Gallery 3 won't install in Mint 13

ingeva's picture

Joined: 2012-06-10
Posts: 4
Posted: Thu, 2012-06-14 08:14

I have installed Linux Mint 13 (64-bit), and one of my galleries won't work. I have tried re-installing (both 3.0.2 and 3.0.4), but I get this message:

Failed to create tables in your database:Table '`pinylne1_fotos`.`fotos_access_caches`' already exists

The strange thing is that I have another gallery which is also based on 3.0.2, and that works perfectly. In both cases I started by just restoring the mysql files from backup.

There's a difference in the two galleries: The SQL file in the one that's working states that the database enging is MyISAM, while the other says InnoDB. Is this significant? I have tried to change it but the error message (when I try to use phpMyAdmin to restore) is the same.

Any ideas?

ingeva's picture

Joined: 2012-06-10
Posts: 4
Posted: Thu, 2012-06-14 09:52

I managed to fool the system.

First I copied the old mysql files to their right place and corrected the owner (another user ID for mysql in the new system).
I then used phpMyAdmin to empty (NOT drop) all database tables.
Finally, I edited the SQL backup tile, changing all occurrences of "ENGINE=InnoDB" to "ENGINE=MyISAM".


However, this should be looked into.... :)