I just started administering a Gallery 2 installation and I would like to move it from its current Linux based server to a Windows 2008 R2 server. I would like to continue using Gallery 2 on the new server. Additionally, the current Gallery 2 installation is running in multisite mode. Is there a documented migration process from one Gallery 2 multisite server to another Gallery 2 multisite server?
This my first post here, so forgive me if I haven't found the process listed in FAQs or other product documentation. Thank you in advance for your help
Posts: 16504
Oh why would you want to go and do that?
I hope you have full administrative access to the Windows server, otherwise if this is a shared host, good luck.
This guide should help:
FAQ: How can I move my Gallery installation from one server to another?
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Posts: 2
We do have full administrative access on the Windows server. I saw the guide that you recommended, but I’m concerned the directions do not apply to a multisite configuration. Am I mistaken?
Posts: 16504
I believe you'll mostly need to make sure that path/configuration information in config.php for each multisite install gets updated.
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