Add Local Server Upload Paths


Joined: 2011-02-06
Posts: 32
Posted: Mon, 2011-10-31 06:30

I have gallery 2 drupal 6.x on a linux server.

I need to add remote photo album uploaded into the Gallery2 folder.

I've installed cleaned version - i've simply to add these albums i had locally created onto my server all in once.

cannpt find the right local path to direct server on linux folder.

can you advise please

thanks milplus

suprsidr's picture

Joined: 2005-04-17
Posts: 8339
Posted: Mon, 2011-10-31 12:17

Joined: 2011-02-06
Posts: 32
Posted: Mon, 2011-10-31 19:27

ok I know that I read the guide.

however after I followed the procedure cannot get any album appearing .

command ADD FILE apparently works but effectively did not add any album .

I've selected the entire album folder so I should have had addedd all albums in there. no way.

permission are CHMOD 777 so ok as well.

if you can let me know
