included.
Sorry SamBeckett, what can ya do. I hope CentOS 5.4 is right around the corner
- I'm trying to recreate the same error deleting albums and images but don't happens anymore.
- I hope that the next server add module will be much better than the actual. In this message is attached the error that shows me every time I want to import an album. Also, the albums never are added when I click on add. I have to request the order and then go to maintenance page and resume the operation. In any case, i am unable to add more than one folder at same time.
I haven't downloaded or installed this yet, but I would like to know if it is possible to have a private gallery but give people access to it by having a unique link. Link you can do with picasa and on face book.
I don't want to have to create users for everyone that I want to give access to private galleries I just want to be able to give them a link that has a unique key for that gallery that would allow them to view it.
So is this functionality available?
I'm not sure what is the problem, I have php 5.2.9 and mysql 5.1.33 and recent apache of course.
... hmm after disabling eaccelerator all gallery pages give me fatal error with the above error message. Same error if I re-enable eaccelerator though. It was the first time I touched the server in 3 weeks so I'm pretty sure there wasn't any other changes pending.
I had twice the same problem of the pictures deleted.
I added two main albums and inside one of them 5 other. One of them has images of 2560x1600 pixels. All are added ok but the first image in this album has no thumbnail so I tried to delete this one and reupload again. The problem is that when I deleted this image almost all the images in the gallery are deleted.
I hope you can understand this problem. A great one!
I have the same problem as Panu. Blank page after import save button and eaccelerator is disabled. Where I can find the import log?
@peremees and @panu I had the same problem and it turned out to be a file system issue. I use Dreamhost and they obfuscate the drive paths. When logged in through SSH, pwd shows a path of /home/username/directory, but it's actually /mnt/local/home/username/directory.
hi everybody
i installed the g3 beta 1 but only the home page (.../gallery/index.php) works.
if i try to access to dashboard (gallery3/index.php/admin) I receive an unformatted page and the link to Browse the Gallery is now gallery/index.php/index.php/.
if I go to Options --> Edit album and I change the title, when i click to MODIFY nothing happens.
please help me
All maintenance tasks popup the progress window, but there is no progress. No errors in apache log file or gallery logfile. I see continued requests for the maintenance page. At first I saw this when I was doing an import from g2, but I tried running all maintenance tasks and get the same thing.
Apache 2.2.3
Php (yes, I cheat because it technically isn't 5.2.3)
@oriolhernan: we're going to either rewrite or delete the server_add module. I don't know how to reproduce that bug so I don't know where to start on fixing it. Can you reproduce it reliably? If so, how? Can you file a bug please?
@pmaciver: no, not yet. We're planning on having that feature (and the framework supports it) but we might not get around to it until 3.1
@Panu: if you read that error message, you no longer have InnoDB support in MySQL. You'll need to fix that to get Gallery3 working. It's unrelated to eaccelerator...
@peremees: check gallery3/var/logs (see my sig)
@vonmax: please add your details to this ticket
@steelfly: most likely you're missing a feature in PHP that is causing it to crash. If you can reproduce this with 5.2.3+ please file a bug. If not, I suggest you use tcpdump and watch your TCP traffic to see the real error.
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs before you post! and file bugs here!
Latest zip:
Latest git:
CentOS 5.4 is probably quite some months away. What I've done - cuz I'm too lazy to build my own packages :-D - is to use this addon repo
Maybe not what you want, but it worked for me.
G3 B1 works fine in most areas. But yes, I have the same problem. I have tried it with several browsers (Chrome, IE 8 and FF) - and I found no entries in log
Thanks, the recaptcha problem is gone. By the way, I've new problems.
1. If I submit translattion, then drop MySQL database and reinstall a new Gallery3, and then get translation update. I can't get the translation I just submitted, can I? Because I just do it but something I just translted are gone, I only get the translation submitted a couple of days ago.
2. Thumbnail can't be showed correctly. After I check trac, it is the same problem described as ticket #307
If disable all permission to everybody group, thumbnails can't be showed even if I've login as administrator. Give everybody group only a 'view' permission, thumbnails show correctly.
Well, while editing permission, the permission dialog has a warning
"Oh no! Your server needs a configuration change in order for you to hide photos! Ask your server administrator to set AllowOverride FileInfo Options to fix this."
No entries in log.
Other problem. I tried add photos from server. It work fine when take 2 or 3 folders. When I have more folders it doesn't works. Dialog box closed and the message is "Add from server completed". But no photos added. In this message is attached the log.
I also found spelling issue here, notice double "the the" in the sentence:
Once registered, the the challenge and response strings are evaluated at to determine if the form content
Running Beta1
Just finished translating everything that was available to Swedish. Thanks for all the great work.
@osomanden: can you verify that you don't have a PHP accelerator (Zend Optimizer, eAccelerator, APC, etc) running? Are you importing from a multisite G2?
@engineer: re #1, I'll defer to valiant on that one. For #2, ? thought the warning made things pretty clear. If you don't have that setting, permissions won't work. You need to fix it first.
@peremees: not sure what's going wrong with the g2 import, but others are reporting this also so I'll be investigating. On the server_add front, I filed this ticket:
@maredzki: thanks! fixed in the latest code.
@dansell: awesome, you rock!
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs before you post! and file bugs here!
Latest zip:
Latest git:
Thanks for reporting the translation server issue.
There are a couple of issues involved:
1. for plural translations: (working on a fix)
2. for 4 of the messages (recaptcha and akismet module name / description):
3. Translation submissions get rejected silently. We should show a list of all rejected messages.
But you should always keep a backup of your database table 'outgoing_translations'. it's a local copy of all your translations.
I've reported this as ticket #372 as this message is also displayed if you don't have apache mod rewrite enabled
There is no accelerator running. Only lighttpd on it´s own.
I am importing from a single site G2.
Pls. Let me know if you need further information.
the plural translations stuff should be fixed now. you'll need to update your gallery3 version from git.
please let me know if any of your submissions don't get accepted.
you can find out by clicking "Get updates" after submitting your translations. if your translations don't show up in the db table "incoming_translations", then the server either rejected the ones that you don't see, or it flagged them for approval_required.
specific translation submissions get rejected if there's a problem with the source string of the message (e.g. malformed HTML), and they get marked for requiring approval, if the translation contains HTML other than a small subset of allowed HTML elements / attributes.
bharat, valiant or other developer,
how do you translate the pop ups? Not sure of the terminology here but say you click "Add photo/item". You get the upload photos dialog but there's no way to translate the text there even in translation mode. If there are other ways I'd be interested so I can translate the remaining parts into Swedish.
Hi guys !!!!
Thanks a lot for the time you spend doing such a great job.
I don't know if ths has been repported before, but the add from server module do not support a large nu,ber of pictures.
I add problem with my G2 so instead of importing it, I just made a fresh install of g3 and recreate album with the server function.
Then I tried to add the folder containing all sub folders album, the modul starts doing his job but after few sec it just stopped without error message and I came to the gallery.
I had to add folder few by few to make it works.
Unfortunalty I did'nt had time to systematicaly look at the problem, so I don"t know if its related to number of files of total file size. But the problem occurs even with folder only with pictures, without subfolders. I guess so its one of the two explanations I gave.
Sorry for not be able to give you right now more info, but I will try to look at this more carefully ASAP.
By the way is ther any project to allow album download for users ?
Thanks again..
Hi Guys... Two questions:
1) If I start adding photos to an installation of Gallery 3 Beta now, will upgrade to Beta 2 allow me to keep all my albums?
2) When/If they are available, where will I be able to download themes for Gallery 3?
Thanks so so much guys!
The plan is that now that we have hit beta 1, there will be an upgrade path for future releases.
When someone writes them? We are focusing on delivering Gallery3 with our planned features and that included an easy to use theme. If all you are looking for is different colors, then you should just be able to copy the default theme and change the colours in the CSS. More complex themes, as I was told in university, "are left as an exercise for the community"
yes, it has and we are looking at rewriting the module.
translations of pop-ups / dialog boxes isn't enabled yet. but it's on the roadmap. see:
Then my participation was useless, good luck guys...
@Luluberlu: Never useless, the more feedback we get the better.