New Module: tag_cloud_html5 - a non-Flash 3D tag cloud (both sidebar block and whole cloud page)
Joined: 2012-03-14
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Hey everyone, NEW: VERSION 7 - new embed feature for putting tag cloud in other places on website! (and minor bug fixes). Attached is my new HTML5-compliant tag cloud module. It functions a non-Flash replacement for both 'tag_cloud' and 'tag_cloud_page' modules, with some extra features added. The 'tags' module is still required. Documentation is available at This module uses a modified version of TagCanvas, a non-flash, HTML5-compliant jQuery plugin. It also uses excanvas to maintain compatibility with pre-9.0 Internet Explorer. This means that it's 100% compliant with all modern browsers, including all iOS devices and Internet Explorer 8. Similar to older modules: New features: As mentioned above, I've modified TagCanvas. In particular, I added a new physics-based motion model, some new parameters, and some bug fixes which are not a part of the original package as this writing (2012/06/08). The JS file included in the module is therefore called jquery.tagcanvas.mod.min.js, and has been minified and is therefore largely incomprehensible. I've also included the non-minified version for reference. Let me know what you think. Thanks! Take care,
Posts: 27300
Super coool!

Thanks for your contribution!
Great job on the admin settings and the docs as well.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 79
Very good, but sidebar block is empty
Browsers FF13, IE9.
g v3.0.3, Theme greydragon v3.1.4
Posts: 27300
Does work on your browser?
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 27300
I see an issue. If I scroll the mouse wheel on the full page the cloud dis-appears. if I scroll the mouse wheel on the sidebar block the cloud shrinks or grows. I guess for the sidebar block that would be expected behaviour/behavior.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 183
Hey guys,
Thanks for catching the bug! That's what I get for testing on touchpads and not scrolling...
Bug should be fixed. New version attached above. Let me know what you think!
Posts: 183
@floridave - by "behaviour/behavior," are you referencing the subtle enUK->enUS translation I did with the TagCanvas options? ;-)
Posts: 8339
I think it needs a bigger "dead zone" in the middle.
I feel like I'm chasing the tags.
Had to do something similar on a canvas widget I created a while back.
FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with The E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2
Posts: 183
A semi-related issue: now that I have a tag cloud that's accent-friendly, I tried changing some of my tags to have accents. The cloud itself works fine, but nearly everyone has a different idea of how to alphabetize them...
When I got to the admin|content|tags menu, they show up in another category (É instead of E). When I see the inline tag cloud on the whole page, it's ordered at the end (É goes after Z). When I use autocomplete (e.g. to add tags), it ignores the accents (e.g. E will autocomplete words that start with É), which is the correct approach.
Any thoughts on a simple/elegant way to fix this?
Take care,
Posts: 183
@suprsidr - one thing that can somewhat help that is to increase the "outline offset" settings in the admin menu. This doesn't create a dead zone, per se, but it does make the regions around each tag you use to click on them bigger. Trying to make an actual dead zone would involve hacking the TagCanvas code directly. Hmm...
Posts: 27300
No not at all. At work I do that all the time. I spent time in the UK (3 years) and in Florida (2.5 Years, thus the name) and now back home in Canada so have to watch out for all. In Canada we can
godo-it both ways.Dave
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 79
Works on default theme.
Whole cloud: I can't catch any tag
Posts: 183
Hey guys,
DEAD ZONE: ADDED! No more chasing tags
I just uploaded a Version 3, with a few new features. It required me hacking into the TagCanvas plugin itself to add 'deadZone' and 'initialDecel' options, and I think the result is much better.
So, I've added:
- dead zone option. This is the big feature, which should eliminate the need to chase tags! Not previously in the TagCanvas plugin.
- initial deceleration option. Not previously in the TagCanvas plugin.
- initial speed option. Before, an initial speed would persist until a mouseover instead of decelerate, which looked weird, so I never gave initial speed as an accessible parameter.
- add tags to album form option. You can now choose to show or hide it as you like.
- better whole cloud page formatting.
- *much* better admin page formatting. The number of parameters shown was getting too many and it was looking waaay too cluttered, so I added some CSS.
Let me know whatcha think!
Take care,
Posts: 2466
Works great! Thank you
Few suggestions/comments:
1. see attached SS - mouse need to be 10 px below to highlight the item, not over it
2. when all other items are hidden, because square size of the sidebar is imposed there is empty space above and below ( would be great if styles would not be embedded into html tags
3. while I understand why you want to improve admin CSS, checkboxes aligned to the right of the text input boxes are kind of odd (my PoV)
Photo Gallery | GreyDragon Theme | Follow on Twitter
Posts: 183
Hey Serge,
Thanks for the feedback!
1. This is adjustable in the admin settings - decrease "outline offset (mouseover region size around text, in pixels)"
2. This is adjustable in the admin settings - increase "zoom". The width and height of the canvas block need to be specified directly to keep TagCanvas happy, but you can change the amount of space by bumping up the zoom. In fact, I did it by default for the wholecloud page (set at 1.25).
3. A good point, but I can't decide if it looks stranger to have them out of alignment with the text boxes or a mile away from their labels, and personally I don't like the option of having the labels "jump" out of alignment with the others for checkboxes. <shrug>
Posts: 2466
I do not think it work as expected. I set it to 0 and I would expect "hover" to happen when mouse is over the tag text, but it is not. In fact, I think it did make distance even bigger.
Pleased note that sample here - - work as expected (minus border thing
without diving into all the settings, it is difficult to figure out. any suggestions?
did that, still some space above and below. I think default logic of the script is to make canvas square... so unless there is some special setting, i think I can live with what we have. (better than to deal with flash...)
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Posts: 183
Hey Serge,
re: the hover problem, maybe I'm not correctly understanding your problem. What I *thought* you meant was that the region for selecting a given tag was too big, which the outline offset thing changes. However, upon re-reading it, it sounds like you're saying is that the size isn't the problem. Rather, it seems you're saying that the region isn't centered on the tag itself. Is that what you mean to say?
To further confuse things, both and work equally well for me on IE9, Chrome, and Firefox... <shrug>
re: the above/below space issue, this is certainly changeable. All that the TagCanvas plugin needs is the height and width to be defined *before* it starts. So, I wrote JS functions that set the height and weight dynamically before starting it up. All we need to do is change my thinking
Here's my current logic: For the sidebar, I figured the width was the constraint, so I set the width and height to be the width of the sidebar block. For the whole cloud page, I dynamically resized it based on the height of the browser window (and added in protection against it being too wide, which it almost never will be). Also for the whole cloud page, I made the width a bit bigger than the height to ensure that long tags don't run off the end (but doing the same for the sidebar could cost extra space). Details are in the respective views (see views/tag_cloud_html5_block.html.php and views/tag_cloud_html5_page.html.php).
Do you have any suggestions for a more flexible/elegant way to deal with it?
Posts: 2466
yes, sorry if I did not expressed myself correctly
yes, module works well, just small things to work out
could you make it part of admin somehow? or leave it to CSS reference and not embedding styles within the tag, so it can be overwritten?
Photo Gallery | GreyDragon Theme | Follow on Twitter
Posts: 183
Hey everyone,
Version 4 is out with sidebar height option, attached above. Man, four versions in two days... I need to stop adding features at some point
Following on Serge's suggestion, I added an option in the admin menu to define the height of the sidebar block as a fraction of the width (i.e. 1.0 would be a square). Then, I changed the defaults a bit to make best use of it, so it should look pretty decent without fiddling with options too much.
Take care,
Posts: 183
@Serge: re: the off-center problem, what browser are you using? I know it's not your server since I can run your website without a problem on three browsers on my end, but I'm curious if we can figure out what's wrong. Does it happen for both the sidebar and the whole cloud page?
Posts: 2466
I have disabled whole page mode as I do not want extra link in the sidebar for it.
but in IE9, I have this shift
Photo Gallery | GreyDragon Theme | Follow on Twitter
Posts: 2466
Installed v.4
a) thank you for proportion setting
b) Reinstall of the module caused loss of all prior settings...
c) Will be nice to have some description of the settings
d) I have found why it is happening. In my theme I have an option to put menu as a bar on top of the page. As soon as I do that mouse focus point shifts down by the height of the bar. So problem is relative mouse position calculation. I do not know if it is core code bug or some setting somewhere, but...
e) could you expose "FreezeActive", "Shape",
Photo Gallery | GreyDragon Theme | Follow on Twitter
Posts: 183
Hey Serge,
a) you're quite welcome
b) aye, sorry about that. I was kind of lazy on the installer, and if it sees an earlier version install, it simply blanks all old variables and adds the new defaults.
c) true, there are quite a few settings to keep straight at the moment. Hmm... if another version rolls around, I might add a bit more text.
d) ah, interesting! I'm glad we figured it out. Well, *kinda* figured it out. The answer is that it's in the core of TagCanvas - I do nothing to determine X/Y positions afterward. I would try and experiment with it on my end, but I don't have the same symptoms as you do. If interested, I've attached the non-minified JS. The function to look for is MouseMove on line 272 (which is bound to .mousemove on line 877), which calculates the mx and my parameters used as the mouse coordinates for the rest of the script. I'm no jQuery expert, but it seems fairly straightforward to me. One (perhaps stupid and naïve) thought: do you suppose it's a problem with ordering, and it's calculated somehow before the menu is calculated and its space is taken?
e) I could, but I'm not sure how useful they'd be. I experimented with them a bit, and didn't find them very useful for me (freezeActive actually seemed to make it harder to find tags...). You can experiment with them by editing the options in the settings|advanced menu. The variable options_sidebar is passed directly to TagCanvas, so you can simply add whatever parameters to the end of it you like. If you find that freezeActive and shape are way more useful that I estimated, let me know and I can put them in there
Take care,
Posts: 2466
I had some time to think about it
I think problem is that canvas is positioned within the absolute viewpoint coordinates while mouse is calculated against absolute coordinates of the <body>
As I am adding margin-top to shift gallery down to allow for bar to take space above it, it creates the confusion for the mouse. I probably can achieve the same with the div or shifting g-header down instead, but problem itself is kind of interesting and adding margin for body is quite common practice
Photo Gallery | GreyDragon Theme | Follow on Twitter
Posts: 205
Hi Shadlaws. Nice mod! These days, SEO is a big need.
Is there a way to display this on a page outside the gallery in a similar layout to your sidebar display?
Version: 3.0.3 (Hotlanta)
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@Serge - Hmm, a good thought. I tried to see if I could duplicate the problem with jsfiddle - see However, even with both left and top margins on the body, it seemed to work fine with both IE9 and Chrome. That said, if I've missed something, I've also shown there how to get the margin-top out of css, so we can fix it
. If you like, I've also attached a zip file of a test.html (plus jquery) to see if you can get a difference on your end.
@BillWill - It sounds like you want to use the TagCanvas library for another project, which would give a similar display outside Gallery. The links to the TagCanvas page are given above, and you can download my module for my modified version of the library if you like.
Take care,
Posts: 183
Hey everyone,
I finished version 5, which now has a physics-based motion model. I didn't like the way the other one "felt," so I decided to give it some underlying dynamics
. I also added some new admin options and redid the screen to make it easier to see what's going on, as well as changed the upgrade logic to keep your old settings.
Let me know what you think. Thanks!
Take care,
Posts: 2466
Did enable bar for my gallery -
you now can see problem first hand
to correct myself a little, instead of padding for body tag, try setting margin-top for <html> tag - I have margin-top: 30px;
Photo Gallery | GreyDragon Theme | Follow on Twitter
Posts: 183
Hey Serge,
Thanks for setting that. I think I found a solution! Here's what I've found:
- simple test case with html margin-top + Chrome = no problem
- simple test case with html margin-top + IE9 = no problem
- your site + Chrome = no problem
- your site + IE9 = problem!
So, I tried making a simple patch, namely adding the html margin-top to the y value, and screwed around with my site. Here's what I finally found that worked in both IE9 and Chrome:
So I add the html margin and subtract the html offset... bizarre, eh? Attached is a new JS file - can you drop it in your directory and see how it works?
EDIT: note that the file attached is already minified, so you can't look through its source to see the change...
EDIT: THIS DOESN'T ACTUALLY WORK - correct solution below, and implemented in Version 6.
Take care,
Posts: 2466
yes, this version solved the issue
you can see for yourself by visiting link above
Edit: installed version 5 with updated js post-fix
Nice job!
Thank you
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Posts: 205
hi shadlaws -
You've been putting in a lot of work lately. It's pretty exciting to be adding a module while it is in active development.
I'm just wanting to display the tag cloud within other pages in my site, outside of the album directory. Like the Photowidget or minislideshow modules for example. Is that considered a different project? If so, I'll go to your site and try to figure it out.
Version: 3.0.3 (Hotlanta)
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@Serge - actually, it seems like I was wrong: that did *not* fix the problem. If you scroll down using Chrome or Firefox, it didn't work. Sorry about that! But, I think I found the *real* solution this time.
After spending a couple hours testing various options, I finally figured it out:
- pageX and pageY, which jQuery likes to call their standards, are not standardized. PageY = 0 at the top for Chrome/Firefox, but PageY= -margin_top for IE.
- offsetX and offsetY, which are not available in some browsers but are available in IE, already do the offset correction we need beautifully.
So... here's what works:
I've tested it with IE9, Chrome, and Firefox, with/without html margin-top, and with/without scrolling... and it seems to work well!
New JS attached here. Old JS above deleted. JS in the zip file for the module updated, new version number 6.
Take care,
Posts: 183
@BillWill - Ah, I see what you mean. It sounds like a nice thing to add. My thought is that it'd be used something like this:
<?php include("") ?>
- "" is the URL to the existing whole cloud page
- "/embed" triggers the embed feature
- "/sidebar" (or "/wholecloud") tells it to load the options for the sidebar or whole cloud page, respectively
- "/optionoverride/123" tells it to override the value for some option with 123 (e.g. "/maxSpeed/0.1")
What do you think?
Maybe while I'm at it I should look into what it takes for a REST interface, too...
Take care,
Posts: 2466
updated with new version,
it is still work as expected (for me
Thank you
Photo Gallery | GreyDragon Theme | Follow on Twitter
Posts: 205
Hello shadlaws -
I tried the include you provided, and can't get it to work.
Warning: include(gallery3/tag_cloud/embed/sidebar/optionoverride/123) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory
I tried different variations of the string you provided, including simply <?php include("gallery3/tag_cloud") ?> didn't get anything to show but warnings. (The URL into the address bar for gallery3/tag_cloud works)
If you have any more ideas to try, I'll let you know the results. I know you're still smoothing out the wrinkles in the mod as you originally envisioned it, so if this isn't a big priority for you now, don't sweat it.
Version: 3.0.3 (Hotlanta)
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Posts: 183
@BillWill - That's because I haven't coded it up yet... I was looking for feedback on what would be useful first
Take care,
Posts: 205
Got a good laugh on myself for that one!
Now that I know you're looking for feedback, all the options you mentioned sound great. The controls you're passing via the url seem hit the main controls.
The SEO boost this will provide, as well as having interesting links floating around all over the site will be great in drawing in people from other areas of my site into the album.
Thanks for putting out this mod.
Version: 3.0.3 (Hotlanta)
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Posts: 42
Thanks for this really great module!!! Looks very good
One really small problem, when the admin page is reloadad, the module alway use a comma (,) for the values height and width and the gallery tells me "Value is not numeric". I have to replace the comma with a . (point) manual. My Gallery3 installation is in german, but the admin area is in english.
Posts: 183
Version 7 is out! The big thing is the new embed feature as described above.
@xeta - thanks for the catch! I've corrected the problem in the new version. Thanks again!
Take care,
Posts: 42
Thanks for the quick update, everything is working now!
Posts: 205
shadlaws -
I'd like to say I've been working on setting this up, but truth is it's too much fun to be called work. Experimenting with all the settings has been a blast. You have everything nicely arranged, and all the major configuration options right there in the admin panel. Size, speed, shape, front click ... everything you'd expect and then some. I love the embed feature, and yes, I played with that too, including making a div the same size as the browser window, and having the whole cloud swirling tags over the entire front page. It's as visually appealing as it is a useful tool in moving people from other parts of the site to the album, and I'm still looking for places to plug it in. All this plus an SEO bump. Thanks for your work on this.
Version: 3.0.4 (Ricochet)I'
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Posts: 183
@BillWill and @xeta - thanks for the feedback, guys! I'm glad to hear it's working well for ya
Take care,
Posts: 1
hi,it DID NOT WORK WITH IE 8,the tag cloud will never show up.could help me
Posts: 183
@wolfwillson - hmm, that's odd. Have you tried it with other browsers? If yes, and it's only IE8, does "excanvas.compiled.js" appear in the html source it spits out?
Take care,
Posts: 421
Simple question: I still don't know how to remove this?
Posts: 183
@bigu_c - Hmm, I'm not sure why that's there, either. Can you send me a link to your website so I can take a look?
Posts: 5
I found "add tag to album" feature don't work for me. Then I try to add tag, I got something like and no tags added.
I use Gallery 3.0.8. Not sure, but IIRC in 3.0.7 I got similar answer but tags actually added. Ideas?
BTW, thanks for nice module!