Basket Module: 'no products except....' not cascading


Joined: 2011-01-10
Posts: 51
Posted: Thu, 2011-12-08 11:04

I wonder if anyone can help...
When using the basket module, the idea is that if you choose what products you wish to offer for sale in an album, this choice should cascade down to any sub-albums.

"From here you can select the "no products except" and then manually select the products available and the price. Note that when doing this for an album then it effects all sub albums. "

(From the module's codex page)

This used to work fine for me just fine, but just recently I noticed that it isn't now working! Worse still, I can't catually think of anything I've done to make it stop working!?

Can anyone think of anything or has anyone had the same issue?

To summarise, I want to set the choices once on an album, then have tose choices cascade down to any sub-albums I create below that album.

Thanks in advance for any help offered...
