Changing domain names after installation? (migrating servers and upgrading php)


Joined: 2008-12-15
Posts: 4
Posted: Tue, 2012-05-15 03:28


I run a commercial site with G2. I am about to do an overdo upgrade to a new server with php 5 and thought this would be a good time to switch to G3.

I need this transition to be as seamless as possible so I thought the best thing would be to set up g3 on the new server using a temporary domain name, tweak it, add my oodles of content, then switch the nameserver info over once done.

Can you guys give me any advice on this?


floridave's picture

Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Tue, 2012-05-15 03:56

php5 is compatible with G2 so you don't have to go to G3 if you don't want.
You have all the steps I would suggest:
set up g3 on the new server using a temporary domain name
tweak it, add your oodles of content with the G2 import module. It will have to be a working G2 on the same server. If it is G2 content you want in this G3 install.
Then switch the nameserver info over once are done.

Might be easier to install G3 on the old server import G2 data and then move the G3 over to the new server.

Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team


Joined: 2008-12-15
Posts: 4
Posted: Tue, 2012-05-15 04:41

Thanks Floridave.

I'll take a crack at it and let you know if I have any info worth sharing.