Thanks, but I have a weird issue upon upgrading! I have followed the detailed instructions carefully (moving var, copying custom themes, etc., rename the dir, etc.). Upon pointing my browser to the Upgrader, this immediately appeared without I had to click the Upgrade All Button or anything else. See attached Screenshot.
But when I clicked the Return to your Gallery link, I was brought to the Admin's Maintenance that is completely blank. Just white with nothing on it. So I cleared cookies and cache, then restarted my Firefox. Same result. I could get to the Gallery itself, and even to the Admin area, but not to the Maintenance. The weird thing is, see attached Screenshot where there are conflicting message - on the top it asks me to Upgrade, at the below part, it acknowledges that my gallery has been upgraded to 3.0.9. And I still can't get to the Maintenance area... What to do?
Any help is appreciated!
Joined: 2007-05-25
Posts: 241
Posted: Sat, 2013-06-29 21:44
Curious, if you turn automatic updates off (I leave it off), and do the manual check, does it still seem to think you're not up to date? Anyway, folks might want to post a separate thread/topic for their issues or this thread will turn into a big mess.
- Mark H.
Using Gallery 3.0.9 -
Joined: 2006-02-27
Posts: 69
Posted: Sat, 2013-06-29 23:10
Sorry, I have re-posted in a new thread here. Just thought since it is directly related to the upgrade it would belong here .
MarkRH - what worries me more is that I cannot access the Maintenance area in Admin. This shows there is something wrong, more than just the automatic updates - I believe. Thanks, though!
Joined: 2009-06-23
Posts: 5
Posted: Wed, 2013-07-03 09:01
Thank you for the Gallery 3.0.9. I upgraded my Gallery 3.0.1 to 3.0.9 and now I receive the error: "Theme 'clean_canvas_wide' is missing. Falling back to the Wind theme.". I see that the theme is discontinued*. So I want to change the theme by using 'theme choice'. Hmm. I receive the error: "Dang... Something went wrong!".** Is there an alternative to change the theme: database, config or other file?
** http://<site>/index.php/admin/themes
Dang... Something went wrong!
We tried really hard, but it's broken.
Hey wait, you're an admin! We can tell you stuff.
There's an error message below and you can find more details in gallery3/var/logs (look for the file with the most recent date on it). Stuck? Stop by the Gallery 3 Forums and ask for help. You can also look at our list of open tickets to see if the problem you're seeing has been reported. If you post a request, here's some useful information to include:
Platform information
Host name: ****.***.com
Operating system: Linux 2.6.32-379.22.1.lve1.2.17.1.el6.x86_64
Apache: Unknown
PHP: 5.3.26
MySQL: 5.5.30-cll
Server load: 0 0 0
Graphics toolkit: gd
Gallery stats
Version: 3.0.9 (Chartres)
Albums: 10
Photos: 57
The 'weird thing' you have experienced was just an error of the server, I might. I hope I won't get this when I upgrade.
Joined: 2012-09-18
Posts: 11
Posted: Thu, 2013-09-12 20:11
Ericka wrote:
Thank you for sharing this.
The 'weird thing' you have experienced was just an error of the server, I might. I hope I won't get this when I upgrade.
Same sort of thing here. I backed up my "gallery3" to "gallery3.old" then copyed the new "gallery3" the the server then copyed "gallery3.old/var" to "gallery3" the in my browser (Safari) entered "http://my and then gote "internal server error 500"
So deleted "gallery3" and renamed "gallery3.old" "gallery3" and posted this!
"Upgrading is really easy!"? what am I doing wrong?
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Thu, 2013-09-12 20:30
I would suspect you had edited the .htacess file in the older version.
I don't remember doing that but if I had, as you suspect I have. Can you give me sum idea as to how you come to that suspicion and what I should look for to change?
Joined: 2012-09-18
Posts: 11
Posted: Fri, 2013-09-13 06:36
steve.tmq wrote:
floridave wrote:
I would suspect you had edited the .htacess file in the older version.
I don't remember doing that but if I had, as you suspect I have. Can you give me sum idea as to how you come to that suspicion and what I should look for to change?
P.S. These are the only lines in the file that are not rem'ed out
<IfModule mod_php5.c>
php_flag short_open_tag On
php_flag magic_quotes_gpc Off
php_flag magic_quotes_sybase Off
php_flag magic_quotes_runtime Off
php_flag register_globals Off
php_flag session.auto_start Off
php_flag suhosin.session.encrypt Off
php_value upload_max_filesize 20M
php_value post_max_size 100M
# Try to disable the parts of mod_security that interfere with the Flash uploader
<IfModule mod_security.c>
SecFilterEngine Off
SecFilterScanPOST Off
I do not host this my self so do not have access to the "apache" or "apache2" config files
Joined: 2013-09-25
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2013-09-25 10:56
Thanks for this valuable gallery
I have also upgrade my gallery same just like this
its great but i have some error,s
i am trying to finish them
Posts: 69
Thanks, but I have a weird issue upon upgrading! I have followed the detailed instructions carefully (moving var, copying custom themes, etc., rename the dir, etc.). Upon pointing my browser to the Upgrader, this immediately appeared without I had to click the Upgrade All Button or anything else. See attached Screenshot.
But when I clicked the Return to your Gallery link, I was brought to the Admin's Maintenance that is completely blank. Just white with nothing on it. So I cleared cookies and cache, then restarted my Firefox. Same result. I could get to the Gallery itself, and even to the Admin area, but not to the Maintenance. The weird thing is, see attached Screenshot where there are conflicting message - on the top it asks me to Upgrade, at the below part, it acknowledges that my gallery has been upgraded to 3.0.9. And I still can't get to the Maintenance area... What to do?
Any help is appreciated!
Posts: 241
Curious, if you turn automatic updates off (I leave it off), and do the manual check, does it still seem to think you're not up to date? Anyway, folks might want to post a separate thread/topic for their issues or this thread will turn into a big mess.
- Mark H.
Using Gallery 3.0.9 -
Posts: 69
Sorry, I have re-posted in a new thread here. Just thought since it is directly related to the upgrade it would belong here
MarkRH - what worries me more is that I cannot access the Maintenance area in Admin. This shows there is something wrong, more than just the automatic updates - I believe. Thanks, though!
Posts: 5
Thank you for the Gallery 3.0.9. I upgraded my Gallery 3.0.1 to 3.0.9 and now I receive the error: "Theme 'clean_canvas_wide' is missing. Falling back to the Wind theme.". I see that the theme is discontinued*. So I want to change the theme by using 'theme choice'. Hmm. I receive the error: "Dang... Something went wrong!".** Is there an alternative to change the theme: database, config or other file?
** http://<site>/index.php/admin/themes
Dang... Something went wrong!
We tried really hard, but it's broken.
Hey wait, you're an admin! We can tell you stuff.
There's an error message below and you can find more details in gallery3/var/logs (look for the file with the most recent date on it). Stuck? Stop by the Gallery 3 Forums and ask for help. You can also look at our list of open tickets to see if the problem you're seeing has been reported. If you post a request, here's some useful information to include:
Platform information
Host name: ****.***.com
Operating system: Linux 2.6.32-379.22.1.lve1.2.17.1.el6.x86_64
Apache: Unknown
PHP: 5.3.26
MySQL: 5.5.30-cll
Server load: 0 0 0
Graphics toolkit: gd
Gallery stats
Version: 3.0.9 (Chartres)
Albums: 10
Photos: 57
InvalidArgumentException [ 0 ]: Passed variable is not an array or object, using empty array instead
1. MODPATH/gallery/helpers/theme.php[ 106 ]
101 }
103 static function get_info($theme_name) {
104 $theme_name = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\._-]/", "", $theme_name);
105 $file = THEMEPATH . "$theme_name/";
106 $theme_info = new ArrayObject(parse_ini_file($file), ArrayObject::ARRAY_AS_PROPS);
107 $theme_info->description = t($theme_info->description);
108 $theme_info->name = t($theme_info->name);
110 return $theme_info;
111 }
2. MODPATH/gallery/helpers/theme.php[ 106 ] » ArrayObject->__construct( arguments )
3. MODPATH/gallery/controllers/admin_themes.php[ 43 ] » theme_Core::get_info( arguments )
4. MODPATH/gallery/controllers/admin_themes.php[ 27 ] » Admin_Themes_Controller->_get_themes()
5. {PHP internal call} » Admin_Themes_Controller->index()
6. MODPATH/gallery/controllers/admin.php[ 62 ] » call_user_func_array( arguments )
7. {PHP internal call} » Admin_Controller->__call( arguments )
8. SYSPATH/core/Kohana.php[ 331 ] » ReflectionMethod->invokeArgs( arguments )
9. {PHP internal call} » Kohana_Core::instance( arguments )
10. SYSPATH/core/Event.php[ 208 ] » call_user_func_array( arguments )
11. APPPATH/Bootstrap.php[ 67 ] » Event_Core::run( arguments )
12. DOCROOT/index.php[ 116 ] » require( arguments )
Included files(109)
Loaded extensions(45)
2013-07-03 08:18:55 +00:00 --- error: InvalidArgumentException [ 0 ]: Passed variable is not an array or object, using empty array instead
/home/<user>/public_html/<site>/modules/gallery/helpers/theme.php [ 106 ]
#0 /home/<user>/public_html/<site>/modules/gallery/helpers/theme.php(106): ArrayObject->__construct(false, 2)
#1 /home/<user>/public_html/<site>/modules/gallery/controllers/admin_themes.php(43): theme_Core::get_info('carrot')
#2 /home/<user>/public_html/<site>/modules/gallery/controllers/admin_themes.php(27): Admin_Themes_Controller->_get_themes()
#3 [internal function]: Admin_Themes_Controller->index()
#4 /home/<user>/public_html/<site>/modules/gallery/controllers/admin.php(62): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
#5 [internal function]: Admin_Controller->__call('themes', Array)
#6 /home/<user>/public_html/<site>/system/core/Kohana.php(331): ReflectionMethod->invokeArgs(Object(Admin_Controller), Array)
#7 [internal function]: Kohana_Core::instance(NULL)
#8 /home/<user>/public_html/<site>/system/core/Event.php(208): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
#9 /home/<user>/public_html/<site>/application/Bootstrap.php(67): Event_Core::run('system.execute')
#10 /home/<user>/public_html/<site>/index.php(116): require('/home/<user>/pu...')
#11 {main}
Posts: 27300
Why not copy the theme files over during the upgrade process?
if you don't have those files about:
then install the clean canvas theme and select the wide option.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 18
Any ideas why my 3.0.8 to 3.0.9 upgrade now causes the Select Photos [10M Max Per file] button to not work?
Posts: 1
Thank you for sharing this.
The 'weird thing' you have experienced was just an error of the server, I might. I hope I won't get this when I upgrade.
Posts: 11
Same sort of thing here. I backed up my "gallery3" to "gallery3.old" then copyed the new "gallery3" the the server then copyed "gallery3.old/var" to "gallery3" the in my browser (Safari) entered "http://my and then gote "internal server error 500"
So deleted "gallery3" and renamed "gallery3.old" "gallery3" and posted this!
"Upgrading is really easy!"? what am I doing wrong?
Posts: 27300
I would suspect you had edited the .htacess file in the older version.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 11
I don't remember doing that but if I had, as you suspect I have. Can you give me sum idea as to how you come to that suspicion and what I should look for to change?
Posts: 11
P.S. These are the only lines in the file that are not rem'ed out
<IfModule mod_php5.c>
php_flag short_open_tag On
php_flag magic_quotes_gpc Off
php_flag magic_quotes_sybase Off
php_flag magic_quotes_runtime Off
php_flag register_globals Off
php_flag session.auto_start Off
php_flag suhosin.session.encrypt Off
php_value upload_max_filesize 20M
php_value post_max_size 100M
# Try to disable the parts of mod_security that interfere with the Flash uploader
<IfModule mod_security.c>
SecFilterEngine Off
SecFilterScanPOST Off
I do not host this my self so do not have access to the "apache" or "apache2" config files
Posts: 1
Thanks for this valuable gallery
I have also upgrade my gallery same just like this
its great but i have some error,s
i am trying to finish them