video embed has stopped working


Joined: 2012-08-07
Posts: 2
Posted: Tue, 2012-08-07 16:24

My video embed has stopped working all of a sudden in my gallery 3.02. I noticed when comparing the page source of a successful embed page and one that did not work properly that the java script below the <body> tag is not showing up in the problematic page.

Good embed page -

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#g-photo").replaceWith("<div id=\"g-movie\" class=\"ui-helper-clearfix\"><iframe class=\"youtube-player\" type=\"text/html\" width=\"650\" height=\"480\" src=\"\" frameborder=\"0\"></iframe></div>");

The problem embed page is missing this java script.

The problem page is I also noticed when running fix your gallery that I received the message "The view_5 property does not exist in the Access_intent_Model class". My web Host has confirmed that allow url f_open is still enabled. Thanks for any help with this issue.