Custom Fields Module for Gallery3
Joined: 2004-10-07
Posts: 560 |
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Hello Guys, Starting this thread to get some feedback and thoughts on Gallery3 Custom Fields module that am developing. Updates to be coming both here and there, stay tuned UPDATE: first version has been released, click here for download post |
Posts: 225
I'd be happy to test the module if you are in need. Your preliminary ideas for what to include sound great, though to me, the first block (- Admin panel ) would be tough enough to undertake!
Good luck,
Publish on Gallery 3 (WLPG Plugin) | XMP Module
Posts: 560
Thanks for the offer Tomek, will let you know.
Otherwise those features on there *will* be included right in the first version, indeed
Dog Photos | Gallery3 Themes Demo
Posts: 27300
Would be nice if the cationator module could be used as well for some of the less complex fields. I would think that this would be compex very quickly to provide a god UI.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 560
Hmz yeah.
Just checked out the captionator module..
Seems like the module has no events, thus can't extend it externally => would need to add to captionator.
Is definitely doable, but with more than just a few extra custom fields the page would get loooooooooong as hell
Thanks for the tip though, deffo worth considering, just gotta find a balance or add some not-so-ugly UI tweak to keep page size manageable..somehow. Likely won't fit into first rls :P
Dog Photos | Gallery3 Themes Demo
Posts: 225
THAT would be the day...
Publish on Gallery 3 (WLPG Plugin) | XMP Module
Posts: 1
Wow sounds great. I am waiting for such a module, because I use the custom field module from Gallery 2.
I am willing to test the module and I can offer help, because I can code PHP, too. So far the feature list looks good.
Posts: 3
Really great module, i am waiting for.
When it will be released ?
Posts: 2
sorry to bother you, how you are doing with the plugin dude? We are waiting for it
Posts: 560
Hello guys!
Thank you for the interest!
I'm pretty much done with the first-release-to-be, and am glad to say could accomplish all that have been mentioned above (excluding extra request
Will update thread with some dates asap
Dog Photos | Gallery2 Themes Demo
Posts: 3
good to hear your update, can we expect this today
Posts: 31
is possible to have some news? When it be out? I'm waiting!!!!!!!
Posts: 31
there is someone??????
Posts: 560
Update: version 1 will be available in here sometimes next week, or worst case scenario the week after
Am just utterly busy lately, but this is done.
Thanks for your patience
Dog Photos | Liszt Ferenc repülőtér
Posts: 31
mercì! et bon travail!!!!!!!!!
Posts: 1
I need one extra field only, I am sure this module is just the thing.
Any update on that release date?
Posts: 31
i'm waiting........ please post the download.....
Posts: 31
but you say that also Posted: Fri, 2011-07-15 06:01
Posts: 225
Couple of things:
Two separate posts:
1) joe7rocks
2) joe7rocks.
So I'm not sure if it's the same person...
IT IS FREE SOFTWARE! People have lives, people have jobs, and sometimes people try to get to it, but are just too damn tired or busy to post it. It happens. Be patient, and be happy when it comes out. If you can't be patient, then write it yourself or pay someone to do it for you.
I recognize that he promised it last week. But oh well. He's doing the rest of us a favor, so the least we can do is extend the favor right back by giving him some flexibility on when he releases it.
Publish on Gallery 3 (WLPG Plugin) | XMP Module
Posts: 31
ok! but you can at least have a true moment for the relase?
Posts: 31
is Free Software and nobody claim! but be truthful to the module output
Posts: 27300
Thanks to djtropez.... I'm locking this tread and the real joe7rocks can unlock it.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 560
Okay folks.
Here is the update:
Unfortunately i was kept extremely busy for the past weeks, so this had to be delayed.
The module is ~done now.
Version 1 gonna be shared right in here this weekend (Aug 21th or so).
Thanks for the patience,
Dog Photos | Gallery2 Themes Demo
Posts: 560
Release time!
Anyone around? ;)
Dog Photos | Gallery2 Themes Demo
Posts: 560
So here it is folks, version 1.0 of Gallery3 Custom Fields module, attached!
Figured the best way to keep updated and connected is prolly facebook, so check out the module's facebook page: for a screenshots based preview and be sure to Like it ;)
Install instructions:
Just extract it into modules directory inside your gallery3, and install the module like any other.
Notes: no guarantee about anything (as usual), so use purely at your own risk!
Do you love it, hate it? Let me know right in here, please!
Update: zip contains version '8', after hotfix applied to problem reported by HarryF.
If you liked it, let me know, if you loved it, consider a donation, thank you
Donate 4 CustomFields Module
Custom Fields Module at Facebook
Posts: 6
thanks for the module. Unfortunately it doesn't work here. When I klick on the menu point 'Custom Fields' I get the error message that something went wrong.
Here are the systemn information:
Computername: SERVER01
Betriebssystem: Windows NT 5.1
Apache: Apache/2.2.14 (Win32) DAV/2 mod_ssl/2.2.14 OpenSSL/0.9.8l mod_autoindex_color PHP/5.3.1 mod_apreq2-20090110/2.7.1 mod_perl/2.0.4 Perl/v5.10.1
PHP: 5.3.1
MySQL: 5.1.41
The log file shows that entry:
Edit: I also get an error when I use the search.
Any idea what this could be?
Thanks for your help.
Posts: 560
Hi Harry,
Thank you for the feedback!
Fixed that problem, managed to miss out some last minute changes from the installer, oops.
Please download the zip again, does contain the fix (that u shall be able to apply as an upgrade to the module).
Thank you for the report!
Custom Fields Module at Facebook
Posts: 27300
Attached is the error I get.
Just wondering how you got to version 8 and this is first one we have seen.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 6
Thanks for the fix.
Here's another problem.
It's impossible to go to the next page in the search results because the links (next, last) are incomplete, f.e. the next button has the link: <-- there is something missing
Posts: 560
Floridave: the error u get is pretty much due to the same reason HarryF seen that error: I've missed to add something to the installer helper and bump the versions.
Just handled that correctly, so please grab again and override in your modules dir, but first uninstall the module please.
Custom Fields Module at Facebook
Posts: 560
HarryF: Which browser are you using?
The paging there actually sends the data via POST, thus clicking it 'normally' shall work, but the urls/links on the buttons (if copied manually and/or opened in new window) deffo won't work indeed.
That was pretty much a required decision against making the url look damn ugly in some cases (imagine 10 search filters with 10 keywords in the url)
Custom Fields Module at Facebook
Posts: 6
I'm using Firefox 5.0. I must say that I also had problems with the search results before the installation of Custom Fields but in another way. I couldn't go to the next page because FF seemed to be unable to translate f.e. &page=2 in the URL. When I changed & to & it worked. Maybe both problems have the same reason.
Edit: Now I updated FF to 6.0 and still no correct next page link.
Posts: 31
hi and thanks for the module .......
there are two problems
1) when i change freetext, doesn't work
2)when i upload the photo i can't insert the information of the custom fields.....
Posts: 560
1, would u please explain?
2, how come? Is it just that you don't see the block/input?
Custom Fields Module at Facebook
Posts: 6
I checked it out again works! And it works better that before :D . Don't know what happened but that's what I wanted. Thanks for your help.
BTW: Is there any way (maybe by manually changing the source code - if you tell me where, I can do it myself) to sort the search results by one of the custom fields?
Posts: 31
it's possible to setup dependent dropdown boxes? i don't have too many commpetences ....if you can tell me some instructions .........thanks a lot!
Posts: 31
Posts: 6
Hi, I found out that the search still doesn't work correctly. There is a bug when you search only for tags in the search field (f.e. +trees +building) without any custom field. The first page of the search results is correct (f.e. 118 of 2500 pictures are found) but clicking on the "next" button ALL 2500 pictures of the database are shown as result now. When I search for a tag in a first step and add a custom field search in the results and press "search" again it seems to work correctly.
Edit: My last statement was wrong. It's not possible to go to the next page when the search contains normal tags. The "Next" button only works correctly when custom fields are used.
Posts: 63
Hi. I really love this module. Could you tell me how I can call a specific custom field because I would like to wrap text, images, or tables around them. maravizzo helped me do this way back on gallery 2 with custom fields. see here
Posts: 560
HarryF: is certainly possible but you will have to hardcode that in place of current ordering.
Check search() method inside helpers/custom_fields.php and around line 69.
Hungarian kennels | Gallery2 Themes Demo
Posts: 560
Am sorry but that's not an available feature i'm afraid.
Would you describe a usecase for this?
kennel | Gallery2 Themes Demo
Posts: 560
- Am glad you love it
- Please take a look at views/custom_fields_sidebar.html.php . That's the closest 'example' probably matching your need more or less (depends on your actual use)
hungarian kennels | Gallery2 Themes Demo
Posts: 63
thanks. I looked there but I'm still lost. I was hoping I could call it like I did with g2 custom fields. I guess I will have to just abandon g3 and stick with g2 for now.
Posts: 560
uhm what?
kennel | Gallery Themes
Posts: 6
I thought so ;) .
Thanks a lot. I'll take a look at it this weekend.
Could you please check the issue with the "next" button in the search results. I'd like to do combined searches with tags and custom fields. But it doesn't work yet.
Thanks in advance.
Posts: 2
I am currently using your custom fields module in 3.01, is it possible to add a small image to one of the custom fields?
Posts: 31
I can not utilize that module because I would to associate to different albums the different fields is it possible?or better i need to have more differents levels (Album 1 levels, album 2 levels and so on etc. etc.)
Posts: 31
joe7 rocks bravò for you're work!!if you can help me is good! thanks!
Posts: 16
I'm just playing around with the Custom Fields module - which, for me, is the most essential component of Gallery3. Is there a way to set a default value for custom fields - or do I have to climb into the db and do it manually (somehow)? This is particularly pertinent to radio button items.
Thanks (and thanks for the whitelisting!)
Posts: 560
Hi laptopalias,
Think it's always picking the first or the last per group, but will check for you

Could be a feature to pick a default value for sure
[=10] golden retriever kennelek
Posts: 16
I think the default behaviour is NULL - which to me seems a little odd for a radio button. At the very least, it would be immensely useful if you could devise some whay of giving a user the choice!