I'd like it if a group could edit their folder (album) like giving pictures titles and such. If I give them the mere 'add' permisson, they can't do that. If I give them the 'edit' permission they can do that, but are also able to change the -permissions- of that folder. I think it would make a lot of sense if there would be another level of permissions available, like restricted edit permissions (edit your own material) and the full blown 'edit' permission like it is now.
Posts: 2
Bumping this here uhm, has this been brought up before? Am I missing something here? Seems like that would be a pretty basic and appreciated feature in a foto gallery.
Posts: 4
No solution? I'm interested too...
Posts: 428
Bodypainting, Facepainting, Glitter, Henna
Posts: 27300
We took some notes:
on some aspects of the permissions that will be introduced in G3.1
splitting edit/add permissions is on the list of things to do.
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