Gallery 3.0 RC 1 Feedback
Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509 |
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The first release candidate is finally here. It's time to start using Gallery 3 on your website, and for you Gallery 2 users out there to import your G2 albums and see if you're happy with Gallery 3 as a replacement. Please test the heck out of this release candidate and report your findings back to us! Sure, there are still some mostly minor bugs left. See the bug list yourself. |
Posts: 25
I created a ticket for the bug that occurs when an album title has an apostrophe in it.
When you create an album named "Ryan's 20th Month" it displays as "Ryan/'s 20th Month."
Ticket #1032
Total noob at this, hope I've done all of this correctly!
Also - should note that when I submitted the ticket, the most recent version available in the version pulldown was beta 3, so I selected that one.
Posts: 22
I'm upgrading from Beta 3. I overwrote all the files, as instructed. Went to "/gallery3/index.php/upgrader" and it was a blank page. Index.php itself was blank, as was the source code. Wondering what I did wrong. The file on my server is still 4kb, so it's not blank. And it's chmod 644, which I think is correct. Help?
Posts: 25
My import from G2 appeared to have brought in everything but the comments. It was several days ago that I did the import, and it was from 2.2.4 to beta 3. I remember that it showed an error, but I don't remember what it was, and it appeared as though everything was successfully imported.
Should I just start over, or is there a way to import comments only?
Posts: 25
One more question for the day - In G2 I used the windows "publish this file to the web" function to upload pictures. I usually upload 30-50 pictures at a time, and it worked well for me.
It doesn't look like this method is supported in G3 any longer. In trying to create a new album, I tried it with 6 pictures. Typical file size from my camera is about 1MB. Three of them failed to upload.
I think this is due to the php memory issue, something that I've fought with before until I started using the windows upload piece.
Any advice?
Posts: 40
I created ticket #1034 [3.0RC1] SQL error in admin/maintenance for an SQL error in admin/maintenance (missing parenthesis) :
DELETE FROM `caches` WHERE `key` IN '162'
Posts: 32509
Uploading - It doesn't look like there's a module for Windows' publishing wizard yet (
The Windows (XP) Publishing Wizard isn't that interesting anymore anyway. I think Vista / Windows 7 define a new way / API to publish photos. I don't know the details though.
The PHP memory limit shouldn't matter when uploading multiple images with the built-in upload widget. The widget submits each file as a separate HTTP request, thus each file gets processed separately. The file size matters though, even more so when you use GD (GD2) as graphics toolkit rather than ImageMagick or GraphicsMagick.
Posts: 32509
Darn, I guess we'll repackage RC1 to include a fix for that one. I've just submitted a fix for it to the github repository.
Posts: 32509
Comments from G2 - Was the comments module active in G2 and in G3 before you started the import process?
Also, there's a log of a finished maintenance task in admin -> maintenance. Maybe it shows some information related to your comments.
Posts: 32509
Please check var/logs/ for a log file for today. Does it show any exceptions / errors?
Posts: 573
It seems that the organizing function has been fixed
Very pleased to see that.
More moves working...
stay in the album you are organizing also good...
all the best
HB -
Posts: 32509
I've just repackaged RC1 to include the critical fix for ticket #1034 filed by ondex.
If you installed RC1 already, you may want to apply the 1 line fix yourself (or fetch the new RC1 .zip file).
The 1 line fix is shown here:
Posts: 474
Not sure which thread is right ...
my orginal post in
Also blank screen and no message from /index.php/upgrader or php index.php upgrade
Using PHP 5.2.9-0
Access log shows me error code 500
I'm doing some tests
Update: Fresh install in subdir without problem
Update: Logging on ->
Fatal error: Call to private I18n_Core::__construct() from context 'Kohana_Core' in /home/ on line 140
[G2] Wallpaper & Fotogalerie | Mein Gallery2 Blog | G3 (dev) Barcelona Fotos
Posts: 32509
Do you happen to have a file at modules/gallery/libraries/I18n.php? Delete it.
i.e. unzipping the new g3 over the old g3 doesn't work.
Posts: 474
Thanks for your fast response! Followed instruction (Upgrading from Beta 3 or older - Special Instructions)
Now all is fine.
[G2] Wallpaper & Fotogalerie | Mein Gallery2 Blog | G3 (dev) Barcelona Fotos
Posts: 22
@valiant No, in fact there is no log file created for today (yesterday).
Posts: 79
I downloaded release candidate. First I attempted to upgrade from Gallery 2 and encountered error that Database Format not support with UTF-8 Binary settings.
Then I created a new database and started from scratch and again I got same error. Can anyone tell me what Character format does Gallery 3 support ?
Posts: 34
<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.'); ?>
2010-02-24 07:39:33 -08:00 --- error: Can't find css file: _DISABLED_yui/reset-fonts-grids.css
2010-02-24 07:39:33 -08:00 --- error: Can't find css file: _DISABLED_superfish/css/superfish.css
2010-02-24 07:39:33 -08:00 --- error: Can't find css file: _DISABLED_themeroller/ui.base.css
2010-02-24 07:39:33 -08:00 --- error: Can't find css file: _DISABLED_gallery.common.css
2010-02-24 07:39:33 -08:00 --- error: Can't find script file: _DISABLED_rememberMe.js
2010-02-24 07:39:33 -08:00 --- error: Can't find script file: _DISABLED_comments.js
2010-02-24 07:39:38 -08:00 --- error: Kohana_Exception [ 403 ]: @todo FORBIDDEN
/home/wordsete/public_html/the-gallery/modules/gallery/helpers/access.php [ 194 ]
#0 /home/wordsete/public_html/the-gallery/modules/gallery/controllers/admin.php(25): access_Core::forbidden()
#1 [internal function]: Admin_Controller->__construct()
#2 /home/wordsete/public_html/the-gallery/system/core/Kohana.php(288): ReflectionClass->newInstance()
#3 /home/wordsete/public_html/the-gallery/system/core/Event.php(208): Kohana_Core::instance(NULL)
#4 /home/wordsete/public_html/the-gallery/application/Bootstrap.php(67): Event_Core::run(Array, Array)
#5 /home/wordsete/public_html/the-gallery/index.php(91): require('/home/wordsete/...')
#6 {main}
2010-02-24 07:39:38 -08:00 --- error: Exception in exception handling code: Kohana_Exception [ 42 ]: The requested views, page.html, could not be found
/home/wordsete/public_html/the-gallery/system/core/Kohana.php [ 812 ]
#0 /home/wordsete/public_html/the-gallery/system/libraries/View.php(83): Kohana_Core::find_file('views', 'page.html', true)
#1 /home/wordsete/public_html/the-gallery/system/libraries/View.php(49): View_Core->set_filename('page.html', NULL)
#2 /home/wordsete/public_html/the-gallery/modules/gallery/libraries/MY_View.php(56): View_Core->__construct('page.html', NULL, NULL)
#3 /home/wordsete/public_html/the-gallery/modules/gallery/libraries/Theme_View.php(32): View->__construct('page.html')
#4 /home/wordsete/public_html/the-gallery/modules/gallery/libraries/MY_Kohana_Exception.php(77): Theme_View_Core->__construct('page.html', 'other', 'error')
#5 /home/wordsete/public_html/the-gallery/modules/gallery/libraries/MY_Kohana_Exception.php(45): Kohana_Exception::_show_themed_error_page(Object(Kohana_Exception))
#6 [internal function]: Kohana_Exception::handle(Object(Kohana_Exception))
#7 {main}
2010-02-24 07:39:38 -08:00 --- error: Kohana_Exception [ 403 ]: @todo FORBIDDEN
/home/wordsete/public_html/the-gallery/modules/gallery/helpers/access.php [ 194 ]
#0 /home/wordsete/public_html/the-gallery/modules/gallery/controllers/admin.php(25): access_Core::forbidden()
#1 [internal function]: Admin_Controller->__construct()
#2 /home/wordsete/public_html/the-gallery/system/core/Kohana.php(288): ReflectionClass->newInstance()
#3 /home/wordsete/public_html/the-gallery/system/core/Event.php(208): Kohana_Core::instance(NULL)
#4 /home/wordsete/public_html/the-gallery/application/Bootstrap.php(67): Event_Core::run(Array, Array)
#5 /home/wordsete/public_html/the-gallery/index.php(91): require('/home/wordsete/...')
#6 {main}
2010-02-24 07:39:38 -08:00 --- error: Missing messages entry kohana/core.errors.403 for message kohana/core
I get the above error when i try to access the admin interface? is my site
Posts: 34
Nevermind I managed to use to enter my user/pass and then go directly to the themes url and change it..the problem seems to be when I applied the stop design theme to my install
Posts: 40
@adises: stop design theme ? Did you found this theme somewhere or did you developped it yourself. I'm also trying to create a G3 theme based on stop design so i'm interrested. Here is a screenshot of my work for now. i'm busy so it won't progress in the next weeks :
Posts: 7994
Heads up: Romain le Disez reported a bug in the release (thanks Romain!). We've fixed it and updated the download link.. just overwrite your code with the new version and you should be all set.
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs
bugs/feature req's | upgrade to the latest code | use git
Posts: 40
@adises and me: OK, I just saw that bharat picked the theme from my repo. It is far from ready, don't expect it to work. Since the initial commit, I totally rewrote it. But it is not ready, really not...
Posts: 1
While adding a photo, clicking on "Select photos..." does nothing, and dont show any error if flash isn't installed. This non-problem-report can be easily reproducted desactivating flash from your browser.
Posts: 8
CONGRATULATIONS! you all have done a great job in the development of the gallery! I can't wait for the RC2.
/* Playing with RC1 */
Best regards
Posts: 32509
See my above reply to XCOM. Does it address your issue as well?
Posts: 32509
Where (screen, URL, log, ...) do you see what exact error message?
Do you get the error at install time or after it's installed?
Gallery 3 installs all tables with CHARSET=utf8; (see installer/install.sql).
Posts: 22
Yes, I have successfully upgraded now, after getting the unbugged version of RC1 -- and after I also followed instruction (Upgrading from Beta 3 or older - Special Instructions)
Posts: 34
Yup it was your theme only I saw it under themes after I upgraded and liked it..but like you said it doesn't seem to be ready so I have reverted to three_ndis for now
Posts: 50
Hi guys,
Installed RC1 tonight. It was a fresh install. Immediately after installing and before doing anything else I went to 'Modules' only to get the 'Dang... Something went wrong!' error...
Attached is a screenshot of the error. Any ideas on what could be causing this error after a brand new install and before doing anything on my new gallery?
If further information is needed just let me know...
Many thanks,
Posts: 2
the g3 is great update,
I'm first time use this gallery, i like it.
test it on my machine, nice, but i hope there have some new feature, such as can automatic show images when i uploaded a image folder in albums.
If have this functionality will every nice, lots of use don't need upload each picture from browser.
Posts: 40
only for upgraders
In some situations, an album could appears empty, even if you have some stuff in it. The logs say :
error: ORM Validation has failed for items model
In my case, it was a problem with the table items.slug. Two subalbums had the same slug value, which is now impossible in G3RC1. Just update the slug manually to have them different. To look for potentiel problems :
Here, to albums (06.02_Foo, 06.02_Bar) are in the same parent album (id=846). The slug fields are the same => problem !
You can fix it with
The problem can't appears with albums created with G3RC1 because the slug is not cut to special caracters.
Posts: 573
I think you are looking for random image. The module is in there. The idea is that you add the modules you wish to use. But you have to pick the modules yourself an d up them to your G3 install.
Note - G3 is not yet released. Therefore some of the modules may not work with the current G3 RC1. A bit of patience and it will all catch up.
all the best
HB -
Posts: 23
TYPO !!!!!!!!!!
It's been there or many, many months.
In the Admin/Server Add page -- "Admininstration" is misspelled. One of those things that drives one crazy after you notice it.
Have gone all the way from Beta3 through RC1 and enjoying very much the hard work done on the program.
Congratulations !!!!!
Posts: 32509
@cajun100: Thanks, fixed!
Posts: 9
Hi ! did you solve that ? it's a known bug. you have to delete old /themes and /modules directory and then apply the RC1 update. Let me know.
Posts: 3
Hi there,
i dont unterstand the rightsmanagement... i want to configure my gallery private, but if i reject the view rights for everybody and allow everything for admins, i cant see the pictures in all gallerys as an admin.
i cant get the guest out off the everybody group. if a group has no rights to view an album it shoud not be shown, but it is.
Posts: 1
hi! galler3 rc1 is very nice. but at Mac OS safari Browser displays:
"Dang... Something went wrong!
We tried really hard, but it's broken.
Talk to your Gallery administrator for help fixing this!"
Posts: 3
No Problem here on OSX with Safari... Seems to be a configuraton problem.
Posts: 573
Provide more information.... What server, Clean install or upgrade, php.ini settings, DB access ok???
all the best
HB -
Posts: 2
I just upgraded a gallery from Beta 3 to RC1 and followed the instructions (moved var directory to new gallery dir), the upgrade went OK but now when I go to /gallery (renamed from /gallery3) it says:
* The album 'Gallery' is not writable.
The directory permissions remain the same as they were for the last install (755) so I don't think I should be chmod-ing them all to 777. Any ideas what's wrong?
Posts: 2
Ahh, figured it out. I accidentally changed the ownership of the auto-generated content in the var directoy. Changed the owner to that of the webserver, and it's working OK.
Posts: 4
I just also upgraded from Beta 3 to RC1. The upgrade can be done after deactivation of modules added by me in the Beta 3.
All the best
Posts: 573
Is it possible to remove home button entirely from the main menu?
1) this will make that menu admin-accesible only and simplify the view of G3 for visitors
2) home is available right below in the unfolding menu (expanding when browsing the site - Gallery Link)
3) almost everyone will make logo a link to home - I did!
4) most important, themers dont have to worry about that menu taking up place for users
So in my book home is a bit overkilled
where do I theme the menu btw. Color,Padding,font etc
all the best
HB -
Posts: 573
If I was G3 wind theme I would force the "admin" menu to top left corner. This menu is a lot of noice inside the actual view. When administering a site I prefer to see what is presented as clean as possible. Afterall this menu is becoming an admin menu if home is removed as proposed above.
Following will fix the menu at top of screen so that you don't have to scroll to find it. Z-index will place it on top of anything passing below...
screen.css wil give you an idea. Sorry for the mess btw, I am in a theming process ;-)
all the best
HB -
Posts: 32509
Agreed about hiding the home button when there are no other menu items.
can you please file a bug about that at ?
Posts: 573
I don't have the privileges to create a ticket....
all the best
HB -
Posts: 27300
FYI for menu links:
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 573
Does the module remove home-button entirely? can that be added?
all the best
HB -
Posts: 573
I will suggest that all blocks in the sidebar has:
1) a generic div id for general theming of all blocks
2) an individual and unique div id for positioning, display inline, moving up and down etc...
This goes for core and contrib modules/blocks
all the best
HB -
Posts: 573
Can I change the number of items displayed in content grid? default 9 I guess.
I need 10
Never mind this one - i figured it out, sorry can not remove this post
all the best
HB -
Posts: 27300
Should be easy to add.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team