Hmmm, it seems that something is going wrong on the web servers, runs on the ports different from 80.
Joined: 2005-11-20
Posts: 135
Posted: Sun, 2013-02-24 13:22
Thanks - upgrade was smooth and flawless. 10 minutes from download to complete using FTP.
Disable Custom theme, set Maintenance mode, backup database, backup htaccess, backup /var/database.php (not required but hey why not), backup custom theme, move default folders to /Old-Site (just in case), delete default Modules from /Modules & leave added ones, upload all new folders, hit /index.php/upgrader, upload custom theme, upload your favico.ico to /lib/images (bold because who would ever put a favicon there?), run all the maintenance tasks (because they're there...), enable custom theme, browse site, delete /Old-site, get more coffee....
I have been very tense for the past several days preparing myself for this upgrade, but alas it was nothing.
My host has Softaculous software, and it did everthing in one minute. All is good.
Joined: 2012-04-22
Posts: 71
Posted: Mon, 2013-02-25 00:14
Having some upload issues after upgrading to 3.0.5. Both modes (server_add and manual album add) stopped working, probably due to Zend Guard Loader installed on our server. After some fixing manual mode has started working but album thumbnail (.album.jpg) is not getting created.
Server mode created the album but gets stuck after that, probably due to the same thumbnail creation issue...
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Joined: 2008-05-06
Posts: 16
Posted: Mon, 2013-02-25 17:32
I upgraded to gallery 3.05, but had to undo a Kohana patch and run under PHP 5.2.17 rather than PHP 5.3.10 in order to be able to get it to work. I posted details on the troubleshooting forum, but have had no response yet.
Joined: 2012-04-22
Posts: 71
Posted: Mon, 2013-02-25 18:21
Big_John wrote:
I upgraded to gallery 3.05, but had to undo a Kohana patch and run under PHP 5.2.17 rather than PHP 5.3.10 in order to be able to get it to work. I posted details on the troubleshooting forum, but have had no response yet.
Hi Big_John,
I had to undo the Kohana patch as well based on your thread and I can manually upload photos into the album now but the thumbnail is still not getting generated and server_add is also not working. Does Server_Add work for you?
Joined: 2012-03-14
Posts: 183
Posted: Mon, 2013-02-25 22:20
Hey everyone,
Re: the Kohana / Zend Guard Loader issue...
The fundamental problem here is that:
- Gallery v3.0.5 is based on the Kohana v2.4 framework
- Kohana v2.x is (in general) incompatible with Zend Guard Loader
- Zend Guard Loader is installed by default on many PHP 5.3 installations, even though many things (incl. Gallery) don't use it.
This explains why downgrading to PHP v5.2 often "fixes" the problem - it's not PHP; it's Zend Guard Loader.
So, there are two solutions:
- Modify Kohana v2.x to be more compatible. This was the approach we took, and it does work better on some installations.
- Turn off (or turn down) Zend Guard Loader. The gentlest way to do this is to change the "zend_loader.obfuscation_level_support" variable in your root php.ini. Default is typically 3, off is 0, and 2 typically works with Kohana. Note that this can't be changed in directory-specific php.ini files (i.e. the php.ini in Gallery won't do it).
Best of luck!
Take care,
Joined: 2006-03-30
Posts: 6
Posted: Mon, 2013-02-25 23:02
FFmpeg is not loaded on my system, so I tried using the static build option offered in 3.0.5 so that thumbnails can be extracted from videos I've uploaded.
I followed the instruction on the Movies Settings page: "Although popular, FFmpeg is not installed on all Linux systems. To use FFmpeg without fully installing it, download a pre-compiled, static build of FFmpeg from one of the links here. Then, put the "ffmpeg" file in Gallery's "bin" directory (e.g. "/gallery3/bin"), where Gallery will auto-detect it. " The host server is Debian based.
Unfortunately, Gallery does not seem to be able to find FFmpeg in /gallery3/bin. I've tried several versions of FFmpeg from the listed sites, but nothing different happens. I tried manually entering the path on the Advanced Settings page, but that doesn't work. Visiting the Moveis Settings page wipes out the path I've manually entered and makes it empty. Any idea what's happening or how I can fix it? Have I missed something?
Joined: 2012-03-14
Posts: 183
Posted: Mon, 2013-02-25 23:45
Hi Brian,
One thing you might try is to set the permissions of the ffmpeg file to 0755. Gallery tries to do this itself for things found in the /bin directory, but perhaps it's getting blocked by your server?
Take care,
Joined: 2006-03-30
Posts: 6
Posted: Mon, 2013-02-25 23:58
Thanks, Shad. I checked and FFmpeg already has permissions set to 0755.
Joined: 2012-04-22
Posts: 71
Posted: Tue, 2013-02-26 02:39
shadlaws wrote:
- Turn off (or turn down) Zend Guard Loader. The gentlest way to do this is to change the "zend_loader.obfuscation_level_support" variable in your root php.ini. Default is typically 3, off is 0, and 2 typically works with Kohana. Note that this can't be changed in directory-specific php.ini files (i.e. the php.ini in Gallery won't do it).
Best of luck!
Take care,
Thanks a lot for that fix. We set the zend variable in php.ini to '2' and reverted our patch in Bootstrap.php and Kohana.php and used the files that came with G3.0.5 and it worked like a charm.
The only issue we have now is that when you upload one album via server_add, the thumbnail gets created but if we select more than one album, it does not creates the thumbnails.
But we are still super happy that atleast the server_add started working again
Joined: 2011-11-24
Posts: 42
Posted: Tue, 2013-02-26 06:47
Thanks for the new release.
Update was runnig smoothly, in general everything is working. Only the module exif_gps is partly broken since the update
@BrianO - re: ffmpeg, that's really strange. Gallery's autodetection isn't terribly sophisticated, so it's hard to see where it could go wrong:
- Look in a few places for a file called "ffmpeg" (among them is the gallery3/bin directory)
- See if it's executable. If not, and it's in the gallery3/bin directory, try and fix the permissions.
- Check again if it's executable. If so, report as detected.
Is the file named something besides "ffmpeg" ? Note that Unix filesystems are case-sensitive, so "FFmpeg" won't work.
Joined: 2006-03-30
Posts: 6
Posted: Tue, 2013-02-26 18:11
I checked around my Gallery installation and could not find another instance of ffmpeg. The only copy is in gallery3/bin and it's all lower case (ffmpeg). Permissions is 0755 and I copied it there with FileZilla after unzipping it on my Windows machine. Uh, how do I tell if it's executable (coming from a Windows background)? I examined a local copy with JujuEdit and it certainly looks like it could be executable.
Thanks for your help,
One possibility is that, in the previous version, I had tried to use noffmpeg, but removed that after the upgrade when I saw that it's no longer needed. I also removed Videos and Videodimensions. Any chance of something being leftover from noffmpeg?
Joined: 2012-03-14
Posts: 183
Posted: Tue, 2013-02-26 22:58
@BrianO - if you've removed the modules, and there are no other patches you manually applied somehow, then it should be fine.
Here's a more surefire test: upload ffmpeg to the directory, ensure its permissions are set correctly, then open up a terminal window, cd into the directory, and run "./ffmpeg". You should get the standard help stuff dumped out into the terminal. If not, then there's something non-Gallery-related that's wrong...
Take care,
Joined: 2012-03-14
Posts: 183
Posted: Thu, 2013-02-28 09:20
Follow-up re BrianO's issues with FFmpeg installation: it's not Gallery, it's his current hosting company.
We exchanged a series of PMs and figured out that the main issue is that they disallowed running any user-uploaded executables. There's nothing Gallery can do to fix this
Joined: 2013-03-01
Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 2013-03-01 18:48
Just wanted to move my 5000 or so pics to a new server with Gallery 3 after having used Gallery 2 for years. But now I found out that Gallery 3 does not support links, insists on copyng every file into its file store. This is really a step back into the stone age. Particularly for larger collections it is critical that files are not copied unnecessarilly umpteen times while still being able to show them in multiple albums (e.g. a collection of pics of Joe collected over years, and separate albums of all birthday parties where Joe was just one of several friends).
Personally I really don't care whether this is done by putting links into the database record to the location of the file on the disk, or whether this is done by symbolic links. But without a way to keep only one copy on the disk in its original location and still be able for it to show in multiple albums, and a way to translate that from a Gallery 2 installation into the Gallery 3 solution, this is really a huge step back.
For now I-ve deleted Gallery 3, will continue to use Gallery 2 until I find an alternative which does provide what is needed to manage large collections.
Joined: 2008-05-06
Posts: 16
Posted: Fri, 2013-03-01 19:40
I have been told by my web host that zend_loader.obfiscation_level_support can only be changed server-wide and as I am on a shared server this can't be done.
1) Is this correct?
2) Is there or can there be a fix for this? I want to upgrade both Gallery3 (on a modified 3.05) and PHP (currently on 5.2.17)
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Fri, 2013-03-01 21:09
Sorry to here that you are disappointed with this version. Others seem to like it.
We understand that G3 is not for everybody and you are welcome to stay with G2. It is stable and secure.
Gallery 2 does many things for many people and this diversity has made it unhealthy. The code base is too complex and over-engineered because it was designed to fix every single thing that was wrong with Gallery 1.
We understand the not all people will be happy with G3 and are not forcing people to migrade from G2 to G3.
If G3 had all the features and complexify of G2...then we would still have G2.
I've updated from 3.0.4 to 3.0.5.
Now I'm getting the notice
Recent upgrades to Gallery have made the following modules obsolete: videos, noffmpeg, videodimensions. We recommend that you deactivate the module(s). For more information, please see the documentation page.
at the top of every page.
But none of those modules appear on the Modules admin page.
How can I figure out where Gallery3 is (thinking that it is) seeing those modules, to get this message to go away (or to really get the modules fully removed, if they still are there, sort-of, even though the admin interface doesn't see them?)
Note, in the modules/ directory these modules also are not present.
Joined: 2006-03-30
Posts: 6
Posted: Sat, 2013-03-02 16:48
I ran into the same situation. I think it was something leftover in the database. In any case, I resolved it by copying those modules into the 3.0.5 installation, thus making them appear on the Modules page. I deactivated them and then deleted the folder from the Modules folder. Worked for me.
Joined: 2007-08-30
Posts: 69
Posted: Sun, 2013-03-03 17:54
BrianO wrote:
I ran into the same situation. I think it was something leftover in the database. In any case, I resolved it by copying those modules into the 3.0.5 installation, thus making them appear on the Modules page. I deactivated them and then deleted the folder from the Modules folder. Worked for me.
Thanks Brian. Oddly, my previous installation also seems to not have those modules, at least not under modules/
In fact, cd .../gallery3-3.0.4/ && find . -name "*noffmpeg*" -print
.. returns nothing.
I may need to do a bit of manual database cleaning :-/
Any other ideas on how to convince gallery3 3.0.5 that noffmpeg, videos and videodimensions really, really are not there?
Joined: 2006-03-30
Posts: 6
Posted: Sun, 2013-03-03 18:01
You might try actually installing them, then removing them. But I am certainly no expert, so perhaps someone will be around shortly that can provide a better answer. Good luck.
Joined: 2012-03-14
Posts: 183
Posted: Thu, 2013-03-07 10:07
@BrianO and libove - probably the cleanest way to handle the problem is as BrianO describes. This will give each module a chance to deactivate itself gracefully before being deleted. It's probably best to do this in maintenance mode to avoid potential issues with the temporary presence of obsolete modules.
If this doesn't work, you can also edit the SQL database directly. Warning: this is risqué, so be careful! In the "modules" table, find the rows for the obsolete modules and change "active" to "0".
EDIT: Based on your feedback, we recently committed changes to the core code so it'll automatically deactivate modules that are missing, so from 3.0.6 onward this issue will disappear .
Take care,
Joined: 2012-11-16
Posts: 2
Posted: Thu, 2013-03-07 20:15
Floridave --
I truly appreciate all the work you and other developers have put into both G3 and G2. And I love some of the modules you've created. But isn't it kind of naive to think that new users won't automatically opt for G3, and then discover all the things it won't do? After all, the home page of the Gallery website really *pushes* G3 as the latest and greatest. There's talk that G3 is so much faster, etc. As for not "forcing people to go to G3" well, honestly, isn't that de facto what is being done, since, from what I can tell, development work has come to a virtual halt on Gallery 2? Who wants to opt for software that is rapidly becoming obsolete and thus may become a security liability?
Even tho I did my homework and researched the differences between G2 and G3, the deciding factor was that it seemed to me G3 was going to continue development and G2 was not. But now, after I've loaded 2,000 images in my G3 installation I find out it will never support .PDF format (that was NOT something mentioned in the feature comparisons, by the way, and probably would have been a deal breaker for me if it had been prominently pointed out). Then we get the 3_0_5 upgrade and reading this forum I find out I have to get deep into techy tweaks to insure a decent upgrade -- or try to get my hosting company to change basic PHP settings and 'tune down' Zend Guarder?
C'mon, this is not something the average user can do -- and I'm not an average user -- I'm an coding techy with 20 years experience, but it is still not something I *want* to have to do just to upgrade my gallery installation. So now I have to jump through all these hoops to keep my software current? Sheesh... I could have just gone with Gallery 2 if I wanted to find myself in that situation.
Finally, I simply cannot understand why any development team would opt to use a framework that is incompatible with something as common and universal as the Zend Guarder Loader. I mean, why go looking for trouble?
Right now I can't help thinking I made a very bad decision to go with G3 -- and that the Gallery Team pushed me towards making that decision.
Joined: 2012-03-14
Posts: 183
Posted: Thu, 2013-03-07 20:30
@JRS - I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble. But to two points you make...
First, PDFs. Actually, with v3.0.5, the API makes adding PDF rather straightforward. In fact, I've already written the module and have it running on my personal site - I'll get it polished up and published soon.
Second, Zend Guard Loader. It's unfortunate that so many PHP 5.3 installations have a buggy version of this running. I did a ton more debugging and diagnostics, and can say for certain that in v3.0.6, which should be out *imminently*, we've fixed this once and for all .
Take care,
Joined: 2007-08-30
Posts: 69
Posted: Thu, 2013-03-07 20:55
Ugh, I went looking for an easy way to install these modules (so that I could then uninstall them) and what I get is pure source trees in github. Not precisely easy.
So I did it the "hard" way - six MySQL statements. Okay, the warning is gone.
But I'm still a bit bothered that this apparent bit of corruption slipped through the upgrading process. Those modules simply aren't there. They weren't there in my prior 3.0.4 installation either.
The thing that drove me up to G2 to G3 was database corruption which ultimately caused me to lose a LOT of work. I had backups, which were not restorable because I didn't have the precise version of Gallery2 code which made the backups, and G2 backups were not restorable to anything but the very same version of code (and even modules in some cases, I think).
If G3 is going to starting showing database rot, I'll be very scared
(I do much better backups now, but, still...)
Joined: 2012-03-14
Posts: 183
Posted: Thu, 2013-03-07 22:28
@libove - don't worry, this isn't a case of database corruption. It's just that the module got deleted before it was given a chance to deactivate cleanly. Aside from the warning message in a couple admin areas, there are no other effects.
That said, we've fixed this for 3.0.6. Before making the warning message, it does a check and automatically deactivates modules that no longer exists .
Take care,
Joined: 2012-11-16
Posts: 2
Posted: Fri, 2013-03-08 00:45
Thanks for the info, you've taken a load off my mind. You see, I actually am not yet "having trouble". I learned many moons ago to wait at least a few weeks on any upgrade until others have taken a bullet... um, I mean, until I have read feedback on what others more adventurous than I have experienced
So, I'm more than willing to wait to upgrade for ver. 3.0.6 if it is coming soon. And it's great news that you may soon have a module to make adding .PDF files to the gallery easier -- I was more disappointed by that lack than anything else (and yes, I did read about the workarounds, but none of them sounded very satisfactory). I can understand and agree with the basic idea of striving to keep the core of G3 a lean, mean, image machine. G2 did grow into quite a handful. But for such a universal file format as .PDF (which I really don't like but sadly am stuck with) there really needs to be a module available for those who want to take the hit to be able to post that ungainly resource-hogging format.
Overall, I like G3 very much. I spent a month evaluating every major gallery software package out there and in the end felt G3 was the way to go -- but after I loaded 2,000 images and only then discovered the .PDF issue, I was just getting jittery, I guess.
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Fri, 2013-03-08 03:35
@J R S:
G2 had years of development and had lots of features added over that period of time.
@libove - don't worry, this isn't a case of database corruption. It's just that the module got deleted before it was given a chance to deactivate cleanly. Aside from the warning message in a couple admin areas, there are no other effects.
That said, we've fixed this for 3.0.6. Before making the warning message, it does a check and automatically deactivates modules that no longer exists .
Take care,
Joined: 2006-07-06
Posts: 6
Posted: Mon, 2013-03-11 04:29
Gallery 3.0.5 is broken for sites that run on non-standard (ie, not http/80 https/443) ports. Redirects to the reauthenticate page, url() attributes inside the 'combined' CSS files strips the port number, and probably other things as well. This results in browsers spinning for a very long time on each page load until they timeout trying to contact the server over port 80.
I consider this a major regression, so much so that I'll have to revert back to 3.0.4 to make my site functional again.
Joined: 2012-03-14
Posts: 183
Posted: Mon, 2013-03-11 09:07
@phalenor: I took a look, and I think I found the issue. In system/helpers/url.php, find:
// Guess the server name if the domain starts with slash
$base_url = $protocol.'://'.($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']?$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']:$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']).$site_domain;
And replace with its v3.0.4 equivalent:
// Guess the server name if the domain starts with slash
$base_url = $protocol.'://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$site_domain;
This was changed was for security purposes, but obviously we need to figure out a more robust way to do this for v3.0.6.
Let me know if that works for you...
Take care,
Joined: 2006-07-06
Posts: 6
Posted: Mon, 2013-03-11 15:30
It doesn't, actually. I saw that commit between 3.0.4 and 3.0.5, and would have assumed that would have fixed it. I also tried creating local.php and setting site_domain and site_protocol in $config[] to no avail.
I'm still seeing combined CSS files with things like this in them:
@plalenor: Hmm, that's odd. Did you remove your local.php before trying that?
Here's a much better version of the modification I suggested above:
// Guess the server name if the domain starts with slash
$port = $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'];
$port = ((($port == 80) && ($protocol == 'http')) || (($port == 443) && ($protocol == 'https')) || !$port) ? '' : ":$port";
$base_url = $protocol.'://'.($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']?($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$port):$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']).$site_domain;
When I try this on my dev server (*), it works pretty well. All port numbers are kept.
Take care,
(*) Since my server uses standard ports, I tested it by changing 80 and 443 in the code to 79 and 442... same effect
Joined: 2006-07-06
Posts: 6
Posted: Mon, 2013-03-11 18:36
Yessir, I commented out the site_* options I had set in local.php. I just moved it out of the way to be sure.
Now I'm getting an even more odd behavior, using your most recent code. Page source is showing the breadcrumb navigation links as being relative, but clicking them takes me to a url with the port number stripped.
@phalenor - it looks like at least part of the problem is that the combined JS and CSS caches need to be refreshed. I say this because I looked at the combined CSS and it still has the port-less links in it. To do so, you need to change the file dates of one file of each (e.g. the ui.init.js and screen.css in themes/wind), perhaps by adding a whitespace to each and saving them.
Time/date on all .css and .js files have been modified. Still not working.
Joined: 2012-03-14
Posts: 183
Posted: Mon, 2013-03-11 23:24
@phalenor - hmm, odd. Let's go to PM so we can keep this thread from going forever...
Joined: 2012-05-27
Posts: 27
Posted: Sat, 2013-03-16 10:45
I have a problem with this upgrade. I just upgraded from 3.0.4 --> 3.0.5 with no errors, but now the index page is completely empty of albums. I have an Album Tree module installed which still lists all the albums in the sidebar. I can click on an album and the album opens and looks fine, but on the index page there is nothing, it's empty of albums. Any ideas? I had to revert back to 3.0.4 to keep it working properly.
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Sat, 2013-03-16 16:51
What if you disable all other modules just to see if that is a issue?
What if you disable all other modules just to see if that is a issue?
Yes, I did that at one point I disabled all modules, but it still didn't display albums on the index page.
Joined: 2012-05-27
Posts: 27
Posted: Sat, 2013-03-16 23:40
mcgeepj2 wrote:
What if you disable all other modules just to see if that is a issue?
Yes, I did that at one point I disabled all modules, but it still didn't display albums on the index page.
OK, I don't know why, but this time when I disabled all the modules the index page came back to life. I then went back and enabled each module one at a time and the index page remained working throughout the entire list of modules. I know have all the same modules enabled as before and the index seems to be ok.
Joined: 2012-05-27
Posts: 27
Posted: Sun, 2013-03-17 01:02
mcgeepj2 wrote:
mcgeepj2 wrote:
What if you disable all other modules just to see if that is a issue?
Yes, I did that at one point I disabled all modules, but it still didn't display albums on the index page.
OK, I don't know why, but this time when I disabled all the modules the index page came back to life. I then went back and enabled each module one at a time and the index page remained working throughout the entire list of modules. I know have all the same modules enabled as before and the index seems to be ok.
Looks like it's ok now. I think it was the New Item module that was making it barf. Looks good now!
Joined: 2013-03-19
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2013-03-19 13:08
Thanks for the update and link, great to hear about the features and fixes!
Posts: 1
Hmmm, it seems that something is going wrong on the web servers, runs on the ports different from 80.
Posts: 135
Thanks - upgrade was smooth and flawless. 10 minutes from download to complete using FTP.
Disable Custom theme, set Maintenance mode, backup database, backup htaccess, backup /var/database.php (not required but hey why not), backup custom theme, move default folders to /Old-Site (just in case), delete default Modules from /Modules & leave added ones, upload all new folders, hit /index.php/upgrader, upload custom theme,
upload your favico.ico to /lib/images (bold because who would ever put a favicon there?), run all the maintenance tasks (because they're there...), enable custom theme, browse site, delete /Old-site, get more coffee....---
Gallery - 3.0.5
Theme - Wind Modified
Site -
Posts: 304
There are settings (under Advanced) for apple_touch_icon_url and favicon_url, use those instead of constantly re-replacing default icons.
Posts: 135
Thanks inposure. I also see you can set your favicon in the Theme options. Bold removed ....
Gallery - 3.0.5
Theme - WindHack
Site -
Posts: 52
I have been very tense for the past several days preparing myself for this upgrade, but alas it was nothing.
My host has Softaculous software, and it did everthing in one minute. All is good.
Posts: 71
Having some upload issues after upgrading to 3.0.5. Both modes (server_add and manual album add) stopped working, probably due to Zend Guard Loader installed on our server. After some fixing manual mode has started working but album thumbnail (.album.jpg) is not getting created.
Noticing this error in var/logs -
2013-02-24 19:01:05 -05:00 --- error: File not found: albums%2F31767
2013-02-24 19:01:15 -05:00 --- error: @todo UNABLE_TO_LOCK_EXCEPTION
#0 /gallery3/modules/gallery/libraries/ORM_MPTT.php(50): ORM_MPTT_Core->lock()
#1 /gallery3/modules/gallery/models/item.php(390): ORM_MPTT_Core->save()
#2 /gallery3/modules/aws_s3/models/MY_Item_Model.php(69): Item_Model_Core->save()
#3 /gallery3/modules/gallery/controllers/uploader.php(75): Item_Model->save()
#4 [internal function]: Uploader_Controller->add_photo('33851')
#5 /gallery3/system/core/Kohana.php(331): ReflectionMethod->invokeArgs(Object(Uploader_Controller), Array)
#6 [internal function]: Kohana_Core::instance(NULL)
#7 /gallery3/system/core/Event.php(208): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
#8 /gallery3/application/Bootstrap.php(67): Event_Core::run('system.execute')
#9 /gallery3/index.php(116): require('/home/user/...')
#10 {main}
Server mode created the album but gets stuck after that, probably due to the same thumbnail creation issue...
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Posts: 16
I upgraded to gallery 3.05, but had to undo a Kohana patch and run under PHP 5.2.17 rather than PHP 5.3.10 in order to be able to get it to work. I posted details on the troubleshooting forum, but have had no response yet.
Posts: 71
Hi Big_John,
I had to undo the Kohana patch as well based on your thread and I can manually upload photos into the album now but the thumbnail is still not getting generated and server_add is also not working. Does Server_Add work for you?
Posts: 183
Hey everyone,
Re: the Kohana / Zend Guard Loader issue...
The fundamental problem here is that:
- Gallery v3.0.5 is based on the Kohana v2.4 framework
- Kohana v2.x is (in general) incompatible with Zend Guard Loader
- Zend Guard Loader is installed by default on many PHP 5.3 installations, even though many things (incl. Gallery) don't use it.
This explains why downgrading to PHP v5.2 often "fixes" the problem - it's not PHP; it's Zend Guard Loader.
So, there are two solutions:
- Modify Kohana v2.x to be more compatible. This was the approach we took, and it does work better on some installations.
- Turn off (or turn down) Zend Guard Loader. The gentlest way to do this is to change the "zend_loader.obfuscation_level_support" variable in your root php.ini. Default is typically 3, off is 0, and 2 typically works with Kohana. Note that this can't be changed in directory-specific php.ini files (i.e. the php.ini in Gallery won't do it).
Best of luck!
Take care,
Posts: 6
FFmpeg is not loaded on my system, so I tried using the static build option offered in 3.0.5 so that thumbnails can be extracted from videos I've uploaded.
I followed the instruction on the Movies Settings page: "Although popular, FFmpeg is not installed on all Linux systems. To use FFmpeg without fully installing it, download a pre-compiled, static build of FFmpeg from one of the links here. Then, put the "ffmpeg" file in Gallery's "bin" directory (e.g. "/gallery3/bin"), where Gallery will auto-detect it. " The host server is Debian based.
Unfortunately, Gallery does not seem to be able to find FFmpeg in /gallery3/bin. I've tried several versions of FFmpeg from the listed sites, but nothing different happens. I tried manually entering the path on the Advanced Settings page, but that doesn't work. Visiting the Moveis Settings page wipes out the path I've manually entered and makes it empty. Any idea what's happening or how I can fix it? Have I missed something?
Posts: 183
Hi Brian,
One thing you might try is to set the permissions of the ffmpeg file to 0755. Gallery tries to do this itself for things found in the /bin directory, but perhaps it's getting blocked by your server?
Take care,
Posts: 6
Thanks, Shad. I checked and FFmpeg already has permissions set to 0755.
Posts: 71
Thanks a lot for that fix. We set the zend variable in php.ini to '2' and reverted our patch in Bootstrap.php and Kohana.php and used the files that came with G3.0.5 and it worked like a charm.
The only issue we have now is that when you upload one album via server_add, the thumbnail gets created but if we select more than one album, it does not creates the thumbnails.
But we are still super happy that atleast the server_add started working again
Posts: 42
Thanks for the new release.
Update was runnig smoothly, in general everything is working. Only the module exif_gps is partly broken since the update
Posts: 183
@BrianO - re: ffmpeg, that's really strange. Gallery's autodetection isn't terribly sophisticated, so it's hard to see where it could go wrong:
- Look in a few places for a file called "ffmpeg" (among them is the gallery3/bin directory)
- See if it's executable. If not, and it's in the gallery3/bin directory, try and fix the permissions.
- Check again if it's executable. If so, report as detected.
Is the file named something besides "ffmpeg" ? Note that Unix filesystems are case-sensitive, so "FFmpeg" won't work.
Posts: 6
I checked around my Gallery installation and could not find another instance of ffmpeg. The only copy is in gallery3/bin and it's all lower case (ffmpeg). Permissions is 0755 and I copied it there with FileZilla after unzipping it on my Windows machine. Uh, how do I tell if it's executable (coming from a Windows background)? I examined a local copy with JujuEdit and it certainly looks like it could be executable.
Thanks for your help,
One possibility is that, in the previous version, I had tried to use noffmpeg, but removed that after the upgrade when I saw that it's no longer needed. I also removed Videos and Videodimensions. Any chance of something being leftover from noffmpeg?
Posts: 183
@BrianO - if you've removed the modules, and there are no other patches you manually applied somehow, then it should be fine.
Here's a more surefire test: upload ffmpeg to the directory, ensure its permissions are set correctly, then open up a terminal window, cd into the directory, and run "./ffmpeg". You should get the standard help stuff dumped out into the terminal. If not, then there's something non-Gallery-related that's wrong...
Take care,
Posts: 183
Follow-up re BrianO's issues with FFmpeg installation: it's not Gallery, it's his current hosting company.
We exchanged a series of PMs and figured out that the main issue is that they disallowed running any user-uploaded executables. There's nothing Gallery can do to fix this
Posts: 1
Just wanted to move my 5000 or so pics to a new server with Gallery 3 after having used Gallery 2 for years. But now I found out that Gallery 3 does not support links, insists on copyng every file into its file store. This is really a step back into the stone age. Particularly for larger collections it is critical that files are not copied unnecessarilly umpteen times while still being able to show them in multiple albums (e.g. a collection of pics of Joe collected over years, and separate albums of all birthday parties where Joe was just one of several friends).
Personally I really don't care whether this is done by putting links into the database record to the location of the file on the disk, or whether this is done by symbolic links. But without a way to keep only one copy on the disk in its original location and still be able for it to show in multiple albums, and a way to translate that from a Gallery 2 installation into the Gallery 3 solution, this is really a huge step back.
For now I-ve deleted Gallery 3, will continue to use Gallery 2 until I find an alternative which does provide what is needed to manage large collections.
Posts: 16
I have been told by my web host that zend_loader.obfiscation_level_support can only be changed server-wide and as I am on a shared server this can't be done.
1) Is this correct?
2) Is there or can there be a fix for this? I want to upgrade both Gallery3 (on a modified 3.05) and PHP (currently on 5.2.17)
Posts: 27300
Sorry to here that you are disappointed with this version. Others seem to like it.
We understand that G3 is not for everybody and you are welcome to stay with G2. It is stable and secure.
Gallery 2 does many things for many people and this diversity has made it unhealthy. The code base is too complex and over-engineered because it was designed to fix every single thing that was wrong with Gallery 1.
We understand the not all people will be happy with G3 and are not forcing people to migrade from G2 to G3.
If G3 had all the features and complexify of G2...then we would still have G2.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 69
I've updated from 3.0.4 to 3.0.5.
Now I'm getting the notice
at the top of every page.
But none of those modules appear on the Modules admin page.
How can I figure out where Gallery3 is (thinking that it is) seeing those modules, to get this message to go away (or to really get the modules fully removed, if they still are there, sort-of, even though the admin interface doesn't see them?)
Note, in the modules/ directory these modules also are not present.
Posts: 6
I ran into the same situation. I think it was something leftover in the database. In any case, I resolved it by copying those modules into the 3.0.5 installation, thus making them appear on the Modules page. I deactivated them and then deleted the folder from the Modules folder. Worked for me.
Posts: 69
Thanks Brian. Oddly, my previous installation also seems to not have those modules, at least not under modules/
In fact, cd .../gallery3-3.0.4/ && find . -name "*noffmpeg*" -print
.. returns nothing.
I may need to do a bit of manual database cleaning :-/
Any other ideas on how to convince gallery3 3.0.5 that noffmpeg, videos and videodimensions really, really are not there?
Posts: 6
You might try actually installing them, then removing them. But I am certainly no expert, so perhaps someone will be around shortly that can provide a better answer. Good luck.
Posts: 183
@BrianO and libove - probably the cleanest way to handle the problem is as BrianO describes. This will give each module a chance to deactivate itself gracefully before being deleted. It's probably best to do this in maintenance mode to avoid potential issues with the temporary presence of obsolete modules.
If this doesn't work, you can also edit the SQL database directly. Warning: this is risqué, so be careful! In the "modules" table, find the rows for the obsolete modules and change "active" to "0".
EDIT: Based on your feedback, we recently committed changes to the core code so it'll automatically deactivate modules that are missing, so from 3.0.6 onward this issue will disappear
Take care,
Posts: 2
Floridave --
I truly appreciate all the work you and other developers have put into both G3 and G2. And I love some of the modules you've created. But isn't it kind of naive to think that new users won't automatically opt for G3, and then discover all the things it won't do? After all, the home page of the Gallery website really *pushes* G3 as the latest and greatest. There's talk that G3 is so much faster, etc. As for not "forcing people to go to G3" well, honestly, isn't that de facto what is being done, since, from what I can tell, development work has come to a virtual halt on Gallery 2? Who wants to opt for software that is rapidly becoming obsolete and thus may become a security liability?
Even tho I did my homework and researched the differences between G2 and G3, the deciding factor was that it seemed to me G3 was going to continue development and G2 was not. But now, after I've loaded 2,000 images in my G3 installation I find out it will never support .PDF format (that was NOT something mentioned in the feature comparisons, by the way, and probably would have been a deal breaker for me if it had been prominently pointed out). Then we get the 3_0_5 upgrade and reading this forum I find out I have to get deep into techy tweaks to insure a decent upgrade -- or try to get my hosting company to change basic PHP settings and 'tune down' Zend Guarder?
C'mon, this is not something the average user can do -- and I'm not an average user -- I'm an coding techy with 20 years experience, but it is still not something I *want* to have to do just to upgrade my gallery installation. So now I have to jump through all these hoops to keep my software current? Sheesh... I could have just gone with Gallery 2 if I wanted to find myself in that situation.
Finally, I simply cannot understand why any development team would opt to use a framework that is incompatible with something as common and universal as the Zend Guarder Loader. I mean, why go looking for trouble?
Right now I can't help thinking I made a very bad decision to go with G3 -- and that the Gallery Team pushed me towards making that decision.
Posts: 183
@JRS - I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble. But to two points you make...
First, PDFs. Actually, with v3.0.5, the API makes adding PDF rather straightforward. In fact, I've already written the module and have it running on my personal site - I'll get it polished up and published soon.
Second, Zend Guard Loader. It's unfortunate that so many PHP 5.3 installations have a buggy version of this running. I did a ton more debugging and diagnostics, and can say for certain that in v3.0.6, which should be out *imminently*, we've fixed this once and for all
Take care,
Posts: 69
Ugh, I went looking for an easy way to install these modules (so that I could then uninstall them) and what I get is pure source trees in github. Not precisely easy.
Okay, the warning is gone.
So I did it the "hard" way - six MySQL statements.
But I'm still a bit bothered that this apparent bit of corruption slipped through the upgrading process. Those modules simply aren't there. They weren't there in my prior 3.0.4 installation either.
The thing that drove me up to G2 to G3 was database corruption which ultimately caused me to lose a LOT of work. I had backups, which were not restorable because I didn't have the precise version of Gallery2 code which made the backups, and G2 backups were not restorable to anything but the very same version of code (and even modules in some cases, I think).
If G3 is going to starting showing database rot, I'll be very scared
(I do much better backups now, but, still...)
Posts: 183
@libove - don't worry, this isn't a case of database corruption. It's just that the module got deleted before it was given a chance to deactivate cleanly. Aside from the warning message in a couple admin areas, there are no other effects.
That said, we've fixed this for 3.0.6. Before making the warning message, it does a check and automatically deactivates modules that no longer exists
Take care,
Posts: 2
Thanks for the info, you've taken a load off my mind. You see, I actually am not yet "having trouble". I learned many moons ago to wait at least a few weeks on any upgrade until others have taken a bullet... um, I mean, until I have read feedback on what others more adventurous than I have experienced
So, I'm more than willing to wait to upgrade for ver. 3.0.6 if it is coming soon. And it's great news that you may soon have a module to make adding .PDF files to the gallery easier -- I was more disappointed by that lack than anything else (and yes, I did read about the workarounds, but none of them sounded very satisfactory). I can understand and agree with the basic idea of striving to keep the core of G3 a lean, mean, image machine. G2 did grow into quite a handful. But for such a universal file format as .PDF (which I really don't like but sadly am stuck with) there really needs to be a module available for those who want to take the hit to be able to post that ungainly resource-hogging format.
Overall, I like G3 very much. I spent a month evaluating every major gallery software package out there and in the end felt G3 was the way to go -- but after I loaded 2,000 images and only then discovered the .PDF issue, I was just getting jittery, I guess.
Posts: 27300
@J R S:
G2 had years of development and had lots of features added over that period of time.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 183
@J R S - the PDF module is out!
Take care,
Posts: 69
Thanks Shad!
Posts: 6
Gallery 3.0.5 is broken for sites that run on non-standard (ie, not http/80 https/443) ports. Redirects to the reauthenticate page, url() attributes inside the 'combined' CSS files strips the port number, and probably other things as well. This results in browsers spinning for a very long time on each page load until they timeout trying to contact the server over port 80.
I consider this a major regression, so much so that I'll have to revert back to 3.0.4 to make my site functional again.
Posts: 183
@phalenor: I took a look, and I think I found the issue. In system/helpers/url.php, find:
And replace with its v3.0.4 equivalent:
I started a ticket for the problem:
This was changed was for security purposes, but obviously we need to figure out a more robust way to do this for v3.0.6.
Let me know if that works for you...
Take care,
Posts: 6
It doesn't, actually. I saw that commit between 3.0.4 and 3.0.5, and would have assumed that would have fixed it. I also tried creating local.php and setting site_domain and site_protocol in $config[] to no avail.
I'm still seeing combined CSS files with things like this in them:
And the logout link is still being generated as:
Posts: 183
@plalenor: Hmm, that's odd. Did you remove your local.php before trying that?
Here's a much better version of the modification I suggested above:
When I try this on my dev server (*), it works pretty well. All port numbers are kept.
Take care,
(*) Since my server uses standard ports, I tested it by changing 80 and 443 in the code to 79 and 442... same effect
Posts: 6
Yessir, I commented out the site_* options I had set in local.php. I just moved it out of the way to be sure.
Now I'm getting an even more odd behavior, using your most recent code. Page source is showing the breadcrumb navigation links as being relative, but clicking them takes me to a url with the port number stripped.
See for yourself:
Posts: 183
@phalenor - it looks like at least part of the problem is that the combined JS and CSS caches need to be refreshed. I say this because I looked at the combined CSS and it still has the port-less links in it. To do so, you need to change the file dates of one file of each (e.g. the ui.init.js and screen.css in themes/wind), perhaps by adding a whitespace to each and saving them.
Does that help?
Posts: 6
I ran:
Time/date on all .css and .js files have been modified. Still not working.
Posts: 183
@phalenor - hmm, odd. Let's go to PM so we can keep this thread from going forever...
Posts: 27
I have a problem with this upgrade. I just upgraded from 3.0.4 --> 3.0.5 with no errors, but now the index page is completely empty of albums. I have an Album Tree module installed which still lists all the albums in the sidebar. I can click on an album and the album opens and looks fine, but on the index page there is nothing, it's empty of albums. Any ideas? I had to revert back to 3.0.4 to keep it working properly.
Posts: 27300
What if you disable all other modules just to see if that is a issue?
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 27
Yes, I did that at one point I disabled all modules, but it still didn't display albums on the index page.
Posts: 27
OK, I don't know why, but this time when I disabled all the modules the index page came back to life. I then went back and enabled each module one at a time and the index page remained working throughout the entire list of modules. I know have all the same modules enabled as before and the index seems to be ok.
Posts: 27
Looks like it's ok now. I think it was the New Item module that was making it barf. Looks good now!
Posts: 1
Thanks for the update and link, great to hear about the features and fixes!
Posts: 27300
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