Is there a module or tool to export Gallery to Picasa?
I'm somewhat new to Gallery as well as all of the available modules. I looked through the wiki documentation's list of modules, and I couldn't find anything that talks about exporting images from Gallery to something like Picasa along with their title's/descriptions and keywords. I've seen a lot information about the reverse operation, but I was wondering if such a tool already existed? I've actually been in the process of writing such a tool and would like to continue to develop it if it is something that is not already available. Thanks!
Posts: 16504
I've only seen one that goes the other way (for G2):
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Posts: 1642
Not sure about Picassa but for "something like Picassa", there is Gallery2Flickr for G2 which does what you want.
Posts: 2
Ok cool thanks, I think I've also found one that will do export to Facebook. I'm interested in all platforms that tools may have been written for conversion.
Posts: 6
I forked the gallery2picasa python script and updated it. It now understands nested albums and has a few more options (setting privacy mode and explicitly choose which albums you want to upload to picasa). You can get the code from github: