I cant get id of the current photo to come up correctly.


Joined: 2002-09-25
Posts: 19
Posted: Sun, 2002-09-29 00:27

I am trying to get so that users can buy pictures off of my gallery.. I am using
<?=$gallery->album->getPhotoPath($index)?>> to get the image name and path but it doesent return the correct data.. It is always the wrong image..

you can see it in action at

I am trying to fix it so it is changing all the time.. I have an echo statment in the photo.footer file that echos what
<?=$gallery->album->getPhotoPath($index)?>> is returning.. at the verybottom of hte page.

Gallery is version 1.3 and 1.3.1 (same thing happens in both versions)
Apache 1.3.XX
Redhat 7
php4.02 (also happens with the latest version of php)

Please help..