new admin to existing site with gallery2


Joined: 2011-02-05
Posts: 1
Posted: Sat, 2011-02-05 13:40

hello all,

i'm not a web page designer at all, and have trouble (am learning though)...

i'm redoing a site and am having trouble getiing to work the gallery part:

when working with dreamweaver i can see all the docs and folders on the remote server, no problems with that. the thing is, i wanted to install the program on my computer, so as to get it to work...already got in trouble with the security part of the folder structure...everything is in place, but nothing is working and i have no idea where it went wrong when the old admin managed the site (he doesn't understant neither)

so how do i install gallery 2 on my computer, leaving all the folders as is and ignoring the warnings about the g2data folder being insercure and all?

to be specific, i'm stuck at page 4 of the installer process (so i did indeed change the login.txt file with succes...), the g2data folder that exists on the remote folder now had 777 rights, i tried different rights but still nothing...i tried adding a random string at the end of the foldername, still i'm not getting further...

can anyone help me?

thanks loads
Pieter (the netherlands/france)