Can "Server add" (module) have the same features as the standard file uploader?


Joined: 2012-07-16
Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 2012-07-16 20:39

I just started using this app and so far I'm pretty impressed but I immediately ran in to the following issue:

I already had my images up on the server and I needed to add them to an Album. I tried doing this from the command line and failed (obviously it needs to index / add to the DB).

I then found the "server add" module and enabled it hoping it would be an easy solution to the problem. The operation appeared to be successful (and was noted as "success" in the log) BUT upon further review in the log data it showed that ALL 1246 files were skipped and invalid.

I had no idea why they were invalid so went through all the usual motions (permissions, ownership etc.) and eventually found out that the app didn't like the files because of the following:

-Each file had a space in the filename
-Each file had more than one dot (.)

I then tested uploading the same type of filename through the UI and noticed that it was successful and when it wrote the file to disk it removed the spaces and periods and replaced them with underscores.

So the application knows how to handle these filenaming exceptions in one area of it's functionality but not the other.

Is there any way the "Server Add" module can be updated to also include this pre / post processing validation code?

Some documentation on accepted file types would have been nice as well to help users figure out what's wrong.



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Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Sat, 2012-07-21 04:06

Please file a feature and enhancement requests for these issues.

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