A few problems with my install..


Joined: 2008-10-13
Posts: 9
Posted: Fri, 2012-04-06 12:40

Hi All,

Recently moved my Gallery to a new server - had no problems with moving the files and database, but have now run into a few problems:

Thumbnails and Resizes don't seem to build

This wasn't a big problem as I copied across my entire /var folder, but when I add new images neither the thumbnail or resize is built.

Albums don't have cover photos

I can set these manually but there's hundreds of the things and I would prefer not to do that by hand!

I would rate my technical skills as slightly higher than a beginner - I've been able to move my site to a new server and fix pretty much any problem I have encountered thanks to google and excellent forums such as this one, and from what I can tell I think this may be related to the GD image toolkit which is enabled on my gallery, however my Graphics Settings page is telling me imagemagick cannot be found, although my host's support pages tell me that they do have imagemagick available.

I've submitted a support ticket to my host asking what the path is and have tried a few different variations in the image toolkits file path option on the Advanced Settings page in the meantime, but figured I'd post a topic here also with this information in the hope that someone could tell me if I'm on the right track by thinking these problems are related to the graphics toolkit, or if i'm on the wrong track.

php.ini info
; Set some reasonable defaults for PHP. Most of these cannot be set
; inside the script itself. These settings are mirrored in the
; .htaccess file for hosts that support .htaccess but not per-dir
; php.ini files.
short_open_tag = On
magic_quotes_gpc = Off
magic_quotes_sybase = Off
magic_quotes_runtime = Off
register_globals = Off
upload_max_filesize = 20M
post_max_size = 100M

session.auto_start = Off

suhosin.session.encrypt = Off

Version info
Gallery - 3.0.2
PHP - 5.3.10
Apache - 2.2.22
OS - Linux

Thanks in advance :)

floridave's picture

Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Tue, 2012-04-10 04:11
Albums don't have cover photos

Could be that hidden files (files that start with a dot) like .album.jpg are not being delivered.

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