Blank page afte install, mysqli required, etc,


Joined: 2012-01-19
Posts: 2
Posted: Thu, 2012-01-19 03:23

So I installed Gallery 3.0.2. I got the Success message and clicked the link to start using it.

I got a blank page.

After some searching I found which led me to look into creating a local.php file. After figuring out how to do that, I got the same error about "undefined function mysqli_init() "

The suggested solution was to edit gallery3/var/database.php and replace mysqli to mysql.

Well that ended up giving me a different error about an undefined function mysql_connect().

Now created my own little script to connect the database and it worked so I knew that mysql_connect does exist. So more searching and I found which has the same problems I had. Someone down towards the end suggested removing php.ini from the gallery3 directory.

Volia! It worked!

I wanted to report this as a bug. Unfortunately I couldn't figure out how to use the bug tracker at Hopefully someone can figure it out, this bug reported, and fixed. Thanks.