Serge, I think you can just delete them from your fork, and submit the pull request. If you don't want to do this, let me know and I'll do it from my fork. Just give me a list of all the modules/themes.
For continuity's sake, do they all have codex pages?
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Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Wed, 2011-01-26 02:33
I do maintain all my modules/themes via codex
I do not have to roll out git environment on my machine just for that
and considering that someone need to commit my changes anywhay, it may be just easy to do from admin level in the first place
As far I remember everything is listed here
Joined: 2002-12-05
Posts: 573
Posted: Wed, 2011-01-26 12:46
OK. Since it doesn't look like this has been done, I will do it tonight from my fork.
This got me to thinking that maybe I should re-structure the layout of GalleryModules so that all the module are listed in one listing, regardless of whether they're git or codex-derived, with links to their 3.1 and 3.0.x downloads.
For Gallery 3 modules and themes, visit
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Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Wed, 2011-01-26 16:48
Thank you, your help is very appreciated
Joined: 2002-12-05
Posts: 573
Posted: Wed, 2011-01-26 20:29
I've deleted the ones in git and submitted a pull request.
For Gallery 3 modules and themes, visit
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Joined: 2009-11-02
Posts: 337
Posted: Thu, 2011-01-27 22:46
dmolavi wrote:
This got me to thinking that maybe I should re-structure the layout of GalleryModules so that all the module are listed in one listing, regardless of whether they're git or codex-derived, with links to their 3.1 and 3.0.x downloads.
+1 for that. It really doesn't matter if the module source was GIT or Codex, as far as it works with a particular version of Gallery.
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Thu, 2011-01-27 22:56
mamouneyya wrote:
dmolavi wrote:
This got me to thinking that maybe I should re-structure the layout of GalleryModules so that all the module are listed in one listing, regardless of whether they're git or codex-derived, with links to their 3.1 and 3.0.x downloads.
+1 for that. It really doesn't matter if the module source was GIT or Codex, as far as it works with a particular version of Gallery.
not exactly. even if module work with particular version, there could be changes between codex/git which would raise questions like "I know there is a new feature but I do not see it"...
Merging of the list would be useful and if we could pick up newest version as primary, it would be great
Joined: 2009-11-02
Posts: 337
Posted: Thu, 2011-01-27 23:18
Serge D wrote:
not exactly. even if module work with particular version, there could be changes between codex/git which would raise questions like "I know there is a new feature but I do not see it"...
Merging of the list would be useful and if we could pick up newest version as primary, it would be great
Hmm.. I think that could be dependent on the info of download section in the module codex page (e.g. via GIT, direct link, etc), since that is, most probably, the primary source that the module developer is using.
Joined: 2007-08-18
Posts: 290
Posted: Fri, 2011-01-28 09:14
i've actually been pondering my own "updater" module, a bit like some other web apps work (magento). the app is configured to pull an xml/json/whatever every so often from a designated server, and flag up a notice of some description if there's an update. i haven't thought much about it yet, since i've only got 2 or 3 modules going, but i imagine it'd be a lot easier from a module developer's point of view if they just upload the newest version to their server, update the auto-update xml, and have everyone's gallery pull it down and install it automatically on next poll. it's kinda like a modified module-updates module. whereas that seemingly just checks for updates, my plan would be to pull and install them too. but i'm with serge on this one. maintaining that git is a nightmare. i can never remember the commands, and to get the stuff actually into the main repo involves so many commands and procedures. this is probably why i'll always use svn too..
This got me to thinking that maybe I should re-structure the layout of GalleryModules so that all the module are listed in one listing, regardless of whether they're git or codex-derived, with links to their 3.1 and 3.0.x downloads.
+1 for that. It really doesn't matter if the module source was GIT or Codex, as far as it works with a particular version of Gallery.
not exactly. even if module work with particular version, there could be changes between codex/git which would raise questions like "I know there is a new feature but I do not see it"...
Merging of the list would be useful and if we could pick up newest version as primary, it would be great
Right now, I do flag if a module is duplicated between git and Codex, but only if the version numbers don't match or if the codex version is "see git" (ie, in the case of the ecard module, it's "see git", so it doesn't get flagged).
I'll work on a new page and will post back when it's available to look at.
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Joined: 2002-12-05
Posts: 573
Posted: Fri, 2011-01-28 12:33
danneh3826 wrote:
i've actually been pondering my own "updater" module, a bit like some other web apps work (magento). the app is configured to pull an xml/json/whatever every so often from a designated server, and flag up a notice of some description if there's an update. i haven't thought much about it yet, since i've only got 2 or 3 modules going, but i imagine it'd be a lot easier from a module developer's point of view if they just upload the newest version to their server, update the auto-update xml, and have everyone's gallery pull it down and install it automatically on next poll. it's kinda like a modified module-updates module. whereas that seemingly just checks for updates, my plan would be to pull and install them too. but i'm with serge on this one. maintaining that git is a nightmare. i can never remember the commands, and to get the stuff actually into the main repo involves so many commands and procedures. this is probably why i'll always use svn too..
G2 did would check for updates, download, and install automatically. I've actually got a test page set up at that would permit this, so if you decide to roll something like this, I've already got the infrastructure to support it for you.
For Gallery 3 modules and themes, visit
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Joined: 2007-08-18
Posts: 290
Posted: Fri, 2011-01-28 12:38
dmolavi wrote:
danneh3826 wrote:
i've actually been pondering my own "updater" module, a bit like some other web apps work (magento). the app is configured to pull an xml/json/whatever every so often from a designated server, and flag up a notice of some description if there's an update. i haven't thought much about it yet, since i've only got 2 or 3 modules going, but i imagine it'd be a lot easier from a module developer's point of view if they just upload the newest version to their server, update the auto-update xml, and have everyone's gallery pull it down and install it automatically on next poll. it's kinda like a modified module-updates module. whereas that seemingly just checks for updates, my plan would be to pull and install them too. but i'm with serge on this one. maintaining that git is a nightmare. i can never remember the commands, and to get the stuff actually into the main repo involves so many commands and procedures. this is probably why i'll always use svn too..
G2 did would check for updates, download, and install automatically. I've actually got a test page set up at that would permit this, so if you decide to roll something like this, I've already got the infrastructure to support it for you.
Could someone please clean Git from my modules?
I do not maintain Git or plan to and there is to tedious process to sync it with codex
I'm going to +1 this. As the amount of code I write and contribute increases, maintenance of all the repo's seems to be somewhat of an arse. So with that said, I'll only be maintaining the code on my own website. That, and I don't get hitcounts from of downloads (I like statistics ) lol.
If git wasn't such a pain in the rear and different to svn, I'd use it, but unfortunately, I just can't. And pull requests take too long to go through sometimes, so a simple bug fix could take days to appear, especially if it's a crippling fault. Sorry.
But, I'm hoping at some point I can work off of the module-updates module,, and maybe invent my own infrastructure which other authors can use to roll out update of their modules on their own websites. And maybe might be able to intercept this infrastructure and download backups of the code or something in the event of an unreachable website or a 404 or something.
My infrastructure is flexible enough to handle a variety of situations. If you'd like, instead of posting a link to the forum post on your module's codex page as the download link, post the direct URL to the zip file; that way you can track how many folks grab your module from gallerymodules.
I could also make a "module upload" page for folks that don't/can't host their modules, and enable them to upload their latest/greatest code automatically into
For Gallery 3 modules and themes, visit
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Joined: 2007-08-18
Posts: 290
Posted: Sun, 2011-01-30 18:05
i changed my codex pages yesterday or something to have their download links go to my website as opposed to the codex page or my blog's page for the module, etc. the "git" page still reflects the version in git, which i imagine when it's removed it'll drop from that list altogether?
once you drop your modules from git, they'll no longer show up in the git list. the codex lists now point to your direct download so you are able to track stats.
For Gallery 3 modules and themes, visit
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Here's my current to-do list:
1. add an upload script for authors to directly upload to
2. enable more advanced filtering (ie, show only codex-only modules, show only git-only modules, etc)...(is this really needed?)
For Gallery 3 modules and themes, visit
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Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Sun, 2011-01-30 20:13
Do you think making version info as link would allow more compact view - 3 columns instead of 6 - and simpler header?
Joined: 2002-12-05
Posts: 573
Posted: Sun, 2011-01-30 20:17
YES!! And it would make the filtering (#2 in my above post) much simpler. Thanks for the idea twins just woke up from their nap, so this will have to wait for about 6 hrs before I start working on it again.
For Gallery 3 modules and themes, visit
For PHPNuke, phpBB2, and phpBB3 integration help, visit
OK, I've added in the themes, and moved the help to a tab as well, to clean things up. Give it a test drive and if you can't find any showstoppers, I'll make it the new page for GalleryModules.
I'll start working on an upload script as well. I'm thinking the form will included:
1. Is it a module or theme?
2. Version of Gallery (3.0 vs 3.1)
3. Name
4. Description
5. Module/Theme version
I'll have to come up with a mechanism for developers to replace their own modules/themes when updates are made, but ensuring they don't overwrite other folks. I suppose the easiest way for this is to have logins that track what you've uploaded, showing what you've uploaded and allowing you to replace them.
For Gallery 3 modules and themes, visit
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Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Mon, 2011-01-31 16:48
Few comments/questions:
* Right now when looking at the list, one need to scroll page down to start scroll embedded list - table hight is to big?
* when you mentioned upload, what are you going to use as a base? Git? what then process would look like to update content?
* download from git brings all modules, not just one requested. I know it is default for Git, but it is kind of inconvenient as it then defeats the purpose of download link
Joined: 2002-12-05
Posts: 573
Posted: Mon, 2011-01-31 17:01
Serge D wrote:
* Right now when looking at the list, one need to scroll page down to start scroll embedded list - table hight is to big?
Yeah, it's a pretty long table. I could paginate, instead.
Serge D wrote:
* when you mentioned upload, what are you going to use as a base? Git? what then process would look like to update content?
I meant that folks that want to develop modules or themes can upload them directly to, instead of having to deal w/ git.
Serge D wrote:
* download from git brings all modules, not just one requested. I know it is default for Git, but it is kind of inconvenient as it then defeats the purpose of download link
I'm not sure what you mean here...I clicked a few modules to download them (via their git links), and just the module I requested was returned...
For Gallery 3 modules and themes, visit
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Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Mon, 2011-01-31 17:11
dmolavi wrote:
I meant that folks that want to develop modules or themes can upload them directly to, instead of having to deal w/ git.
Third place? or are you proposing to drop Codex location?
dmolavi wrote:
I'm not sure what you mean here...I clicked a few modules to download them (via their git links), and just the module I requested was returned...
Hm, works now. I tried Tag_Cloud last week and it gave me full list. Might be some mix up on my end...
Nevermind. Thanks
Joined: 2002-12-05
Posts: 573
Posted: Mon, 2011-01-31 17:16
Serge D wrote:
dmolavi wrote:
I meant that folks that want to develop modules or themes can upload them directly to, instead of having to deal w/ git.
Third place? or are you proposing to drop Codex location?
Either. For existing folks, Codex works fine (but I keep forgetting the "real" upload page URL there). For new devs, it might be easier for them to utilize They could still have a codex page for documentation, but just have the download point back to gallerymodules.
Serge D wrote:
dmolavi wrote:
I'm not sure what you mean here...I clicked a few modules to download them (via their git links), and just the module I requested was returned...
Hm, works now. I tried Tag_Cloud last week and it gave me full list. Might be some mix up on my end...
Nevermind. Thanks
Ah, yeah, I was doing a lot of work there last week, so it was probably something that I fixed up.
What would be really nice is if I could somehow sync up the version info I get from git to codex (for git-based modules that have codex pages). I'm not sure how or if it is possible to push that information though.
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Joined: 2002-12-05
Posts: 573
Posted: Mon, 2011-01-31 19:58
I've pushed this live. I got rid of the scrolling list and paginated things instead, should be easier for the user.
I've got a basic, uploadify-powered upload mechanism in place (but not active) if users want to use gallerymodules as their "repo". If the community thinks this isn't needed, I won't make it live.
For Gallery 3 modules and themes, visit
For PHPNuke, phpBB2, and phpBB3 integration help, visit
Posts: 573
Serge, I think you can just delete them from your fork, and submit the pull request. If you don't want to do this, let me know and I'll do it from my fork. Just give me a list of all the modules/themes.
For continuity's sake, do they all have codex pages?
For Gallery 3 modules and themes, visit
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Posts: 2466
I do maintain all my modules/themes via codex
I do not have to roll out git environment on my machine just for that
and considering that someone need to commit my changes anywhay, it may be just easy to do from admin level in the first place
As far I remember everything is listed here
Posts: 573
OK. Since it doesn't look like this has been done, I will do it tonight from my fork.
This got me to thinking that maybe I should re-structure the layout of GalleryModules so that all the module are listed in one listing, regardless of whether they're git or codex-derived, with links to their 3.1 and 3.0.x downloads.
For Gallery 3 modules and themes, visit
For PHPNuke, phpBB2, and phpBB3 integration help, visit
Posts: 2466
Thank you, your help is very appreciated
Posts: 573
I've deleted the ones in git and submitted a pull request.
For Gallery 3 modules and themes, visit
For PHPNuke, phpBB2, and phpBB3 integration help, visit
Posts: 337
+1 for that. It really doesn't matter if the module source was GIT or Codex, as far as it works with a particular version of Gallery.
Posts: 2466
not exactly. even if module work with particular version, there could be changes between codex/git which would raise questions like "I know there is a new feature but I do not see it"...
Merging of the list would be useful and if we could pick up newest version as primary, it would be great
Posts: 337
Hmm.. I think that could be dependent on the info of download section in the module codex page (e.g. via GIT, direct link, etc), since that is, most probably, the primary source that the module developer is using.
Posts: 290
i've actually been pondering my own "updater" module, a bit like some other web apps work (magento). the app is configured to pull an xml/json/whatever every so often from a designated server, and flag up a notice of some description if there's an update. i haven't thought much about it yet, since i've only got 2 or 3 modules going, but i imagine it'd be a lot easier from a module developer's point of view if they just upload the newest version to their server, update the auto-update xml, and have everyone's gallery pull it down and install it automatically on next poll. it's kinda like a modified module-updates module. whereas that seemingly just checks for updates, my plan would be to pull and install them too. but i'm with serge on this one. maintaining that git is a nightmare. i can never remember the commands, and to get the stuff actually into the main repo involves so many commands and procedures. this is probably why i'll always use svn too..
Dan :: Gallery3
Posts: 573
Right now, I do flag if a module is duplicated between git and Codex, but only if the version numbers don't match or if the codex version is "see git" (ie, in the case of the ecard module, it's "see git", so it doesn't get flagged).
I'll work on a new page and will post back when it's available to look at.
For Gallery 3 modules and themes, visit
For PHPNuke, phpBB2, and phpBB3 integration help, visit
Posts: 573
G2 did would check for updates, download, and install automatically. I've actually got a test page set up at that would permit this, so if you decide to roll something like this, I've already got the infrastructure to support it for you.
For Gallery 3 modules and themes, visit
For PHPNuke, phpBB2, and phpBB3 integration help, visit
Posts: 290
cool! i'd love to see what you've got so far.
Dan :: Gallery3
Posts: 290
I'm going to +1 this. As the amount of code I write and contribute increases, maintenance of all the repo's seems to be somewhat of an arse. So with that said, I'll only be maintaining the code on my own website. That, and I don't get hitcounts from of downloads (I like statistics
) lol.
If git wasn't such a pain in the rear and different to svn, I'd use it, but unfortunately, I just can't. And pull requests take too long to go through sometimes, so a simple bug fix could take days to appear, especially if it's a crippling fault. Sorry.
But, I'm hoping at some point I can work off of the module-updates module,, and maybe invent my own infrastructure which other authors can use to roll out update of their modules on their own websites. And maybe might be able to intercept this infrastructure and download backups of the code or something in the event of an unreachable website or a 404 or something.
Dan :: Gallery3
Posts: 573
My infrastructure is flexible enough to handle a variety of situations. If you'd like, instead of posting a link to the forum post on your module's codex page as the download link, post the direct URL to the zip file; that way you can track how many folks grab your module from gallerymodules.
I could also make a "module upload" page for folks that don't/can't host their modules, and enable them to upload their latest/greatest code automatically into
For Gallery 3 modules and themes, visit
For PHPNuke, phpBB2, and phpBB3 integration help, visit
Posts: 290
i changed my codex pages yesterday or something to have their download links go to my website as opposed to the codex page or my blog's page for the module, etc. the "git" page still reflects the version in git, which i imagine when it's removed it'll drop from that list altogether?
Dan :: Gallery3
Posts: 573
once you drop your modules from git, they'll no longer show up in the git list. the codex lists now point to your direct download so you are able to track stats.
For Gallery 3 modules and themes, visit
For PHPNuke, phpBB2, and phpBB3 integration help, visit
Posts: 573
here's my first wag at a combined list (modules only, right now, while i work out the kinks):
Here's my current to-do list:
1. add an upload script for authors to directly upload to
2. enable more advanced filtering (ie, show only codex-only modules, show only git-only modules, etc)...(is this really needed?)
For Gallery 3 modules and themes, visit
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Posts: 2466
Do you think making version info as link would allow more compact view - 3 columns instead of 6 - and simpler header?
Posts: 573
YES!! And it would make the filtering (#2 in my above post) much simpler. Thanks for the idea twins just woke up from their nap, so this will have to wait for about 6 hrs before I start working on it again.
For Gallery 3 modules and themes, visit
For PHPNuke, phpBB2, and phpBB3 integration help, visit
Posts: 573
Check it out now:
Filtering for code source is also available now, as well.
For Gallery 3 modules and themes, visit
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Posts: 2466
I like it!
Posts: 290
+1. i like it too!
Dan :: Gallery3
Posts: 573
OK, I've added in the themes, and moved the help to a tab as well, to clean things up. Give it a test drive and if you can't find any showstoppers, I'll make it the new page for GalleryModules.
I'll start working on an upload script as well. I'm thinking the form will included:
1. Is it a module or theme?
2. Version of Gallery (3.0 vs 3.1)
3. Name
4. Description
5. Module/Theme version
I'll have to come up with a mechanism for developers to replace their own modules/themes when updates are made, but ensuring they don't overwrite other folks. I suppose the easiest way for this is to have logins that track what you've uploaded, showing what you've uploaded and allowing you to replace them.
For Gallery 3 modules and themes, visit
For PHPNuke, phpBB2, and phpBB3 integration help, visit
Posts: 2466
Few comments/questions:
* Right now when looking at the list, one need to scroll page down to start scroll embedded list - table hight is to big?
* when you mentioned upload, what are you going to use as a base? Git? what then process would look like to update content?
* download from git brings all modules, not just one requested. I know it is default for Git, but it is kind of inconvenient as it then defeats the purpose of download link
Posts: 573
Yeah, it's a pretty long table. I could paginate, instead.
I meant that folks that want to develop modules or themes can upload them directly to, instead of having to deal w/ git.
I'm not sure what you mean here...I clicked a few modules to download them (via their git links), and just the module I requested was returned...
For Gallery 3 modules and themes, visit
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Posts: 2466
Third place? or are you proposing to drop Codex location?
Hm, works now. I tried Tag_Cloud last week and it gave me full list. Might be some mix up on my end...
Nevermind. Thanks
Posts: 573
Either. For existing folks, Codex works fine (but I keep forgetting the "real" upload page URL there). For new devs, it might be easier for them to utilize They could still have a codex page for documentation, but just have the download point back to gallerymodules.
Ah, yeah, I was doing a lot of work there last week, so it was probably something that I fixed up.
What would be really nice is if I could somehow sync up the version info I get from git to codex (for git-based modules that have codex pages). I'm not sure how or if it is possible to push that information though.
For Gallery 3 modules and themes, visit
For PHPNuke, phpBB2, and phpBB3 integration help, visit
Posts: 573
I've pushed this live. I got rid of the scrolling list and paginated things instead, should be easier for the user.
I've got a basic, uploadify-powered upload mechanism in place (but not active) if users want to use gallerymodules as their "repo". If the community thinks this isn't needed, I won't make it live.
For Gallery 3 modules and themes, visit
For PHPNuke, phpBB2, and phpBB3 integration help, visit