I'm looking to enhance the organize module with a couple of features and wondering if anyone knows of a similar modules or has done something similar?
Adding the following features to organize module:
(1) Function: Show in additional albums
Description: For each photo, provide the ability to show the photo in different albums without duplicating the photo.
(2) Function: Edit item
Description: Ability to edit photos/albums from the organize tool(module), such as edit photo/album from gallery view.
Posts: 3
Oh, It would be a good thing to provide the ability to show the sme photo in different albums without duplicating it!
Posts: 1
Bill F -
EDITING: Bulk editing of say 10 photos at at a time to edit Title, Description,Date/time etc (Gallery 2 did this).
Check boxes to make, eg, file name the caption or title.
Allow html in all text.
Allow dragging of thumbnails to re-order/re-position (may be on/off grid)
Allow album description to flow around photo thumbnails in an album's display. (by a check box)
Better display of longer titles for thumbnails
Mouse hovering over thumbs/photos should be configurable to display album relevant info. eg Description, caption, EXIF etc (by a check box)