Had few minutes to compile this...
My first impression moving to 3.0.2 Experimental - Admin Section
- Many, many, many changes... and affecting core... I would even see it as 3.1, not just 3.0.2
- Upgrader does not like a new version and suggested to rollback to 3.0.1

- Like a new column in Admin/Modules. I think it would be nice to have link back to settings section as well.
Not sure if I like icon based format. Wordpress style kind of more friendlyendly to my taste - it allows to see relevant information without hovering and descriptive rather then just generic icons (yes, yes, I know, I am trying to stick with what I introduced myself
). Still... Have to go through all my modules though to update format, this is a price of being first 
- Better alignment in IE 9
- Old (very old) bug with rebuild of items is still around and I could not overcome "you have one out of date photo". Agree, may be hard to pin point the location, but seeing changes in Graphics logic I was hopeful... Might be good idea to have a preview mode of items to be affected by rebuild.
- Run into weird error in I18n.php, but it may be related to a new code page setting added. I really wish that concept of default values would be introduced in G3 so wepollutet polute settings with unnecessary data
GD Theme is compatible with 3.0.2. Though I have to make minor change to adjust apple-touch-icon.png location variable as it is now supported
Posts: 7994
Thanks for the feedback!
I think that everything we did is backwards compatible, so we kept it as 3.0.2, but yes I agree we made a bunch of nice improvements. Well I think they're nice, anyway
Upgrader: can you be more specific about what you saw there? Did you grab code from git or a snapshot?
Admin/Modules: we went back and forth on whether to use icons or text and we felt that the icons were a light tighter. But yes, the hovers are way too slow. I think the plan is to switch to jQuery hovers which are immediate. Personall6y I feel like Wordpress's 3.1's extensions page is really cluttered...
IE9: yes! We got alindeman to test it out in IE9 and fix it
Rebuild items: I agree, that problem is not fixed yet -- still don't know what's causing it
I18n: can you tell me what went wrong there?
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs
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Posts: 2466
yes, they are and this is why they may be worth of being 3.1 increment
I do not work with git
used link on the page below
mmm, it is a usability/accessability case more or less. but it is just personal view
another look at that - WP community base is much larger and they are very critical to any UI decisions. so if it was really cluttered, someone would raise the voice and if strong enough, it would be considered. No punt intended, but WP admin UI is nice and simple to integrate.
well, we want old versions go away, don't we? what the best way as to support a new version better
I suspect resources or in some old discussions suggestion was to check how you use item selection
so may be simplify the process? simply do pick top 100 unprocessed items, process, pick next bunch
I have not added any of the "default" setting variables. one of them is locale related, if I read it correctly and it may be a case of missing "default" db state.
Posts: 2466
by the way, tried new organize module (ie9), not smooth
first open on the album on the second level - shows progress, no content after...
click back and forth, got it loading
root album - opened, loaded, but cannot navigate tree itself - intentional?
trying rearange the items in album - same error as before with flash - An error occured. Consult your system administrator.
what error, what to consult about?
Posts: 10
I hired a programmer to work on a new version for the organize module that can create albums, fix the refresh issue and maybe zoom in the tumbnails on mouseover... I'll send it to you as soon as it is done and maybe you will be able to use it in this version!
Posts: 2466
Another note about module section - would be cool to be able activate/deactivate module from the module line itself instead of "check/update" sequence
Posts: 10
it shouldn't be long actually...
Posts: 7994
@SergeD: I'll see if I can figure out the upgrader problem. I'm still not exactly sure what you saw though - was it the bar at the top of the page saying that there was a new version available? Or something else? I'll also see if I can get alindeman to look into the IE9 issue.
@yoni: hopefully your programmer is improving the existing code! it's much easier to take it back if they're working with what we have. In fact, if he works in a fork of our git repo it is really easy for us to take it back.
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs
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Posts: 2466
in Admin Dashboard -
Note: I do remove any .build_number as it is not related to the normal install
Posts: 8194
Thanks for the awesome feedback @SergeD. I am in the process of moving and my Windows box is at my new place. I'll have access to it late Thursday so I'll look into it by Friday. Will check back here for any further developments then as well.
--Andy Lindeman
Consider giving back to Gallery
Gallery Paid Support
Posts: 10
ok, will do.
Posts: 8194
Image attached of error and console output after rearranging from the root album. The errors in the console appear when the organize dialog is brought up initially. The "please contact your sysadmin" message appears after dragging and dropping.
Nothing useful in var/logs, though that's somewhat expected because this appears to be a purely client-side problem.
I need to dig a bit deeper into the JS. Will report back with what I find.
--Andy Lindeman
Consider giving back to Gallery
Posts: 8194
The error dialog occurs after an AJAX request is made and the server 500s. Looks like it's not sending the correct parameters. Image capture of the request parameters attached.
--Andy Lindeman
Consider giving back to Gallery
Posts: 8194
Really bizarre stuff happening in IE 9 when I set a breakpoint within the anonymous function that initializes ExtJS. Object is definitely not defined there. Even o = new Object() fails at the console. I can get to Object in a round about way by doing something like o = { }; o.constructor .
Tried some internet searches on various terms, but nothing useful yet.
--Andy Lindeman
Consider giving back to Gallery
Posts: 8194
I've hit a wall for tonight; if anyone else has ideas, let me know. I'll pick it back up another day.
--Andy Lindeman
Consider giving back to Gallery
Posts: 8194
I'm still having a really hard time creating a smaller representation of the issues I'm seeing.
There is a post on a Microsoft forum that sounds similar .. the recommendation was to upgrade jQuery to >= 1.5.1. I attempted this with Gallery to no luck.
I'll continue poking around for workarounds, but I'm not optimistic because 1) I can't create a small representation of the bug, 2) it seems to only occur in something of an edge case, and 3) Microsoft is not necessarily easy to get in touch with for issues like this.
If anyone has any ideas or wants to pitch in, I'd welcome the help.
--Andy Lindeman
Consider giving back to Gallery