Suggestion: Run-time module for gallery


Joined: 2003-10-17
Posts: 1
Posted: Sat, 2003-10-25 06:41

May be this capability already exists
in the current version,
if so,I would be grateful for a pointer to the instructions.

If not, this is a feature I would love to have.

First I will describe our configuration (or setup)
( which is not atypica) :

1) Our situation:

We develop and test the whole website on our LAN,
where we have lot of (almost) free memory and all the required support programs installed.

Then we beam it up to the ISP, which does not have support programs installed, charges for extra memory, but has fast connection to the backbone.

At the ISPs copy, no new photos are added, rotated, or modified. Visitors only look at the albums.

2) Suggested Feature:

I would love to have a subset of the gallery,
which does not require any support programs.

Module which is as small as possible, and
allows browsing, slideshows, and logins,
perhaps changing permissions, but nothing else.

basically, a run-only module

which can be combined with 'authoring module(s)'
to provide all functions of current Gallery.

The run-time would live at ISP's machine.
Authoring+Run-time modules would live on our LAN.

Is there a way to to that now?