Gallery 3.0 Feedback
Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994 |
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Gallery 3.0 is out! WOOOOOT! What do you think? If you've got some kind of complicated issue, we may ask you to open up a new forum topic for it. But we'd love to hear general feedback here. |
Posts: 3
Easy setup. Loads fast. Sensible amount of options. Should be a hit, right? Congrats to the team!
Posts: 573
Congrats,'s been a long journey since G2 (and even longer since G1)
For Gallery 3 modules and themes, visit
For PHPNuke, phpBB2, and phpBB3 integration help, visit
Posts: 74
Congratulations. Thanks for all the hard work.
My G3 site (using a tweaked Grey Dragon theme)
Posts: 80
Does adding to the importing from G2 module the option "don't resize" would be difficult?
In addition, I miss the separate settings for the main album (especially the size of thumbnails and row numbers) from G2...
Posts: 7
this already seems to be easier to run then the previous version
im starting to like it alot
Posts: 26
Congrats Bharat!
Posts: 79
The last section of the .htaccess file seems broken. I uncommented all the other goodies (FilesMatch, mod_expires, etc.) and it's fine, but when I uncomment the mod_rewrite thing I get a 404 error.
These are the relevant config bits in the master Apache file for this virtual site:
This used to work well with the release candidate. I made no changes to the web server since then.
I did a clean reinstall: wiped out the release candidate, reinstalled the final version from scratch. G3 is currently empty.
Florin Andrei
Posts: 135
Notes on upgrading from Sante Fe RC2
- I didn't have a Maintenance Mode option on my Maintenance page - I just renamed folders on the fly.
- The Upgrader URL returned a 404 for me until I removed my root site Wordpress .htaccess file -
- After running the upgrader nothing worked until I replaced the new Gallery .htacess file with my old one.
- Admin worked after all the above but DOH! I forgot to move my custom theme (might want to say - Move var AND any custom Themes, modules etc)
- Up and working now with some Theme CSS issues - all breadcrumb and Next <-> Prev links are stacked on top of each other with no styling (I was using the standard Wind Them nav and crumbs)
Thanks for all you do!!
Posts: 27300
Care to update the docs for us please.
Could be your custom theme? Start a new thread and post a URL of the behavior.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 135
I found the following that I believe were part of my G3 RC2 default install(?) and are missing from the 3.0 final release(?). I moved them to the new install and all is good:
- /lib/gallery.common.css
- /lib/themeroller/
The CSS file handled the layout of breadcrumb, next/prev text, image count and Options link for admins. Themeroller gave color to the next/prev buttons and Options. My Custom theme is "Wind" modified.
Posts: 27300
Those file where moved to the theme and as you have discovered it fixed your custom theme. Having those in the theme makes it easier for the themer to develop a custom theme.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 135
Ah okay, no I had not discovered that the files were moved to theme. Sounds good for the future, for now I'm using the old files in the old locations. Need to tweak anyhow.
So far otherwise it;s been smooth as silk. Thanks team G3!
Posts: 428
I am using RC2 Santa Fe and don't see any upgrade options/alerts to upgrade to 3.0
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Posts: 27300
There is no automatic upgreade alert to go from RC2 to #.0 final/gold
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 92
I have to admit to being skeptical when I tried the original versions of Gallery3. I just didn't get the rave reviews.
However now I have to admit with the final release of version 3 and the myriad of modules emerging Gallery3 is a very viable product.
My only gripe now is the slideshow presentation. Originally I hosted with Phanfare and their slideshow is still my preferred solution. So if someone can reproduce the Phanfare slideshow with background sound my searching would be over.
May I also add my appreciation to all of those who reply to forum questions. In other open source forums they struggle to get to an 80% response rate, so many submissions go unanswered.
Posts: 34
I have waited since the first announcement of G3 until yesterday, never looked at the beta versions due to lack of time to play. So coming to G3 with no prior expectations I can say my response so far has been a solid 'wow'! It may not have all the exotic features of G2 and no doubt people will miss their obscure favorites but for fulfilling the actual purpose of displaying images in a web site quickly, easily and attractively, you hace achieved your goal 200%.
It is far better than I expected, on ease of installation and config, and it retains all the features I would personally call essential, either through the core or modules. Import from G2 was also easy and a major plus is knowing that if it does fail, the G2 gallery is still there untouched. It's also more portable with everything writeable contained in the /var too.
So congratulations and many thanks to all involved. And a special thank you to Sergui for the Grey Dragon theme which is quite beautiful.
Now a small question which may be useful to others too. The docs suggest a separate database for a G3 install. Does it affect performance if you have say eight G3 installs on a server and have them all using the same database with unique table identifiers, or is it faster to have eight small separate databases within Mysql?
Posts: 2
Congratulations on the excellent release! I really appreciate the hard work! Is there a way to give certain users access to an album while other users only have access to different albums? I am a photographer and when I complete a photo shoot for a client I would like to give the client access to their album. I do not want that client to have access to other clients albums though. So basically client A would only have access to album 1 and 2, and client B would only have access to album 3 and 4. Is that possible? Or can you suggest a configuration for this situation? Thank you so much!
Posts: 16504
Yeah, we're not 100% happy with it either, but it was super easy to implement. If anyone can come up with a great slideshow that's easy to implement or if they want to do the work
, please let us know
Really? Please point out which docs you are looking at. I don't believe that should be the case, but I'd like to read them to see if they can be clarified.
@Ammer Naber, Create users, create groups, add users to groups, assign permissions to albums for specific groups. If you need more detail, please post a specific thread. (this is something we still need docs for:
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Posts: 16
@nivekiam, i had the same issue as Ammer. thanks for the info! OK, so the user/gropu album-specific permissions are not very intuitive, but it IS a very graceful and practical solution. I'm just not used to thinking in terms of users AND groups.
As for my praises of this release?... I HAVE MANY!
G3 is fast, efficient, refined, and everything non-essential is tucked away, yet we are rarely confronted with more than about 5-7 options at a time.
I'm having minor little buggy issues, maybe os/browser related, but overall this is great for a new release.
IMO, simply maintaining the trajectory that has been going since 2000 is a huge accomplishment! And while I think there is a bit of "2 steps forward, 1 step backward" with this release, the foundation is SUPER solid now and this release bodes well for the future of Gallery.
Posts: 34
This is probably my misunderstanding of
which is on
Reading it again I think it just means it is best to keep a database only for Gallery installs rather than mix them with (say) phpBB tables etc. I certainly used a dedicated database for seven G2 installs on one server without any problems but then I misread the implication to be that each G3 install would perform better with an individual database.
Sorry for the confusion.
Posts: 16504
I think it's mostly because if one app (g3 included) goes bonkers and takes down your DB it's not going to take down a bunch of other stuff with it.
Like Gallery? Like the support? Donate now!!! See G2 live here
Posts: 34
Yeah, that makes sense. There seems to be no real consensus over the maximum number of tables in a single DB though so I wondered. I'll stick to using a max of about 250 since phpMyadmin tends to slow down with more, even if nothing else does.
Thanks again for the reply and the great work on G3.
Posts: 92
Love the new system but the tagging system is quite labour intensive on big galleries. It should be possible to batch select them for deletion...
Posts: 27300
@tagging: there is a couple of modules for this.
@batch delete: the organize module has this.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 68
Thought to add a line as a suggestion
maybe considering adding an Archieve File module?!
could be usefull
Posts: 135
With two mouse clicks I
and batch Tagged the entire album.
Posts: 68
huh, how does it let u do that!?
Posts: 135
New G3 uploader handles the images, Batch Tag module handles the tagging.
Batch tagging and more modules here:
Posts: 68
is it this one: !?
Posts: 135
The uploaded pictured comes with G3.
Posts: 34
Have to say, the more I use it the more impressed I am, both by the core script and by the modules already created. Everything has been so stable and so easy to use. And I'm especially impressed by the way the import G2 handles setbacks without the need to restart the entire process. And then being able to just rename a directory to have the new install on the same URL as the old one, well someone obviously thought that through very well.
That's it. No 'I love it but how about....' this time. Just thanks!
Posts: 253
Congrats for the excellent work...
Gallery 3 seems to be at the same level as those Facebook & Flickr tools...but much better !!!
I have been trying to find an answer on the forums but could not find anything about Gallery 3 and Gallery Remote...
Is there going to be a desktop application to upload to gallery 3 ?
Thank you in advance for your answers
Posts: 16504
The GR dev is working on getting GR hooked up to G3. There is also a python client in the works too.
Like Gallery? Like the support? Donate now!!! See G2 live here
Posts: 15
Highly impressed by Gallery 3.0, it's small, smooth, slick, speedy and simple
Well done to everyone contributing to the project!
Posts: 2
This new version looks great, but I'm struggling with the lack of documentation.
Specific problem at the moment - how do you invoke the G2 import module? I've enabled it and configured it, as per the instructions (although the configuration stage ends with just a blank screen), but the instructions then just say, "run it". How do you run it? There doesn't seem to be a menu option anywhere.
I'm also struggling with how to set up albums belonging to users. Again, some documentation would be very useful.
Posts: 5
I hate to rain on anyone's parade, but the absolute #1 question anyone coming to regarding Menalto Gallery 3 is going to have is:
How do I upgrade from Menalto Gallery 2 to Menalto Gallery 3 without losing anything, and keeping URLs intact.
Yet, I do not find any reference to Gallery 2 -> Gallery 3 upgrades on any of these pages:
I understand that Menalto 3 ships with a Menalto 2 importer, but beyond that...
Posts: 27300
Yes we need some better documentation. Care to help out?
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 2
Yes, I'd love to help out, but before one can write documentation you need some means of finding out the information.
I think I've worked out by trial-and-error how to set up galleries belonging to users so I could write that bit. My main sticking point at the moment is finding out how to run the G2 importer. If someone lets me into the secret then I'll happily write it up for the documentation.
Posts: 27300
Here is what we have for G2 import
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 27
I started with Gallery 1.x, moved to 2.x and now am on 3.x. I really like Gallery 3 so far, thanks for your hard work!
There is one missing feature that I used a lot, and am very disappointed that it was not included, and that is/was hidden albums. This feature is described in the list of features NOT included, as follows:
"hidden/password protected albums: hide an album so that it only shows up if you know the url, or p/w protect it so that you have to provide a pw to see it. "
There are many times when I want to provide easy access to an album to friends by just giving them the URL, but don't want the world viewing it.
I think now I have to create a username and password for each user (or group) and start doing that... but the old way was so much easier.
Thanks for listening.
- Scott
Posts: 16504
No, not for G3 it's not listed anywhere. That's never been a feature touted for G3, ever. If you're sure you're looking at feature list for G3 and not G2, please post the URL of the page you're looking at.
rWatcher just created a password protect module for albums:
Like Gallery? Like the support? Donate now!!! See G2 live here
Posts: 253
I agree with you sneader, Hidden albums is a very useful feature.
Gallery URL =
Gallery version = 2.3 core 1.3.0
API = Core 7.54, Module 3.9, Theme 2.6, Embed 1.5
PHP version = 5.2.6 apache2handler
Webserver = Apache/2.0.52 (CentOS)
Database = mysql
Posts: 27300
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 7
Gallery3 Folks,
Thank you for a kick ass product! Works really well! Here is a suggestion...
It would be great if the admin has control on more permissions. For instance, I want someone to be able to edit an album, but not edit permissions on a folder. I want a user to be able to delete a photo/album but have no option for this. If the whole permissions can be dropped down one more level to allow specifics that would help. I would also like the person who added an album to be able to organize it, but without obtaining extra permissions such as editing folder permissions.
Just a suggestion!
Posts: 104
I've been trying out G3 for a while now and just loaded Santa Fe. I like it and thank you all for your continued efforts.. I've also tried most of the themes that I could find. For me at this point, not having a skill level to be able to do much more than minor tweaks to themes to result in what I want, I will stay with G2 because I like the Hybrid theme best.. If something like it comes along for G3, then I'll probably make the switch.. ;-)
Posts: 40
Hey folks,
I browsed tons of gallery engines, tried few of them, but Gallery3 won my
trust hands down.
Superb installation process. Photo upload is sweet.
Now I just have to chew through integration of G3 with my HTML. What I
miss is simplified theme creation/integration, like I have my front page
where I just put <html><body><div><? $gallery ?></div>, but we'll get
there the longer route, shall we... ;)
All in all, exceeded my expectations by far!
Posts: 7994
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs
bugs/feature req's | upgrade to the latest code | use git
Posts: 6
It works very well! Much faster than gallery2, very good cleanup of the gui and admin pages, a good selection of modules and themes. Just when I was about to give up on gallery. Great work guys!
The only issues so far:
- g2 import was very slow, stalled a few times and caused duplicates. Took about 4 days, and I have duplicates in the last 5 albums. (Album had 150 sub albums and 15400 photos)
- Organize module does not seem to work, I see no photos in the screen.
But in spite of that, a very good an usable first release, compliments to the devs!
Posts: 11
Excellent work I think, a fantastic piece of kit and a real step up from Gallery 2. The default theme is also extremely well written. I can't see much of a need to start from scratch with new themes unless you're going for something completely different. All the source code I've looked at has been well laid out and adequately commented.
Bad points:
I agree the slideshow is a bit clunky and lacking in accessibility, it's something I'll look to upgrade as soon as there's an opportunity.
The big thing I wish existed is an automatic URL redirect writer so that after photos/albums change URLs because of actions in admin, links to them won't break.
There's not enough advanced options.
A minor point but I think the maintenance mode descriptions are too brief - the "fix a variety of problems" task especially.
Posts: 27300
Thanks for your feedback.
@slideshow: we too are looking for a better modern slideshow ( html 5 ) but the cooliris one was easy to implement in the time/resources we had.
@advanced options: it is up to the theme/module developer to add them. Got a example that you expand a new thread please.
@brief text: please provide a bit better example ( in a new thread ). Remember that people don't read much anyway and we try to make it intuitive as possible with out much text to confuse users.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team