I've searched & searched & failed. Perhaps not usding proper tech lingo.
In site admin> commerce/checkout configuration page
At the bottom in the email notification options section
There are some options boxes to include specific text on sublect line(Subject line to prefix to notification emails
Can I use some simple codes {eg:&name}in those boxes to automatically place the customers name. It comes to my inbox with the order # only.
I'm not a programmer & am unable to go deeper than the "easy navigation admin pages.
Just hoping that I missed some optional addons to these lines that programmers would see as basic thus not explained or listed.
Gallery version v2.2.5PHP version (e.g. 5.1.6):
PHPInfo Link ?(see FAQ):
Operating system Win7
Browser windows expl
Posts: 1642
I am sure the module author, Alecmyers, will turn up to answer the specifics.
In the meantime however, you really should be upgrading your gallery to v2.3.1.
First go from your current v2.2.5 to v2.2.6 and then do v2.2.6 to v2.3.1.
Of course backup at each stage.
Posts: 4342
No, sorry. You could, if you were willing to look into the Smarty templating system but ...
You can do all that kind of stuff within Smarty, so it doesn't make sense to program an additional layer of symbols and templating.
Posts: 10
Thanks thought i'd ask. I alreadu have a fulltime carreer so I don't want to add programming to it. like everyone else looking for the
easy way.
Does v3 provide some additional beneifts or is the cart the same?
Posts: 4342
I'm not sure that using some Smarty actually counts as programming, but whatever - suit yourself.
Checkout is a series of modules available only in G2. There is a cart system available in G3 but it's not related to anything available in G2 at all, and I'm not sure what features it currently offers.
Posts: 10
I'm sorry but you fail to understand-------- I'm not as smart as you. I don't even know what "smarty" is? I presumed it was a tech catch name for programing code like cobalt or other. Regardless it seems to provided you a laugh.
Regardless, I'm saddened to hear that this extremely useful tool is NOT available in G3. I was concidering upgrading but will not if this module is not available. Other than a few issues its 95% perfect(No module will ever be perfect too many voices & special requests!)- for me at least.I'm happy to adapt to what makes my life easier. This is very versitile & I can see a lot of effort went into its design. Will there be a checkout(other than cart) in G3 eventually?
Lastly, can I donate to the Checkout modules or do all donation funds go to gallery?
Posts: 4342
It's not a question of being smart. It's a question of being interested and bloody-minded enough to want to achieve a given result. Smarty is the name of the templating engine that G2 uses. (Google "Smarty" or see http://www.smarty.net/.)
The thing about php (and Smarty) is that it's a scripting system (and a templating system) which means it's *designed* to be adapted for special requests. If you want to put the customer name in the email subject then it's likely a single-line change in a template or at worst in a php file. I'll even help you work out what changes to make. But only if you're prepared to learn a little about how G2 works, with the hope that next time someone wants a similar change you'll be able and willing to help them out in turn.
Somebody might want to write another cart system for G3, and they might even call it checkout (not sure why they'd want to, but they might) but the structural differences between G2 and G3 are so vast that not a single line of checkout would be any use carried over to G3 (if they'd have asked me I would have said for goodness sakes don't call it G3 because people will assume it's an "upgrade" - just keep it as GalleryX which it was, for a while).
You can give me some money if you want (and if it's a lot of money you have in mind then don't hold back for an instant) but there's no more checkout development (there's no more G2 development either) and a general donation to the Gallery project would probably be more appropriate.
Posts: 10
I unfortunately don't have that skillset. I'm old enought to know my limits. Thanks for the offer of help but I don't need another hobby I'm not good at! Thanks again for the info & clarification.
Posts: 1642
Hmmm. Interesting attitude but fair enough I suppose.
Good luck and all the best operating within your well defined limits.