Error : The administration session has expired, please re-authenticate to access the administration area.
checked few forum but found nothing helpful
clear your browser's cookies for your site or try another browser. Then head to Gallery Admin -> General Settings -> Session Settings -> Site Administration Session Timeout
-s FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with The E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2
nothing changed still same...tried different browser and deleted cookies as well
head to and clear the caches
do u mean delete the cache.php file?
No! Use your web browser to navigate to the address he gave and follow the instructions you will see there on deleting your cache.
Obviously change "" with your actual gallery2 location.
Posts: 8339
clear your browser's cookies for your site or try another browser.
Then head to Gallery Admin -> General Settings -> Session Settings -> Site Administration Session Timeout
FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with The E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2
Posts: 31
nothing changed still same...tried different browser and deleted cookies as well
Posts: 8339
head to and clear the caches
FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with The E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2
Posts: 31
do u mean delete the cache.php file?
Posts: 1642
No! Use your web browser to navigate to the address he gave and follow the instructions you will see there on deleting your cache.
Obviously change "" with your actual gallery2 location.