Copy/paste instead of an installation???


Joined: 2011-01-05
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2011-01-05 17:06


I installed Gallery2 on my server. The installation went ok and I started working on my web using the Admin options provided by Gallery. The problem is that everytime I install something using Gallery, the new files/folders are created with only "read" properties on the server, and then Gallery starts showing error msgs saying it can access to x folders. Every time that I need to change or install something new I have to contact with my service provider to ask them to give me again all the permissions. They say that for security reasons, when someone installs something remotelly they automatically change all the permissions to the main folder to only "read"(they can't change this). My only solution is to do all the changes for example on localhost and then copy/paste the files to the server.
So my question is, can I copy all the files from my localhost gallery folder and paste them directly to my server gallery folder?
I know it sounds stupid, but if I delete the gallery installed on the server, and paste all the folders/files from localhost, is there a way that it can work?

Thanks for any help.

nivekiam's picture

Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Wed, 2011-01-05 17:23
The problem is that everytime I install something using Gallery, the new files/folders are created with only "read" properties on the server,

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