Gallery highlight photos


Joined: 2002-09-26
Posts: 3
Posted: Fri, 2002-09-27 20:27

Hello. For some reason my gallery will not show the hightlight photos for an album. All it will show is a text link. It will show a highlight photo for a nested album though. I have tried using the menu to select an image as the highlight photo, but It still does not show a thumbnail for the gallery.

Here is the link to see what I am trying to describe. I am using Gallery 1.3.2-cvs-b9. I was using 1.3.1 with the same problem.

<!-- BBCode Start --><A HREF=";name=Gallery&amp;file=index" TARGET="_blank"></A><!-- BBCode End -->

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.


Joined: 2002-09-25
Posts: 6
Posted: Wed, 2002-10-09 02:06

You get this fixed or find possible answers? I'm having the same problem...

Kommercial's picture

Joined: 2002-08-19
Posts: 38
Posted: Wed, 2002-10-09 08:38

Try posting this in the proper forum area: "Troubleshooting and Problems", not the customization area. You might have better luck